コード例 #1
        public ActionResult ImportBulkConnections(ImportConnectionListModel model)
            long fid = model.selectedFolderID;

            User userObj = (User)Session["user"];
            Account accountObj = (Account)Session["account"];
            long numberOfConnections = 0;

            var folderName = CCFolderRepository.CCFolders.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FolderID == fid & f.AccountGUID == accountObj.AccountGUID).Name;
            ViewBag.foldername = folderName;
            ConnectionImportListSummaryModel connSummary = new ConnectionImportListSummaryModel();

            if (Request.Files.Count > 0)
                var file = Request.Files[0];

                if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)
                    var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
                    var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/uploads"), fileName);
                    string fileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(path);

                    if (fileExtension == ".xls" || fileExtension == ".xlsx")
                        ViewBag.MessageExtention = "";


                        LimitationsViewModel limitationsObj = (LimitationsViewModel)Session["limitations"];

                        long maxConnectionImportCount = limitationsObj.availableCconnectionCount;

                        ConnectionImporter importConnection = new ConnectionImporter(CCConnectinRepository, CCFolderRepository, CCCredentialRepository, CCFieldMappingsRepository);
                        connSummary = importConnection.ImportConnections(fid, accountObj.AccountGUID, path, fileExtension, model.SelectedCredentialID, model.SelectedImporsanationOrDelegation, model.SyncDirection, maxConnectionImportCount);

                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(path))

                        //if (numberOfConnections > 0)
                        //    ViewBag.MessagePass = "******" + (numberOfConnections - 1) + " contacts were imported.";
                        //    ViewBag.Message = "";
                        //    ViewBag.Message = "No matching fields were found in the imported file. O contacts imported.";
                        //    ViewBag.MessagePass = "";
                        ViewBag.MessageExtention = "Please select the .xls or .xlsx file";

            LimitationsViewModel limitationsObjMain = (LimitationsViewModel)Session["limitations"];
            HelperFunctions HF = new HelperFunctions();
            limitationsObjMain = HF.updateAccountLimitations(accountObj);
            Session["limitations"] = limitationsObjMain;

            Session["newConnections"] = connSummary;

            return RedirectToAction("ViewConnections", "Folder", new { id = fid });
コード例 #2
        public ConnectionImportListSummaryModel ImportConnections(long fid, string aguid, string path, string fileExtension, long credID, string accessMethod, string syncDirection, long maxConnectionImportCount)
            if (inputdatas == null)
                inputdatas = new DataInputHelper(path, fileExtension);

            bool _readheader = true;
            var _availablevalue = new List<Tuple<string, string>>();
            var colCount = 0;
            var rowCount = 0;
            ConnectionImportListSummaryModel connSummary = new ConnectionImportListSummaryModel();

            DataTable valus = inputdatas.GetImportExcel();

            var totalRowCount = (valus.Rows.Count) - 1;

            if (totalRowCount <= maxConnectionImportCount)
                foreach (DataRow row in valus.Rows)

                    CCConnection ConnectionObj = new CCConnection();

                    foreach (DataColumn col in valus.Columns)
                        string _colname = row[col].ToString();
                        if (_readheader) // run when it header
                            if (colCount == 0)
                                ConnectionObj.SecondaryAccount = _colname;
                                if (_colname != "")
                                    ConnectionObj.CategoryFilterUsed = true;
                                    ConnectionObj.CategoryFilterValues = _colname;
                    colCount = 0;

                    if (rowCount != 0)

                    _readheader = false;

                NumberOfConnections = ConnectionList.Count;
                ExchangeService srv = null;
                Credential creds = CCCredentialRepository.Credentials.Where(cre => cre.ID == credID).FirstOrDefault();

                string depassword = Encryption.DecryptStringAES(creds.Password, rand);
                if (creds.IsHostedExchange)
                    srv = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1);
                    if (creds.EmailAddress != null) { srv.Credentials = new WebCredentials(creds.EmailAddress, depassword); }
                    else { srv.Credentials = new WebCredentials(creds.UserName, depassword); }
                    srv.Url = new Uri(creds.URL);
                    if (creds.ServerVersion == "2007SP1") srv = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1);
                    else if (creds.ServerVersion == "2010") srv = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010);
                    else if (creds.ServerVersion == "2010SP1") srv = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010_SP1);
                    else if (creds.ServerVersion == "Exchange2010_SP1") srv = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010_SP1);
                    else if (creds.ServerVersion == "Exchange2010_SP2") srv = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010_SP2);
                    else srv = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1);
                    if (creds.Domain != null) { srv.Credentials = new WebCredentials(creds.UserName, depassword, creds.Domain); }
                    else if (creds.UserName != null) { srv.Credentials = new WebCredentials(creds.UserName, depassword); }
                    else { srv.Credentials = new WebCredentials(creds.EmailAddress, depassword); }
                    srv.Url = new Uri(creds.URL);

                int type = CCFolderRepo.CCFolders.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FolderID == fid).Type;
                long primarySourceID = 0;
                long credentialsID = 0;
                try { primarySourceID = Convert.ToInt64(fid); }
                catch { }

                try { credentialsID = Convert.ToInt64(creds.ID); }
                catch { }

                int successfulConnections = 0;

                foreach (var conToCreate in ConnectionList)
                    bool addTopFolder = false;
                    ExchangeService ex = srv;
                    Folder fold = null;
                    Folder publicFolder = null;

                    //CorporateContacts.WebUI.Controllers.FolderController.conectionBeingAddedEmail = conToCreate.SecondaryAccount;

                    //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application["Name"] = "Value";

                        if (accessMethod == "1")
                            ex.ImpersonatedUserId = new ImpersonatedUserId(ConnectingIdType.SmtpAddress, conToCreate.SecondaryAccount);
                            if (type == 1)
                                fold = Folder.Bind(ex, new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Contacts, conToCreate.SecondaryAccount));
                                fold = Folder.Bind(ex, new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, conToCreate.SecondaryAccount));

                            addTopFolder = true;
                            //ex.ImpersonatedUserId = new ImpersonatedUserId(ConnectingIdType.SmtpAddress, conToCreate.SecondaryAccount);
                            if (type == 1)
                                fold = Folder.Bind(ex, new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Contacts, conToCreate.SecondaryAccount));
                                fold = Folder.Bind(ex, new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, conToCreate.SecondaryAccount));

                            addTopFolder = true;

                        //var f = Folder.Bind(ex, WellKnownFolderName.MsgFolderRoot);
                        TreeViewFolder mailBox = new TreeViewFolder();
                        TreeViewFolder publicBox = new TreeViewFolder();
                        string FolderSourceID = "";

                        if (fold != null)
                            var tree = LoadSubFolders(fold, new TreeViewFolder(), addTopFolder, fid);

                            mailBox.Name = "*Mail Folders";
                            mailBox.FolderClass = "All";

                            foreach (var it in tree.ChildFolders)
                                FolderSourceID = it.Id;


                        if (publicFolder != null)
                            var treepublic = LoadSubFolders(publicFolder, new TreeViewFolder(), addTopFolder, fid);

                            publicBox.Name = "*Public Folders";
                            publicBox.FolderClass = "All";

                            foreach (var it in treepublic.ChildFolders)
                                FolderSourceID = it.Id;


                        //Save the Connection
                        var connection = new CorporateContacts.Domain.Entities.CCConnection();
                        connection.FolderID = primarySourceID;
                        if (type == 1) { connection.FolderName = "Contacts"; }
                        else { connection.FolderName = "Calendar"; }

                        connection.Owner = creds.EmailAddress;

                        if (type == 1) { connection.Type = "Contact"; }
                        else { connection.Type = "Calendar"; }

                        connection.CredentialsID = credentialsID;
                        connection.AllowAdditions = false;
                        connection.IgnoreExisting = true;
                        connection.SyncDirection = syncDirection;
                        connection.CategoryFilterUsed = conToCreate.CategoryFilterUsed;

                        if(connection.Type == "Contact")
                            connection.CopyPhotos = true;
                            connection.CopyPhotos = false;

                        if (connection.Type == "Calendar")
                            connection.TurnOffReminders = true;
                            connection.TurnOffReminders = false;

                        connection.SourceID = FolderSourceID;
                        connection.Frequency = 1440;
                        connection.IsRunning = false;
                        connection.IsPaused = false;
                        connection.SecondaryAccount = conToCreate.SecondaryAccount;

                        if (accessMethod == "1")
                            connection.AccessType = 1;
                            connection.AccessType = 2;
                        string format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm";
                        connection.LastSyncTime = ((DateTime)(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime.MinValue)).ToString(format);
                        connection.CategoryFilterValues = conToCreate.CategoryFilterValues;
                        connection.SubjectTag = string.Empty;
                        connection.tagSubject = false;
                        connection.AccountGUID = aguid;
                        connection = CCConnectionRepo.SaveSubscription(connection);

                        if (connection != null)
                            var foldertag = new CorporateContacts.Domain.Entities.CCConnection();
                            var tagname = connection.FolderName + "[" + connection.ConnectionID + "]";
                            foldertag.Tag = tagname;
                            foldertag.ConnectionID = connection.ConnectionID;


                        var res = CCFieldMappingsRepository.SaveAllMappingFields(connection.FolderID, connection.ConnectionID, aguid);
                    catch (Exception e)

                connSummary.NoOfSuccessfullConnections = successfulConnections;
                return connSummary;
                ConnectionImportListSummaryModel connSummaryFail = new ConnectionImportListSummaryModel();
                connSummaryFail.maxConnectionLevelReach = true;

                return connSummaryFail;