コード例 #1
 public Suggestion(CustomRedirect customRedirect, int pageNumber, int pageSize, string searchWord)
     CustomRedirect = customRedirect;
     PageNumber = pageNumber;
     PageSize = pageSize;
     SearchWord = searchWord;
コード例 #2
 public CustomRedirect(CustomRedirect redirect)
     OldUrl = redirect.OldUrl;
     NewUrl = redirect.NewUrl;
     AppendMatchToNewUrl = redirect.AppendMatchToNewUrl;
     ExactMatch = redirect.ExactMatch;
     IncludeQueryString = redirect.IncludeQueryString;
 public int Add(CustomRedirect customRedirect)
     var oldUrl = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(customRedirect.OldUrl);
     if (_quickLookupTable.ContainsKey(oldUrl))
         Log.WarnFormat("Two or more redirects set up for Old Url: {0}", customRedirect.OldUrl);
         _quickLookupTable.Add(oldUrl, customRedirect);
     return List.Add(customRedirect);
コード例 #4
 public virtual void SaveCustomRedirect(CustomRedirect currentCustomRedirect)
     using (var store = GetStore())
         //check if there is an exisiting object with matching property "OldUrl"
         CustomRedirect match =
             store.Find<CustomRedirect>(OldUrlPropertyName, currentCustomRedirect.OldUrl.ToLower())
         //if there is a match, replace the value.
         if (match != null)
             store.Save(currentCustomRedirect, match.Id);
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        ///     Parses the xml file and reads all redirects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A collection of CustomRedirect objects</returns>
        public CustomRedirectCollection Load()
            const string URLPATH = "/redirects/urls/url";
            const string NEWURL = "new";
            const string OLDURL = "old";
            const string SKIPWILDCARD = "onWildCardMatchSkipAppend";

            var redirects = new CustomRedirectCollection();

            // Parse all url nodes
            XmlNodeList nodes = _customRedirectsXmlFile.SelectNodes(URLPATH);
            foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                // Each url new url can have several old values
                // we need to create a redirect object for each pair
                XmlNode newNode = node.SelectSingleNode(NEWURL);

                XmlNodeList oldNodes = node.SelectNodes(OLDURL);
                foreach (XmlNode oldNode in oldNodes)
                    bool skipWildCardAppend = false;
                    XmlAttribute skipWildCardAttr = oldNode.Attributes[SKIPWILDCARD];
                    if (skipWildCardAttr != null)
                        // If value parsing fails, it will be false by default. We do
                        // not really care to check if it fails, as we cannot do anything
                        // about it (throwing an exception is not a good idea here)
                        bool.TryParse(skipWildCardAttr.Value, out skipWildCardAppend);

                    // Create new custom redirect nodes
                    var redirect = new CustomRedirect(oldNode.InnerText, newNode.InnerText, skipWildCardAppend, true, true, 0);

            return redirects;
コード例 #6
 private static void AddUrlToTouchedRedirects(Dictionary<CustomRedirect, List<string>> touchedRedirects, CustomRedirect redirect)
     if (!touchedRedirects.ContainsKey(redirect))
         touchedRedirects.Add(redirect, new List<string>());
 public void Remove(CustomRedirect customRedirect)
 public void Insert(int index, CustomRedirect customRedirect)
     _quickLookupTable.Add(customRedirect.OldUrl, customRedirect);
     List.Insert(index, customRedirect);
 private static string AppendMatch(CustomRedirect customRedirect, string absolutePath)
     var newUrl = new Uri(customRedirect.NewUrl, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
     var oldUri = new Uri(absolutePath, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
     var uriToAppend = GetPathFromLocalUri(oldUri).Substring(customRedirect.OldUrl.Length);
     var querystring = GetQueryFrom(newUrl);
     return CombineUri(newUrl, uriToAppend) + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(querystring) ? string.Empty : string.Concat("?", querystring));
        private CustomRedirect BuildNewUrl(
            CustomRedirect customRedirect,
            string oldUri,
            string absolutePath,
            string querystring)
            var newUrl = customRedirect.AppendMatchToNewUrl
                ? AppendMatch(customRedirect, absolutePath)
                : customRedirect.NewUrl;

            if (customRedirect.IncludeQueryString && querystring.Length > 1)
                newUrl = CreateUrlWithQuerystring(querystring, newUrl);
            return customRedirect.WithNewUrl(newUrl);
コード例 #11
 public override void SetUp()
     _redirect = new CustomRedirect("/no/", "/new/?redirected=1", true, false, true);