internal IEnumerable<ICommand> PrepareCommands(DNXSettings dnxSettings, StepSettings stepSettings, EnvironmentSettings envSettings, int result) { this.stepSettings = stepSettings; productInfo = new ProjectsInfo(envSettings.ProductConfig, dnxSettings.Framework); envSettings.SetBranchVersion(productInfo.ReleaseVersion); factory = new CommandFactory(envSettings, productInfo); List<ICommand> commands = new List<ICommand>(); if (stepSettings.EnvironmentInitialization) commands.Add(factory.InstallEnvironment(dnxSettings)); if (stepSettings.Build || stepSettings.RunTests) commands.Add(new ActionCommand("init dnx and dnu paths", new Action(envSettings.FindPathToDNX))); if (stepSettings.CopyDirs) commands.Add(factory.CopyProjects(stepSettings.CopyPath, true)); if (stepSettings.RemoveProjectsDirectories) commands.Add(factory.RemoveProjects()); if (stepSettings.GetProjectsFromDXVCS) commands.Add(factory.GetProjectsFromVCS()); if (stepSettings.Build) commands.Add(factory.BuildProjects()); if (stepSettings.RunTests) commands.Add(factory.RunTests()); if (stepSettings.CollectArtifats) commands.Add(factory.CollectArtifacts(envSettings, envSettings.BuildArtifactsFolder, dnxSettings.Framework)); return commands; }
private static int StartMain(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 1 && (args[0] == "-h" || args[0] == "-help")) { Console.Write(@" CoreClrBuilder.exe [-config:<name>] [env_init] [remove] [get] [build] [test] env_init [-u] [-r <runtime>] [-arch <name>] [-v <version>] build [dnx451] [dotnet] [dnxcore50] -config:<config_name> - configuration file with projects and project settings (Not Supported yet) env_init - dnx and dnvm installation, getting nuget.config, product.xml -u - use unstable version of dnx -r - runtime clr or coreclr -arch - x64 or x86 -v - version of dnx (Example: 1.0.0-beta4-11566) remove - remove direcories with projects (only for Windows) get - get projects from DXVCS build - restore packages and build projects dnx451 or dotnet or dnxcore50 - target framework test - run tests "); return 0; } StepSettings stepSettings = new StepSettings(args); DNXSettings dnxSettings = new DNXSettings(args); EnvironmentSettings envSettings = new EnvironmentSettings(); Console.WriteLine("Init Settings"); if (!File.Exists(envSettings.ProductConfig) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(envSettings.BranchVersion)) { Console.Write("Please place Product.xml near CoreClrBuilder.exe"); return 1; } Executor executor = new Executor(); return executor.ExecuteTasks(dnxSettings, stepSettings, envSettings); }
public int ExecuteTasks(DNXSettings dnxSettings, StepSettings stepSettings, EnvironmentSettings envSettings) { tmpXml = new XmlTextWriter(new StringWriter(taskBreakingLog)); tmpXml.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; int result = 0; try { IEnumerable<ICommand> commands = PrepareCommands(dnxSettings, stepSettings, envSettings, result); foreach (var command in commands) { BatchCommand batchCommand = command as BatchCommand; if (batchCommand != null && batchCommand.IsBatchOfIndependedCommands) { foreach (var innerCommands in batchCommand.Commands) { result += DoWork(innerCommands); } } else { result += DoWork(command); if (result > 0) break; } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); result = 1; } tmpXml.Close(); if (taskBreakingLog.Length > 0) { taskBreakingLog.Insert(0, "<vssPathsByTasks>\r\n"); taskBreakingLog.Append("\r\n</vssPathsByTasks>\r\n"); string currLocation = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(currLocation, "vssPathsByTasks.xml"), taskBreakingLog.ToString()); } return result > 0 ? 1 : 0; }
public CommandFactory(EnvironmentSettings settings, ProjectsInfo productInfo) { this.envSettings = settings; this.productInfo = productInfo; }
public ICommand CollectArtifacts(EnvironmentSettings settings, string destFolder, string buildFramework) { return new CollectArtifactsCommand(settings, productInfo, destFolder, buildFramework); }