コード例 #1
ファイル: Macro.cs プロジェクト: PavelPZ/NetNew
    //public string Url;
    //public string Style;

    public override IEnumerable<tag> Generate(body pg, LoggerMemory wr) {
      //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlText) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlDialog)) wr.ErrorLine(pg.url, "Missing url-text or url-dialog attribute");
      //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlText) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlDialog)) wr.ErrorLine(pg.url, "Use only one from url-text or url-dialog attributes");
      //var isDialog = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlDialog);
      var cid = "macrovideo_" + cnt++.ToString();
      //var file = isDialog ? (include)new includeDialog { cutUrl = urlDialog} : new includeText { cutUrl = urlText};
      switch (displayStyle) {
        case "WithDialog":
          yield return htmlTag.create(htmlTag.div,
              "class", "col-md-5 video-hidden-xs video-hidden-sm",
              new mediaVideo { classSetter = "video-hidden-xs video-hidden-sm", shareMediaId = cid },
              new mediaPlayer { classSetter = "hidden-xs hidden-sm", shareMediaId = cid }
              "class", "col-md-7",
              new mediaText { id = cid, /*audioUrl = audioUrl,*/ mediaUrl = mediaUrl, cutUrl = cutUrl }
          yield return htmlTag.create(htmlTag.div,
            new mediaVideo() { id = cid, /*audioUrl = audioUrl,*/ mediaUrl = mediaUrl, cutUrl = cutUrl },
            new mediaPlayer() { shareMediaId = cid });
コード例 #2
ファイル: Macro.cs プロジェクト: PavelPZ/NetNew
 //public CheckItemTexts TextId;
 public override IEnumerable<tag> Generate(body pg, LoggerMemory wr) {
   var lines = smartElement.splitLines(cdata); if (lines.Length == 0) { wr.ErrorLine(pg.url, "Missing lines with data"); yield break; }
   lines = lines.Select(l => smartElement.removeNums(l).Trim()).ToArray();
   yield return new listGroup() {
     //width = width,
     Items = lines.Select(l => new checkItem() {
       correctValue = l.StartsWith("#"),
       textType = textId,
       Items = smartElement.replaceMacroHardReturn(l.Replace("#", null), wr).ToArray()
コード例 #3
ファイル: SchemaCSS.cs プロジェクト: PavelPZ/REW
    public static void applyCSS(ref body pg, CourseMeta.ex ex) {
      //all styles (LM and CSS) from tags
      foreach (var tg in pg.scan()) {
        var hasSheet = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tg.styleSheet);
        if (hasSheet) pg.bodyStyle += "" + CSS.prefixTagId(tg.id, tg.styleSheet);
        tg.styleSheet = null;
      //all styles (LM and CSS) from parents
      CourseMeta.data p = ex; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(pg.bodyStyle);
      while (p != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.styleSheet)) sb.Insert(0, p.styleSheet.Trim() + " "); p = p.parent; }
      sb.Insert(0, CourseMeta.ex.stdStyle);
      pg.bodyStyle = sb.ToString();

      //separate LM a CSS styles
      rules lmCss = separateLM_CSS_styles(pg);
      if (lmCss == null) return;

      //apply LM styles to XML
      XElement root = pg.ToElement();
      var bodyTags = root.Element("body").DescendantsAndSelf();
      foreach (var ctrl in bodyTags.Where(c => Lib.courseModelJsonMLMeta.allCSControls.Contains(c.Name.LocalName))) {
        var html = new DomElement(ctrl); var typeMeta = Lib.courseModelJsonMLMeta.types[ctrl.Name.LocalName];
        var attrsSpecs = new Dictionary<string, specificity>(); //nejlepsi hodnoty pro kazdou property
        for (var i = lmCss.lmRules.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //jednotilve rule
          var spec = lmCss.lmRules[i].data.matchesSelectors(html, null); if (spec == null) continue;
          foreach (var prop in lmCss.lmRules[i].props.Where(pr => typeMeta.allProps.ContainsKey(pr.name))) { //jednotlive rule properties
            specificity sp;
            if (!attrsSpecs.TryGetValue(prop.name, out sp) || sp.I_am_worse(spec, prop.important))
              attrsSpecs[prop.name] = new specificity(spec, prop.important, prop.value); //nova nebo lepsi value
        //dosad values do XML
        foreach (var kv in attrsSpecs) { var at = ctrl.Attribute(kv.Key); if (at != null) continue; ctrl.Add(new XAttribute(kv.Key, kv.Value.value)); }

      //zpracuj cssTagIds properties
      //foreach (var attr in bodyTags.SelectMany(el => el.Attributes()).Where(a => Lib.courseModelJsonMLMeta.allCssTagIds.Contains(a.Parent.Name.LocalName + "." + a.Name.LocalName))) {
      //  attr.Value = cssTagRx.Replace(attr.Value, m => {
      //    var ruleTxt = m.Groups["selector"].Value + " {}";
      //    var rule = CssDataFactory.parseStylesheet(ruleTxt).getRulesets(CssDataFactory.defaultMedium).First();
      //    return bodyTags.Where(el => rule.matchesSelectors(new DomElement(el), null) != null).Select(el => "#" + el.AttributeValue("id")).Where(id => id != "#").Aggregate((r, i) => r + "|" + i);
      //  });

      //body from XML
      pg = tag.FromElement<body>(root);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Macro.cs プロジェクト: PavelPZ/NetNew
 public override IEnumerable<tag> Generate(body pg, LoggerMemory wr) {
   var txt = doubleCrLf.Replace(cdata, "#####");
   var linesSingleChs = txt.Split(new string[] { "#####" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (linesSingleChs.Length == 0) { wr.ErrorLine(pg.url, "Missing lines with data"); yield break; }
   var singleChs = linesSingleChs.Select(l => smartElement.splitLines(l).Select(ll => smartElement.removeNums(ll)).ToArray());
   //var cnt = 0;
   var res = new twoColumn() {
     Items = singleChs.Where(l => l.Count() > 0).Select(singleCh => new panel() {
       header = new headerProp { Items = new tag[] { htmlTag.create(htmlTag.h4, smartElement.replaceMacroHardReturn(singleCh[0], wr)) } },
       //id = cnt++<0 ? "": null, //noop majici sideefekt - zvetseni cnt
       Items = new tag[] { new singleChoice {
         Items = singleCh.Skip(1).Select(t => new radioButton{correctValue = t.StartsWith("#"), Items = new tag[] { new text{title = t.TrimStart('#')}}}).ToArray()},
   yield return res;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Macro.cs プロジェクト: PavelPZ/NetNew
 public override IEnumerable<tag> Generate(body pg, LoggerMemory wr) {
   yield return htmlTag.create(htmlTag.h3, new text() { title = cdata });
コード例 #6
ファイル: Macro.cs プロジェクト: PavelPZ/NetNew
 public override IEnumerable<tag> Generate(body pg, LoggerMemory wr) {
   var lines = smartElement.splitLines(cdata); if (lines.Length == 0) return Enumerable.Empty<tag>();
   list res = new list() {
     //width = width,
     delim = delim,
     isStriped = isStriped,
     icon = icon,
     color = color,
     Items = lines.Select(l => smartElement.removeNums(l).Trim()).Select(l => htmlTag.create(htmlTag.li, smartTag.formatedText(l))).ToArray()
   return (res as IMacroTemplate).Generate(pg, wr);
コード例 #7
ファイル: Macro.cs プロジェクト: PavelPZ/NetNew
 public override IEnumerable<tag> Generate(body pg, LoggerMemory wr) {
   if (cdata == null) yield break; 
   var lines = smartElement.splitLines(cdata); if (lines.Length == 0) yield break;
   string tableStyleSheet;
   tag pref = macroTable.prefix(this, inlineType, ref lines, out tableStyleSheet);
   if (pref != null) yield return pref;
   var res = new listGroup() {
     //width = width,
     Items = lines.Select(l => smartElement.removeNums(l).Trim()).Select(l => new node() {
       Items = smartTag.replaceMacroHardReturn(l, wr, inlineType).ToArray()
   //smartElement.adjustWidths(res2, inlineType, wr);
   yield return res;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Macro.cs プロジェクト: PavelPZ/NetNew
 public override IEnumerable<tag> Generate(body pg, LoggerMemory wr) {
   var lines = smartElement.splitLines(cdata); if (lines.Length == 0) { wr.ErrorLine(pg.url, "Missing lines with data"); yield break; }
   string tableStyleSheet;
   tag pref = prefix(this, inlineType, ref lines, out tableStyleSheet);
   if (pref != null) yield return pref;
   var cells = lines.Select(l => l.Split('\\').Select(w => w.Trim()).ToArray()).ToArray();
   if (cells.GroupBy(c => c.Length).Count() > 1) { wr.ErrorLine(pg.url, "The equal number of cells in every row required"); yield break; }
   var res = htmlTag.create(htmlTag.table,
     "class", "table table-bordered oli-table",
     //width = width,
     cells.Select((cls, rowIdx) => htmlTag.create(htmlTag.tr,
       cls.Select((c, colIdx) => createCell(c, wr, inlineType, rowIdx, colIdx))
   res.styleSheet = tableStyleSheet;
   //smartElement.adjustWidths(res2, inlineType, wr);
   yield return res;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Macro.cs プロジェクト: PavelPZ/NetNew
 public override IEnumerable<tag> Generate(body pg, LoggerMemory wr) {
   var lines = smartElement.splitLines(cdata); if (lines.Length == 0) { wr.ErrorLine(pg.url, "Missing lines with data"); yield break; }
   List<pairingItem> items = new List<pairingItem>();
   foreach (var l in lines) {
     var parts = l.Split('\\').Select(w => w.Trim()).ToArray(); if (parts.Length != 2) { wr.ErrorLine(pg.url, "Two part of pairing data required"); continue; };
     items.Add(new pairingItem() {
       right = smartElement.removeNums(parts[1]),
       Items = smartElement.replaceMacroHardReturn(smartElement.removeNums(parts[0]), wr).ToArray()
   yield return new pairing() { Items = items.ToArray()/*, width = width*/ };
コード例 #10
ファイル: Macro.cs プロジェクト: PavelPZ/NetNew
 public override IEnumerable<tag> Generate(body pg, LoggerMemory wr) {
   var lines = smartElement.splitLines(cdata); if (lines.Length < 2) { wr.ErrorLine(pg.url, "At least 2 lines with data required"); yield break; }
   yield return new listGroup() {
     isStriped = true,
     //width = width,
     Items = doubles(lines).Select(db => new node() {
       Items = new tag[] {
         new text() { title = smartElement.splitEx(db.Item1).Select(p => p.Trim()).Aggregate((r, it) => r + " / " + it) },
         new gapFill() { correctValue = db.Item2.Trim() }
コード例 #11
ファイル: SchemaCSS.cs プロジェクト: PavelPZ/REW
    //z sheet style roztridi LM styles (a zpracuje je do rules) a zbytek (normalni CSS styly)
    static rules separateLM_CSS_styles(body pg) {
      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pg.bodyStyle)) return null;
      rules res = null;
      StringBuilder htmlCss = new StringBuilder("\r\n");
      StringBuilder htmlCssComment = new StringBuilder();
      StringBuilder lmCss = new StringBuilder(); //pouze selektor a prazdna {}
      //*** simple CSS parser:
      var obj = parseCSS(pg.bodyStyle);
      foreach (var rule in obj) {
        bool isAnyHtml = false; List<ruleProp> lmProps = null;
        foreach (var prop in rule.props) {
          var whichProp = Lib.courseModelJsonMLMeta.isLMProp(prop.name);
          var isLm = whichProp != false; var isHtml = whichProp != true;
          if (isLm) {
            if (res == null) res = new rules { lmRules = new List<rule>() };
            if (lmProps == null) {
              res.lmRules.Add(new rule { selector = rule.selector, props = lmProps = new List<ruleProp>() });
              lmCss.AppendLine(rule.selector + " {}");
              htmlCssComment.AppendLine(rule.selector + " {");
            htmlCssComment.Append("  "); prop.ToBuilder(htmlCssComment);
          if (isHtml) {
            if (!isAnyHtml) { htmlCss.AppendLine(rule.htmlSelector + " {"); isAnyHtml = true; }
            htmlCss.Append("  "); prop.ToBuilder(htmlCss);
        if (isAnyHtml) htmlCss.AppendLine("}"); if (lmProps != null) htmlCssComment.AppendLine("}");
      pg.bodyStyle = htmlCss.ToString() + "/*\r\n" + htmlCssComment.ToString() + "*/\r\n";

      //*** ModelText parsing
      if (res != null) res.finish(lmCss.ToString()); //merge simple CSS rules o ICssRulesetData

      return res;