コード例 #1
ファイル: BasicFixture.cs プロジェクト: emargee/CouchNet
        public void ExampleSyntax()
            var svc = new CouchService("http://localhost:5984");

            //var conn = new CouchConnection("http://localhost", 5984);
            //var db = new CouchDatabase(conn, "unittest");

            //db.Add(new BusinessCard { Name = "Mr Chicken"});

            //var doc = db.Get<BusinessCard>(db.ServerResponse.Id);
            //var data = File.ReadAllBytes("hats.jpg");
            //db.Attach(doc, "hats.jpg", "image/jpg", data);


            //doc.Attach("hats.jpg", "image/jpg", data); // Load into temp Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<string, byte[]>>
            //db.Save(doc); //Loop through temp and PUT the data.


            //Stream att = doc.GetAttachment("hats.jpg");
コード例 #2
ファイル: BasicFixture.cs プロジェクト: emargee/CouchNet
        public void CreationSyntax()
            var conn = new CouchConnection("http://localhost", 5984);
            var svc = new CouchService(conn);

            //Update existing view
            var view = svc["unittest"]["example"].Views["test"];
            view.Map = "function(doc) { emit(doc._id, doc); }";

            //Create new view
            var newView = svc["unittest"]["example"].CreateView("newTest");
            newView.Map = "function(doc) { emit(doc._id, doc); }";

            var designDoc = svc["unittest"].CreateDesignDocument("example2");

            //var view = doc.CreateView("myTest");
            //view.Map = "function(doc) { emit(doc._id, doc); }";
コード例 #3
ファイル: BasicFixture.cs プロジェクト: emargee/CouchNet
        public void JsonTest()
            var conn = new CouchConnection("http://localhost", 5984);

            var svc = new CouchService(conn);
            var db = svc.GetDatabase("unittest");

            //var view = db.GetDesignDocument("example").View("test");


            //var results = db.ExecuteView<BusinessCard>(view, new CouchViewQuery("e99b84cd49824eaf90b5f5c164b39e12"));

            //if(results.IsOk && results.HasResults)
            //    foreach (var card in results)
            //    {
            //        Debug.WriteLine(card.Name);
            //    }

            //var testString = "{\"shows\" : { \"posts\" : \"function\", \"people\" : \"function(doc, req)\" } }";
            //var obj = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(testString);

            //var dictionary = obj["shows"].Children().Cast<JProperty>().ToDictionary(k => k.Name, v => v.Value.Value<string>());

            //foreach (var pair in dictionary)
            //    Debug.WriteLine(pair.Key + " / " + pair.Value);

            //var newObj = new JObject();
            //var newTok = JToken.FromObject(dictionary);


コード例 #4
ファイル: BasicFixture.cs プロジェクト: emargee/CouchNet
        public void ViewSyntaxCheck()
            var conn = new CouchConnection("http://www.couchdbtest.com", 5984);

            var ex = new BusinessCard();

            var svc = new CouchService(conn);
            var db2 = svc["unittest"];
            var doc = db2.GetDesignDocument("monkeytennis");

            svc["unittest"].GetDesignDocument("monkeyTennis").Views["test"].Execute<BusinessCard>(new CouchViewQuery());


            svc.GetDatabase("unittest").GetDesignDocument("moneyTennis").Views["test"].Execute<BusinessCard>(new CouchViewQuery());

            //Super short ..
            svc["unittest"]["moneyTennis"].Views["test"].Execute<BusinessCard>(new CouchViewQuery());

            //var show = db.GetDesignDocument("example").Show("test");

            //Debug.WriteLine(db.ExecuteShow(show, "e99b84cd49824eaf90b5f5c164b39e12"));

            //var qs = new NameValueCollection();

            //Debug.WriteLine(db.ExecuteShow(show, "e99b84cd49824eaf90b5f5c164b39e12", qs));

            //var doc = db.GetDesignDocument("example");
            //var list = doc.List("htmlList");
            //var view = doc.View("test");
            //var resp = db.ExecuteList(list, view, new CouchViewQuery());


            //var docExample = db.GetDesignDocument("example");
            //docExample.Show("test").Execute<BusinessCard>(documentId, queryStringParams);

            //var query = new CouchViewQuery { Key = "e99b84cd49824eaf90b5f5c164b39e12" };

            //var results = db.ExecuteView<BusinessCard>(view, query);

            //if (results.IsOk)
            //    Debug.WriteLine("Error: " + results.Response.ErrorType + " / Reason : " + results.Response.ErrorMessage);
            //    return;

            //    foreach (var result in results)
            //    {
            //        Debug.WriteLine("Name: " + result.Name + " - Id : " + result.Id);
            //    }
コード例 #5
ファイル: BasicFixture.cs プロジェクト: emargee/CouchNet
        public void QuickTest()
            var conn = new CouchConnection("http://localhost", 5984);
            var svc = new CouchService(conn);
            var db = svc["unittest"];

            // -- ADDING FROM NEW ---

            var card = new BusinessCard { Name = "Bob Smith", Employer = "GiantMart", JobTitle = "Manager" };

            var resp = db.Add(card);

            if (resp.IsOk)
                Debug.WriteLine("Added ! Id : " + resp.Id + " / Revision: " + resp.Revision);
                Debug.WriteLine("Problem updating : " + resp.ErrorType + " / Reason : " + resp.ErrorMessage);

            // -- RETREIVEING & UPDATING --

            var newCard = db.Get<BusinessCard>(resp.Id);

            newCard.Name = "Bobbyd Smith";

            resp = db.Save(newCard);

            if (resp.IsOk)
                Debug.WriteLine("Updated ! Id : " + resp.Id + " / Revision: " + resp.Revision);

            // -- DELETEING --

            resp = db.Delete(resp.Id, resp.Revision);

            if (resp.IsOk)
                Debug.WriteLine("Deleted ! Id : " + resp.Id + " / Revision: " + resp.Revision);