private void OnAddSet() { var set = new DeletableParameter() { TagName = "Set" }; using (SetsAndReps.AcquireLock()) { SetsAndReps.Add(set); set.PropertyChanged += SetOrRepPropertyChanged; set.AddParameter("Key", "The unique key that identifies the set. Leading zeros may be omitted.", "0"); } RaisePropertyChanged("HasItems"); RaisePropertyChanged("CommandSyntax"); }
private void OnAddReplicate() { var replicate = new DeletableParameter() { TagName = "Replicate" }; using (SetsAndReps.AcquireLock()) { SetsAndReps.Add(replicate); replicate.PropertyChanged += SetOrRepPropertyChanged; replicate.AddParameter("SetKey", "The unique key that identifies the set containing the replicate whose paused state is being modified. Leading zeros may be omitted.", "0"); replicate.AddParameter("Tag", "The identifier of the replicate within the set whose paused state is being modified.", "0"); } RaisePropertyChanged("HasItems"); RaisePropertyChanged("CommandSyntax"); }
private void OnAddReplicate() { var replicate = new DeletableParameter() { TagName = "Replicate" }; using (Replicates.AcquireLock()) { Replicates.Add(replicate); replicate.PropertyChanged += ReplicatePropertyChanged; replicate.AddParameter("Mass", "The replicate mass.", "1.0"); replicate.AddParameter("Comments", "The replicate comments.", ""); replicate.AddParameter("Location", "The replicate location when using a shuttle loader automation system. This parameter is optional.", ""); } RaisePropertyChanged("HasReplicates"); RaisePropertyChanged("CommandSyntax"); }
private void OnAddSet() { var set = new DeletableParameter() { TagName = "Set" }; using (Sets.AcquireLock()) { Sets.Add(set); set.PropertyChanged += SetPropertyChanged; set.AddParameter("SampleType", "The sample type of the set. Valid values are \"Blank\", \"GasDose\", \"Sample\" and \"Standard\".", ""); set.AddParameter("Name", "The name for the set. This parameter only applies for sets with sample types of \"Blank\" and \"Sample\". For other sample types this parameter is not used and can be omitted.", ""); set.AddParameter("Description", "The set description. This parameter is optional.", ""); set.AddParameter("MethodKey", "The unique key that identifies the specific method to assign to the set.", "0"); set.AddParameter("StandardKey", "The unique key that identifies the specific standard to assign to the set. This parameter only applies for sets with sample types of \"GasDose\" and \"Standard\". For other sample types this parameter is not used and can be omitted.", "0"); } RaisePropertyChanged("HasSets"); RaisePropertyChanged("CommandSyntax"); }