public void doSetPrefab(string path, string name, object finishCallback, object args, object progressCB) { if (name == null) { return; } if (MapEx.getBool(isSettingPrefabMap, name)) { return; } if (_havePrefab(name)) { if (finishCallback != null) { Utl.doCallback(finishCallback, prefabMap [name], args); } } else { isSettingPrefabMap [name] = true; Callback cb = onGetAssetsBundle; CLVerManager.self.getNewestRes(path, CLAssetType.assetBundle, cb, isAutoReleaseAssetBundle, finishCallback, name, args, progressCB); } }
public NewMap put(params object[] args) { lock (this) { MapEx.putKvs(this, args); return(this); } }
public int getCoroutineIndex(object callbakFunc) { object key = getKey4InvokeMap(callbakFunc, coroutineIndex); int ret = MapEx.getInt(coroutineIndex, key); coroutineIndex [key] = ret + 1; return(ret); }
public Hashtable getCoroutines(object callbakFunc) { object key = getKey4InvokeMap(callbakFunc, coroutineMap); Hashtable ret = MapEx.getMap(coroutineMap, key); ret = ret == null ? new Hashtable() : ret; coroutineMap[key] = ret; return(ret); }
public static Vector2 mapToVector2(Hashtable map) { if (map == null) { return(; } return(new Vector2( (float)(MapEx.getDouble(map, "x")), (float)(MapEx.getDouble(map, "y")))); }
public static Color mapToColor(Hashtable map) { Color c = new Color( (float)(MapEx.getDouble(map, "r")), (float)(MapEx.getDouble(map, "g")), (float)(MapEx.getDouble(map, "b")), (float)(MapEx.getDouble(map, "a")) ); return(c); }
static void checkVervers() { progress = 0; needUpgradeVerver.Clear(); isNeedUpgradePriority = false; string ver = null; ArrayList keysList = MapEx.keys2List(serververVer); int count = keysList.Count; string basePath = CLPathCfg.self.basePath; string key = ""; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { key = keysList[i] as string; ver = MapEx.getString(localverVer, key); //实际上这个时间localverVer是空的 if (ver == null || ver != MapEx.getString(serververVer, key)) { if (!key.Contains(PStr.b().a(basePath).a("/ui/panel").e()) && !key.Contains(PStr.b().a(basePath).a("/ui/cell").e()) && !key.Contains(PStr.b().a(basePath).a("/ui/other").e())) { MapEx.set(needUpgradeVerver, key, false); } } } keysList.Clear(); keysList = null; if (needUpgradeVerver.Count > 0) { if (progressCallback != null) { Utl.doCallback(progressCallback, needUpgradeVerver.Count, 0); } keysList = MapEx.keys2List(needUpgradeVerver); count = keysList.Count; key = ""; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { key = keysList[i] as string; getVerinfor(key, MapEx.getString(serververVer, key)); } keysList.Clear(); keysList = null; } else { loadPriorityVer(); loadOtherResVer(true); } }
static void onGetVerinfor(params object[] param) { byte[] content = param[0] as byte[]; object orgs = param[1]; if (content != null) { string fPath = orgs as string; progress = progress + 1; MapEx.set(localverVer, fPath, MapEx.getString(serververVer, fPath)); string fName = PStr.b().a(CLPathCfg.persistentDataPath).a("/").a(newestVerPath).a("/").a(fPath).e(); if (Path.GetFileName(fName) == "priority.ver") { //-- 优先更新需要把所有资源更新完后才记录 isNeedUpgradePriority = true; serverPriorityVer = CLVerManager.self.toMap(content); CLVerManager.self.localPriorityVer = serverPriorityVer; } else { otherResVerNew = CLVerManager.self.toMap(content); CLVerManager.self.otherResVerNew = otherResVerNew; } MapEx.set(needUpgradeVerver, fPath, true); if (progressCallback != null) { Utl.doCallback(progressCallback, needUpgradeVerver.Count, progress); } //-- if (isFinishAllGet()) then if (needUpgradeVerver.Count == progress) { if (!isNeedUpgradePriority) { //-- 说明没有优先资源需要更新,可以不做其它处理了 //--同步到本地 loadPriorityVer(); loadOtherResVer(true); } else { checkPriority(); //--处理优先资源更新 } } } else { initFailed(); } }
public void prepareOneSprite4BorrowMode(UIAtlas atlas, string spriteName, object callback, object orgs) { UISpriteData sd = atlas.getSpriteBorrowMode(spriteName); if (sd != null && MapEx.get(UIAtlas.assetBundleMap, sd.path) != null) { Utl.doCallback(callback, null, spriteName, orgs); } else { atlas.borrowSpriteByname(spriteName, null, callback, orgs); } }
public static byte[] getBytesFromCache(string path) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { return(null); } byte[] ret = MapEx.getBytes(FileBytesMap, path); if (ret == null) { ret = FileEx.ReadAllBytes(path); FileBytesMap [path] = ret; } return(ret); }
public static string getTextFromCache(string path) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { return(null); } string ret = MapEx.getString(FileTextMap, path); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ret)) { ret = FileEx.ReadAllText(path); FileTextMap [path] = ret; } return(ret); }
public void add(string key, object callback, object orgs) { ArrayList list = MapEx.getList(delegateInfro, key); if (list == null) { list = ObjPool.listPool.borrowObject(); } NewList infor = ObjPool.listPool.borrowObject(); infor.Add(callback); infor.Add(orgs); list.Add(infor); delegateInfro [key] = list; }
static void checkPriority() { localPriorityVer = new Hashtable(); progress = 0; needUpgradeVerver.Clear(); needUpgradePrioritis.Clear(); string ver = null; ArrayList keysList = MapEx.keys2List(serverPriorityVer); string key = null; int count = keysList.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { key = keysList[i] as string; ver = MapEx.getString(localPriorityVer, key); //实际上这个时间localverVer是空的,因此其实就是取得所有优先资源,但是因为了加了版本号,所以可以使用cdn,或者本地缓存什么的 if (ver == null || ver != MapEx.getString(serverPriorityVer, key)) { MapEx.set(needUpgradeVerver, key, false); needUpgradePrioritis.Enqueue(key); } } keysList.Clear(); keysList = null; if (needUpgradePrioritis.Count > 0) { haveUpgrade = true; CLVerManager.self.haveUpgrade = true; if (progressCallback != null) { Utl.doCallback(progressCallback, needUpgradeVerver.Count, 0); } getPriorityFiles(needUpgradePrioritis.Dequeue() as string); } else { //--同步总的版本管理文件到本地 //MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); //B2OutputStream.writeMap(ms, localverVer); //string vpath = PStr.b().a(CLPathCfg.persistentDataPath).a("/").a(mVerverPath).e(); //FileEx.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(vpath)); //File.WriteAllBytes(vpath, ms.ToArray()); loadOtherResVer(true); } }
public void switchByName(string cellName, Animator animator, object callback) { if (!isInited) { init(); } int index = MapEx.getInt(mapIndex, cellName); if (needSwitchController) { if (animator != null) { animator.runtimeAnimatorController = animatorControllers [index]; } else { Debug.LogError("animator is null"); } } if (switchType == CLSwitchType.showOrHide) { for (int i = 0; i < partObjs.Count; i++) { if (i == index) { NGUITools.SetActive(partObjs [i], true); } else { NGUITools.SetActive(partObjs [i], false); } } Utl.doCallback(callback); } else if (switchType == CLSwitchType.switchShader) { if (render.sharedMaterial != null) { string mName =; // mName = mName.Replace(" (Instance)", ""); CLMaterialPool.returnObj(mName); render.sharedMaterial = null; } setMat(render, materialNames [index], callback); } }
public void onGetNewstRes(UnityWebRequest www, string url, string path, CLAssetType type, object content, bool needSave, object onGetAsset, bool autoRealseAB, params object[] originals) { try { if (needSave) { //说明是需要下载的资源 if (www != null && content == null && (MapEx.getInt(wwwTimesMap, path) + 1) < downLoadTimes4Failed) { //需要下载资源时,如查下载失败,且少于失败次数,则再次下载 wwwTimesMap[path] = MapEx.getInt(wwwTimesMap, path) + 1; doGetContent(path, url, needSave, type, onGetAsset, autoRealseAB, originals); return; } rmWWW(url); } if (content == null) { Debug.LogError("get newstRes is null. url==" + url); } Utl.doCallback(onGetAsset, path, content, originals); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e); } if (autoRealseAB && content != null && type == CLAssetType.assetBundle) { AssetBundle ab = content as AssetBundle; if (ab != null) { ab.Unload(false); } } if (www != null) { www.Dispose(); www = null; } wwwMap[path] = false; wwwTimesMap[path] = 0; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the material cfg.取得material引用图片的配置 /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if material cfg was gotten, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <param name="matName">Mat name.</param> /// <param name="propNames">Property names.</param> /// <param name="texNames">Tex names.</param> /// <param name="texPaths">Tex paths.</param> public static bool getMaterialTexCfg(string matName, ref ArrayList propNames, ref ArrayList texNames, ref ArrayList texPaths) { Hashtable cfg = MapEx.getMap(materialTexRefCfg, matName); bool ret = true; if (cfg == null) { Debug.LogError("Get MaterialTexCfg is null!" + matName); ret = false; } else { propNames = cfg["pp"] as ArrayList; texNames = cfg["tn"] as ArrayList; texPaths = cfg["tp"] as ArrayList; } return(ret); }
//-- 取得优先更新的资源 static void getPriorityFiles(string fPath) { string Url = ""; string verVal = MapEx.getString(serverPriorityVer, fPath); //--把版本号拼在后面 Url = PStr.begin().a(baseUrl).a("/").a(fPath).a(".").a(verVal).e(); //-- print("Url=="..Url); WWWEx.get(Url, CLAssetType.bytes, (Callback)onGetPriorityFiles, (Callback)initFailed, fPath, true); if (progressCallback != null) { Utl.doCallback(progressCallback, needUpgradeVerver.Count, progress, WWWEx.getWwwByUrl(Url)); } }
public void switch2xx(string partName, string cellName, object callback) { if (!isInited) { isInited = true; setMapindex(); } try { int index = MapEx.getInt(mapIndex, partName); CLBodyPart part = bodyParts [index]; if (part == null) { return; } part.switchByName(cellName, animator, callback); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e); } }
void onTopPanelChange(CLPanelBase p) { // CLPanelBase[] ps = panelRetainLayer.ToArray (); // if (ps != null) { // for (int i = 0; i < ps.Length; i++) { // ps [i].onTopPanelChange (p); // } // } ArrayList list = MapEx.vals2List(showingPanels); if (list != null) { for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { ((CLPanelBase)(list[i])).onTopPanelChange(p); } list.Clear(); list = null; } }
public void remove(string key, object callback) { ArrayList list = MapEx.getList(delegateInfro, key); if (list == null) { return; } NewList cell = null; while (list.Count > 0) { cell = (list[list.Count - 1]) as NewList; if (cell[0] == null || cell[0].Equals(callback)) { ObjPool.listPool.returnObject(cell); list.RemoveAt(list.Count - 1); } } }
void OnEnable() { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(spriteName)) { setMainTexture(spriteName); MarkAsChanged(); } Texture tt = null; string _spName = ""; ArrayList list = MapEx.keys2List(subTextureNameMap); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { _spName = subTextureNameMap [list [i]] as string; setTexture(list [i].ToString(), _spName); } list.Clear(); list = null; } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e); } }
public static CLBulletBase fire(CLUnit attacker, CLUnit target, Vector3 orgPos, Vector3 dir, object attr, object data, object callbak) { if (attr == null || attacker == null) { Debug.LogError("bullet attr is null"); return(null); } string bulletName = MapEx.getString(attr, "PrefabName"); if (!CLBulletPool.havePrefab(bulletName)) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.Add(attacker); list.Add(target); list.Add(orgPos); list.Add(dir); list.Add(attr); list.Add(data); list.Add(callbak); CLBulletPool.borrowObjAsyn(bulletName, (Callback)onFinishBorrowBullet, list, null); return(null); } CLBulletBase bullet = CLBulletPool.borrowObj(bulletName); if (bullet == null) { return(null); } bullet.doFire(attacker, target, orgPos, dir, attr, data, callbak); NGUITools.SetActive(bullet.gameObject, true); // bullet.FixedUpdate(); return(bullet); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the animation curve.创建动画曲线 /// </summary> /// <returns> /// The animation curve. /// </returns> /// <param name='list'> /// List. /// </param> /// <param name='postWrapMode'> /// Post wrap mode. /// </param> /// <param name='preWrapMode'> /// Pre wrap mode. /// </param> public static AnimationCurve getAnimationCurve(ArrayList list, WrapMode postWrapMode, WrapMode preWrapMode) { if (list == null || list.Count <= 0) { return(null); } int len = list.Count; Keyframe[] ks = new Keyframe[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { Hashtable m = (Hashtable)list[i]; float inTangent = (float)MapEx.getDouble(m, "inTangent"); float outTangent = (float)MapEx.getDouble(m, "outTangent"); float time = (float)MapEx.getDouble(m, "time"); float value = (float)MapEx.getDouble(m, "value"); ks[i] = new Keyframe(time, value, inTangent, outTangent); } AnimationCurve curve = new AnimationCurve(ks); curve.preWrapMode = preWrapMode; curve.postWrapMode = postWrapMode; return(curve); }
public virtual void doFire(CLUnit attacker, CLUnit target, Vector3 orgPos, Vector3 dir, object attr, object data, object callbak) { this.attr = attr; = data; this.attacker = attacker; = target; onFinishCallback = callbak; int SpeedRandomFactor = MapEx.getBytes2Int(attr, "SpeedRandomFactor"); // int SpeedRandomFactor = NumEx.bio2Int (MapEx.getBytes (attr, "SpeedRandomFactor")); speed = MapEx.getBytes2Int(attr, "Speed") / 10.0f; // speed = (NumEx.bio2Int (MapEx.getBytes (attr, "Speed"))) / 10.0f; if (SpeedRandomFactor > 0) { speed = speed + attacker.fakeRandom(-SpeedRandomFactor, SpeedRandomFactor) / 100.0f; } high = MapEx.getBytes2Int(attr, "High") / 10.0f; // high = NumEx.bio2Int (MapEx.getBytes (attr, "High")); if (MapEx.getBool(attr, "IsHighOffset")) { high = high * (1.0f + attacker.fakeRandom(-200, 200) / 1000.0f); } bool isZeroY = high > 0 ? true : false; float dis = MapEx.getBytes2Int(attr, "Range") / 10.0f; // float dis = NumEx.bio2Int (MapEx.getBytes (attr, "Range")) / 10.0f; isFollow = MapEx.getBool(attr, "IsFollow"); isMulHit = MapEx.getBool(attr, "IsMulHit"); needRotate = MapEx.getBool(attr, "NeedRotate"); RefreshTargetMSec = MapEx.getBytes2Int(attr, "RefreshTargetMSec"); lastResetTargetTime = DateEx.nowMS; lastResetToPosTime = DateEx.nowMS; //dir.y = 0; Utl.RotateTowards(transform, dir); origin = orgPos; transform.position = origin; Vector3 toPos =; if (target != null && dis <= 0) { toPos = target.transform.position; } else { toPos = origin + dir.normalized * dis; //toPos.y = 0; } int PosRandomFactor = MapEx.getBytes2Int(attr, "PosRandomFactor"); // int PosRandomFactor = NumEx.bio2Int (MapEx.getBytes (attr, "PosRandomFactor")); if (PosRandomFactor > 0) { toPos.x += attacker.fakeRandom(-PosRandomFactor, PosRandomFactor) / 100.0f; toPos.y += attacker.fakeRandom(-PosRandomFactor, PosRandomFactor) / 100.0f; } //if (isZeroY) { // toPos.y = 0; //} if (boxCollider != null) { if (MapEx.getBool(attr, "CheckTrigger")) { boxCollider.enabled = true; } else { boxCollider.enabled = false; } } haveCollider = (boxCollider != null && boxCollider.enabled); v3Diff = toPos - origin; if (angleOffset != 0) { Vector3 center = origin + v3Diff / 2.0f; // transform.position = center + new Vector3 (0, high, 0); Vector3 _v3 = Utl.RotateAround(center + new Vector3(0, high, 0), center, v3Diff, angleOffset * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * Utl.getAngle(v3Diff).y)); // transform.RotateAround (center, v3Diff, angleOffset * Mathf.Sin (Mathf.Deg2Rad * Utl.getAngle (v3Diff).y)); highV3 = _v3 - center; } else { highV3 = new Vector3(0, high, 0); } magnitude = v3Diff.magnitude <= 0.00001f ? 1 : 1.0f / v3Diff.magnitude; hitTarget = null; curveTime = 0; curveTime2 = 0; isStoped = false; isFireNow = true; RotateBullet(); CancelInvoke("timeOut"); int stayTime = MapEx.getBytes2Int(attr, "MaxStayTime"); // int stayTime = NumEx.bio2Int (MapEx.getBytes (attr, "MaxStayTime")); if (stayTime > 0.00001) { Invoke("timeOut", stayTime / 10.0f); } }
public ArrayList getDelegates(string key) { return(MapEx.getList(delegateInfro, key)); }
public static byte[] myLuaLoader(ref string filepath) { byte[] bytes = null; string luaPath = ""; string strs = ""; try { if (!filepath.StartsWith(CLPathCfg.self.basePath)) { //说明是通过require进来的 filepath = filepath.Replace(".", "/"); filepath = PStr.b().a(CLPathCfg.self.basePath).a("/upgradeRes/priority/lua/").a(filepath).a(".lua").e(); } #if UNITY_EDITOR if (CLCfgBase.self.isEditMode) { filepath = filepath.Replace("/upgradeRes/", "/upgradeRes4Dev/"); luaPath = PStr.b().a(Application.dataPath).a("/").a(filepath).e(); bytes = MapEx.getBytes(FileBytesCacheMap, luaPath); if (bytes != null) { filepath = luaPath; return(bytes); } if (File.Exists(luaPath)) { strs = FileEx.getTextFromCache(luaPath); bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strs); filepath = luaPath; return(bytes); } } #endif //======================================================= //1.first load from CLPathCfg.persistentDataPath; luaPath = PStr.b().a(CLPathCfg.persistentDataPath).a("/").a(filepath).e(); bytes = MapEx.getBytes(FileBytesCacheMap, luaPath); if (bytes != null) { filepath = luaPath; return(bytes); } if (File.Exists(luaPath)) { bytes = FileEx.getBytesFromCache(luaPath); if (bytes != null) { // bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strs); bytes = deCodeLua(bytes); FileBytesCacheMap [luaPath] = bytes; filepath = luaPath; return(bytes); } } //======================================================= //2.second load from Application.streamingAssetsPath; luaPath = PStr.b().a(Application.streamingAssetsPath).a("/").a(filepath).e(); bytes = MapEx.getBytes(FileBytesCacheMap, luaPath); if (bytes != null) { filepath = luaPath; return(bytes); } bytes = FileEx.getBytesFromCache(luaPath); if (bytes != null) { // bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strs); bytes = deCodeLua(bytes); FileBytesCacheMap [luaPath] = bytes; filepath = luaPath; return(bytes); } //======================================================= //3.third load from Resources.Load (); luaPath = filepath; bytes = MapEx.getBytes(FileBytesCacheMap, luaPath); if (bytes != null) { filepath = luaPath; return(bytes); } TextAsset text = Resources.Load <TextAsset> (filepath); if (text != null) { bytes = text.bytes; // System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text.text); if (bytes != null) { bytes = deCodeLua(bytes); FileBytesCacheMap [luaPath] = bytes; filepath = luaPath; return(bytes); } } //========================== return(bytes); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError(luaPath + ":" + e); return(null); } }
public void fire(int firePointIndex, int numPoints, int numEach, float angle, float offsetTime, CLUnit attacker, CLUnit target, object attr, object data, object callbak) { if (attacker == null || attr == null) { return; } //#if UNITY_EDITOR // CLTest cltest = GetComponent<CLTest>(); // if(cltest == null) { // cltest = gameObject.AddComponent<CLTest>(); // } // ( numPoints, numEach, angle, attacker); //#endif Transform firePoint = null; if (firePointIndex < 0 || firePoints == null || firePoints.Length <= firePointIndex) { firePoint = transform; } else { firePoint = firePoints[firePointIndex]; } int h = NumEx.bio2Int(MapEx.getBytes(attr, "High")); bool isZeroY = h > 0 ? true : false; if (numPoints > 0) { // get fire point bool needFireMid = false; //是否需要在中间发射(是奇数时需要) int half = numPoints / 2; if (numPoints % 2 == 0) { needFireMid = false; } else { needFireMid = true; } Vector3 pos2 =; Vector3 dir =; for (int i = 0; i < numEach; i++) { if (needFireMid) { dir = attacker.mbody.forward; if (isZeroY) { dir.y = 0; } // StartCoroutine (createBullet (attacker, target, firePoint.position, dir, attr, data, callbak, i * 0.1f)); object[] list = { attacker, target, firePoint.position, dir, attr, data, callbak }; InvokeEx.invokeByFixedUpdate((Callback)createBullet2, list, i * offsetTime); } for (int j = 1; j <= half; j++) { pos2 = AngleEx.getCirclePointStartWithYV3(firePoint.position, 2, attacker.mbody.eulerAngles.y - j * angle); if (isZeroY) { pos2.y = 0; } dir = pos2 - firePoint.position; // StartCoroutine (createBullet (attacker, target, firePoint.position, dir, attr, data, callbak, i * 0.1f)); object[] list = { attacker, target, firePoint.position, dir, attr, data, callbak }; InvokeEx.invokeByFixedUpdate((Callback)createBullet2, list, i * offsetTime); pos2 = AngleEx.getCirclePointStartWithYV3(firePoint.position, 2, attacker.mbody.eulerAngles.y + j * angle); if (isZeroY) { pos2.y = 0; } dir = pos2 - firePoint.position; // StartCoroutine (createBullet (attacker, target, firePoint.position, dir, attr, data, callbak, i * 0.1f)); object[] list2 = { attacker, target, firePoint.position, dir, attr, data, callbak }; InvokeEx.invokeByFixedUpdate((Callback)createBullet2, list2, i * offsetTime); } } } }
public static NewMap create(params object[] args) { NewMap map = create(); return(MapEx.putKvs(map, args)); }
public void getNewestRes(string path, CLAssetType type, object onGetAsset, bool autoRealseAB, params object[] originals) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { return; } string verVal = ""; if (!MapEx.getBool(wwwMap, path)) { bool needSave = false; wwwMap[path] = true; if (localPriorityVer[path] != null) { //在优先资源里有 needSave = false; } else { //则可能在others里 object obj1 = otherResVerOld[path]; object obj2 = otherResVerNew[path]; if (obj1 == null && obj2 != null) { //本地没有,最新有 verVal = MapEx.getString(otherResVerNew, path); needSave = true; } else if (obj1 != null && obj2 != null) { if (obj1.ToString().Equals(obj2.ToString())) {//本地是最新的 needSave = false; } else { //本地不是最新的 verVal = MapEx.getString(otherResVerNew, path); needSave = true; } } else if (obj1 != null && obj2 == null) {//本地有,最新没有 needSave = false; } else { //都没有找到 needSave = false; #if UNITY_EDITOR // Debug.LogWarning ("Not found.path==" + path); #endif } } string url = ""; if (needSave) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(verVal)) { url = PStr.begin().a(baseUrl).a("/").a(path).a(".").a(verVal).end(); } else { url = PStr.begin().a(baseUrl).a("/").a(path).end(); } if (isPrintDownload) { Debug.LogWarning(url); } } else { url = PStr.begin().a(CLPathCfg.persistentDataPath).a("/").a(path).end(); if (!File.Exists(url)) { url = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, path); #if !UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX url = PStr.begin().a("file://").a(url).end(); #endif } else { url = PStr.begin().a("file://").a(url).end(); } } doGetContent(path, url, needSave, type, onGetAsset, autoRealseAB, originals); } }
public static byte[] getContent(string fileName) { return(MapEx.getBytes(resCache4Webgl, fileName)); }