public static bool Load() { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(PropertiesRecord)); serializer.UnknownNode += (obj, eventArgs) => Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("Unknown node " + eventArgs.Name + " in " + propertiesFileName)); serializer.UnknownAttribute += (obj, eventArgs) => Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("Unknown attribute " + eventArgs.Attr + " in " + propertiesFileName)); try { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(propertiesFileName, FileMode.Open)) { propertiesRecord = (PropertiesRecord)serializer.Deserialize(fs); Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("Properties file " + propertiesFileName + " loaded.")); return(true); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e is FileNotFoundException) { Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("Properties file " + propertiesFileName + " not found. Will be created.")); } else { Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("Exception opening " + propertiesFileName + ": " + e.ToString())); } propertiesRecord = new PropertiesRecord(); RestoreDefaults(); return(false); } }
public static void Save() { if (propertiesRecord == null) { propertiesRecord = new PropertiesRecord(); RestoreDefaults(); } XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(PropertiesRecord)); try { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(propertiesFileName, FileMode.Create)) { serializer.Serialize(fs, propertiesRecord); Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("Properties file " + propertiesFileName + " written.")); } } catch (Exception e) { Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("Exception writing " + propertiesFileName + ": " + e.ToString())); propertiesRecord = new PropertiesRecord(); RestoreDefaults(); } }
// Send message to log unconditionally private void Log(String message, Exception exception = null) { LogEntry newLogEntry = new LogEntry(Number, Name, Author, message, exception); Critterworld.Log(newLogEntry); }
// Get list of all dll files in specified folder. Iterate through them to find classes that implement ICritterControllerFactory. public List <Critter> LoadCritters(bool isCompetition) { string executablePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath); string propertiesCritterControllerFilesPath = PropertiesManager.Properties.CritterControllerDLLPath.Trim(); string propertiesPathForCritterFiles = PropertiesManager.Properties.CritterControllerFilesPath.Trim(); string dllPath; if (propertiesCritterControllerFilesPath.Length == 0) { dllPath = executablePath + "/"; } else { dllPath = propertiesCritterControllerFilesPath; } string pathForCritterFiles; if (propertiesPathForCritterFiles.Length == 0) { pathForCritterFiles = executablePath + "/CritterFiles"; } else { pathForCritterFiles = propertiesPathForCritterFiles; } List <Critter> critters = new List <Critter>(); if (!File.Exists(pathForCritterFiles)) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathForCritterFiles); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to create Critter file directory " + pathForCritterFiles + " due to " + e, "Unable to Load Critters", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(critters); } } Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("Loading all Critter controllers from path " + dllPath)); try { string[] dllFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(dllPath, "*.dll"); int critterNumber = 1; Dictionary <string, string> namespacesUsed = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (string file in dllFiles) { Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("Loading Critter controllers from file " + file)); try { Assembly assembly = Assembly.UnsafeLoadFrom(file); assembly.GetTypes().Where(type => type.IsClass && type.GetInterface("ICritterControllerFactory") != null).ToList().ForEach(type => { try { Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("Attempting to create instance of type " + type.FullName + " from namespace " + type.Namespace + " from file " + file)); if (type.Namespace == "DemonstrationCritters" && !file.EndsWith("DemonstrationCritters.dll")) { string msg = "Error loading controllers from " + file + ". Namespace matches DemonstrationCritters namespace."; Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("*** " + msg)); MessageBox.Show(msg, "Controller Load Problem!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } else if (namespacesUsed.TryGetValue(type.Namespace, out string usedIn)) { string msg = "Error loading controllers from " + file + ". Namespace " + type.Namespace + " has already been used in DLL " + usedIn; Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("*** " + msg)); MessageBox.Show(msg, "Controller Load Problem!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } else { ICritterControllerFactory critterFactory = (ICritterControllerFactory)Activator.CreateInstance(type); namespacesUsed.Add(type.Namespace, file); if (critterFactory.Author == null) { Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("*** Error loading controller from " + file + ". Loading succeeded but Author property is null.")); } else { Color familyColor = Color.Black; ICritterController[] controllers = critterFactory.GetCritterControllers(); if (controllers == null) { Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("*** Error loading controller from " + file + ". CritterFactory.GetCritterControllers() returned null.")); } else { int loadedCount = 0; foreach (ICritterController controller in controllers) { if (controller == null) { Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("*** Error loading controller from " + file + ". Failed to load; controller is null.")); } else { try { int number = critterNumber++; controller.Filepath = PropertiesManager.Properties.CritterControllerFilesPath; Critter critter = new Critter(number, controller); if (familyColor == Color.Black) { familyColor = critter.Color; } else { critter.Color = familyColor; } critter.Author = critterFactory.Author.Trim().Replace(':', '_').Replace('\t', '_').Replace('\n', '_'); if (controller.Name != null) { critter.Name = controller.Name.Trim().Replace(':', '_').Replace('\t', '_').Replace('\n', '_'); } Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry(number, controller.Name, critterFactory.Author, "Loaded controller from " + file)); critters.Add(critter); loadedCount++; if (isCompetition && loadedCount == PropertiesManager.Properties.CompetitionControllerLoadMaximum) { Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry(number, critter.Name, critter.Author, "During competition, maximum number of controllers loadable from a factory is " + PropertiesManager.Properties.CompetitionControllerLoadMaximum)); break; } } catch (Exception e) { Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("*** Exception loading controller from " + file, e)); } } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("*** Error loading controller from " + file, e)); } }); } catch (Exception e) { Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("*** Error loading file " + file, e)); } } } catch (Exception e) { Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("*** Error accessing controller .dll directory " + dllPath, e)); } return(critters); }
// Get list of all dll files in specified folder. Iterate through them to find classes that implement ICritterControllerFactory. public List <Critter> LoadCritters(bool isCompetition) { string executablePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath); string pathForCritterFiles = executablePath + "/" + filepathForCritterFiles; string dllPath = executablePath + "/" + configDLLPath; List <Critter> critters = new List <Critter>(); if (!File.Exists(pathForCritterFiles)) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathForCritterFiles); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to create Critter file directory " + pathForCritterFiles + " due to " + e, "Unable to Load Critters", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(critters); } } Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("Loading Critter controllers from " + dllPath)); try { string[] dllFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(dllPath, "*.dll"); int critterNumber = 1; foreach (string file in dllFiles) { try { Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(file); assembly.GetTypes().Where(type => type.IsClass && type.GetInterface("ICritterControllerFactory") != null).ToList().ForEach(type => { try { ICritterControllerFactory critterFactory = (ICritterControllerFactory)Activator.CreateInstance(type); if (critterFactory.Author == null) { Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("Error loading controller from " + file + ". Loading succeeded but Author property is null.")); } else { Color familyColor = Color.Black; ICritterController[] controllers = critterFactory.GetCritterControllers(); if (controllers == null) { Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("Error loading controller from " + file + ". CritterFactory.GetCritterControllers() returned null.")); } else { int loadedCount = 0; foreach (ICritterController controller in controllers) { if (controller == null) { Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("Error loading controller from " + file + ". Failed to load; controller is null.")); } else { try { int number = critterNumber++; controller.Filepath = filepathForCritterFiles; Critter critter = new Critter(number, controller); if (familyColor == Color.Black) { familyColor = critter.Color; } else { critter.Color = familyColor; } critter.Author = critterFactory.Author.Trim().Replace(':', '_').Replace('\t', '_').Replace('\n', '_'); if (controller.Name != null) { critter.Name = controller.Name.Trim().Replace(':', '_').Replace('\t', '_').Replace('\n', '_'); } Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry(number, controller.Name, critterFactory.Author, "Loaded controller from " + file)); critters.Add(critter); loadedCount++; if (isCompetition && loadedCount == CompetitionControllerLoadMaximum) { Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry(number, critter.Name, critter.Author, "During competition, maximum number of controllers loadable from a factory is " + CompetitionControllerLoadMaximum)); break; } } catch (Exception e) { Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("Exception loading controller from " + file, e)); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("Error loading controller from " + file, e)); } }); } catch (Exception e) { Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("Error loading file " + file, e)); } } } catch (Exception e) { Critterworld.Log(new LogEntry("Error accessing controller .dll directory " + dllPath, e)); } return(critters); }