public ActionResult ImportContacts(long id) { User userObj = (User)Session["user"]; Account accountObj = (Account)Session["account"]; var folderName = CCFolderRepository.CCFolders.FirstOrDefault(fid => fid.FolderID == id & fid.AccountGUID == accountObj.AccountGUID).Name; ViewBag.foldername = folderName; if (Request.Files.Count > 0) { var file = Request.Files[0]; if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName); var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/uploads"), fileName); string fileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(path); if (fileExtension == ".xls" || fileExtension == ".xlsx") { ViewBag.MessageExtention = ""; file.SaveAs(path); ItemsImporter importcontact = new ItemsImporter(CCFieldRepository, CCFieldValueRepository, CCItemRepository); LimitationsViewModel limitationsObj = (LimitationsViewModel)Session["limitations"]; long maxItemImportCount = limitationsObj.maxItemCountPerFolder - limitationsObj.folderList.Where(f => f.fold.FolderID == id).FirstOrDefault().itemCount; long numberOfContacts = importcontact.ImportInputContacts(id, accountObj.AccountGUID, path, fileExtension, maxItemImportCount); if (System.IO.File.Exists(path)) { System.IO.File.Delete(path); } if (numberOfContacts == -2) { ViewBag.MessageItemImportExceed = "The number of contacts to be imported exceeds the Max Item per Folder Count"; //ViewBag.Message = ""; //ViewBag.MessagePass = ""; } else if (numberOfContacts > 0) { ViewBag.MessagePass = "******" + (numberOfContacts - 1) + " contacts were imported."; //ViewBag.Message = ""; //ViewBag.MessageItemImportExceed = ""; } else { ViewBag.Message = "No matching fields were found in the imported file. O contacts imported."; //ViewBag.MessagePass = ""; //ViewBag.MessageItemImportExceed = ""; } } else { ViewBag.MessageExtention = "Please select the .xls or .xlsx file"; //ViewBag.MessagePass = ""; //ViewBag.MessageItemImportExceed = ""; //ViewBag.Message = ""; } } } LimitationsViewModel limitationsObjMain = (LimitationsViewModel)Session["limitations"]; HelperFunctions HF = new HelperFunctions(); limitationsObjMain = HF.updateAccountLimitations(accountObj); Session["limitations"] = limitationsObjMain; return View(id); // return RedirectToAction("ImportContacts"); }
public ActionResult AddContact(AddContactViewModel objContact) { Account accountObj = (Account)Session["account"]; string timeZone = (string)Session["timeZone"]; int type = 1; ItemsImporter importcontact = new ItemsImporter(CCFieldRepository, CCFieldValueRepository, CCItemRepository); CCFolder folderDetails = null; folderDetails = CCFolderRepository.FolderDetails(objContact.FolderID); if (folderDetails != null) { type = folderDetails.Type; } else { type = 1; } bool res = importcontact.ImportSingleContact(objContact, type, accountObj.AccountGUID, timeZone); LimitationsViewModel limitationsObj = (LimitationsViewModel)Session["limitations"]; HelperFunctions HF = new HelperFunctions(); limitationsObj = HF.updateAccountLimitations(accountObj); Session["limitations"] = limitationsObj; if (res) return RedirectToAction("Items", "Folder", new { id = objContact.FolderID }); else { return RedirectToAction("AddContact", "Folder", new { id = objContact.FolderID, state = 1 }); } }