internal FillInWith(ElementScope element, IDriver driver, TimingStrategy timingStrategy, Options options) { this.element = element; this.driver = driver; this.timingStrategy = timingStrategy; this.options = options; }
internal FillInWith(ElementScope element, Driver driver, TimingStrategy timingStrategy, Options options) { this.element = element; this.driver = driver; this.timingStrategy = timingStrategy; this.options = options; }
public static void WaitForAvailability(this ElementScope element) { while (element.Disabled) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } }
public void AAndBLineUp(ElementScope field, ElementScope field2) { string One = field["offsetTop"]; string Two = field2["offsetTop"]; int one = int.Parse(One); int two = int.Parse(Two); Assert.AreEqual(one, two); }
public void Init() { ElementScope table = scope.FindXPath(locators[0]); // body var tbody = table.FindXPath(".//tbody"); RowsOfElements = new List <List <ElementScope> >(); foreach (var tr in tbody.FindAllXPath(".//tr")) { var row = new List <ElementScope>(); RowsOfElements.Add(row); foreach (var td in tr.FindAllXPath(".//td")) { row.Add(td); } } // head if (isHeader) { ElementScope theader; IEnumerable <ElementScope> headerLines; try { theader = table.FindAllXPath(".//thead").First(); headerLines = (IEnumerable <ElementScope>)theader.FindAllXPath(".//tr"); } catch (NoSuchElementException) { theader = table; headerLines = new ElementScope[] { theader.FindAllXPath(".//tr").First() }; RowsOfElements.RemoveAt(0); } Header = new List <ElementScope>(); HeaderCaptions = new List <string>(); foreach (var tr in headerLines) { var cells = tr.FindAllXPath(".//th"); if (cells.Count() > 0) { if (Header.Count > 0) { throw new Exception( $"Too many headers in the table {locators[0]}. Contents: {theader.Text}"); } foreach (var td in cells) { Header.Add(td); HeaderCaptions.Add(td.Text); } } } } }
public void ABeforeB(ElementScope field, ElementScope field2) { string One = field["offsetTop"]; string Two = field2["offsetTop"]; int one = int.Parse(One); int two = int.Parse(Two); int result = (two - one); Assert.Less(one, two); }
public FieldAutocomplete(ElementScope field, string listXPath, string elementsXPath, Options options = null) { _element = field; this.listXPath = listXPath; this.elementsXPath = elementsXPath; this.options = Merge(options); SetScope(field.OuterScope); SetFinder(field.elementFinder); }
public static void WaitForClickability(this ElementScope element) { while (true) { try { element.Click(); return; } catch (Exception) { Debug.WriteLine("Элемент заблокирован. Пытаемся кликнуть..."); } } }
public static void WaitForVisibility(this ElementScope element) { while (true) { try { element.Hover(new Options { WaitBeforeClick = System.TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(350) }); return; } catch (Exception) { } } }
public bool longClickElement(Coypu.ElementScope clickThis, int waitSeconds = 30, int retrySeconds = 5) { DateTime quitTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(waitSeconds); while (DateTime.Now <= quitTime) { try { clickThis.Click(); clickThis.Now(); } catch (Exception) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(retrySeconds * 1000); } } return(false); }
public static void FillDropDownWith(this ElementScope dropdown, string option, Options coypuOptions = null) // метод ищет в выпадающем списке все значения, содержащие город и берет из них первый { if (coypuOptions == null) { coypuOptions = new Options() { TextPrecision = TextPrecision.Exact, ConsiderInvisibleElements = false } } ; //var optionToSelect = dropdown.FindXPath($".//li[.='{option}']"); Thread.Sleep(900); var optionsToSelect = dropdown.FindAllXPath($".//li[contains(.,'{option}')]"); var optionToSelect = optionsToSelect.First(f => f.Text == option); optionToSelect.Hover(); Thread.Sleep(200); optionToSelect.Click(coypuOptions); }
public static void CheckListElementExist(this ElementScope dropdown, string option, Options coypuOptions = null) // метод проверяет существует ли в списке город { if (coypuOptions == null) { coypuOptions = new Options() { TextPrecision = TextPrecision.Exact, ConsiderInvisibleElements = false } } ; //var optionToSelect = dropdown.FindXPath($".//li[.='{option}']"); Thread.Sleep(900); //var optionsToSelect = dropdown.FindAllXPath($".//li[contains(.,'{option}')]"); var optionsToSelect = dropdown.FindXPath($"//li[.='{option}']"); optionsToSelect.Hover(); Thread.Sleep(200); optionsToSelect.Click(coypuOptions); }
public bool Has(ElementScope findElement) { return(findElement.Exists()); }
public void Uncheck(ElementScope checkbox, Options options = null) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public TableRowGroupElementScope(ElementScope innerElement) : base(innerElement) { }
public TableElementScope(ElementScope elementScope) : base(elementScope) { }
internal FillInWith(ElementScope element, Driver driver, RobustWrapper robustWrapper, DriverScope scope, Options options) : this(element.Now(),driver,robustWrapper,scope,options) { }
/// <summary> /// Fill in a previously found text field /// </summary> /// <param name="element">The text field</param> /// <returns>With</returns> public FillInWith FillIn(ElementScope element, Options options = null) { return new FillInWith(element, driver, robustWrapper, this, SetOptions(options)); }
internal FillInWith(ElementScope element, Driver driver, RobustWrapper robustWrapper, DriverScope scope, Options options) : this(element.Now(), driver, robustWrapper, scope, options) { }
private static Point GetTotemCoordinates(ElementScope imgTag) { var native = imgTag.Native; if (native is OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebElement) return ((OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebElement)native).Coordinates.LocationInDom; throw new MonopolyTestRunException("Test infrastructure problem: can't figure out what browser we're using to get the native coordinates. Find this method and add browser-specific code to fix this problem."); }
public bool HasNo(ElementScope findElement) { return(findElement.Missing()); }
public static string GetSrcFilenameFrom(ElementScope playerTotemImgTag) { return playerTotemImgTag["src"].Split('/').Last(); }
public FieldAutocomplete FindFieldAutocomplete(ElementScope field, string listXPath, string elementsXPath, Options options = null) { return(session.FindFieldAutocomplete(field, listXPath, elementsXPath, Merge(options))); }
private void AssertEvent(ElementScope row, TestEvent e) { Assert.AreEqual(e.Name, row.FindCss("a").Text); Assert.AreEqual(e.StartDate, row.FindCss("small").Text); }
/// <summary> /// Fill in a previously found text field /// </summary> /// <param name="element">The text field</param> /// <returns>With</returns> public FillInWith FillIn(ElementScope element, Options options = null) { return(new FillInWith(element, driver, robustWrapper, this, SetOptions(options))); }
public TableAttribute(string locator, ElementScope e = null) { this.locator = locator; this.element = e; }