コード例 #1
        public void ProcessAttestation(BeaconState state, Attestation attestation)
            _logger.LogInformation(Event.ProcessAttestation, "Process block operation attestation {Attestation} for state {BeaconState}.", attestation, state);

            var timeParameters = _timeParameterOptions.CurrentValue;
            var data           = attestation.Data;

            var committeeCount = _beaconStateAccessor.GetCommitteeCountAtSlot(state, data.Slot);

            if ((ulong)data.Index >= committeeCount)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("attestation.Data.Index", data.Index, $"Attestation data committee index must be less that the committee count {committeeCount}.");
            var previousEpoch = _beaconStateAccessor.GetPreviousEpoch(state);
            var currentEpoch  = _beaconStateAccessor.GetCurrentEpoch(state);

            if (data.Target.Epoch != previousEpoch && data.Target.Epoch != currentEpoch)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("attestation.Data.Target.Epoch", data.Target.Epoch, $"Attestation data target epoch must be either the previous epoch {previousEpoch} or the current epoch {currentEpoch}.");
            var minimumSlot = data.Slot + timeParameters.MinimumAttestationInclusionDelay;
            var maximumSlot = data.Slot + timeParameters.SlotsPerEpoch;

            if (state.Slot < minimumSlot)
                throw new Exception($"Current state slot {state.Slot} must be equal or greater than the attestion slot {data.Slot} plus minimum delay {timeParameters.MinimumAttestationInclusionDelay}.");
            if (state.Slot > maximumSlot)
                throw new Exception($"Current state slot {state.Slot} must be equal or less than the attestation slot {data.Slot} plus slots per epoch {timeParameters.SlotsPerEpoch}.");

            var committee = _beaconStateAccessor.GetBeaconCommittee(state, data.Slot, data.Index);

            if (attestation.AggregationBits.Count != attestation.CustodyBits.Count)
                throw new Exception($"The attestation aggregation bit length {attestation.AggregationBits.Count} must be the same as the custody bit length {attestation.CustodyBits.Count}.");
            if (attestation.AggregationBits.Count != committee.Count)
                throw new Exception($"The attestation aggregation bit (and custody bit) length {attestation.AggregationBits.Count} must be the same as the committee length {committee.Count}.");

            var inclusionDelay     = state.Slot - data.Slot;
            var proposerIndex      = _beaconStateAccessor.GetBeaconProposerIndex(state);
            var pendingAttestation = new PendingAttestation(attestation.AggregationBits, data, inclusionDelay, proposerIndex);

            if (data.Target.Epoch == currentEpoch)
                if (!data.Source.Equals(state.CurrentJustifiedCheckpoint))
                    throw new Exception($"For a current epoch target attestation the data source checkpoint {data.Source} must be the same as the current justified checkpoint {state.CurrentJustifiedCheckpoint}.");
                if (!data.Source.Equals(state.PreviousJustifiedCheckpoint))
                    throw new Exception($"For a previous epoch target attestation the data source checkpoint {data.Source} must be the same as the previous justified checkpoint {state.PreviousJustifiedCheckpoint}.");

            // Check signature
            var indexedAttestation = _beaconStateAccessor.GetIndexedAttestation(state, attestation);
            var domain             = _beaconStateAccessor.GetDomain(state, _signatureDomainOptions.CurrentValue.BeaconAttester, data.Target.Epoch);
            var isValid            = _beaconChainUtility.IsValidIndexedAttestation(state, indexedAttestation, domain);

            if (!isValid)
                throw new Exception($"Indexed attestation {indexedAttestation} is not valid.");
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Run ``on_attestation`` upon receiving a new ``attestation`` from either within a block or directly on the wire.
        /// An ``attestation`` that is asserted as invalid may be valid at a later time,
        /// consider scheduling it for later processing in such case.
        /// </summary>
        public void OnAttestation(IStore store, Attestation attestation)
            var initialValues  = _initialValueOptions.CurrentValue;
            var timeParameters = _timeParameterOptions.CurrentValue;

            var target = attestation.Data.Target;

            // Attestations must be from the current or previous epoch
            var currentSlot  = GetCurrentSlot(store);
            var currentEpoch = _beaconChainUtility.ComputeEpochAtSlot(currentSlot);

            // Use GENESIS_EPOCH for previous when genesis to avoid underflow
            var previousEpoch = currentEpoch > initialValues.GenesisEpoch
                ? currentEpoch - new Epoch(1)
                : initialValues.GenesisEpoch;

            if (target.Epoch != currentEpoch && target.Epoch != previousEpoch)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("attestation.Target.Epoch", target.Epoch, $"Attestation target epoch must be either the current epoch {currentEpoch} or previous epoch {previousEpoch}.");
            // Cannot calculate the current shuffling if have not seen the target
            if (!store.TryGetBlock(target.Root, out var targetBlock))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("attestation.Target.Root", target.Root, "Attestation target root not found in the block history.");

            // Attestations target be for a known block. If target block is unknown, delay consideration until the block is found
            if (!store.TryGetBlockState(target.Root, out var targetStoredState))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("attestation.Target.Root", target.Root, "Attestation target root not found in the block stores history.");

            // Attestations cannot be from future epochs. If they are, delay consideration until the epoch arrives
            var baseState                = BeaconState.Clone(targetStoredState);
            var targetEpochStartSlot     = _beaconChainUtility.ComputeStartSlotOfEpoch(target.Epoch);
            var targetEpochStartSlotTime = baseState.GenesisTime + (ulong)targetEpochStartSlot * timeParameters.SecondsPerSlot;

            if (store.Time < targetEpochStartSlotTime)
                throw new Exception($"Ättestation target state time {targetEpochStartSlotTime} should not be larger than the store time {store.Time}).");

            // Attestations must be for a known block. If block is unknown, delay consideration until the block is found
            if (!store.TryGetBlock(attestation.Data.BeaconBlockRoot, out var attestationBlock))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("attestation.Data.BeaconBlockRoot", attestation.Data.BeaconBlockRoot, "Attestation data root not found in the block history.");
            // Attestations must not be for blocks in the future. If not, the attestation should not be considered
            if (attestationBlock.Slot > attestation.Data.Slot)
                throw new Exception($"Ättestation data root slot {attestationBlock.Slot} should not be larger than the attestation data slot {attestation.Data.Slot}).");

            // Store target checkpoint state if not yet seen

            if (!store.TryGetCheckpointState(target, out var targetState))
                _beaconStateTransition.ProcessSlots(baseState, targetEpochStartSlot);
                store.SetCheckpointState(target, baseState);
                targetState = baseState;

            // Attestations can only affect the fork choice of subsequent slots.
            // Delay consideration in the fork choice until their slot is in the past.
            //var attestationDataSlotTime = ((ulong)attestation.Data.Slot + 1) * timeParameters.SecondsPerSlot;
            var attestationDataSlotTime = targetState.GenesisTime + ((ulong)attestation.Data.Slot + 1) * timeParameters.SecondsPerSlot;

            if (store.Time < attestationDataSlotTime)
                throw new Exception($"Ättestation data time {attestationDataSlotTime} should not be larger than the store time {store.Time}).");

            // Get state at the `target` to validate attestation and calculate the committees
            var indexedAttestation = _beaconStateAccessor.GetIndexedAttestation(targetState, attestation);
            var domain             = _beaconStateAccessor.GetDomain(targetState, _signatureDomainOptions.CurrentValue.BeaconAttester, indexedAttestation.Data.Target.Epoch);
            var isValid            = _beaconChainUtility.IsValidIndexedAttestation(targetState, indexedAttestation, domain);

            if (!isValid)
                throw new Exception($"Indexed attestation {indexedAttestation} is not valid.");

            // Update latest messages
            var attestingIndices = _beaconStateAccessor.GetAttestingIndices(targetState, attestation.Data, attestation.AggregationBits);

            foreach (var index in attestingIndices)
                if (!store.TryGetLatestMessage(index, out var latestMessage) || target.Epoch > latestMessage.Epoch)
                    var newLatestMessage = new LatestMessage(target.Epoch, attestation.Data.BeaconBlockRoot);
                    store.SetLatestMessage(index, newLatestMessage);