LogVerbose() public method

public LogVerbose ( string format ) : void
format string
return void
コード例 #1
ファイル: Cluster.cs プロジェクト: priyaparul/CqlSharp
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a query.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connection">The connection.</param>
        /// <param name="cql">The CQL.</param>
        /// <param name="logger">The logger.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A CqlDataReader that can be used to access the query results
        /// </returns>
        private async Task<CqlDataReader> ExecQuery(Connection connection, string cql, Logger logger)
            logger.LogVerbose("Excuting query {0} on {1}", cql, connection);

            var query = new QueryFrame(cql, CqlConsistency.One);
            var result = (ResultFrame)await connection.SendRequestAsync(query, logger).ConfigureAwait(false);
            var reader = new CqlDataReader(result);

            logger.LogVerbose("Query {0} returned {1} results", cql, reader.Count);

            return reader;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Cluster.cs プロジェクト: priyaparul/CqlSharp
        /// <summary>
        /// Setups the maintenance channel.
        /// </summary>
        private async void SetupMaintenanceConnection(Logger logger)
                if (_maintenanceConnection == null || !_maintenanceConnection.IsConnected)
                    //setup maintenance connection
                    logger.LogVerbose("Creating new maintenance connection");

                    //pick a random node from the list
                    var strategy = new RandomConnectionStrategy(_nodes, _config);

                    //get or create a connection
                    var connection = strategy.GetOrCreateConnection(null);

                    //allow this connection to be used by others as well

                    //setup event handlers
                    connection.OnConnectionChange += (src, ev) => SetupMaintenanceConnection(logger);
                    connection.OnClusterChange += OnClusterChange;

                    //store the new connection
                    _maintenanceConnection = connection;

                    //register for events
                    await connection.RegisterForClusterChangesAsync(logger).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    logger.LogInfo("Registered for cluster changes using {0}", connection);

                //all seems right, we're done
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.LogWarning("Failed to setup maintenance connection: {0}", ex);
                //temporary disconnect or registration failed, reset maintenance connection
                _maintenanceConnection = null;

            //wait a moment, try again
            logger.LogVerbose("Waiting 2secs before retrying setup maintenance connection");
            await Task.Delay(2000).ConfigureAwait(false);

コード例 #3
ファイル: Cluster.cs プロジェクト: priyaparul/CqlSharp
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all nodes that make up the cluster
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="seed">The reference.</param>
        /// <param name="logger">logger used to log progress</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="CqlException">Could not detect datacenter or rack information from the reference specified in the config section!</exception>
        private async Task<Ring> DiscoverNodesAsync(Node seed, Logger logger)
            Connection c;
            using (logger.ThreadBinding())
                //get a connection
                c = seed.GetOrCreateConnection(null);

            //get partitioner
            string partitioner;
            using (var result = await ExecQuery(c, "select partitioner from system.local", logger).ConfigureAwait(false))
                if (!await result.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false))
                    throw new CqlException("Could not detect the cluster partitioner");
                partitioner = (string)result[0];

            logger.LogInfo("Partitioner in use: {0}", partitioner);

            //get the "local" data center, rack and token
            using (var result = await ExecQuery(c, "select data_center, rack, tokens from system.local", logger).ConfigureAwait(false))
                if (await result.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false))
                    seed.DataCenter = (string)result["data_center"];
                    seed.Rack = (string)result["rack"];
                    seed.Tokens = (ISet<string>)result["tokens"];

                    logger.LogVerbose("Seed info - Address:{0} DataCenter:{1} Rack:{2}", seed.Address, seed.DataCenter, seed.Rack);
                    //strange, no local info found?!
                    throw new CqlException("Could not detect datacenter or rack information from the reference specified in the config section!");

            //create list of nodes that make up the cluster, and add the seed
            var found = new List<Node> { seed };

            //get the peers
            using (var result = await ExecQuery(c, "select rpc_address, data_center, rack, tokens from system.peers", logger).ConfigureAwait(false))
                //iterate over the peers
                while (await result.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false))
                    //create a new node
                    var newNode = new Node((IPAddress)result["rpc_address"], this)
                                            DataCenter = (string)result["data_center"],
                                            Rack = (string)result["rack"],
                                            Tokens = (ISet<string>)result["tokens"]

                    //add it if it is in scope
                    if (InDiscoveryScope(seed, newNode, _config.DiscoveryScope))

            //return a new Ring of nodes
            return new Ring(found, partitioner);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Connection.cs プロジェクト: priyaparul/CqlSharp
        /// <summary>
        ///   Opens the connection
        /// </summary>
        private async Task OpenAsyncInternal(Logger logger)
            //switch state to connecting if not done so
            int state = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _connectionState, 1, 0);

            if (state == 1)

            if (state == 2)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException("Connection disposed before opening!");

                //create TCP connection
                _client = new TcpClient();
                await _client.ConnectAsync(_address, _cluster.Config.Port).ConfigureAwait(false);
                _writeStream = _client.GetStream();
                _readStream = _client.GetStream();

                logger.LogVerbose("TCP connection to {0} is opened", Address);

                //start readloop

                //get compression option
                _allowCompression = false; //assume false unless
                if (_cluster.Config.AllowCompression)
                    //check wether compression is supported by getting compression options from server
                    var options = new OptionsFrame();
                    var supported =
                        await SendRequestAsync(options, logger, 1, true).ConfigureAwait(false) as SupportedFrame;

                    if (supported == null)
                        throw new ProtocolException(0, "Expected Supported frame not received");

                    IList<string> compressionOptions;
                    //check if options contain compression
                    if (supported.SupportedOptions.TryGetValue("COMPRESSION", out compressionOptions))
                        //check wether snappy is supported
                        _allowCompression = compressionOptions.Contains("snappy");

                    //dispose supported frame

                //submit startup frame
                var startup = new StartupFrame(_cluster.Config.CqlVersion);
                if (_allowCompression)
                    logger.LogVerbose("Enabling Snappy Compression.");
                    startup.Options["COMPRESSION"] = "snappy";

                Frame response = await SendRequestAsync(startup, logger, 1, true).ConfigureAwait(false);

                //authenticate if required
                var auth = response as AuthenticateFrame;
                if (auth != null)
                    logger.LogVerbose("Authentication requested, attempting to provide credentials", Address);

                    //check if _username is actually set
                    if (_cluster.Config.Username == null || _cluster.Config.Password == null)
                        throw new UnauthorizedException("No credentials provided");

                    //dispose AuthenticateFrame

                    var cred = new CredentialsFrame(_cluster.Config.Username, _cluster.Config.Password);
                    response = await SendRequestAsync(cred, logger, 1, true).ConfigureAwait(false);

                //check if ready
                if (!(response is ReadyFrame))
                    throw new ProtocolException(0, "Expected Ready frame not received");

                //dispose ready frame

                using (logger.ThreadBinding())
                    if (OnConnectionChange != null)
                        OnConnectionChange(this, new ConnectionChangeEvent { Connected = true });

                logger.LogInfo("{0} is opened and ready for use", this);
            catch (Exception ex)
                using (logger.ThreadBinding())
                    Dispose(true, ex);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Connection.cs プロジェクト: priyaparul/CqlSharp
        /// <summary>
        ///   Submits a frame, and waits until response is received
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frame"> The frame to send. </param>
        /// <param name="logger">logger to write progress to</param>
        /// <param name="load"> the load indication of the request. Used for balancing queries over nodes and connections </param>
        /// <param name="isConnecting">indicates if this request is send as part of connection setup protocol</param>
        /// <returns> </returns>
        internal async Task<Frame> SendRequestAsync(Frame frame, Logger logger, int load = 1, bool isConnecting = false)
                //make sure we're already connected
                if (!isConnecting)
                    await OpenAsync(logger).ConfigureAwait(false);

                //make sure we are connected
                if (!IsConnected)
                    throw new IOException("Not connected");

                //count the operation
                Interlocked.Increment(ref _activeRequests);

                //increase the load
                UpdateLoad(load, logger);

                logger.LogVerbose("Waiting for connection lock on {0}...", this);

                //wait until allowed to submit a frame
                await _frameSubmitLock.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                //get a task that gets completed when a response is received
                var waitTask = new TaskCompletionSource<Frame>();

                //get a stream id, and store wait task under that id
                sbyte id;
                lock (_availableQueryIds)
                    id = _availableQueryIds.Dequeue();
                    _openRequests.Add(id, waitTask);

                    //send frame
                    frame.Stream = id;

                    //serialize frame outside lock
                    Stream frameBytes = frame.GetFrameBytes(_allowCompression && !isConnecting, _cluster.Config.CompressionTreshold);

                    await _writeLock.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                        //final check to make sure we're connected
                        if (_connectionState != 1)
                            throw new IOException("Not connected");

                        logger.LogVerbose("Sending {0} Frame with Id {1}, to {2}", frame.OpCode, id, this);

                        await frameBytes.CopyToAsync(_writeStream).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    //wait until response is received
                    Frame response = await waitTask.Task.ConfigureAwait(false);

                    logger.LogVerbose("{0} response for frame with Id {1} received from {2}", response.OpCode, id, Address);

                    //throw error if result is an error
                    var error = response as ErrorFrame;
                    if (error != null)
                        throw error.Exception;

                    //return response
                    return response;
                    //return request slot to the pool
                    lock (_availableQueryIds)

                    //allow another frame to be send

                    //reduce load, we are done
                    Interlocked.Decrement(ref _activeRequests);
                    UpdateLoad(-load, logger);
            catch (ProtocolException pex)
                switch (pex.Code)
                    case ErrorCode.IsBootstrapping:
                    case ErrorCode.Overloaded:

                        using (logger.ThreadBinding())
                            //IO or node status related error, dispose this connection
                            Dispose(true, pex);

                        //some other Cql error (syntax ok?), simply rethrow
            catch (Exception ex)
                using (logger.ThreadBinding())
                    //connection collapsed, dispose this connection
                    Dispose(true, ex);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Connection.cs プロジェクト: reuzel/CqlSharp
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the request async internal. Cancellation supported until request is send, after which answer must be handled
        /// to avoid connection corruption.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frame"> The frame. </param>
        /// <param name="logger"> The logger. </param>
        /// <param name="load"> The load. </param>
        /// <param name="token"> The token. </param>
        /// <returns> </returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">Not connected</exception>
        private async Task<Frame> SendRequestAsyncInternal(Frame frame, Logger logger, int load, CancellationToken token)
                //make sure we aren't disposed
                if(_connectionState == ConnectionState.Closed)
                    throw new ObjectDisposedException(ToString());

                //count the operation
                Interlocked.Increment(ref _activeRequests);

                if (_connectionState == ConnectionState.Connected)
                    //increase the load
                    UpdateLoad(load, logger);
                    //wait until frame id is available to submit a frame
                    logger.LogVerbose("Waiting for connection lock on {0}...", this);
                    if (Scheduler.RunningSynchronously)
                        await _frameSubmitLock.WaitAsync(token).AutoConfigureAwait();

                //get a task that gets completed when a response is received
                var waitTask = new TaskCompletionSource<Frame>();

                //get a stream id, and store wait task under that id
                short id;
                lock (_availableQueryIds)
                    id = _availableQueryIds.Count > 0 ? _availableQueryIds.Dequeue() : _usedQueryIds++;
                    _openRequests.Add(id, waitTask);

                    //send frame
                    frame.Stream = id;

                    //set protocol version in use
                    frame.ProtocolVersion = Node.ProtocolVersion;

                    //serialize frame outside lock
                    PoolMemoryStream frameBytes = frame.GetFrameBytes(_allowCompression && (_connectionState!=ConnectionState.Connecting),

                    //wait to get access to stream
                    if (Scheduler.RunningSynchronously)
                        await _writeLock.WaitAsync(token).AutoConfigureAwait();

                        //make very sure we aren't disposed
                        if (_connectionState == ConnectionState.Closed)
                            throw new ObjectDisposedException(ToString());

                        logger.LogVerbose("Sending {0} Frame with Id {1} over {2}", frame.OpCode, id, this);

                        //write frame to stream, don't use cancelToken to prevent half-written frames
                        if (Scheduler.RunningSynchronously)
                            await frameBytes.CopyToAsync(_writeStream).AutoConfigureAwait();

                        //unblock readloop to read result

                    //wait until response is received
                    Frame response = await waitTask.Task.AutoConfigureAwait();

                    logger.LogVerbose("Received {0} Frame with Id {1} on {2}", response.OpCode, id,

                    //read frame content
                    await response.ReadFrameContentAsync().AutoConfigureAwait();

                    //throw error if result is an error
                    var error = response as ErrorFrame;
                    if (error != null)
                        //dispose error frame

                        //throw exception
                        throw error.Exception;

                    //check for keyspace change
                    var keyspaceChange = response as ResultFrame;
                    if (keyspaceChange != null && keyspaceChange.CqlResultType == CqlResultType.SetKeyspace)
                        logger.LogVerbose("{0} changed KeySpace to \"{1}\"", this, keyspaceChange.Keyspace);
                        CurrentKeySpace = keyspaceChange.Keyspace;

                    //dispose frame, when cancellation requested
                    if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                        throw new OperationCanceledException(token);

                    //return response
                    return response;
                    //return request slot to the pool
                    lock (_availableQueryIds)

                    if (_connectionState == ConnectionState.Connected)
                        //allow another frame to be send

                        //reduce load, we are done
                        UpdateLoad(-load, logger);

                    //decrease the amount of operations
                    Interlocked.Decrement(ref _activeRequests);
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
            catch (ProtocolException pex)
                switch (pex.Code)
                    case ErrorCode.IsBootstrapping:
                    case ErrorCode.Overloaded:

                        using (logger.ThreadBinding())
                            //IO or node status related error, dispose this connection

                        //some other Cql error (syntax ok?), simply rethrow
            catch (ObjectDisposedException odex)
                throw new IOException("Connection closed while processing request", odex);
            catch (Exception)
                using (logger.ThreadBinding())
                    //connection collapsed, dispose this connection
コード例 #7
ファイル: Connection.cs プロジェクト: priyaparul/CqlSharp
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the load of this connection, and will trigger a corresponding event
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="load">The load.</param>
        /// <param name="logger">The logger.</param>
        private void UpdateLoad(int load, Logger logger)
            var newLoad = Interlocked.Add(ref _load, load);
            Interlocked.Exchange(ref _lastActivity, DateTime.Now.Ticks);

            EventHandler<LoadChangeEvent> handler = OnLoadChange;
            if (handler != null) handler(this, new LoadChangeEvent { LoadDelta = load });

            logger.LogVerbose("{0} has now a load of {1}", this, newLoad);
コード例 #8
ファイル: Connection.cs プロジェクト: reuzel/CqlSharp
        /// <summary>
        /// Authenticates the connection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="auth">The authentication request from the server.</param>
        /// <param name="logger">The logger.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="AuthenticationException">
        /// Unsupported Authenticator:  + auth.Authenticator;null
        /// or
        /// Authentication failed, SASL Challenge was rejected by client
        /// or
        /// Authentication failed, Authenticator rejected SASL result
        /// or
        /// Expected a Authentication Challenge from Server!
        /// or
        /// No credentials provided in configuration
        /// or
        /// Authentication failed: Ready frame not received
        /// </exception>
        private async Task AuthenticateAsync(AuthenticateFrame auth, Logger logger)
            logger.LogVerbose("Authentication requested, attempting to provide credentials");

            //dispose AuthenticateFrame

            if (auth.ProtocolVersion >= 2)
                //protocol version2: use SASL AuthResponse to authenticate

                //get an AuthenticatorFactory
                IAuthenticatorFactory factory =
                        f => f.Name.Equals(auth.Authenticator, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                if (factory == null)
                    throw new AuthenticationException(auth.ProtocolVersion, "Unsupported Authenticator: " + auth.Authenticator);

                logger.LogVerbose("Attempting authentication for scheme {0}", factory.Name);

                //grab an authenticator instance
                IAuthenticator authenticator = factory.CreateAuthenticator(_config);

                //start authentication loop
                byte[] saslChallenge = null;
                while (true)
                    //check for challenge
                    byte[] saslResponse;
                    if (!authenticator.Authenticate(auth.ProtocolVersion, saslChallenge, out saslResponse))
                        throw new AuthenticationException(auth.ProtocolVersion, "Authentication failed, SASL Challenge was rejected by client");

                    //send response
                    var cred = new AuthResponseFrame(saslResponse);
                    var authResponse =
                            SendRequestAsyncInternal(cred, logger, 1, CancellationToken.None).AutoConfigureAwait();

                    //dispose authResponse (makes sure all is read)

                    //check for success
                    var success = authResponse as AuthSuccessFrame;
                    if (success != null)
                        if (!authenticator.Authenticate(auth.ProtocolVersion, success.SaslResult))
                            throw new AuthenticationException(authResponse.ProtocolVersion, "Authentication failed, Authenticator rejected SASL result", authResponse.TracingId);

                        //yeah, authenticated, break from the authentication loop

                    //no success yet, lets try next round
                    var challenge = authResponse as AuthChallengeFrame;
                    if (challenge == null)
                        throw new AuthenticationException(authResponse.ProtocolVersion, "Expected a Authentication Challenge from Server!", authResponse.TracingId);

                    saslChallenge = challenge.SaslChallenge;
                //protocol version1: use Credentials to authenticate

                //check if _username is actually set
                if (_config.Username == null || _config.Password == null)
                    throw new AuthenticationException(auth.ProtocolVersion, "No credentials provided in configuration");

                var cred = new CredentialsFrame(_config.Username, _config.Password);
                var authResponse =
                        SendRequestAsyncInternal(cred, logger, 1, CancellationToken.None).AutoConfigureAwait();

                //dispose authResponse (makes sure all is read)

                if (!(authResponse is ReadyFrame))
                    throw new AuthenticationException(authResponse.ProtocolVersion, "Authentication failed: Ready frame not received", authResponse.TracingId);
コード例 #9
ファイル: Connection.cs プロジェクト: reuzel/CqlSharp
        /// <summary>
        /// Startups the connection using the required message exchange
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logger">The logger.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="ProtocolException">0;Expected Ready frame not received</exception>
        private async Task StartupAsync(Logger logger)
            //submit startup frame
            var startup = new StartupFrame(_config.CqlVersion);
            if (_allowCompression)
                logger.LogVerbose("Enabling Snappy Compression.");
                startup.Options["COMPRESSION"] = "snappy";

            Frame response =
                    SendRequestAsyncInternal(startup, logger, 1, CancellationToken.None).AutoConfigureAwait();

            //authenticate if required
            var auth = response as AuthenticateFrame;
            if (auth != null)
                await AuthenticateAsync(auth, logger).AutoConfigureAwait();

            //no authenticate frame, so ready frame must be received
            else if (!(response is ReadyFrame))
                throw new ProtocolException(response.ProtocolVersion, 0, "Expected Ready frame not received", response.TracingId);

            //dispose ready frame
コード例 #10
ファイル: Connection.cs プロジェクト: reuzel/CqlSharp
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens the connection. Called once per connection only
        /// </summary>
        private async Task OpenAsyncInternal(Logger logger)
            //set state to connecting
            int previousState = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _connectionState, ConnectionState.Connecting, ConnectionState.Created);

            if (previousState == ConnectionState.Closed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException(ToString());

            if (previousState != ConnectionState.Created)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Opening a connection that is already connected!");

                    await ConnectAsync().AutoConfigureAwait();

                    //get streams
                    Stream tcpStream = _client.GetStream();
                    _writeStream = tcpStream;
                    _readStream = tcpStream;

                    logger.LogVerbose("TCP connection for {0} is opened", this);

                    //start readloop

                        logger.LogVerbose("Attempting to connect using protocol version {0}", Node.ProtocolVersion);

                        await NegotiateConnectionOptionsAsync(logger).AutoConfigureAwait();
                    catch(ProtocolException pex)
                        //In case of a protocol version mismatch, Cassandra will reply with an error 
                        //using the supported protocol version. If we are using the correct version 
                        //something else is wrong, and it is no use to retry with a different version, 
                        //so rethrow
                        if(Node.ProtocolVersion == pex.ProtocolVersion)

                            "Failed connecting using protocol version {0}, retrying with protocol version {1}...",
                            Node.ProtocolVersion, pex.ProtocolVersion);

                        //set protocol version to the one received
                        Node.ProtocolVersion = pex.ProtocolVersion;

                        //close the connection (required as protocols are not backwards compatible, so stream may be corrupt now)

                        //wait until the readloop has stopped

                //run the startup message exchange
                await StartupAsync(logger).AutoConfigureAwait();

                //yeah, connected
                previousState = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _connectionState, ConnectionState.Connected, ConnectionState.Connecting);
                    throw new ObjectDisposedException(ToString(), "Connection closed while opening");

                //notify connection changed
                    if(OnConnectionChange != null)
                        OnConnectionChange(this, new ConnectionChangeEvent {Connected = true});

                logger.LogInfo("{0} is opened using Cql Protocol v{1}", this, Node.ProtocolVersion);
            catch (Exception)
                using (logger.ThreadBinding())
コード例 #11
ファイル: Cluster.cs プロジェクト: reuzel/CqlSharp
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a query.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connection"> The connection. </param>
        /// <param name="cql"> The CQL. </param>
        /// <param name="logger"> The logger. </param>
        /// <param name="token"> The token. </param>
        /// <returns> A CqlDataReader that can be used to access the query results </returns>
        private async Task<CqlDataReader> ExecQuery(Connection connection, string cql, Logger logger,
                                                    CancellationToken token)
            //cancel if requested

            logger.LogVerbose("Excuting query {0} on {1}", cql, connection);

            var query = new QueryFrame(cql, CqlConsistency.One, null);
            var result =
                        connection.SendRequestAsync(query, logger, 1, token)
            var reader = new CqlDataReader(null, result, null);

            logger.LogVerbose("Query {0} returned {1} results", cql, reader.Count);

            return reader;
コード例 #12
ファイル: Cluster.cs プロジェクト: reuzel/CqlSharp
        /// <summary>
        /// Setups the maintenance channel.
        /// </summary>
        private async void SetupMaintenanceConnection(Logger logger)
            //skip if disposed

                if(_maintenanceConnection == null || !_maintenanceConnection.IsAvailable)
                    //setup maintenance connection
                    logger.LogVerbose("Creating new maintenance connection");

                    //get or create a connection
                    Connection connection;
                        connection = _connectionStrategy.GetOrCreateConnection(ConnectionScope.Infrastructure, null);

                    //check if we really got a connection
                    if(connection == null)
                        throw new CqlException("Can not obtain connection for maintenance channel");

                    //register for events
                    await connection.RegisterForClusterChangesAsync(logger).AutoConfigureAwait();

                    //setup event handlers
                    connection.OnConnectionChange +=
                        (src, ev) => Scheduler.RunOnThreadPool(() => SetupMaintenanceConnection(logger));
                    connection.OnClusterChange += OnClusterChange;

                    //store the new connection
                    _maintenanceConnection = connection;

                    logger.LogInfo("Registered for cluster changes using {0}", connection);

                //all seems right, we're done
            catch(Exception ex)
                logger.LogWarning("Failed to setup maintenance connection: {0}", ex);
                //temporary disconnect or registration failed, reset maintenance connection
                _maintenanceConnection = null;

            //don't retry if disposed

            //wait a moment, try again
            logger.LogVerbose("Waiting 5secs before retrying setup maintenance connection");
            await Task.Delay(5000).AutoConfigureAwait();
