private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dgvAuthor.SelectedCells.Count > 0) { int selectedrowindex = dgvAuthor.SelectedCells[0].RowIndex; DataGridViewRow selectedRow = dgvAuthor.Rows[selectedrowindex]; int id = Convert.ToInt32(selectedRow.Cells["clmnId"].Value); DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to delete author: " + selectedRow.Cells["clmnName"].Value + "?", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel); switch (result) { case DialogResult.Cancel: break; case DialogResult.OK: AuthorBLL authorBLL = new AuthorBLL(Convert.ToInt32(selectedRow.Cells["clmnId"].Value), selectedRow.Cells["clmnName"].Value.ToString(), selectedRow.Cells["clmnWorkPlace"].Value.ToString()); if (AuthorDAL.getAuthorItem(authorBLL) != null) { MessageBox.Show("Can't delete! Please delete all book of " + selectedRow.Cells["clmnName"].Value + " before delete this author!", "Error"); break; } else { AuthorDAL.deleteAuthor(authorBLL); MessageBox.Show("Delete complete!", "Success"); this.LoadDataToGridView(); break; } } } }
public static AuthorBLL getAuthorItem(AuthorBLL authorBLL) { String sql = "SELECT * FROM [tacgia] WHERE matacgia=" + authorBLL.AuthorId; DataTable dt = TypeOfBookDAL._condb.getDataTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow row = dt.Rows[0]; return new AuthorBLL(Int32.Parse(row["matacgia"].ToString()), row["tentacgia"].ToString(), row["noicongtac"].ToString()); } return null; }
public static List<AuthorBLL> search(string catalog, string key) { string sql = "SELECT * FROM [tacgia] WHERE " + catalog + " LIKE '%" + key + "%'"; DataTable dt = AuthorDAL._condb.getDataTable(sql); List<AuthorBLL> authorList = new List<AuthorBLL>(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { AuthorBLL authorBLL = new AuthorBLL(Int32.Parse(row["matacgia"].ToString()), row["tentacgia"].ToString(), row["noicongtac"].ToString()); authorList.Add(authorBLL); } return authorList; }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AuthorBLL authorBLL = new AuthorBLL(); authorBLL.Name = this.txtAuthorName.Text; authorBLL.WorkPlace = this.txtWorkPlace.Text; if (authorBLL.Name == "") { MessageBox.Show("Author name is not null!", "Notice"); return; } AuthorDAL.addAuthor(authorBLL); MessageBox.Show("Add success!", "Success"); this.LoadDataToGridView(); }
public static List<AuthorBLL> getAuthorList() { string sql = "SELECT * FROM [tacgia]"; DataTable dt = AuthorDAL._condb.getDataTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { List<AuthorBLL> authorList = new List<AuthorBLL>(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { AuthorBLL authorBLL = new AuthorBLL(Int32.Parse(row["matacgia"].ToString()), row["tentacgia"].ToString(), row["noicongtac"].ToString()); authorList.Add(authorBLL); } return authorList; } return null; }
private void setSelectedValueComboboxAuthor(AuthorBLL authorBLL) { foreach (ComboboxItem item in this.cboAuthor.Items) { if (Convert.ToInt32(item.Value) == authorBLL.AuthorId) this.cboAuthor.SelectedItem = item; } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dgvAuthor.SelectedCells.Count > 0) { int selectedrowindex = dgvAuthor.SelectedCells[0].RowIndex; DataGridViewRow selectedRow = dgvAuthor.Rows[selectedrowindex]; AuthorBLL authorBLL = new AuthorBLL(Convert.ToInt32(selectedRow.Cells["clmnId"].Value), txtAuthorName.Text, txtWorkPlace.Text); if (authorBLL.Name == "") { MessageBox.Show("Author name is not null!", "Notice"); return; } AuthorDAL.updateAuthor(authorBLL); MessageBox.Show("Update success!", "Success"); this.LoadDataToGridView(); } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string key = this.txtSearch.Text; string catalog = ""; if (key == "".Trim()) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter keyword!", "Notice"); return; } if (this.cboSearch.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Work Place") { catalog = "noicongtac"; } else { catalog = "tentacgia"; } AuthorBLL authorBLL = new AuthorBLL(); List<AuthorBLL> authorArr = new List<AuthorBLL>(); authorArr =, key); this.dgvAuthor.Rows.Clear(); foreach (AuthorBLL row in authorArr) { this.dgvAuthor.Rows.Add(row.AuthorId, row.Name, row.WorkPlace); } this.GetSelectedValue(); this.dgvAuthor.CellClick += new DataGridViewCellEventHandler(dgvAuthor_CellClick); }
public static void updateAuthor(AuthorBLL authorBLL) { String sql = "UPDATE [tacgia] SET tentacgia=N'" + authorBLL.Name + "', noicongtac=N'" + authorBLL.WorkPlace + "' WHERE matacgia=" + authorBLL.AuthorId; AuthorDAL._condb.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); }
public static void deleteAuthor(AuthorBLL authorBLL) { String sql = "DELETE FROM [tacgia] WHERE matacgia=" + authorBLL.AuthorId; AuthorDAL._condb.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); }
public static void addAuthor(AuthorBLL authorBLL) { String sql = "INSERT INTO [tacgia] (tentacgia, noicongtac) VALUES ( N'" + authorBLL.Name + "', N'" + authorBLL.WorkPlace + "')"; AuthorDAL._condb.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); }