コード例 #1
ファイル: Matrix.cs プロジェクト: yonder/CryMono
        public void SetRotationY(float rad)
            double s, c; MathHelpers.SinCos(rad, out s, out c);

            M00 = (float)c; M01 = 0; M02 = (float)s;
            M10 = 0; M11 = 1; M12 = 0;
            M20 = (float)-s; M21 = 0; M22 = (float)c;
コード例 #2
        public void SetRotationVDir(Vec3 vDir, float r)
            double sy, cy; MathHelpers.SinCos(r * 0.5f, out sy, out cy);
            var    vx = V.X;
            var    vy = V.Y;

            V.X = (float)(vx * cy - V.Z * sy); V.Y = (float)(W * sy + vy * cy); V.Z = (float)(V.Z * cy + vx * sy); W = (float)(W * cy - vy * sy);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Matrix.cs プロジェクト: BenChung/CryMono
        public void SetRotationXYZ(Vec3 rad)
            double sx, cx; MathHelpers.SinCos(rad.X, out sx, out cx);
            double sy, cy; MathHelpers.SinCos(rad.Y, out sy, out cy);
            double sz, cz; MathHelpers.SinCos(rad.Z, out sz, out cz);
            double sycz = (sy * cz), sysz = (sy * sz);

            M00 = (float)(cy * cz); M01 = (float)(sycz * sx - cx * sz); M02 = (float)(sycz * cx + sx * sz);
            M10 = (float)(cy * sz); M11 = (float)(sysz * sx + cx * cz); M12 = (float)(sysz * cx - sx * cz);
            M20 = (float)(-sy); M21 = (float)(cy * sx); M22 = (float)(cy * cx);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Quaternion.cs プロジェクト: yycmmc/CRYENGINE
        public static Quaternion CreateRotationZ(float radians)
            var quat = new Quaternion();

            float s, c;

            MathHelpers.SinCos(radians * 0.5f, out s, out c);
            quat._w   = c;
            quat._v.x = 0;
            quat._v.y = 0;
            quat._v.z = s;

コード例 #5
ファイル: Quaternion.cs プロジェクト: yycmmc/CRYENGINE
        public Quaternion(Angles3 angles)
            float sx, cx;

            MathHelpers.SinCos(angles.x * 0.5f, out sx, out cx);
            float sy, cy;

            MathHelpers.SinCos(angles.y * 0.5f, out sy, out cy);
            float sz, cz;

            MathHelpers.SinCos(angles.z * 0.5f, out sz, out cz);
            _w = cx * cy * cz + sx * sy * sz;

            _v = new Vector3(cz * cy * sx - sz * sy * cx,
                             cz * sy * cx + sz * cy * sx,
                             sz * cy * cx - cz * sy * sx);
コード例 #6
        public void SetRotationXYZ(Vec3 angle)
            float sx;
            float cx;

            MathHelpers.SinCos((float)(angle.X * (float)0.5), out sx, out cx);

            float sy;
            float cy;

            MathHelpers.SinCos((float)(angle.Y * (float)0.5), out sy, out cy);

            float sz;
            float cz;

            MathHelpers.SinCos((float)(angle.Z * (float)0.5), out sz, out cz);

            W   = cx * cy * cz + sx * sy * sz;
            V.X = cz * cy * sx - sz * sy * cx;
            V.Y = cz * sy * cx + sz * cy * sx;
            V.Z = sz * cy * cx - cz * sy * sx;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Quaternion.cs プロジェクト: yycmmc/CRYENGINE
        /// <summary>
        /// Spherical-Interpolation between unit quaternions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start">Starting quaternion, will be returned if time is 0</param>
        /// <param name="end">End quaternion, will be returned if time is 1</param>
        /// <param name="timeRatio">The ratio to slerp between, e.g. 0 = start, 1 = end</param>
        /// <returns>Spherically interpolated return value</returns>
        public static Quaternion Slerp(Quaternion start, Quaternion end, float timeRatio)
            var p  = start;
            var q  = end;
            var q2 = new Quaternion();

            float cosine = p.Dot(q);

            if (cosine < 0.0f)
                cosine = -cosine; q = -q;
            }                                                           //take shortest arc
            if (cosine > 0.9999f)
                return(Lerp(p, q, timeRatio));

            q2.w    = q.w - p.w * cosine;
            q2._v.x = q.v.x - p.v.x * cosine;
            q2._v.y = q.v.y - p.v.y * cosine;
            q2._v.z = q.v.z - p.v.z * cosine;
            float sine = (float)Math.Sqrt(q2.Dot(q2));

            float s, c;

            MathHelpers.SinCos((float)Math.Atan2(sine, cosine) * timeRatio, out s, out c);

            var returnValue = new Quaternion();

            returnValue.w    = p.w * c + q2.w * s / sine;
            returnValue._v.x = p.v.x * c + q2.v.x * s / sine;
            returnValue._v.y = p.v.y * c + q2.v.y * s / sine;
            returnValue._v.z = p.v.z * c + q2.v.z * s / sine;

コード例 #8
        public void SetRotationX(float r)
            float s, c;

            MathHelpers.SinCos((float)(r * (float)0.5), out s, out c); W = c; V.X = s; V.Y = 0; V.Z = 0;