コード例 #1
        /// <exception cref="Couchbase.Lite.CouchbaseLiteException">When attempting to add an invalid revision</exception>
        internal void ForceInsert(RevisionInternal inRev, IList<string> revHistory, Uri source)
            if (revHistory == null) {
                revHistory = new List<string>(0);

            var rev = inRev.CopyWithDocID(inRev.GetDocId(), inRev.GetRevId());
            string revID = rev.GetRevId();
            if (!IsValidDocumentId(rev.GetDocId()) || revID == null) {
                throw new CouchbaseLiteException(StatusCode.BadId);

            if (revHistory.Count == 0) {
            } else if (revID != revHistory[0]) {
                throw new CouchbaseLiteException(StatusCode.BadId);

            if (inRev.GetAttachments() != null) {
                var updatedRev = inRev.CopyWithDocID(inRev.GetDocId(), inRev.GetRevId());
                string prevRevID = revHistory.Count >= 2 ? revHistory[1] : null;
                Status status = new Status();
                if (!ProcessAttachmentsForRevision(updatedRev, prevRevID, status)) {
                    throw new CouchbaseLiteException(status.Code);

                inRev = updatedRev;

            StoreValidation validationBlock = null;
            if (Shared != null && Shared.HasValues("validation", Name)) {
                validationBlock = ValidateRevision;

            var insertStatus = Storage.ForceInsert(inRev, revHistory, validationBlock, source);
            if(insertStatus.IsError) {
                throw new CouchbaseLiteException(insertStatus.Code);
コード例 #2
        internal RevisionInternal PutLocalRevision(RevisionInternal revision, string prevRevID)
            var docID = revision.GetDocId();
            if (!docID.StartsWith ("_local/", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                throw new CouchbaseLiteException(StatusCode.BadRequest);

            if (!revision.IsDeleted())
                // PUT:
                string newRevID;
                var json = EncodeDocumentJSON(revision);

                if (prevRevID != null)
                    var generation = RevisionInternal.GenerationFromRevID(prevRevID);
                    if (generation == 0)
                        throw new CouchbaseLiteException(StatusCode.BadRequest);
                    newRevID = Sharpen.Extensions.ToString(++generation) + "-local";

                    var values = new ContentValues();
                    values["revid"] = newRevID;
                    values["json"] = json;

                    var whereArgs = new [] { docID, prevRevID };
                        var rowsUpdated = StorageEngine.Update("localdocs", values, "docid=? AND revid=?", whereArgs);
                        if (rowsUpdated == 0)
                            throw new CouchbaseLiteException(StatusCode.Conflict);
                    catch (SQLException e)
                        throw new CouchbaseLiteException(e, StatusCode.InternalServerError);
                    newRevID = "1-local";

                    var values = new ContentValues();
                    values["docid"] = docID;
                    values["revid"] = newRevID;
                    values["json"] = json;

                        StorageEngine.InsertWithOnConflict("localdocs", null, values, ConflictResolutionStrategy.Ignore);
                    catch (SQLException e)
                        throw new CouchbaseLiteException(e, StatusCode.InternalServerError);
                return revision.CopyWithDocID(docID, newRevID);
                // DELETE:
                DeleteLocalDocument(docID, prevRevID);
                return revision;
コード例 #3
        internal RevisionInternal RevisionByLoadingBody(RevisionInternal rev, Status outStatus)
            // First check for no-op -- if we just need the default properties and already have them:
            if (rev.GetSequence() != 0) {
                var props = rev.GetProperties();
                if (props != null && props.ContainsKey("_rev") && props.ContainsKey("_id")) {
                    if (outStatus != null) {
                        outStatus.Code = StatusCode.Ok;

                    return rev;

            RevisionInternal nuRev = rev.CopyWithDocID(rev.GetDocId(), rev.GetRevId());
            try {
            } catch(CouchbaseLiteException e) {
                if (outStatus != null) {
                    outStatus.Code = e.CBLStatus.Code;

                nuRev = null;

            return nuRev;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>Stores a new (or initial) revision of a document.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Stores a new (or initial) revision of a document.
        /// This is what's invoked by a PUT or POST. As with those, the previous revision ID must be supplied when necessary and the call will fail if it doesn't match.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="oldRev">The revision to add. If the docID is null, a new UUID will be assigned. Its revID must be null. It must have a JSON body.
        ///     </param>
        /// <param name="prevRevId">The ID of the revision to replace (same as the "?rev=" parameter to a PUT), or null if this is a new document.
        ///     </param>
        /// <param name="allowConflict">If false, an error status 409 will be returned if the insertion would create a conflict, i.e. if the previous revision already has a child.
        ///     </param>
        /// <param name="resultStatus">On return, an HTTP status code indicating success or failure.
        ///     </param>
        /// <returns>A new RevisionInternal with the docID, revID and sequence filled in (but no body).
        ///     </returns>
        /// <exception cref="Couchbase.Lite.CouchbaseLiteException"></exception>
        internal RevisionInternal PutRevision(RevisionInternal oldRev, String prevRevId, Boolean allowConflict, Status resultStatus)
            // prevRevId is the rev ID being replaced, or nil if an insert
            var docId = oldRev.GetDocId();
            var deleted = oldRev.IsDeleted();

            if ((oldRev == null) || ((prevRevId != null) && (docId == null)) || (deleted && (docId == null)) || ((docId != null) && !IsValidDocumentId(docId)))
                throw new CouchbaseLiteException(StatusCode.BadRequest);
            Cursor cursor = null;
            var inConflict = false;
            RevisionInternal winningRev = null;
            RevisionInternal newRev = null;

            // PART I: In which are performed lookups and validations prior to the insert...
            var docNumericID = (docId != null) ? GetDocNumericID(docId) : 0;
            var parentSequence = 0L;
            string oldWinningRevID = null;
                var oldWinnerWasDeletion = false;
                var wasConflicted = false;
                if (docNumericID > 0)
                    var outIsDeleted = new AList<bool>();
                    var outIsConflict = new AList<bool>();
                        oldWinningRevID = WinningRevIDOfDoc(docNumericID, outIsDeleted, outIsConflict);
                        oldWinnerWasDeletion |= outIsDeleted.Count > 0;
                        wasConflicted |= outIsConflict.Count > 0;
                    catch (Exception e)
                if (prevRevId != null)
                    // Replacing: make sure given prevRevID is current & find its sequence number:
                    if (docNumericID <= 0)
                        var msg = string.Format("No existing revision found with doc id: {0}", docId);
                        throw new CouchbaseLiteException(msg, StatusCode.NotFound);
                    parentSequence = GetSequenceOfDocument(docNumericID, prevRevId, !allowConflict);
                    if (parentSequence == 0)
                        // Not found: either a 404 or a 409, depending on whether there is any current revision
                        if (!allowConflict && ExistsDocumentWithIDAndRev(docId, null))
                            var msg = string.Format("Conflicts not allowed and there is already an existing doc with id: {0}", docId);
                            throw new CouchbaseLiteException(msg, StatusCode.Conflict);
                            var msg = string.Format("No existing revision found with doc id: {0}", docId);
                            throw new CouchbaseLiteException(msg, StatusCode.NotFound);

                    if (_validations != null && _validations.Count > 0)
                        // Fetch the previous revision and validate the new one against it:
                        var oldRevCopy = oldRev.CopyWithDocID(oldRev.GetDocId(), null);
                        var prevRev = new RevisionInternal(docId, prevRevId, false, this);
                        ValidateRevision(oldRevCopy, prevRev, prevRevId);
                    // Inserting first revision.
                    if (deleted && (docId != null))
                        // Didn't specify a revision to delete: 404 or a 409, depending
                        if (ExistsDocumentWithIDAndRev(docId, null))
                            throw new CouchbaseLiteException(StatusCode.Conflict);
                            throw new CouchbaseLiteException(StatusCode.NotFound);
                    // Validate:
                    ValidateRevision(oldRev, null, null);
                    if (docId != null)
                        // Inserting first revision, with docID given (PUT):
                        if (docNumericID <= 0)
                            // Doc doesn't exist at all; create it:
                            docNumericID = InsertDocumentID(docId);
                            if (docNumericID <= 0)
                                return null;
                            // Doc ID exists; check whether current winning revision is deleted:
                            if (oldWinnerWasDeletion)
                                prevRevId = oldWinningRevID;
                                parentSequence = GetSequenceOfDocument(docNumericID, prevRevId, false);
                                if (oldWinningRevID != null)
                                    // The current winning revision is not deleted, so this is a conflict
                                    throw new CouchbaseLiteException(StatusCode.Conflict);
                        // Inserting first revision, with no docID given (POST): generate a unique docID:
                        docId = Database.GenerateDocumentId();
                        docNumericID = InsertDocumentID(docId);
                        if (docNumericID <= 0)
                            return null;
                // There may be a conflict if (a) the document was already in conflict, or
                // (b) a conflict is created by adding a non-deletion child of a non-winning rev.
                inConflict = wasConflicted 
                          || (!deleted && prevRevId != null && oldWinningRevID != null && !prevRevId.Equals(oldWinningRevID));
                // PART II: In which we prepare for insertion...
                // Get the attachments:
                var attachments = GetAttachmentsFromRevision(oldRev);
                // Bump the revID and update the JSON:
                IList<byte> json = null;

                if(!oldRev.IsDeleted()) //oldRev.GetProperties() != null && oldRev.GetProperties().Any())
                    json = EncodeDocumentJSON(oldRev).ToList();
                    if (json == null)
                        // bad or missing json
                        throw new CouchbaseLiteException(StatusCode.BadRequest);
                    if (json.Count() == 2 && json[0] == '{' && json[1] == '}')
                        json = null;
                    json = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{}"); // NOTE.ZJG: Confirm w/ Traun. This prevents a null reference exception in call to InsertRevision below.
                var newRevId = GenerateIDForRevision(oldRev, json, attachments, prevRevId);
                newRev = oldRev.CopyWithDocID(docId, newRevId);
                StubOutAttachmentsInRevision(attachments, newRev);
                // Now insert the rev itself:
                var newSequence = InsertRevision(newRev, docNumericID, parentSequence, true, (attachments.Count > 0), json);
                if (newSequence == 0)
                    return null;
                // Make replaced rev non-current:
                    var args = new ContentValues();
                    args["current"] = 0;
                    StorageEngine.Update("revs", args, "sequence=?", new[] { parentSequence.ToString() });
                catch (SQLException e)
                    Log.E(Database.Tag, "Error setting parent rev non-current", e);
                    throw new CouchbaseLiteException(StatusCode.InternalServerError);
                // Store any attachments:
                if (attachments != null)
                    ProcessAttachmentsForRevision(attachments, newRev, parentSequence);

                // Figure out what the new winning rev ID is:
                winningRev = Winner(docNumericID, oldWinningRevID, oldWinnerWasDeletion, newRev);

                 // Success!
                if (deleted)
            catch (SQLException e1)
                Log.E(Tag, "Error putting revision", e1);
                return null;
                if (cursor != null)

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(docId))

            // EPILOGUE: A change notification is sent...
            NotifyChange(newRev, winningRev, null, inConflict);
            return newRev;
コード例 #5
        public RevisionInternal PutLocalRevision(RevisionInternal revision, string prevRevId, bool obeyMVCC)
            var docId = revision.GetDocId();
            if (!docId.StartsWith("_local/")) {
                throw new CouchbaseLiteException("Local revision IDs must start with _local/", StatusCode.BadId);

            if (revision.IsDeleted()) {
                DeleteLocalRevision(docId, prevRevId, obeyMVCC);
                return revision;

            var result = default(RevisionInternal);
            RunInTransaction(() =>
                var json = Manager.GetObjectMapper().WriteValueAsString(revision.GetProperties(), true);
                WithC4Raw(docId, "_local", doc => 
                    var generation = RevisionInternal.GenerationFromRevID(prevRevId);
                    if(obeyMVCC) {
                        if(prevRevId != null) {
                            if(prevRevId != (doc != null ? (string)doc->meta : null)) {
                                throw new CouchbaseLiteException(StatusCode.Conflict);

                            if(generation == 0) {
                                throw new CouchbaseLiteException(StatusCode.BadId);
                        } else if(doc != null) {
                            throw new CouchbaseLiteException(StatusCode.Conflict);

                    var newRevId = String.Format("{0}-local", ++generation);
                    ForestDBBridge.Check(err => Native.c4raw_put(Forest, "_local", docId, newRevId, json, err));
                    result = revision.CopyWithDocID(docId, newRevId);

                return true;

            return result;
コード例 #6
        /// <exception cref="Couchbase.Lite.CouchbaseLiteException">When attempting to add an invalid revision</exception>
        internal void ForceInsert(RevisionInternal inRev, IList<string> revHistory, Uri source)
            if (!IsOpen) {
                throw new CouchbaseLiteException("DB is closed", StatusCode.DbError);

            if (revHistory == null) {
                revHistory = new List<string>(0);

            var rev = inRev.CopyWithDocID(inRev.GetDocId(), inRev.GetRevId());
            string revID = rev.GetRevId();
            if (!Document.IsValidDocumentId(rev.GetDocId()) || revID == null) {
                throw new CouchbaseLiteException(StatusCode.BadId);

            if (revHistory.Count == 0) {
            } else if (revID != revHistory[0]) {
                throw new CouchbaseLiteException(StatusCode.BadId);

            if (inRev.GetAttachments() != null) {
                var updatedRev = inRev.CopyWithDocID(inRev.GetDocId(), inRev.GetRevId());
                ProcessAttachmentsForRevision(updatedRev, revHistory.Skip(1).Take(revHistory.Count-1).ToList());
                inRev = updatedRev;

            StoreValidation validationBlock = null;
            if (Shared != null && Shared.HasValues("validation", Name)) {
                validationBlock = ValidateRevision;

            Storage.ForceInsert(inRev, revHistory, validationBlock, source);
コード例 #7
ファイル: Database.cs プロジェクト: Redth/couchbase-lite-net
		public RevisionInternal PutLocalRevision(RevisionInternal revision, string prevRevID
			string docID = revision.GetDocId();
			if (!docID.StartsWith("_local/"))
				throw new CouchbaseLiteException(Status.BadRequest);
			if (!revision.IsDeleted())
				// PUT:
				byte[] json = EncodeDocumentJSON(revision);
				string newRevID;
				if (prevRevID != null)
					int generation = RevisionInternal.GenerationFromRevID(prevRevID);
					if (generation == 0)
						throw new CouchbaseLiteException(Status.BadRequest);
					newRevID = Sharpen.Extensions.ToString(++generation) + "-local";
					ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
					values.Put("revid", newRevID);
					values.Put("json", json);
					string[] whereArgs = new string[] { docID, prevRevID };
						int rowsUpdated = database.Update("localdocs", values, "docid=? AND revid=?", whereArgs
						if (rowsUpdated == 0)
							throw new CouchbaseLiteException(Status.Conflict);
					catch (SQLException e)
						throw new CouchbaseLiteException(e, Status.InternalServerError);
					newRevID = "1-local";
					ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
					values.Put("docid", docID);
					values.Put("revid", newRevID);
					values.Put("json", json);
						database.InsertWithOnConflict("localdocs", null, values, SQLiteStorageEngine.ConflictIgnore
					catch (SQLException e)
						throw new CouchbaseLiteException(e, Status.InternalServerError);
				return revision.CopyWithDocID(docID, newRevID);
				// DELETE:
				DeleteLocalDocument(docID, prevRevID);
				return revision;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Database.cs プロジェクト: Redth/couchbase-lite-net
		public RevisionInternal PutRevision(RevisionInternal oldRev, string prevRevId, bool
			 allowConflict, Status resultStatus)
			// prevRevId is the rev ID being replaced, or nil if an insert
			string docId = oldRev.GetDocId();
			bool deleted = oldRev.IsDeleted();
			if ((oldRev == null) || ((prevRevId != null) && (docId == null)) || (deleted && (
				docId == null)) || ((docId != null) && !IsValidDocumentId(docId)))
				throw new CouchbaseLiteException(Status.BadRequest);
			Cursor cursor = null;
			bool inConflict = false;
			RevisionInternal winningRev = null;
			RevisionInternal newRev = null;
			//// PART I: In which are performed lookups and validations prior to the insert...
			long docNumericID = (docId != null) ? GetDocNumericID(docId) : 0;
			long parentSequence = 0;
			string oldWinningRevID = null;
				bool oldWinnerWasDeletion = false;
				bool wasConflicted = false;
				if (docNumericID > 0)
					IList<bool> outIsDeleted = new AList<bool>();
					IList<bool> outIsConflict = new AList<bool>();
						oldWinningRevID = WinningRevIDOfDoc(docNumericID, outIsDeleted, outIsConflict);
						if (outIsDeleted.Count > 0)
							oldWinnerWasDeletion = true;
						if (outIsConflict.Count > 0)
							wasConflicted = true;
					catch (Exception e)
				if (prevRevId != null)
					// Replacing: make sure given prevRevID is current & find its sequence number:
					if (docNumericID <= 0)
						string msg = string.Format("No existing revision found with doc id: %s", docId);
						throw new CouchbaseLiteException(msg, Status.NotFound);
					string[] args = new string[] { System.Convert.ToString(docNumericID), prevRevId };
					string additionalWhereClause = string.Empty;
					if (!allowConflict)
						additionalWhereClause = "AND current=1";
					cursor = database.RawQuery("SELECT sequence FROM revs WHERE doc_id=? AND revid=? "
						 + additionalWhereClause + " LIMIT 1", args);
					if (cursor.MoveToNext())
						parentSequence = cursor.GetLong(0);
					if (parentSequence == 0)
						// Not found: either a 404 or a 409, depending on whether there is any current revision
						if (!allowConflict && ExistsDocumentWithIDAndRev(docId, null))
							string msg = string.Format("Conflicts not allowed and there is already an existing doc with id: %s"
								, docId);
							throw new CouchbaseLiteException(msg, Status.Conflict);
							string msg = string.Format("No existing revision found with doc id: %s", docId);
							throw new CouchbaseLiteException(msg, Status.NotFound);
					if (validations != null && validations.Count > 0)
						// Fetch the previous revision and validate the new one against it:
						RevisionInternal prevRev = new RevisionInternal(docId, prevRevId, false, this);
						ValidateRevision(oldRev, prevRev);
					// Make replaced rev non-current:
					ContentValues updateContent = new ContentValues();
					updateContent.Put("current", 0);
					database.Update("revs", updateContent, "sequence=" + parentSequence, null);
					// Inserting first revision.
					if (deleted && (docId != null))
						// Didn't specify a revision to delete: 404 or a 409, depending
						if (ExistsDocumentWithIDAndRev(docId, null))
							throw new CouchbaseLiteException(Status.Conflict);
							throw new CouchbaseLiteException(Status.NotFound);
					// Validate:
					ValidateRevision(oldRev, null);
					if (docId != null)
						// Inserting first revision, with docID given (PUT):
						if (docNumericID <= 0)
							// Doc doesn't exist at all; create it:
							docNumericID = InsertDocumentID(docId);
							if (docNumericID <= 0)
								return null;
							// Doc ID exists; check whether current winning revision is deleted:
							if (oldWinnerWasDeletion == true)
								prevRevId = oldWinningRevID;
								parentSequence = GetSequenceOfDocument(docNumericID, prevRevId, false);
								if (oldWinningRevID != null)
									// The current winning revision is not deleted, so this is a conflict
									throw new CouchbaseLiteException(Status.Conflict);
						// Inserting first revision, with no docID given (POST): generate a unique docID:
						docId = Database.GenerateDocumentId();
						docNumericID = InsertDocumentID(docId);
						if (docNumericID <= 0)
							return null;
				// There may be a conflict if (a) the document was already in conflict, or
				// (b) a conflict is created by adding a non-deletion child of a non-winning rev.
				inConflict = wasConflicted || (!deleted && prevRevId != null && oldWinningRevID !=
					 null && !prevRevId.Equals(oldWinningRevID));
				//// PART II: In which insertion occurs...
				// Get the attachments:
				IDictionary<string, AttachmentInternal> attachments = GetAttachmentsFromRevision(
				// Bump the revID and update the JSON:
				string newRevId = GenerateNextRevisionID(prevRevId);
				byte[] data = null;
				if (!oldRev.IsDeleted())
					data = EncodeDocumentJSON(oldRev);
					if (data == null)
						// bad or missing json
						throw new CouchbaseLiteException(Status.BadRequest);
				newRev = oldRev.CopyWithDocID(docId, newRevId);
				StubOutAttachmentsInRevision(attachments, newRev);
				// Now insert the rev itself:
				long newSequence = InsertRevision(newRev, docNumericID, parentSequence, true, data
				if (newSequence == 0)
					return null;
				// Store any attachments:
				if (attachments != null)
					ProcessAttachmentsForRevision(attachments, newRev, parentSequence);
				// Figure out what the new winning rev ID is:
				winningRev = Winner(docNumericID, oldWinningRevID, oldWinnerWasDeletion, newRev);
				// Success!
				if (deleted)
			catch (SQLException e1)
				Log.E(Database.Tag, "Error putting revision", e1);
				return null;
				if (cursor != null)
			//// EPILOGUE: A change notification is sent...
			NotifyChange(newRev, winningRev, null, inConflict);
			return newRev;