public StitchInstanceManager(StitchesConfiguration configuration, StitchFileSystem fileSystem) { _fileSystem = fileSystem; // TODO: We need a way to get the unique string name of the node at this point. _adaptorFactory = new StitchAdaptorFactory(configuration, _fileSystem); _adaptors = new StitchAdaptorCollection(); }
public StitchInstanceManager(StitchFileSystem fileSystem, StitchAdaptorFactory adaptorFactory) { _fileSystem = fileSystem; // TODO: We need a way to get the unique string name of the node at this point. _adaptorFactory = adaptorFactory; _adaptors = new StitchAdaptorCollection(); }
public StitchesService(CrossStitchCore core, IDataRepository data, StitchFileSystem fileSystem, StitchInstanceManager stitchInstanceManager, IModuleLog log, IStitchEventNotifier notifier) { _fileSystem = fileSystem; _data = data; _core = core; _notifier = notifier; _log = log; _stitchInstanceManager = stitchInstanceManager; }
public StitchesModule(CrossStitchCore core, StitchesConfiguration configuration = null) { _messageBus = core.MessageBus; configuration = configuration ?? StitchesConfiguration.GetDefault(); var fileSystem = new StitchFileSystem(configuration, new DateTimeVersionManager()); var manager = new StitchInstanceManager(configuration, fileSystem); var log = new ModuleLog(_messageBus, Name); var observer = new StitchEventObserver(_messageBus, log); var data = new DataHelperClient(core.MessageBus); var notifier = new StitchEventNotifier(_messageBus); _service = new StitchesService(core, data, fileSystem, manager, observer, log, notifier); }
public StitchesService(CrossStitchCore core, IDataRepository data, StitchFileSystem fileSystem, StitchInstanceManager stitchInstanceManager, StitchEventObserver observer, IModuleLog log, IStitchEventNotifier notifier) { _fileSystem = fileSystem; _data = data; _core = core; _notifier = notifier; _log = log; _stitchInstanceManager = stitchInstanceManager; _stitchInstanceManager.StitchStateChange += observer.StitchInstancesOnStitchStateChanged; _stitchInstanceManager.HeartbeatReceived += observer.StitchInstanceManagerOnHeartbeatReceived; _stitchInstanceManager.LogsReceived += observer.StitchInstanceManagerOnLogsReceived; _stitchInstanceManager.RequestResponseReceived += observer.StitchInstanceManagerOnRequestResponseReceived; _stitchInstanceManager.DataMessageReceived += observer.StitchInstanceManagerOnDataMessageReceived; }
public StitchesModule(CrossStitchCore core, StitchesConfiguration configuration = null) { configuration = configuration ?? StitchesConfiguration.GetDefault(); var log = new ModuleLog(core.MessageBus, Name); var data = new DataHelperClient(core.MessageBus); var observer = new StitchEventObserver(core.MessageBus, data, log); var fileSystem = new StitchFileSystem(configuration, new DateTimeVersionManager()); var adaptorFactory = new StitchAdaptorFactory(core, configuration, fileSystem, log, observer); var manager = new StitchInstanceManager(fileSystem, adaptorFactory); var notifier = new StitchEventNotifier(core.MessageBus); _service = new StitchesService(core, data, fileSystem, manager, log, notifier); _subscriptions = new SubscriptionCollection(core.MessageBus); }