private void ReadFormXML() { List <string> list = new List <string>(); ThingDef_Readables Readables_Def = (ThingDef_Readables)def; if (Readables_Def.BookText.Count > 0) { list = Readables_Def.BookText; } if (!Readables_Def.CloseTexture.NullOrEmpty()) { OpenBook = GraphicDatabase.Get <Graphic_Single>(Readables_Def.CloseTexture, ShaderDatabase.CutoutComplex,, DrawColor, DrawColorTwo); } this.Tdef = (ThingDef_Readables)this.def; }
private void DrawThingRow(ref float y, float width, ThingDef thingDef) { Rect rect = new Rect(0f, y, width, 28f); Widgets.InfoCardButton(rect.width - 24f, y, thingDef); rect.width -= 24f; if (this.CanControl) { Rect rect2 = new Rect(rect.width - 24f, y, 24f, 24f); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect2, "DropThing".Translate()); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rect2, dropbutton)) { SoundDefOf.TickHigh.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); this.InterfaceDrop(thingDef, this.Shelf); } rect.width -= 24f; } if (Mouse.IsOver(rect)) { GUI.color = ITab_Bookshelf.HighlightColor; GUI.DrawTexture(rect, TexUI.HighlightTex); Rect rect12 = rect; ThingDef_Readables readablesDef = (ThingDef_Readables)thingDef; string learnableStuff = "Nothing"; if (readablesDef.SkillToLearn != null) { learnableStuff = readablesDef.SkillToLearn.label; } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect12, "GetBookToolTip".Translate(new object[] { readablesDef.description, learnableStuff, })); } if (thingDef.DrawMatSingle != null && thingDef.DrawMatSingle.mainTexture != null) { Widgets.ThingIcon(new Rect(4f, y, 28f, 28f), thingDef); } Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; GUI.color = ITab_Bookshelf.ThingLabelColor; Rect rect3 = new Rect(36f, y, width - 36f, 28f); string text = thingDef.LabelCap; Widgets.Label(rect3, text); y += 28f; }
public List <string> PrepareText() { ThingDef_Readables Readables_Def = (ThingDef_Readables)def; BookText = Readables_Def.BookText; List <string> result; if (BookText.Count > 0) { result = TextChooping(BookText); } else { result = TextChooping(DefaultText); } return(result); }
public void AddBookToLibrary(ThingDef_Readables rdef) { this.StoredBooks.Add(rdef); }
public Toil PlaceItemToRead(TargetIndex bookInd) { Toil placeItem = new Toil(); placeItem.initAction = delegate { Pawn actor =; Thing carriedThing = actor.carryTracker.CarriedThing; ThingDef_Readables Readables_Def = (ThingDef_Readables)carriedThing.def; if (!Readables_Def.IsABook) { Log.Message(actor + " tried to place book for reading but was carrying " + actor.carryTracker.CarriedThing);; } else { if (carriedThing.Destroyed) {; } else { IntVec3 position; if (!TryFindAdjacentReadPlaceSpot(actor.Position, carriedThing.def, out position)) { Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { actor, " could not read: found no place spot near ", actor.Position, ". Correcting." })); position = actor.Position; } if (!position.InBounds(this.pawn.Map)) { Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { actor, " tried to place book out of bounds at ", position, ". Correcting." })); position = actor.Position; } if (!actor.carryTracker.TryDropCarriedThing(position, ThingPlaceMode.Direct, out carriedThing)) { Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { actor, " could not read: book vanished when placed at ", position, "." }));; } else {, carriedThing); IntVec3 intVec = position - actor.Position; if (carriedThing.def.rotatable && intVec != IntVec3.Zero) { carriedThing.Rotation = Rot4.FromIntVec3(intVec); } } } } }; placeItem.defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Instant; return(placeItem); }