internal static void PrintHeading(string heading) { var headingStyle = GlobalViewStyle.Style.HeadingStyle; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(heading)) { return; } var decorationChar = Convert.ToChar(headingStyle.Decoration.Substring(0, 1)); var indents = 3; var headingLength = heading.Length + 2; if (headingStyle.DecorationType == HeadingDecoration.Wrapped) { WriteLine(new string(decorationChar, headingLength + indents)); } if (headingStyle.DecorationType == HeadingDecoration.Wrapped || headingStyle.DecorationType == HeadingDecoration.Indentation) { WriteLine($"{new string(decorationChar, indents)} {heading}"); } else { WriteLine($"{heading}"); } if (headingStyle.DecorationType == HeadingDecoration.Wrapped || headingStyle.DecorationType == HeadingDecoration.Underlined) { WriteLine(new string(decorationChar, headingLength + indents)); } ConzapTools.SkipLines(headingStyle.SkipLines); }
internal static void PrintPostViewWait() { var style = GlobalViewStyle.Style; if (style.WaitMessage == "") { return; } if (style.WaitKey.HasValue && style.WaitMessage == null) { style.WaitMessage = $"Press {style.WaitKey.Value.ToString()} to continue..."; } if (style.WaitMessage == null) { style.WaitMessage = "Press any key to continue..."; } WriteLine(style.WaitMessage); if (style.WaitKey.HasValue) { ConzapTools.PauseForKey(style.WaitKey.Value); } else { ConzapTools.PauseForKey(); } }
internal static void WritePrompt(string writeLine) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(writeLine)) { return; } ConzapTools.SkipLines(1); WriteLine(writeLine); Write(">>> "); }
internal static void ClearScreen() { Console.Clear(); ConzapTools.SkipLines(GlobalViewStyle.Style.TopPadding); }