public WordDataList(WordDataList wordDataList) { // copy OriginalWordList List <String> copyOriginalWordList = new List <String>(); foreach (String word in wordDataList.OriginalWordList) { copyOriginalWordList.Add(String.Copy(word)); } OriginalWordList = copyOriginalWordList; // copy AllWordData List <WordData> copyAllWordData = new List <WordData>(); // copy HorizontalWordData List <WordData> copyHorizontalWordData = new List <WordData>(); // copy VerticalWordData List <WordData> copyVerticalWordData = new List <WordData>(); foreach (WordData wordData in wordDataList.AllWordData) { if (wordData.IsHorizontal) { copyHorizontalWordData.Add(new WordData(wordData)); } else { copyVerticalWordData.Add(new WordData(wordData)); } copyAllWordData.Add(new WordData(wordData)); } AllWordData = copyAllWordData; HorizontalWordData = copyHorizontalWordData; VerticalWordData = copyVerticalWordData; }
private void CreateCrozzleColumns(WordDataList wordDataList) { // Create a List to store String arrays, one String[] for each column, one String for each letter. CrozzleColumns = new List <String[]>(); // Create and store empty columns into the list. for (int i = 0; i < Columns; i++) { String[] column = new String[Rows]; for (int j = 0; j < column.Length; j++) { column[j] = " "; } CrozzleColumns.Add(column); } // Store VERTICAL words into the columns. foreach (WordData vWordData in wordDataList.VerticalWordData) { if (vWordData.Location.Row >= 1 && vWordData.Location.Row <= Rows && vWordData.Location.Column >= 1 && vWordData.Location.Column <= Columns) { // Store each letter into the approriate column. String[] column = CrozzleColumns[vWordData.Location.Column - 1]; int row = vWordData.Location.Row - 1; foreach (Char c in vWordData.Letters) { if (row < Rows) { column[row++] = new String(c, 1); } } } } // Store HORIZONTAL words into the columns. foreach (WordData hWordData in wordDataList.HorizontalWordData) { if (hWordData.Location.Row >= 1 && hWordData.Location.Row <= Rows && hWordData.Location.Column >= 1 && hWordData.Location.Column <= Columns) { // Store each letter into the ith column, but the same row location. int i = hWordData.Location.Column - 1; foreach (Char c in hWordData.Letters) { if (i < Columns) { String[] column = CrozzleColumns[i]; column[hWordData.Location.Row - 1] = new String(c, 1); i++; } } } } }
private void CreateCrozzleRows(WordDataList wordDataList) { // Create a List to store String arrays, one String[] for each row, one String for each letter. CrozzleRows = new List <String[]>(); // Create and store empty rows into the list. for (int i = 0; i < Rows; i++) { String[] row = new String[Columns]; for (int j = 0; j < row.Length; j++) { row[j] = " "; } CrozzleRows.Add(row); } // Store HORIZONTAL words into the rows. foreach (WordData hWordData in wordDataList.HorizontalWordData) { if (hWordData.Location.Row >= 1 && hWordData.Location.Row <= Rows && hWordData.Location.Column >= 1 && hWordData.Location.Column <= Columns) { // Store each letter into the approriate row. String[] row = CrozzleRows[hWordData.Location.Row - 1]; int col = hWordData.Location.Column - 1; foreach (Char c in hWordData.Letters) { if (col < Columns) { row[col++] = new String(c, 1); } } } } // Store VERTICAL words into the rows. foreach (WordData vWordData in wordDataList.VerticalWordData) { if (vWordData.Location.Row >= 1 && vWordData.Location.Row <= Rows && vWordData.Location.Column >= 1 && vWordData.Location.Column <= Columns) { // Store each letter into the ith row, but the same column location. int i = vWordData.Location.Row - 1; foreach (Char c in vWordData.Letters) { if (i < Rows) { String[] row = CrozzleRows[i]; row[vWordData.Location.Column - 1] = new String(c, 1); i++; } } } } }
public static Boolean TryParse(List <TitleSequence> originalWordDataList, Crozzle aCrozzle, out WordDataList aWordDataList) { List <WordData> aList = new List <WordData>(); Errors = new List <String>(); aWordDataList = new WordDataList(originalWordDataList); foreach (TitleSequence block in originalWordDataList) { WordData aWordData; if (WordData.TryParse(block, aCrozzle, out aWordData)) { aWordDataList.Add(aWordData); } else { Errors.AddRange(WordData.Errors); } } aWordDataList.Valid = Errors.Count == 0; return(aWordDataList.Valid); }
public static List <WordData> GetBestWordData(Grid grid, WordDataList wordDataList, Configuration configuration) { List <WordData> validWordDataList = new List <WordData>(); foreach (WordData wordData in wordDataList.AllWordData) { if (grid.IsValid(wordData)) { validWordDataList.Add(wordData); } } foreach (WordData wordData in validWordDataList) { wordData.Score = 0; // Increase the score for the word. wordData.Score += configuration.PointsPerWord; // Increase the score for intersecting letters. List <Char> intersectingLetters = new List <Char>(); if (wordData.IsHorizontal) { intersectingLetters = grid.GridSequences.GetVerticalIntersections(wordData); } else { intersectingLetters = grid.GridSequences.GetHorizontalIntersections(wordData); } foreach (Char letter in intersectingLetters) { wordData.Score += configuration.IntersectingPointsPerLetter[(int)letter - (int)'A']; } // Get all letters from the word List <Char> allLetters = new List <Char>(); foreach (Char letter in wordData.Letters) { allLetters.Add(letter); } // Remove each intersecting letter from allLetters. List <Char> nonIntersectingLetters = allLetters; foreach (Char letter in intersectingLetters) { nonIntersectingLetters.Remove(letter); } // Increase the score for non-intersecting letters. foreach (Char letter in nonIntersectingLetters) { wordData.Score += configuration.NonIntersectingPointsPerLetter[(int)letter - (int)'A']; } } int maxScore = 0; foreach (WordData wordData in validWordDataList) { if (wordData.Score > maxScore) { maxScore = wordData.Score; } } List <WordData> bestWordData = new List <WordData>(); foreach (WordData wordData in validWordDataList) { if (wordData.Score == maxScore) { bestWordData.Add(wordData); } } return(bestWordData); }
public Node(int rows, int columns, Configuration configuration, List <String> originalWordsList) { Grid = new Grid(rows, columns, configuration); WordDataList = new WordDataList(rows, columns, originalWordsList); }
public static Boolean TryParse(String path, Configuration aConfiguration, WordList wordList, out Crozzle aCrozzle) { Errors = new List <String>(); aCrozzle = new Crozzle(path, aConfiguration, wordList); // Open file. StreamReader fileIn = new StreamReader(path); List <String> wordData = new List <string>(); // Validate file. while (!fileIn.EndOfStream) { // Read a line. String line = fileIn.ReadLine(); // Parse a crozzle file item. CrozzleFileItem aCrozzleFileItem; if (CrozzleFileItem.TryParse(line, out aCrozzleFileItem)) { if (aCrozzleFileItem.IsConfigurationFile) { // Get the configuration file name. String configurationPath = aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.Value; if (configurationPath == null) { Errors.Add(CrozzleFileErrors.ConfigurationFilenameMissing); } else { configurationPath = configurationPath.Trim(); if (Validator.IsDelimited(configurationPath, StringDelimiters)) { configurationPath = configurationPath.Trim(StringDelimiters); } if (!Path.IsPathRooted(configurationPath)) { String directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); configurationPath = directoryName + @"\" + configurationPath; } aCrozzle.ConfigurationPath = configurationPath; } } else if (aCrozzleFileItem.IsWordListFile) { // Get the word list file name. String wordListPath = aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.Value; if (wordListPath == null) { Errors.Add(CrozzleFileErrors.WordlistFilenameMissing); } else { wordListPath = wordListPath.Trim(); if (Validator.IsDelimited(wordListPath, StringDelimiters)) { wordListPath = wordListPath.Trim(StringDelimiters); } if (!Path.IsPathRooted(wordListPath)) { String directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); wordListPath = directoryName + @"\" + wordListPath; } aCrozzle.WordListPath = wordListPath; } } else if (aCrozzleFileItem.IsRows) { // Get the number of rows. int rows; if (Validator.IsInt32(aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.Value.Trim(), out rows)) { aCrozzle.Rows = rows; } else { Errors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.RowError, aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.OriginalKeyValue, Validator.Errors[0])); } } else if (aCrozzleFileItem.IsColumns) { // Get the number of columns. int columns; if (Validator.IsInt32(aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.Value.Trim(), out columns)) { aCrozzle.Columns = columns; } else { Errors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.ColumnError, aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.OriginalKeyValue, Validator.Errors[0])); } } else if (aCrozzleFileItem.IsRow) { // Collect potential word data for a horizontal word. wordData.Add(aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.OriginalKeyValue); } else if (aCrozzleFileItem.IsColumn) { // Collect potential word data for a vertical word. wordData.Add(aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.OriginalKeyValue); } } else { Errors.AddRange(CrozzleFileItem.Errors); } } // Close files. fileIn.Close(); // Get potential word data list. WordDataList wordDataList; if (!WordDataList.TryParse(wordData, aCrozzle, out wordDataList)) { Errors.AddRange(WordDataList.Errors); } aCrozzle.WordDataList = wordDataList; // Validate file sections. // Check the configuration file name. if (aCrozzle.Configuration != null) { if (aCrozzle.Configuration.ConfigurationPath != aCrozzle.ConfigurationPath) { Errors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.ConfigurationFilenameError, aCrozzle.ConfigurationPath, aCrozzle.Configuration.ConfigurationFileName)); } } // Check the word list file name. if (aCrozzle.WordList != null) { if (aCrozzle.WordList.WordlistPath != aCrozzle.WordListPath) { Errors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.WordlistFilenameError, aCrozzle.WordListPath, aCrozzle.WordList.WordlistFileName)); } } // Raw word data of horizontal and vertical words were obtained when reading the crozzle file, // but now we need to create crozzle rows and crozzle columns that represent the crozzle. aCrozzle.CreateCrozzleRows(aCrozzle.WordDataList); aCrozzle.CreateCrozzleColumns(aCrozzle.WordDataList); // Store validity. aCrozzle.FileValid = Errors.Count == 0; return(aCrozzle.FileValid); }
public void Insert(WordData wordData) { if (wordData.Location.Row >= 1 && wordData.Location.Row <= Rows && wordData.Location.Column >= 1 && wordData.Location.Column <= Columns) { if (wordData.Orientation.Direction == Orientation.Row) { // Store the letter into the approriate row. String[] row = GridRows[wordData.Location.Row - 1]; int col = wordData.Location.Column - 1; foreach (Char c in wordData.Letters) { if (col < Columns) { row[col++] = new String(c, 1); } } // Store each letter into the ith column, but the same row location. int j = wordData.Location.Column - 1; foreach (Char c in wordData.Letters) { if (j < Columns) { String[] column = GridColumns[j]; column[wordData.Location.Row - 1] = new String(c, 1); j++; } } HorizontalWordDataList.Add(wordData); } else { // Store the letter into the ith row, but the same column location. int j = wordData.Location.Row - 1; foreach (Char c in wordData.Letters) { if (j < Rows) { String[] currentRow = GridRows[j]; currentRow[wordData.Location.Column - 1] = new String(c, 1); j++; } } // Store each letter into the approriate column. String[] column = GridColumns[wordData.Location.Column - 1]; int row = wordData.Location.Row - 1; foreach (Char c in wordData.Letters) { if (row < Rows) { column[row++] = new String(c, 1); } } VerticalWordDataList.Add(wordData); } GridSequences = new CrozzleSequences(GridRows, GridColumns, Configuration); WordDataList.Add(wordData); } }
public static Boolean TryParse(String path, Configuration aConfiguration, WordList wordList, out Crozzle aCrozzle) { Errors = new List <String>(); aCrozzle = new Crozzle(path, aConfiguration, wordList); // Open file. StreamReader fileIn = new StreamReader(path); List <String> wordData = new List <string>(); String section = null; bool newBlock = false; // Validate file while (!fileIn.EndOfStream) { // Read a line. String line = fileIn.ReadLine(); // Processing empty lines if (Regex.IsMatch(line, @"^\s*$")) { continue; } line = line.Trim(); // Processing comments if (line.Contains("//")) { if (line.StartsWith("//")) { continue; } else { Errors.Add(String.Format(ConfigurationErrors.MixConfigWithComentError, line)); continue; } } // Section check switch (line) { case "FILE-DEPENDENCIES": case "CROZZLE-SIZE": case "HORIZONTAL-SEQUENCES": case "VERTICAL-SEQUENCES": section = line; newBlock = true; break; case "END-FILE-DEPENDENCIES": case "END-CROZZLE-SIZE": case "END-HORIZONTAL-SEQUENCES": case "END-VERTICAL-SEQUENCES": section = null; newBlock = true; break; default: break; } if (newBlock) { newBlock = false; continue; } // Parse a crozzle file item. CrozzleFileItem aCrozzleFileItem; // Out of section comment if (section == null) { Errors.Add(String.Format(ConfigurationErrors.OutOfSectionError, line)); } // Parse a crozzle item else if (CrozzleFileItem.TryParse(line, out aCrozzleFileItem)) { if (aCrozzleFileItem.IsConfigurationFile) { // Get the configuration file name. String configurationPath = aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.Value; if (configurationPath == null) { Errors.Add(CrozzleFileErrors.ConfigurationFilenameMissing); } else { configurationPath = configurationPath.Trim(); if (Validator.IsDelimited(configurationPath, StringDelimiters)) { configurationPath = configurationPath.Trim(StringDelimiters); } if (!Path.IsPathRooted(configurationPath)) { String directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); configurationPath = directoryName + @"\" + configurationPath; } aCrozzle.ConfigurationPath = configurationPath; } } else if (aCrozzleFileItem.IsWordListFile) { // Get the word list file name. String wordListPath = aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.Value; if (wordListPath == null) { Errors.Add(CrozzleFileErrors.WordlistFilenameMissing); } else { wordListPath = wordListPath.Trim(); if (Validator.IsDelimited(wordListPath, StringDelimiters)) { wordListPath = wordListPath.Trim(StringDelimiters); } if (!Path.IsPathRooted(wordListPath)) { String directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); wordListPath = directoryName + @"\" + wordListPath; } aCrozzle.WordListPath = wordListPath; } } // Replace else if (aCrozzleFileItem.IsSize) { // Split row & col String rawSizeData = aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.Value.Trim(); String[] sizeSplit = rawSizeData.Split(new String[] { SizeDelimiter }, 2, StringSplitOptions.None); if (sizeSplit.Length != SizeValueLength) { Errors.Add(String.Format(KeyValueErrors.FieldCountError, sizeSplit.Length, rawSizeData, SizeValueLength)); } else { int rows; if (Validator.IsInt32(sizeSplit[0].Trim(), out rows)) { aCrozzle.Rows = rows; } else { Errors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.RowError, aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.OriginalKeyValue, Validator.Errors[0])); } int columns; if (Validator.IsInt32(sizeSplit[1].Trim(), out columns)) { aCrozzle.Columns = columns; } else { Errors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.ColumnError, aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.OriginalKeyValue, Validator.Errors[0])); } } } else if (aCrozzleFileItem.IsSequence) { // Collect potential word data for a horizontal word. //wordData.Add(aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.OriginalKeyValue); String type; if (section == "HORIZONTAL-SEQUENCES") { type = "ROW"; try { String oldFormat = aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.OriginalKeyValue; oldFormat = oldFormat.Substring("SEQUENCE=".Length); string[] split; split = oldFormat.Split(','); String key = split[0]; String row = split[1].Split('=')[1]; String col = split[2]; String newFormat = type + "=" + row + "," + key + "," + col; Console.WriteLine("New Format = " + newFormat); wordData.Add(newFormat); } catch (Exception e) { Errors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.SequenceFormatError, aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.OriginalKeyValue)); } } else if (section == "VERTICAL-SEQUENCES") { type = "COLUMN"; try { String oldFormat = aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.OriginalKeyValue; oldFormat = oldFormat.Substring("SEQUENCE=".Length); string[] split; split = oldFormat.Split(','); String key = split[0]; String row = split[1].Split('=')[1]; String col = split[2]; String newFormat = type + "=" + col + "," + key + "," + row; Console.WriteLine("New Format = " + newFormat); wordData.Add(newFormat); } catch (Exception e) { Errors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.SequenceFormatError, aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.OriginalKeyValue)); } } else { Errors.AddRange(CrozzleFileItem.Errors); break; } } } else { Errors.AddRange(CrozzleFileItem.Errors); } } // Close files. fileIn.Close(); // Get potential word data list. WordDataList wordDataList; if (!WordDataList.TryParse(wordData, aCrozzle, out wordDataList)) { Errors.AddRange(WordDataList.Errors); } aCrozzle.WordDataList = wordDataList; // Validate file sections. // Check the configuration file name. if (aCrozzle.Configuration != null) { if (aCrozzle.Configuration.ConfigurationPath != aCrozzle.ConfigurationPath) { Errors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.ConfigurationFilenameError, aCrozzle.ConfigurationPath, aCrozzle.Configuration.ConfigurationFileName)); } } // Check the word list file name. if (aCrozzle.WordList != null) { if (aCrozzle.WordList.WordlistPath != aCrozzle.WordListPath) { Errors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.WordlistFilenameError, aCrozzle.WordListPath, aCrozzle.WordList.WordlistFileName)); } } // Raw word data of horizontal and vertical words were obtained when reading the crozzle file, // but now we need to create crozzle rows and crozzle columns that represent the crozzle. aCrozzle.CreateCrozzleRows(aCrozzle.WordDataList); aCrozzle.CreateCrozzleColumns(aCrozzle.WordDataList); // Store validity. aCrozzle.FileValid = Errors.Count == 0; return(aCrozzle.FileValid); }
public static Boolean TryParse(String path, Configuration aConfiguration, WordList wordList, out Crozzle aCrozzle) { Errors = new List <String>(); aCrozzle = new Crozzle(path, aConfiguration, wordList); StreamReader fileIn; if (path.Contains("http")) { WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); Stream aStream = webClient.OpenRead(path); fileIn = new StreamReader(aStream); } else { fileIn = new StreamReader(path); } List <String> wordData = new List <string>(); // Validate file. while (!fileIn.EndOfStream) { // Read a line. String line = fileIn.ReadLine(); // Parse a crozzle file item. CrozzleFileItem aCrozzleFileItem; if (CrozzleFileItem.TryParse(line, out aCrozzleFileItem)) { if (aCrozzleFileItem.IsConfigurationFile) { // Get the configuration file name. String configurationPath = aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.Value; if (configurationPath == null) { Errors.Add(CrozzleFileErrors.ConfigurationFilenameMissing); } else { configurationPath = configurationPath.Trim(); if (Validator.IsDelimited(configurationPath, StringDelimiters)) { configurationPath = configurationPath.Trim(StringDelimiters); } if (!Path.IsPathRooted(configurationPath)) { // Seperate local files and files from web server if (!path.Contains("http")) { String directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); configurationPath = directoryName + @"\" + configurationPath; } } aCrozzle.ConfigurationPath = configurationPath; } } else if (aCrozzleFileItem.IsWordListFile) { // Get the word list file name. String wordListPath = aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.Value; if (wordListPath == null) { Errors.Add(CrozzleFileErrors.WordlistFilenameMissing); } else { wordListPath = wordListPath.Trim(); if (Validator.IsDelimited(wordListPath, StringDelimiters)) { wordListPath = wordListPath.Trim(StringDelimiters); } if (!Path.IsPathRooted(wordListPath)) { // Seperate local files and files from web server if (!path.Contains("http")) { String directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); wordListPath = directoryName + @"\" + wordListPath; } } aCrozzle.WordListPath = wordListPath; } } else if (aCrozzleFileItem.IsRows) { // Get the number of rows. int rows; if (Validator.IsInt32(aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.Value.Trim(), out rows)) { aCrozzle.Rows = rows; } else { Errors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.RowError, aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.OriginalKeyValue, Validator.Errors[0])); } } else if (aCrozzleFileItem.IsColumns) { // Get the number of columns. int columns; if (Validator.IsInt32(aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.Value.Trim(), out columns)) { aCrozzle.Columns = columns; } else { Errors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.ColumnError, aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.OriginalKeyValue, Validator.Errors[0])); } } else if (aCrozzleFileItem.IsRow) { // Collect potential word data for a horizontal word. wordData.Add(aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.OriginalKeyValue); } else if (aCrozzleFileItem.IsColumn) { // Collect potential word data for a vertical word. wordData.Add(aCrozzleFileItem.KeyValue.OriginalKeyValue); } } else { Errors.AddRange(CrozzleFileItem.Errors); } } // Close files. fileIn.Close(); // If the file does not have location and orientation of words if (wordData.Count == 0) { // Initialize an empty key-value group List <String> GenerateKeyValueGroup = new List <String>(); // Use an dictionary to store inserting and non-inserting words score Dictionary <char, int> IntersectingPointsPerLetter = new Dictionary <char, int>(); Dictionary <char, int> NonIntersectingPointsPerLetter = new Dictionary <char, int>(); // Append score to corresponding letter char[] alphabet = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z' }; for (int i = 0; i < alphabet.Length; i++) { IntersectingPointsPerLetter.Add(alphabet[i], aConfiguration.IntersectingPointsPerLetter[i]); NonIntersectingPointsPerLetter.Add(alphabet[i], aConfiguration.NonIntersectingPointsPerLetter[i]); } // Use greedy algorithm to get a group with maximun number of words Grid grid = new Grid(aCrozzle.Rows, aCrozzle.Columns, IntersectingPointsPerLetter, NonIntersectingPointsPerLetter, aConfiguration.PointsPerWord); grid.GetConfiguration(aCrozzle.Configuration); GenerateKeyValueGroup = grid.GreedyAlgorithm(wordList.List, aConfiguration.MaximumNumberOfGroups, aConfiguration.MinimumNumberOfGroups, out aCrozzle.timeConsume); // Append NewkeyValue instead of OriginalKeyValue to old program in terms of compatibility foreach (string GenerateKeyValue in GenerateKeyValueGroup) { wordData.Add(GenerateKeyValue); } } // Get potential word data list. WordDataList wordDataList; if (!WordDataList.TryParse(wordData, aCrozzle, out wordDataList)) { Errors.AddRange(WordDataList.Errors); } aCrozzle.WordDataList = wordDataList; // Validate file sections. // Check the configuration file name. if (aCrozzle.Configuration != null) { if (aCrozzle.Configuration.ConfigurationPath != aCrozzle.ConfigurationPath) { Errors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.ConfigurationFilenameError, aCrozzle.ConfigurationPath, aCrozzle.Configuration.ConfigurationFileName)); } } // Check the word list file name. if (aCrozzle.WordList != null) { if (aCrozzle.WordList.WordlistPath != aCrozzle.WordListPath) { Errors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.WordlistFilenameError, aCrozzle.WordListPath, aCrozzle.WordList.WordlistFileName)); } } // Raw word data of horizontal and vertical words were obtained when reading the crozzle file, // but now we need to create crozzle rows and crozzle columns that represent the crozzle. aCrozzle.CreateCrozzleRows(aCrozzle.WordDataList); aCrozzle.CreateCrozzleColumns(aCrozzle.WordDataList); // Store validity. aCrozzle.FileValid = Errors.Count == 0; return(aCrozzle.FileValid); }
public static Boolean TryParse(String path, Configuration aConfiguration, WordList wordList, out Crozzle aCrozzle) { Errors = new List <String>(); aCrozzle = new Crozzle(path, aConfiguration, wordList); // Open file. StreamReader fileIn = new StreamReader(path); List <SequenceFragment> wordData = new List <SequenceFragment>(); // Validate file. while (!fileIn.EndOfStream) { List <String> fragment = new List <String>(); do { /// Add multiple lines as part of a text fragment until the last element is empty or null. fragment.Add(fileIn.ReadLine()); } while (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fragment.Last())); // Parse a crozzle file fragment. FileFragment <CrozzleFileItem> aCrozzleFileFragment; if (CrozzleFileItem.TryParse(fragment, out aCrozzleFileFragment)) { String aFragmentKey = aCrozzleFileFragment.Name; foreach (CrozzleFileItem aItem in aCrozzleFileFragment.Items) { /// Process the key-value, given the current fragment key. if (aFragmentKey == CrozzleFileKeys.DEPENDENCIES_OPENBRACKET) { if (aItem.Name == CrozzleFileKeys.DEPENDENCIES_CONFIGDATA) { String configurationPath = aItem.KeyValue.Value; if (configurationPath == null) { Errors.Add(CrozzleFileErrors.ConfigurationFilenameMissing); } else { configurationPath = configurationPath.Trim(); if (Validator.IsDelimited(configurationPath, StringDelimiters)) { configurationPath = configurationPath.Trim(StringDelimiters); } if (!Path.IsPathRooted(configurationPath)) { String directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); configurationPath = directoryName + @"\" + configurationPath; } aCrozzle.ConfigurationPath = configurationPath; } } else if (aItem.Name == CrozzleFileKeys.DEPENDENCIES_SEQDATA) { String wordListPath = aItem.KeyValue.Value; if (wordListPath == null) { Errors.Add(CrozzleFileErrors.WordlistFilenameMissing); } else { wordListPath = wordListPath.Trim(); if (Validator.IsDelimited(wordListPath, StringDelimiters)) { wordListPath = wordListPath.Trim(StringDelimiters); } if (!Path.IsPathRooted(wordListPath)) { String directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); wordListPath = directoryName + @"\" + wordListPath; } aCrozzle.WordListPath = wordListPath; } } } else if (aFragmentKey == CrozzleFileKeys.SIZE_OPENBRACKET) { int rows, columns; String[] values = aItem.KeyValue.Value.Trim().Split(','); if (Validator.IsInt32(values[0], out rows)) { aCrozzle.Rows = rows; } else { Errors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.RowError, aItem.KeyValue.OriginalKeyValue, Validator.Errors[0])); } if (Validator.IsInt32(values[1], out columns)) { aCrozzle.Columns = columns; } else { Errors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.ColumnError, aItem.KeyValue.OriginalKeyValue, Validator.Errors[0])); } } else if (new[] { CrozzleFileKeys.HORZSEQ_OPENBRACKET, CrozzleFileKeys.VERTSEQ_OPENBRACKET }.Contains(aFragmentKey)) { wordData.Add(new SequenceFragment(aFragmentKey, aItem.KeyValue.OriginalKeyValue)); } else { Errors.AddRange(CrozzleFileItem.Errors); } } } } // Close files. fileIn.Close(); // Get potential word data list. WordDataList wordDataList; if (!WordDataList.TryParse(wordData, aCrozzle, out wordDataList)) { Errors.AddRange(WordDataList.Errors); } aCrozzle.WordDataList = wordDataList; // Validate file sections. // Check the configuration file name. if (aCrozzle.Configuration != null) { if (aCrozzle.Configuration.ConfigurationPath != aCrozzle.ConfigurationPath) { Errors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.ConfigurationFilenameError, aCrozzle.ConfigurationPath, aCrozzle.Configuration.ConfigurationFileName)); } } // Check the word list file name. if (aCrozzle.WordList != null) { if (aCrozzle.WordList.WordlistPath != aCrozzle.WordListPath) { Errors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.WordlistFilenameError, aCrozzle.WordListPath, aCrozzle.WordList.WordlistFileName)); } } // Raw word data of horizontal and vertical words were obtained when reading the crozzle file, // but now we need to create crozzle rows and crozzle columns that represent the crozzle. aCrozzle.CreateCrozzleRows(aCrozzle.WordDataList); aCrozzle.CreateCrozzleColumns(aCrozzle.WordDataList); // Store validity. aCrozzle.FileValid = Errors.Count == 0; return(aCrozzle.FileValid); }
public static Boolean TryParse(String path, Configuration aConfiguration, WordList wordList, out Crozzle aCrozzle) { Errors = new List <String>(); aCrozzle = new Crozzle(path, aConfiguration, wordList); // Open file. StreamReader fileIn = new StreamReader(path); List <TitleSequence> wordData = new List <TitleSequence>(); // Validate file. while (!fileIn.EndOfStream) { // Create a Block to store a group of data List <String> Block = new List <String>(); // Read a line. String line = fileIn.ReadLine(); while (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) { Block.Add(line); line = fileIn.ReadLine(); } // Parse a block in crozzle file CzlGroup aCrozzleFileGroup; if (CrozzleFileItem.TryParse(Block, out aCrozzleFileGroup)) { String title = aCrozzleFileGroup.CzlTitle; for (int i = 0; i < aCrozzleFileGroup.Lines.Count; i++) { // Whether the title equals to "FILE-DEPENDENCIES" if (title == CrozzleKeys.FileDependencies) { if (aCrozzleFileGroup.Lines[i].Name == CrozzleKeys.ConfigData) { String configurationPath = aCrozzleFileGroup.Lines[i].KeyValue.Value; if (configurationPath == null) { Errors.Add(CrozzleFileErrors.ConfigurationFilenameMissing); } else { configurationPath = configurationPath.Trim(); if (Validator.IsDelimited(configurationPath, StringDelimiters)) { configurationPath = configurationPath.Trim(StringDelimiters); } if (!Path.IsPathRooted(configurationPath)) { String directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); configurationPath = directoryName + @"\" + configurationPath; } aCrozzle.ConfigurationPath = configurationPath; } } else if (aCrozzleFileGroup.Lines[i].Name == CrozzleKeys.SequenceData) { String wordListPath = aCrozzleFileGroup.Lines[i].KeyValue.Value; if (wordListPath == null) { Errors.Add(CrozzleFileErrors.ConfigurationFilenameMissing); } else { wordListPath = wordListPath.Trim(); if (Validator.IsDelimited(wordListPath, StringDelimiters)) { wordListPath = wordListPath.Trim(StringDelimiters); } if (!Path.IsPathRooted(wordListPath)) { String directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); wordListPath = directoryName + @"\" + wordListPath; } aCrozzle.WordListPath = wordListPath; } } } // Whether the title equals to "CROZZLE-SIZE" else if (title == CrozzleKeys.CrozzleSize) { int rows, columns; String[] coordinate = aCrozzleFileGroup.Lines[i].KeyValue.Value.Split(','); if (Validator.IsInt32(coordinate[0].Trim(), out rows)) { aCrozzle.Rows = rows; } else { Errors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.RowError, aCrozzleFileGroup.Lines[i].KeyValue.OriginalKeyValue, Errors[0])); } if (Validator.IsInt32(coordinate[1].Trim(), out columns)) { aCrozzle.Columns = columns; } else { Errors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.ColumnError, aCrozzleFileGroup.Lines[i].KeyValue.OriginalKeyValue, Errors[1])); } } // Whether the title equals to "HORIZONTAL-SEQUENCES" or "VERTICAL-SEQUENCE" else if (title == CrozzleKeys.HorizontalSequence || title == CrozzleKeys.VerticalSequence) { TitleSequence temp = new TitleSequence(title, aCrozzleFileGroup.Lines[i].KeyValue.OriginalKeyValue); wordData.Add(temp); } // If there exist unidentified titles else { Errors.AddRange(CrozzleFileItem.Errors); } } } } // Close files. fileIn.Close(); // Get potential word data list. WordDataList wordDataList; if (!WordDataList.TryParse(wordData, aCrozzle, out wordDataList)) { Errors.AddRange(WordDataList.Errors); } aCrozzle.WordDataList = wordDataList; // Validate file sections. // Check the configuration file name. if (aCrozzle.Configuration != null) { if (aCrozzle.Configuration.ConfigurationPath != aCrozzle.ConfigurationPath) { Errors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.ConfigurationFilenameError, aCrozzle.ConfigurationPath, aCrozzle.Configuration.ConfigurationPath)); } } // Check the word list file name. if (aCrozzle.WordList != null) { if (aCrozzle.WordList.WordlistPath != aCrozzle.WordListPath) { Errors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.WordlistFilenameError, aCrozzle.WordListPath, aCrozzle.WordList.WordlistFileName)); } } // Raw word data of horizontal and vertical words were obtained when reading the crozzle file, // but now we need to create crozzle rows and crozzle columns that represent the crozzle. aCrozzle.CreateCrozzleRows(aCrozzle.WordDataList); aCrozzle.CreateCrozzleColumns(aCrozzle.WordDataList); // Store validity. aCrozzle.FileValid = Errors.Count == 0; return(aCrozzle.FileValid); }