コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers all the ContractRequirement classes.
        /// </summary>
        void RegisterContractRequirements()
            LoggingUtil.LogDebug(this, "Start Registering ContractRequirements");

            // Register each type
            foreach (Type subclass in GetAllTypes <ContractRequirement>().Where(t => !t.IsAbstract))
                string name = subclass.Name;
                if (name.EndsWith("Requirement"))
                    name = name.Remove(name.Length - 11, 11);

                    ContractRequirement.Register(subclass, name);
                catch (Exception e)
                    LoggingUtil.LogError(this, "Error registering contract requirement " + subclass.Name);

            LoggingUtil.LogInfo(this, "Finished Registering ContractRequirements");
コード例 #2
         * Generates a ContractRequirement from a configuration node.
        public static ContractRequirement GenerateRequirement(ConfigNode configNode, ContractType contractType)
            // Get the type
            string type = configNode.GetValue("type");

            if (!requirementTypes.ContainsKey(type))
                LoggingUtil.LogError(typeof(ParameterFactory), "CONTRACT_TYPE '" + contractType.name + "'," +
                                     "REQUIREMENT '" + configNode.GetValue("name") + "' of type '" + configNode.GetValue("type") + "': " +
                                     "No ContractRequirement has been registered for type '" + type + "'.");

            // Create an instance of the ContractRequirement
            ContractRequirement requirement = (ContractRequirement)Activator.CreateInstance(requirementTypes[type]);

            // Set attributes
            requirement.contractType = contractType;
            requirement.targetBody   = contractType.targetBody;

            // Load config
            bool valid = requirement.Load(configNode);

            // Check for unexpected values - always do this last
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ValidateUnexpectedValues(configNode, requirement);

            return(valid ? requirement : null);
コード例 #3
         * Loads the ContractRequirement from the given ConfigNode.  The base version loads the following:
         *     - child nodes
         *     - invertRequirement
        public virtual bool Load(ConfigNode configNode)
            bool valid = true;

            // Get name and type
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "name", ref name, this, "unknown");
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "type", ref type, this);

            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <CelestialBody>(configNode, "targetBody", ref targetBody, this, contractType.targetBody);

            // By default, do not check the requirement for active contracts
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool>(configNode, "checkOnActiveContract", ref checkOnActiveContract, this, false);

            // Load invertRequirement flag
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool>(configNode, "invertRequirement", ref invertRequirement, this, false);

            // Load child nodes
            childNodes = new List <ContractRequirement>();
            foreach (ConfigNode childNode in configNode.GetNodes("REQUIREMENT"))
                ContractRequirement child = ContractRequirement.GenerateRequirement(childNode, contractType);
                if (child != null)
                    valid = false;

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a requirement from a ConfigNode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configNode"></param>
        /// <param name="contract"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ContractRequirement LoadRequirement(ConfigNode configNode)
            // Determine the type
            string typeName = configNode.GetValue("type");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeName))
            Type type = requirementTypes.ContainsKey(typeName) ? requirementTypes[typeName] : null;

            if (type == null)
                throw new Exception("No ContractRequirement with type = '" + typeName + "'.");

            // Instantiate and load
            ContractRequirement requirement = (ContractRequirement)Activator.CreateInstance(type);


            // Load children
            foreach (ConfigNode child in configNode.GetNodes("REQUIREMENT"))
                ContractRequirement childRequirement = LoadRequirement(child);
                if (childRequirement != null)

コード例 #5
         * Returns true if the contract can be offered.
        public bool MeetRequirements(ConfiguredContract contract)
            // Check prestige
            if (prestige != null && contract.Prestige != prestige)

            // Get the count of active contracts - excluding ours
            int activeContracts = ContractSystem.Instance.GetCurrentContracts <ConfiguredContract>().Count(c => c.contractType == this);

            if (contract.ContractState == Contract.State.Offered || contract.ContractState == Contract.State.Active)

            // Check if we're breaching the active limit
            if (maxSimultaneous != 0 && activeContracts >= maxSimultaneous)

            // Check if we're breaching the completed limit
            if (maxCompletions != 0)
                int finishedContracts = ContractSystem.Instance.GetCompletedContracts <ConfiguredContract>().Count(c => c.contractType == this);
                if (finishedContracts + activeContracts >= maxCompletions)

            // Check the captured requirements
            return(ContractRequirement.RequirementsMet(contract, this, requirements));
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Method for generating ContractParameter objects.  This will call the Generate() method
        /// on the sub-class, load all common parameters and load child parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contract">Contract to generate for</param>
        /// <param name="contractParamHost">Parent object for the ContractParameter</param>
        /// <returns>Generated ContractParameter</returns>
        public virtual ContractParameter Generate(ConfiguredContract contract, IContractParameterHost contractParamHost)
            // First check any requirements
            if (!ContractRequirement.RequirementsMet(contract, contract.contractType, requirements))
                LoggingUtil.LogVerbose(typeof(ParameterFactory), "Returning null for " + contract.contractType.name + "." + name + ": requirements not met.");

            // Generate a parameter using the sub-class logic
            ContractParameter parameter = Generate(contract);

            if (parameter == null)
                LoggingUtil.LogWarning(this, GetType().FullName + ".Generate() returned a null ContractParameter!");

            // Add ContractParameter to the host

            // Set the funds/science/reputation parameters
            parameter.SetFunds(rewardFunds, failureFunds, targetBody);
            parameter.SetReputation(rewardReputation, failureReputation, targetBody);
            parameter.SetScience(rewardScience, targetBody);

            // Set other flags
            parameter.Optional = optional;
            if (disableOnStateChange != null)
                parameter.DisableOnStateChange = (bool)disableOnStateChange;
            parameter.ID = name;

            // Special stuff for contract configurator parameters
            ContractConfiguratorParameter ccParam = parameter as ContractConfiguratorParameter;

            if (ccParam != null)
                ccParam.completeInSequence = completeInSequence;
                ccParam.notes            = notes;
                ccParam.completedMessage = completedMessage;
                ccParam.hidden           = hidden;
                ccParam.hideChildren     = hideChildren;

コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Forced check of contract requirement and its children.
        /// </summary>
        static void CheckRequirement(ContractRequirement requirement)
                requirement.lastResult = requirement.invertRequirement ^ requirement.RequirementMet(null);
            catch (Exception e)

            foreach (ContractRequirement child in requirement.ChildRequirements)
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers all the ContractRequirement classes.
        /// </summary>
        void RegisterContractRequirements()
            LoggingUtil.LogDebug(this.GetType(), "Start Registering ContractRequirements");

            // Register each type with the parameter factory
            foreach (Type subclass in GetAllTypes <ContractRequirement>())
                string name = subclass.Name;
                if (name.EndsWith("Requirement"))
                    name = name.Remove(name.Length - 11, 11);
                ContractRequirement.Register(subclass, name);

            LoggingUtil.LogInfo(this.GetType(), "Finished Registering ContractRequirements");
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the contract type details from the given config node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configNode">The config node to load from.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether the load was successful.</returns>
        public bool Load(ConfigNode configNode)
            LoggingUtil.LogLevel origLogLevel = LoggingUtil.logLevel;

                // Logging on
                LoggingUtil.CaptureLog = true;
                LoggingUtil.LogInfo(this, "Loading CONTRACT_TYPE: '" + name + "'");

                // Clear the config node cache

                // Load values that are immediately required
                bool valid = true;
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <ContractGroup>(configNode, "group", x => group = x, this, (ContractGroup)null);

                // Set up the data node
                dataNode = new DataNode(configNode.GetValue("name"), group != null ? group.dataNode : null, this);

                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "name", x => name = x, this);

                // Try to turn on trace mode
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool>(configNode, "trace", x => trace = x, this, false);
                if (trace)
                    LoggingUtil.logLevel = LoggingUtil.LogLevel.VERBOSE;
                    LoggingUtil.LogWarning(this, "Tracing enabled for contract type " + name);

                // Load contract text details
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "title", x => title = x, this);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "tag", x => tag = x, this, "");
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "description", x => description = x, this, (string)null);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "topic", x => topic = x, this, "");
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "subject", x => subject = x, this, "");
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "notes", x => notes = x, this, (string)null);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "synopsis", x => synopsis = x, this);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "completedMessage", x => completedMessage = x, this);

                if (configNode.HasValue("motivation)"))
                    string motivation;
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "motivation", x => motivation = x, this, "");
                    LoggingUtil.LogWarning(this, "The 'motivation' attribute is no longer supported as of Contract Configurator 1.23.0");

                // Load optional attributes
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <Agent>(configNode, "agent", x => agent = x, this, group != null ? group.agent : null);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "minExpiry", x => minExpiry = x, this, 5.0f, x => Validation.GE(x, 0.0f));
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "maxExpiry", x => maxExpiry = x, this, 100.0f, x => Validation.GE(x, minExpiry));
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "deadline", x => deadline = x, this, 0.0f, x => Validation.GE(x, 0.0f));
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool>(configNode, "cancellable", x => cancellable = x, this, true);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool>(configNode, "declinable", x => declinable = x, this, true);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool>(configNode, "autoAccept", x => autoAccept = x, this, false);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <List <Contract.ContractPrestige> >(configNode, "prestige", x => prestige = x, this, new List <Contract.ContractPrestige>());
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <CelestialBody>(configNode, "targetBody", x => targetBody = x, this, (CelestialBody)null);

                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <int>(configNode, "maxCompletions", x => maxCompletions = x, this, 0, x => Validation.GE(x, 0));
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <int>(configNode, "maxSimultaneous", x => maxSimultaneous = x, this, (maxCompletions == 0 ? 4 : 0), x => Validation.GE(x, 0));

                // Load rewards
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "rewardFunds", x => rewardFunds = x, this, 0.0f);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "rewardReputation", x => rewardReputation = x, this, 0.0f);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "rewardScience", x => rewardScience = x, this, 0.0f);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "failureFunds", x => failureFunds = x, this, 0.0f);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "failureReputation", x => failureReputation = x, this, 0.0f);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "advanceFunds", x => advanceFunds = x, this, 0.0f);

                // Load other values
                if (configNode.HasValue("weight"))
                    double weight;
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <double>(configNode, "weight", x => weight = x, this);
                    LoggingUtil.LogWarning(this, ErrorPrefix() + ": The weight attribute is deprecated as of Contract Configurator 1.15.0.  Contracts are no longer generated using a weighted system.");

                // Merge in data from the parent contract group
                for (ContractGroup currentGroup = group; currentGroup != null; currentGroup = currentGroup.parent)
                    // Merge dataValues - this is a flag saying what values need to be unique at the contract level
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, DataValueInfo> pair in currentGroup.dataValues)
                        dataValues[currentGroup.name + ":" + pair.Key] = pair.Value;

                    // Merge uniquenessChecks
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, DataNode.UniquenessCheck> pair in currentGroup.uniquenessChecks)
                        uniquenessChecks[currentGroup.name + ":" + pair.Key] = pair.Value;

                // Load DATA nodes
                valid &= dataNode.ParseDataNodes(configNode, this, dataValues, uniquenessChecks);

                log = LoggingUtil.capturedLog;
                LoggingUtil.CaptureLog = false;

                // Load parameters
                foreach (ConfigNode contractParameter in ConfigNodeUtil.GetChildNodes(configNode, "PARAMETER"))
                    ParameterFactory paramFactory = null;
                    valid &= ParameterFactory.GenerateParameterFactory(contractParameter, this, out paramFactory);
                    if (paramFactory != null)
                        if (paramFactory.hasWarnings)
                            hasWarnings = true;

                // Load behaviours
                foreach (ConfigNode requirementNode in ConfigNodeUtil.GetChildNodes(configNode, "BEHAVIOUR"))
                    BehaviourFactory behaviourFactory = null;
                    valid &= BehaviourFactory.GenerateBehaviourFactory(requirementNode, this, out behaviourFactory);
                    if (behaviourFactory != null)
                        if (behaviourFactory.hasWarnings)
                            hasWarnings = true;

                // Load requirements
                foreach (ConfigNode requirementNode in ConfigNodeUtil.GetChildNodes(configNode, "REQUIREMENT"))
                    ContractRequirement requirement = null;
                    valid &= ContractRequirement.GenerateRequirement(requirementNode, this, out requirement);
                    if (requirement != null)
                        if (requirement.hasWarnings)
                            hasWarnings = true;

                // Logging on
                LoggingUtil.CaptureLog = true;

                // Check we have at least one valid parameter
                if (paramFactories.Count() == 0)
                    LoggingUtil.LogError(this, ErrorPrefix() + ": Need at least one parameter for a contract!");
                    valid = false;


                // Process the DATA_EXPAND nodes - this could cause a restart to the load process
                ConfigNode dataExpandNode = configNode.GetNodes("DATA_EXPAND").FirstOrDefault();
                if (dataExpandNode != null)
                    Type type = null;
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <Type>(dataExpandNode, "type", x => type = x, this);

                    if (type != null)
                        foreach (ConfigNode.Value pair in dataExpandNode.values)
                            string key = pair.name;
                            if (key != "type")
                                object value = null;

                                // Create the setter function
                                Type     actionType = typeof(Action <>).MakeGenericType(type);
                                Delegate del        = Delegate.CreateDelegate(actionType, value, typeof(DataNode).GetMethod("NullAction"));

                                // Set the ParseDataExpandString method generic value
                                MethodInfo method = methodParseExpand.MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { type });

                                // Invoke the ParseDataExpandString method
                                List <string> values = (List <string>)method.Invoke(this, new object[] { dataExpandNode, key });

                                // Stop at this point if we're invalid
                                if (values == null || !valid)
                                    if (values == null)
                                        LoggingUtil.LogWarning(this, ErrorPrefix() + ": Received an empty list of values when trying to do a DATA_EXPAND");
                                    valid = false;

                                // Expand
                                foreach (string val in values)
                                    // Set up for expansion
                                    ConfigNode copy    = configNode.CreateCopy();
                                    string     newName = name + "." + val;
                                    copy.SetValue("name", newName);

                                    // Set up the data node in the copy
                                    ConfigNode dataNode = new ConfigNode("DATA");
                                    dataNode.AddValue("type", dataExpandNode.GetValue("type"));
                                    dataNode.AddValue(key, val);

                                    ContractType contractTypeCopy = new ContractType(newName);

                                // Remove the original

                                // Don't do any more loading for this one
                                LoggingUtil.LogInfo(this, "Successfully expanded CONTRACT_TYPE '" + name + "'");

                // Do the deferred loads
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ExecuteDeferredLoads();

                // Do generic fields that need to happen after deferred loads

                // Generic title
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "genericTitle", x => genericTitle = x, this, title);
                if (!configNode.HasValue("genericTitle") && !dataNode.IsDeterministic("title"))
                    LoggingUtil.Log(minVersion >= ContractConfigurator.ENHANCED_UI_VERSION ? LoggingUtil.LogLevel.ERROR : LoggingUtil.LogLevel.WARNING, this,
                                    ErrorPrefix() + ": The field 'genericTitle' is required when the title is not determistic (ie. when expressions are used).");

                    // Error on newer versions of contract packs
                    if (minVersion >= ContractConfigurator.ENHANCED_UI_VERSION)
                        valid = false;
                else if (!dataNode.IsDeterministic("genericTitle"))
                    valid = false;
                    LoggingUtil.LogError(this, ErrorPrefix() + ": The field 'genericTitle' must be deterministic.");

                // Generic description
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "genericDescription", x => genericDescription = x, this, description);
                if (!configNode.HasValue("genericDescription") && !dataNode.IsDeterministic("description"))
                    LoggingUtil.Log(minVersion >= ContractConfigurator.ENHANCED_UI_VERSION ? LoggingUtil.LogLevel.ERROR : LoggingUtil.LogLevel.WARNING, this,
                                    ErrorPrefix() + ": The field 'genericDescription' is required when the description is not determistic (ie. when expressions are used).");

                    // Error on newer versions of contract packs
                    if (minVersion >= ContractConfigurator.ENHANCED_UI_VERSION)
                        valid = false;
                else if (!dataNode.IsDeterministic("genericDescription"))
                    valid = false;
                    LoggingUtil.LogError(this, ErrorPrefix() + ": The field 'genericDescription' must be deterministic.");

                // Sorting key
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "sortKey", x => sortKey = x, this, genericTitle);

                // Check for unexpected values - always do this last
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ValidateUnexpectedValues(configNode, this);

                if (valid)
                    LoggingUtil.LogInfo(this, "Successfully loaded CONTRACT_TYPE '" + name + "'");
                    LoggingUtil.LogWarning(this, "Errors encountered while trying to load CONTRACT_TYPE '" + name + "'");
                config  = configNode.ToString();
                hash    = config.GetHashCode();
                enabled = valid;
                log    += LoggingUtil.capturedLog;

                if (LoggingUtil.logLevel >= LoggingUtil.LogLevel.DEBUG)
                    // Get the contract configurator log file
                    string[] dirComponents  = new string[] { KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath, "GameData", "ContractConfigurator", "log", (group == null ? "!NO_GROUP" : group.Root.name) };
                    string[] pathComponents = dirComponents.Union(new string[] { name + ".log" }).ToArray();
                    string   dir            = string.Join(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString(), dirComponents);
                    string   path           = string.Join(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString(), pathComponents);

                    // Delete the file if it exists
                    if (File.Exists(path))
                        catch (Exception e)
                            LoggingUtil.LogException(new Exception("Exception while attempting to delete the file: " + path, e));

                    // Create the directory if it doesn't exist

                    // Now write the config and the cleaned up log to it
                        using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(path))
                            sw.Write("Debug information for CONTRACT_TYPE '" + name + "':\n");
                            sw.Write("\nData Nodes:\n");
                            sw.Write("\nOutput log:\n");
                        LoggingUtil.LogError(this, "Exception while attempting to write to the file: " + path);

            catch (Exception e)
                enabled = false;
                throw new Exception("Error loading CONTRACT_TYPE '" + name + "'", e);
                LoggingUtil.CaptureLog = false;
                LoggingUtil.logLevel   = origLogLevel;
                loaded = true;
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the "extended" requirements that change due to expressions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contract">The contract</param>
        /// <returns>Whether the contract can be offered.</returns>
        public bool MeetExtendedRequirements(ConfiguredContract contract, ContractType contractType)
            LoggingUtil.LogLevel origLogLevel = LoggingUtil.logLevel;
                // Turn tracing on
                if (trace)
                    LoggingUtil.logLevel = LoggingUtil.LogLevel.VERBOSE;
                    LoggingUtil.LogWarning(this, "Tracing enabled for contract type " + name);

                // Hash check
                if (contract.ContractState == Contract.State.Offered && contract.hash != hash)
                    throw new ContractRequirementException("Contract definition changed.");

                // Check prestige
                if (prestige.Count > 0 && !prestige.Contains(contract.Prestige))
                    throw new ContractRequirementException("Wrong prestige level.");

                // Do a Research Bodies check, if applicable

                // Check special values are not null
                if (contract.contractType == null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, DataValueInfo> pair in dataValues)
                        // Only check if it is a required value
                        if (pair.Value.required)

                if (contract.contractType == null || contract.ContractState == Contract.State.Generated || contract.ContractState == Contract.State.Withdrawn)
                    // Check for unique values against other contracts of the same type
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, DataNode.UniquenessCheck> pair in uniquenessChecks.Where(p => contract.uniqueData.ContainsKey(p.Key)))
                        string key = pair.Key;
                        DataNode.UniquenessCheck uniquenessCheck = pair.Value;

                        LoggingUtil.LogVerbose(this, "Doing unique value check for " + key);

                        // Get the active/offered contract lists
                        IEnumerable <ConfiguredContract> contractList = ConfiguredContract.CurrentContracts.
                                                                        Where(c => c != null && c.contractType != null && c != contract);

                        // Add in finished contracts
                        if (uniquenessCheck == DataNode.UniquenessCheck.CONTRACT_ALL || uniquenessCheck == DataNode.UniquenessCheck.GROUP_ALL)
                            contractList = contractList.Union(ContractSystem.Instance.ContractsFinished.OfType <ConfiguredContract>().
                                                              Where(c => c != null && c.contractType != null && c != contract));

                        // Filter anything that doesn't have our key
                        contractList = contractList.Where(c => c.uniqueData.ContainsKey(key));

                        // Check for contracts of the same type
                        if (uniquenessCheck == DataNode.UniquenessCheck.CONTRACT_ALL || uniquenessCheck == DataNode.UniquenessCheck.CONTRACT_ACTIVE)
                            contractList = contractList.Where(c => c.contractType.name == name);
                        // Check for a shared group
                        else if (contractType.group != null)
                            contractList = contractList.Where(c => c.contractType.group != null && c.contractType.group.name == contractType.group.name);
                        // Shared lack of group
                            contractList = contractList.Where(c => c.contractType.group == null);

                        object val = contract.uniqueData[key];
                        if (val != null)
                            // Special case for vessels - convert to the Guid
                            Vessel vessel = val as Vessel;
                            if (vessel != null)
                                val = vessel.id;

                            foreach (ConfiguredContract otherContract in contractList)
                                if (val.Equals(otherContract.uniqueData[key]))
                                    throw new ContractRequirementException("Failed on unique value check for key '" + key + "'.");

                // Check the captured requirements
                if (!ContractRequirement.RequirementsMet(contract, this, contract.requirements != null ? contract.requirements : requirements))
                    throw new ContractRequirementException("Failed on contract requirement check.");

            catch (ContractRequirementException e)
                LoggingUtil.LogLevel level = contract.ContractState == Contract.State.Active ? LoggingUtil.LogLevel.INFO : contract.contractType != null ? LoggingUtil.LogLevel.DEBUG : LoggingUtil.LogLevel.VERBOSE;
                string prefix = contract.contractType != null ? "Cancelling contract of type " + name + " (" + contract.Title + "): " :
                                "Didn't generate contract of type " + name + ": ";
                LoggingUtil.Log(level, this.GetType(), prefix + e.Message);
                LoggingUtil.LogError(this, "Exception while attempting to check requirements of contract type " + name);
                LoggingUtil.logLevel = origLogLevel;
                loaded = true;
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a ContractRequirement from a configuration node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configNode">ConfigNode to use in the generation.</param>
        /// <param name="contractType">ContractType that this requirement falls under</param>
        /// <param name="requirement">The ContractRequirement object.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether the load was successful</returns>
        public static bool GenerateRequirement(ConfigNode configNode, ContractType contractType, out ContractRequirement requirement,
                                               IContractConfiguratorFactory parent = null)
            // Logging on
            LoggingUtil.CaptureLog = true;
            bool valid = true;

            // Get the type
            string type = configNode.GetValue("type");
            string name = configNode.HasValue("name") ? configNode.GetValue("name") : type;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type))
                LoggingUtil.LogError(typeof(ParameterFactory), "CONTRACT_TYPE '" + contractType.name + "'," +
                                     "REQUIREMENT '" + configNode.GetValue("name") + "' does not specify the mandatory 'type' attribute.");
                requirement = new InvalidContractRequirement();
                valid       = false;
            else if (!requirementTypes.ContainsKey(type))
                LoggingUtil.LogError(typeof(ParameterFactory), "CONTRACT_TYPE '" + contractType.name + "'," +
                                     "REQUIREMENT '" + configNode.GetValue("name") + "' of type '" + configNode.GetValue("type") + "': " +
                                     "No ContractRequirement has been registered for type '" + type + "'.");
                requirement = new InvalidContractRequirement();
                valid       = false;
                // Create an instance of the ContractRequirement
                requirement = (ContractRequirement)Activator.CreateInstance(requirementTypes[type]);

            // Set attributes
            requirement.contractType = contractType;
            requirement.dataNode     = new DataNode(name, parent != null ? parent.dataNode : contractType.dataNode, requirement);

            // Load config
            valid &= requirement.Load(configNode);

            // Check for unexpected values - always do this last
            if (requirement.GetType() != typeof(InvalidContractRequirement))
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ValidateUnexpectedValues(configNode, requirement);

            // Load child nodes
            foreach (ConfigNode childNode in ConfigNodeUtil.GetChildNodes(configNode, "REQUIREMENT"))
                ContractRequirement child = null;
                valid &= ContractRequirement.GenerateRequirement(childNode, contractType, out child, requirement);
                if (child != null)
                    if (child.hasWarnings)
                        requirement.hasWarnings = true;

            requirement.enabled    = valid;
            requirement.log        = LoggingUtil.capturedLog;
            LoggingUtil.CaptureLog = false;

コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a ContractRequirement from a configuration node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configNode">ConfigNode to use in the generation.</param>
        /// <param name="contractType">ContractType that this requirement falls under</param>
        /// <param name="requirement">The ContractRequirement object.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether the load was successful</returns>
        public static bool GenerateRequirement(ConfigNode configNode, ContractType contractType, out ContractRequirement requirement,
            IContractConfiguratorFactory parent = null)
            // Logging on
            LoggingUtil.CaptureLog = true;
            bool valid = true;

            // Get the type
            string type = configNode.GetValue("type");
            string name = configNode.HasValue("name") ? configNode.GetValue("name") : type;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type))
                LoggingUtil.LogError(typeof(ParameterFactory), "CONTRACT_TYPE '" + contractType.name + "'," +
                    "REQUIREMENT '" + configNode.GetValue("name") + "' does not specify the mandatory 'type' attribute.");
                requirement = new InvalidContractRequirement();
                valid = false;
            else if (!requirementTypes.ContainsKey(type))
                LoggingUtil.LogError(typeof(ParameterFactory), "CONTRACT_TYPE '" + contractType.name + "'," +
                    "REQUIREMENT '" + configNode.GetValue("name") + "' of type '" + configNode.GetValue("type") + "': " +
                    "Unknown requirement '" + type + "'.");
                requirement = new InvalidContractRequirement();
                valid = false;
                // Create an instance of the ContractRequirement
                requirement = (ContractRequirement)Activator.CreateInstance(requirementTypes[type]);

            // Set attributes
            requirement.contractType = contractType;
            requirement.dataNode = new DataNode(name, parent != null ? parent.dataNode : contractType.dataNode, requirement);

            // Load config
            valid &= requirement.Load(configNode);

            // Check for unexpected values - always do this last
            if (requirement.GetType() != typeof(InvalidContractRequirement))
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ValidateUnexpectedValues(configNode, requirement);

            // Load child nodes
            foreach (ConfigNode childNode in ConfigNodeUtil.GetChildNodes(configNode, "REQUIREMENT"))
                ContractRequirement child = null;
                valid &= ContractRequirement.GenerateRequirement(childNode, contractType, out child, requirement);
                if (child != null)
                    if (child.hasWarnings)
                        requirement.hasWarnings = true;

            requirement.enabled = valid;
            requirement.log = LoggingUtil.capturedLog;
            LoggingUtil.CaptureLog = false;

            return valid;
コード例 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Forced check of contract requirement and its children.
        /// </summary>
        static void CheckRequirement(ContractRequirement requirement)
                requirement.lastResult = requirement.invertRequirement ^ requirement.RequirementMet(null);
            catch (Exception e)

            foreach (ContractRequirement child in requirement.ChildRequirements)
コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the contract type details from the given config node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configNode">The config node to load from.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether the load was successful.</returns>
        public bool Load(ConfigNode configNode)
                // Logging on
                LoggingUtil.CaptureLog = true;

                dataNode = new DataNode(configNode.GetValue("name"), this);

                bool valid = true;

                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "name", x => name = x, this);

                // Load contract text details
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <ContractGroup>(configNode, "group", x => group = x, this, (ContractGroup)null);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "title", x => title = x, this);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "tag", x => tag = x, this, "");
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "description", x => description = x, this, (string)null);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "topic", x => topic = x, this, (string)null);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "subject", x => subject = x, this, (string)null);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "motivation", x => motivation = x, this, (string)null);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "notes", x => notes = x, this, (string)null);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "synopsis", x => synopsis = x, this);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "completedMessage", x => completedMessage = x, this);

                // Load optional attributes
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <Agent>(configNode, "agent", x => agent = x, this, (Agent)null);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "minExpiry", x => minExpiry = x, this, 1.0f, x => Validation.GE(x, 0.0f));
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "maxExpiry", x => maxExpiry = x, this, 7.0f, x => Validation.GE(x, minExpiry));
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "deadline", x => deadline = x, this, 0.0f, x => Validation.GE(x, 0.0f));
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool>(configNode, "cancellable", x => cancellable = x, this, true);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool>(configNode, "declinable", x => declinable = x, this, true);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <List <Contract.ContractPrestige> >(configNode, "prestige", x => prestige = x, this, new List <Contract.ContractPrestige>());
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <CelestialBody>(configNode, "targetBody", x => targetBody = x, this, (CelestialBody)null);

                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <int>(configNode, "maxCompletions", x => maxCompletions = x, this, 0, x => Validation.GE(x, 0));
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <int>(configNode, "maxSimultaneous", x => maxSimultaneous = x, this, 0, x => Validation.GE(x, 0));

                // Load rewards
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "rewardFunds", x => rewardFunds = x, this, 0.0f, x => Validation.GE(x, 0.0f));
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "rewardReputation", x => rewardReputation = x, this, 0.0f, x => Validation.GE(x, 0.0f));
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "rewardScience", x => rewardScience = x, this, 0.0f, x => Validation.GE(x, 0.0f));
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "failureFunds", x => failureFunds = x, this, 0.0f, x => Validation.GE(x, 0.0f));
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "failureReputation", x => failureReputation = x, this, 0.0f, x => Validation.GE(x, 0.0f));
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "advanceFunds", x => advanceFunds = x, this, 0.0f, x => Validation.GE(x, 0.0f));

                // Load other values
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <double>(configNode, "weight", x => weight = x, this, 1.0, x => Validation.GE(x, 0.0f));

                // TODO - these are to be deprecated
                if (configNode.HasValue("targetBodies"))
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <List <CelestialBody> >(configNode, "targetBodies", x => targetBodies = x, this, new List <CelestialBody>());
                    LoggingUtil.LogWarning(this, "The 'targetBodies' attribute is obsolete as of Contract Configurator 0.7.4.  It will be removed in 1.0.0 in favour of the DATA { } node.");
                if (configNode.HasValue("targetVessel"))
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <Vessel>(configNode, "targetVessel", x => targetVessel = x, this, (Vessel)null);
                    LoggingUtil.LogWarning(this, "The 'targetVessel' attribute is obsolete as of Contract Configurator 0.7.4.  It will be removed in 1.0.0 in favour of the DATA { } node.");
                if (configNode.HasValue("targetVessels"))
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <List <Vessel> >(configNode, "targetVessels", x => targetVessels = x, this, new List <Vessel>());
                    LoggingUtil.LogWarning(this, "The 'targetVessels' attribute is obsolete as of Contract Configurator 0.7.4.  It will be removed in 1.0.0 in favour of the DATA { } node.");
                if (configNode.HasValue("targetKerbal"))
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <Kerbal>(configNode, "targetKerbal", x => targetKerbal = x, this, (Kerbal)null);
                    LoggingUtil.LogWarning(this, "The 'targetKerbal' attribute is obsolete as of Contract Configurator 0.7.4.  It will be removed in 1.0.0 in favour of the DATA { } node.");
                if (configNode.HasValue("targetKerbals"))
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <List <Kerbal> >(configNode, "targetKerbals", x => targetKerbals = x, this, new List <Kerbal>());
                    LoggingUtil.LogWarning(this, "The 'targetKerbals' attribute is obsolete as of Contract Configurator 0.7.4.  It will be removed in 1.0.0 in favour of the DATA { } node.");

                // Load DATA nodes
                foreach (ConfigNode data in ConfigNodeUtil.GetChildNodes(configNode, "DATA"))
                    Type type          = null;
                    bool requiredValue = true;
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <Type>(data, "type", x => type = x, this);
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool>(data, "requiredValue", x => requiredValue = x, this, true);

                    if (type != null)
                        foreach (ConfigNode.Value pair in data.values)
                            string name = pair.name;
                            if (name != "type" && name != "requiredValue")
                                object value = null;

                                // Create the setter function
                                Type     actionType = typeof(Action <>).MakeGenericType(type);
                                Delegate del        = Delegate.CreateDelegate(actionType, value, typeof(ContractType).GetMethod("NullAction"));

                                // Get the ParseValue method
                                MethodInfo method = typeof(ConfigNodeUtil).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public).
                                                    Where(m => m.Name == "ParseValue" && m.GetParameters().Count() == 4).Single();
                                method = method.MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { type });

                                // Invoke the ParseValue method
                                valid &= (bool)method.Invoke(null, new object[] { data, name, del, this });

                                dataValues[name] = requiredValue;

                // Check for unexpected values - always do this last
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ValidateUnexpectedValues(configNode, this);

                log = LoggingUtil.capturedLog;
                LoggingUtil.CaptureLog = false;

                // Load parameters
                foreach (ConfigNode contractParameter in ConfigNodeUtil.GetChildNodes(configNode, "PARAMETER"))
                    ParameterFactory paramFactory = null;
                    valid &= ParameterFactory.GenerateParameterFactory(contractParameter, this, out paramFactory);
                    if (paramFactory != null)
                        if (paramFactory.hasWarnings)
                            hasWarnings = true;

                // Load behaviours
                foreach (ConfigNode requirementNode in ConfigNodeUtil.GetChildNodes(configNode, "BEHAVIOUR"))
                    BehaviourFactory behaviourFactory = null;
                    valid &= BehaviourFactory.GenerateBehaviourFactory(requirementNode, this, out behaviourFactory);
                    if (behaviourFactory != null)
                        if (behaviourFactory.hasWarnings)
                            hasWarnings = true;

                // Load requirements
                foreach (ConfigNode requirementNode in ConfigNodeUtil.GetChildNodes(configNode, "REQUIREMENT"))
                    ContractRequirement requirement = null;
                    valid &= ContractRequirement.GenerateRequirement(requirementNode, this, out requirement);
                    if (requirement != null)
                        if (requirement.hasWarnings)
                            hasWarnings = true;

                // Logging on
                LoggingUtil.CaptureLog = true;

                // Check we have at least one valid parameter
                if (paramFactories.Count() == 0)
                    LoggingUtil.LogError(this.GetType(), ErrorPrefix() + ": Need at least one parameter for a contract!");
                    valid = false;

                // Do the deferred loads
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ExecuteDeferredLoads();

                config  = configNode.ToString();
                hash    = config.GetHashCode();
                enabled = valid;
                log    += LoggingUtil.capturedLog;
                LoggingUtil.CaptureLog = false;

                enabled = false;
コード例 #15
        protected override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node)
                subType          = node.GetValue("subtype");
                contractType     = ContractType.GetContractType(subType);
                title            = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(node, "title", contractType != null ? contractType.title : subType);
                description      = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(node, "description", contractType != null ? contractType.description : "");
                synopsis         = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(node, "synopsis", contractType != null ? contractType.synopsis : "");
                completedMessage = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(node, "completedMessage", contractType != null ? contractType.completedMessage : "");
                notes            = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(node, "notes", contractType != null ? contractType.notes : "");
                hash             = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <int>(node, "hash", contractType != null ? contractType.hash : 0);
                targetBody       = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <CelestialBody>(node, "targetBody", null);

                // Load the unique data
                ConfigNode dataNode = node.GetNode("UNIQUE_DATA");
                if (dataNode != null)
                    // Handle individual values
                    foreach (ConfigNode.Value pair in dataNode.values)
                        string typeName = pair.value.Remove(pair.value.IndexOf(":"));
                        string value    = pair.value.Substring(typeName.Length + 1);
                        Type   type     = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseTypeValue(typeName);

                        // Prevents issues with vessels not getting loaded in some scenes (ie. VAB)
                        if (type == typeof(Vessel))
                            type = typeof(Guid);

                        if (type == typeof(string))
                            uniqueData[pair.name] = value;
                            // Get the ParseValue method
                            MethodInfo parseValueMethod = typeof(ConfigNodeUtil).GetMethods().Where(m => m.Name == "ParseSingleValue").Single();
                            parseValueMethod = parseValueMethod.MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { type });

                            // Invoke the ParseValue method
                            uniqueData[pair.name] = parseValueMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { pair.name, value, false });

                foreach (ConfigNode child in node.GetNodes("BEHAVIOUR"))
                    ContractBehaviour behaviour = ContractBehaviour.LoadBehaviour(child, this);

                foreach (ConfigNode child in node.GetNodes("REQUIREMENT"))
                    ContractRequirement requirement = ContractRequirement.LoadRequirement(child);

                // If the contract type is null, then it likely means that it was uninstalled
                if (contractType == null)
                    LoggingUtil.LogWarning(this, "Error loading contract for contract type '" + subType +
                                           "'.  The contract type either failed to load or was uninstalled.");
                        if (ContractState == State.Active || ContractState == State.Offered)
                            SetState(ContractState == State.Active ? State.Failed : State.Withdrawn);
                    catch { }

            catch (Exception e)
                LoggingUtil.LogError(this, "Error loading contract from persistance file!");
                ExceptionLogWindow.DisplayFatalException(ExceptionLogWindow.ExceptionSituation.CONTRACT_LOAD, e, this);

                catch { }
コード例 #16
         * Loads the contract type details from the given config node.
        public bool Load(ConfigNode configNode)
            bool valid = true;

            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "name", ref name, this);

            // Load contract text details
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "title", ref title, this);
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "description", ref description, this, (string)null);
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "topic", ref topic, this, (string)null);
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "subject", ref subject, this, (string)null);
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "motivation", ref motivation, this, (string)null);
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "notes", ref notes, this, (string)null);
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "synopsis", ref synopsis, this);
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "completedMessage", ref completedMessage, this);

            // Load optional attributes
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <Agent>(configNode, "agent", ref agent, this, (Agent)null);
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "minExpiry", ref minExpiry, this, 0.0f, x => Validation.GE(x, 0.0f));
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "maxExpiry", ref maxExpiry, this, 0.0f, x => Validation.GE(x, 0.0f));
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "deadline", ref deadline, this, 0.0f, x => Validation.GE(x, 0.0f));
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool>(configNode, "cancellable", ref cancellable, this, true);
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool>(configNode, "declinable", ref declinable, this, true);
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <Contract.ContractPrestige?>(configNode, "prestige", ref prestige, this, (Contract.ContractPrestige?)null);
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <CelestialBody>(configNode, "targetBody", ref targetBody, this, (CelestialBody)null);

            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <int>(configNode, "maxCompletions", ref maxCompletions, this, 0, x => Validation.GE(x, 0));
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <int>(configNode, "maxSimultaneous", ref maxSimultaneous, this, 0, x => Validation.GE(x, 0));

            // Load rewards
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "rewardFunds", ref rewardFunds, this, 0.0f, x => Validation.GE(x, 0.0f));
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "rewardReputation", ref rewardReputation, this, 0.0f, x => Validation.GE(x, 0.0f));
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "rewardScience", ref rewardScience, this, 0.0f, x => Validation.GE(x, 0.0f));
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "failureFunds", ref failureFunds, this, 0.0f, x => Validation.GE(x, 0.0f));
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "failureReputation", ref failureReputation, this, 0.0f, x => Validation.GE(x, 0.0f));
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(configNode, "advanceFunds", ref advanceFunds, this, 0.0f, x => Validation.GE(x, 0.0f));

            // Load other values
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <double>(configNode, "weight", ref weight, this, 1.0, x => Validation.GT(x, 0.0f));

            // Check for unexpected values - always do this last
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ValidateUnexpectedValues(configNode, this);

            // Load parameters
            paramFactories = new List <ParameterFactory>();
            foreach (ConfigNode contractParameter in configNode.GetNodes("PARAMETER"))
                ParameterFactory paramFactory = ParameterFactory.GenerateParameterFactory(contractParameter, this);
                if (paramFactory != null)
                    valid = false;

            // Check we have at least one valid parameter
            if (paramFactories.Count() == 0)
                LoggingUtil.LogError(this.GetType(), ErrorPrefix() + ": Need at least one parameter for a contract!");
                valid = false;

            // Load behaviours
            behaviourFactories = new List <BehaviourFactory>();
            foreach (ConfigNode requirementNode in configNode.GetNodes("BEHAVIOUR"))
                BehaviourFactory behaviourFactory = BehaviourFactory.GenerateBehaviourFactory(requirementNode, this);
                if (behaviourFactory != null)
                    valid = false;

            // Load requirements
            requirements = new List <ContractRequirement>();
            foreach (ConfigNode requirementNode in configNode.GetNodes("REQUIREMENT"))
                ContractRequirement requirement = ContractRequirement.GenerateRequirement(requirementNode, this);
                if (requirement != null)
                    valid = false;

コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests whether a contract can be offered.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contract">The contract</param>
        /// <returns>Whether the contract can be offered.</returns>
        public bool MeetRequirements(ConfiguredContract contract)
            // Hash check
            if (contract.ContractState == Contract.State.Offered && contract.hash != hash)
                LoggingUtil.LogDebug(this, "Cancelling offered contract of type " + name + ", contract definition changed.");

            // Check prestige
            if (prestige.Count > 0 && !prestige.Contains(contract.Prestige))
                LoggingUtil.LogVerbose(this, "Didn't generate contract type " + name + ", wrong prestige level.");

            // Checks for maxSimultaneous/maxCompletions
            if (maxSimultaneous != 0 || maxCompletions != 0)
                // Get the count of active contracts - excluding ours
                int activeContracts = ContractSystem.Instance.GetCurrentContracts <ConfiguredContract>().
                                      Count(c => c.contractType != null && c.contractType.name == name);
                if (contract.ContractState == Contract.State.Offered || contract.ContractState == Contract.State.Active)

                // Check if we're breaching the active limit
                if (maxSimultaneous != 0 && activeContracts >= maxSimultaneous)
                    LoggingUtil.LogVerbose(this, "Didn't generate contract type " + name + ", too many active contracts.");

                // Check if we're breaching the completed limit
                if (maxCompletions != 0)
                    int finishedContracts = ContractSystem.Instance.GetCompletedContracts <ConfiguredContract>().
                                            Count(c => c.contractType != null && c.contractType.name == name);
                    if (finishedContracts + activeContracts >= maxCompletions)
                        LoggingUtil.LogVerbose(this, "Didn't generate contract type " + name + ", too many completed/active/offered contracts.");

            // Check the group values
            if (group != null)
                // Check the group active limit
                int activeContracts = ContractSystem.Instance.GetCurrentContracts <ConfiguredContract>().Count(c => c.contractType != null && c.contractType.group == group);
                if (contract.ContractState == Contract.State.Offered || contract.ContractState == Contract.State.Active)

                if (group.maxSimultaneous != 0 && activeContracts >= group.maxSimultaneous)
                    LoggingUtil.LogVerbose(this, "Didn't generate contract type " + name + ", too many active contracts in group.");

                // Check the group completed limit
                if (group.maxCompletions != 0)
                    int finishedContracts = ContractSystem.Instance.GetCompletedContracts <ConfiguredContract>().Count(c => c.contractType != null && c.contractType.group == group);
                    if (finishedContracts + activeContracts >= maxCompletions)
                        LoggingUtil.LogVerbose(this, "Didn't generate contract type " + name + ", too many completed contracts in group.");

            // Check special values are not null
            if (contract.ContractState != Contract.State.Active)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> pair in dataValues)
                    // Only check if it is a required value
                    if (pair.Value)
                        string name = pair.Key;

                        object o = dataNode[name];
                        if (o == null)
                            LoggingUtil.LogVerbose(this, "Didn't generate contract type " + this.name + ", '" + name + "' was null.");
                        else if (o == typeof(List <>))
                            PropertyInfo prop  = o.GetType().GetProperty("Count");
                            int          count = (int)prop.GetValue(o, null);
                            if (count == 0)
                                LoggingUtil.LogVerbose(this, "Didn't generate contract type " + this.name + ", '" + name + "' had zero count.");
                        else if (o == typeof(Vessel))
                            Vessel v = (Vessel)o;

                            if (v.state == Vessel.State.DEAD)
                                LoggingUtil.LogVerbose(this, "Didn't generate contract type " + this.name + ", vessel '" + v.vesselName + "' is dead.");

            // Check the captured requirements
            return(ContractRequirement.RequirementsMet(contract, this, requirements));
コード例 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a ContractRequirement from a configuration node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configNode">ConfigNode to use in the generation.</param>
        /// <param name="contractType">ContractType that this requirement falls under</param>
        /// <param name="requirement">The ContractRequirement object.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether the load was successful</returns>
        public static bool GenerateRequirement(ConfigNode configNode, ContractType contractType, out ContractRequirement requirement,
            IContractConfiguratorFactory parent = null)
            // Logging on
            LoggingUtil.CaptureLog = true;
            bool valid = true;

            // Get the type
            string type = configNode.GetValue("type");
            string name = configNode.HasValue("name") ? configNode.GetValue("name") : type;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type))
                LoggingUtil.LogError(typeof(ParameterFactory), "CONTRACT_TYPE '" + contractType.name + "'," +
                    "REQUIREMENT '" + configNode.GetValue("name") + "' does not specify the mandatory 'type' attribute.");
                requirement = new InvalidContractRequirement();
                valid = false;
            else if (!requirementTypes.ContainsKey(type))
                LoggingUtil.LogError(typeof(ParameterFactory), "CONTRACT_TYPE '" + contractType.name + "'," +
                    "REQUIREMENT '" + configNode.GetValue("name") + "' of type '" + configNode.GetValue("type") + "': " +
                    "Unknown requirement '" + type + "'.");
                requirement = new InvalidContractRequirement();
                valid = false;
                // Create an instance of the ContractRequirement
                requirement = (ContractRequirement)Activator.CreateInstance(requirementTypes[type]);

            // Set attributes
            requirement.contractType = contractType;
            requirement.dataNode = new DataNode(name, parent != null ? parent.dataNode : contractType.dataNode, requirement);

            // Load config
            valid &= requirement.LoadFromConfig(configNode);

            // Override the needsTitle if we have a parent node with hideChildren
            ContractRequirement parentRequirement = parent as ContractRequirement;
            if (parentRequirement != null)
                if (parentRequirement.hideChildren)
                    requirement.hideChildren = true;
                    requirement.needsTitle = false;

            // Check for unexpected values - always do this last
            if (requirement.GetType() != typeof(InvalidContractRequirement))
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ValidateUnexpectedValues(configNode, requirement);

            // Load child nodes
            foreach (ConfigNode childNode in ConfigNodeUtil.GetChildNodes(configNode, "REQUIREMENT"))
                ContractRequirement child = null;
                valid &= ContractRequirement.GenerateRequirement(childNode, contractType, out child, requirement);
                if (child != null)
                    if (child.hasWarnings)
                        requirement.hasWarnings = true;

            // Error for missing title
            if (requirement.needsTitle && string.IsNullOrEmpty(requirement.title))
                valid = contractType.minVersion < ContractConfigurator.ENHANCED_UI_VERSION;
                LoggingUtil.Log(contractType.minVersion >= ContractConfigurator.ENHANCED_UI_VERSION ? LoggingUtil.LogLevel.ERROR : LoggingUtil.LogLevel.WARNING,
                    requirement, requirement.ErrorPrefix(configNode) + ": missing required attribute 'title'.");

            requirement.enabled = valid;
            requirement.log = LoggingUtil.capturedLog;
            LoggingUtil.CaptureLog = false;

            return valid;
コード例 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a ContractRequirement from a configuration node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configNode">ConfigNode to use in the generation.</param>
        /// <param name="contractType">ContractType that this requirement falls under</param>
        /// <param name="requirement">The ContractRequirement object.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether the load was successful</returns>
        public static bool GenerateRequirement(ConfigNode configNode, ContractType contractType, out ContractRequirement requirement,
                                               IContractConfiguratorFactory parent = null)
            // Logging on
            LoggingUtil.CaptureLog = true;
            bool valid = true;

            // Get the type
            string type = configNode.GetValue("type");
            string name = configNode.HasValue("name") ? configNode.GetValue("name") : type;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type))
                LoggingUtil.LogError(typeof(ParameterFactory), "CONTRACT_TYPE '{0}', REQUIREMENT '{1}' does not specify the mandatory 'type' attribute.",
                                     contractType.name, configNode.GetValue("name"));
                requirement = new InvalidContractRequirement();
                valid       = false;
            else if (!requirementTypes.ContainsKey(type))
                LoggingUtil.LogError(typeof(ParameterFactory), "CONTRACT_TYPE '{0}', REQUIREMENT '{1}' of type '{2}': Unknown requirement '{3}'.",
                                     contractType.name, configNode.GetValue("name"), configNode.GetValue("type"), type);
                requirement = new InvalidContractRequirement();
                valid       = false;
                // Create an instance of the ContractRequirement
                requirement = (ContractRequirement)Activator.CreateInstance(requirementTypes[type]);

            // Set attributes
            requirement.contractType = contractType;
            requirement.dataNode     = new DataNode(name, parent != null ? parent.dataNode : contractType.dataNode, requirement);

            // Load config
            valid &= requirement.LoadFromConfig(configNode);

            // Override the needsTitle if we have a parent node with hideChildren
            ContractRequirement parentRequirement = parent as ContractRequirement;

            if (parentRequirement != null)
                if (parentRequirement.hideChildren)
                    requirement.hideChildren = true;
                    requirement.needsTitle   = false;

            // Check for unexpected values - always do this last
            if (requirement.GetType() != typeof(InvalidContractRequirement))
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ValidateUnexpectedValues(configNode, requirement);

            // Load child nodes
            foreach (ConfigNode childNode in ConfigNodeUtil.GetChildNodes(configNode, "REQUIREMENT"))
                ContractRequirement child = null;
                valid &= ContractRequirement.GenerateRequirement(childNode, contractType, out child, requirement);
                if (child != null)
                    if (child.hasWarnings)
                        requirement.hasWarnings = true;

            // Error for missing title
            if (requirement.needsTitle && string.IsNullOrEmpty(requirement.title))
                valid = contractType.minVersion < ContractConfigurator.ENHANCED_UI_VERSION;
                LoggingUtil.Log(contractType.minVersion >= ContractConfigurator.ENHANCED_UI_VERSION ? LoggingUtil.LogLevel.ERROR : LoggingUtil.LogLevel.WARNING,
                                requirement, "{0}: missing required attribute 'title'.", requirement.ErrorPrefix(configNode));

            requirement.enabled    = valid;
            requirement.log        = LoggingUtil.capturedLog;
            LoggingUtil.CaptureLog = false;

コード例 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a new ParameterFactory from the given ConfigNode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameterConfig">ConfigNode to use in the generation.</param>
        /// <param name="contractType">ContractType that this parameter factory falls under</param>
        /// <param name="paramFactory">The ParameterFactory object.</param>
        /// <param name="parent">ParameterFactory to use as the parent</param>
        /// <returns>Whether the load was successful</returns>
        public static bool GenerateParameterFactory(ConfigNode parameterConfig, ContractType contractType, out ParameterFactory paramFactory, ParameterFactory parent = null)
            // Logging on
            LoggingUtil.CaptureLog = true;
            bool valid = true;

            // Get the type
            string type = parameterConfig.GetValue("type");
            string name = parameterConfig.HasValue("name") ? parameterConfig.GetValue("name") : type;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type))
                LoggingUtil.LogError(typeof(ParameterFactory), "CONTRACT_TYPE '" + contractType.name + "'," +
                                     "PARAMETER '" + parameterConfig.GetValue("name") + "' does not specify the mandatory 'type' attribute.");
                paramFactory = new InvalidParameterFactory();
                valid        = false;
            else if (!factories.ContainsKey(type))
                LoggingUtil.LogError(typeof(ParameterFactory), "CONTRACT_TYPE '" + contractType.name + "'," +
                                     "PARAMETER '" + parameterConfig.GetValue("name") + "' of type '" + parameterConfig.GetValue("type") + "': " +
                                     "Unknown parameter '" + type + "'.");
                paramFactory = new InvalidParameterFactory();
                valid        = false;
                // Create an instance of the factory
                paramFactory = (ParameterFactory)Activator.CreateInstance(factories[type]);

            // Set attributes
            paramFactory.parent       = parent;
            paramFactory.contractType = contractType;
            paramFactory.dataNode     = new DataNode(name, parent != null ? parent.dataNode : contractType.dataNode, paramFactory);

            // Load child requirements
            foreach (ConfigNode childNode in ConfigNodeUtil.GetChildNodes(parameterConfig, "REQUIREMENT"))
                ContractRequirement req = null;
                valid &= ContractRequirement.GenerateRequirement(childNode, contractType, out req, paramFactory);
                if (req != null)
                    if (req.hasWarnings)
                        paramFactory.hasWarnings = true;

            // Load config
            if (!paramFactory.Load(parameterConfig))
                // If there was a load failure, check if there are requirements
                if (paramFactory.requirements.Count > 0)
                    LoggingUtil.LogWarning(paramFactory, "Ignoring failed parameter with child requirements.");
                    valid = false;

            // Late initialize for iterator keys
            valid &= DataNode.InitializeIteratorKey(parameterConfig, paramFactory);

            // Check for unexpected values - always do this last
            if (paramFactory.GetType() != typeof(InvalidParameterFactory))
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ValidateUnexpectedValues(parameterConfig, paramFactory);

            paramFactory.log       = LoggingUtil.capturedLog;
            LoggingUtil.CaptureLog = false;

            // Load child nodes
            foreach (ConfigNode childNode in ConfigNodeUtil.GetChildNodes(parameterConfig, "PARAMETER"))
                ParameterFactory child = null;
                valid &= ParameterFactory.GenerateParameterFactory(childNode, contractType, out child, paramFactory);
                if (child != null)
                    if (child.hasWarnings)
                        paramFactory.hasWarnings = true;

            paramFactory.enabled = valid;

コード例 #21
        public bool Initialize(ContractType contractType)
            LoggingUtil.LogLevel origLogLevel = LoggingUtil.logLevel;
                this.contractType = contractType;
                if (contractType.trace)
                    LoggingUtil.logLevel = LoggingUtil.LogLevel.VERBOSE;

                LoggingUtil.LogDebug(this, "Initializing contract: {0}", contractType);

                // Set stuff from contract type
                subType    = contractType.name;
                hash       = contractType.hash;
                AutoAccept = contractType.autoAccept;

                // Set the contract expiry
                if (contractType.maxExpiry == 0.0f)
                    LoggingUtil.LogDebug(this, "{0}: Setting expirty to none", contractType.name);
                    expiryType = DeadlineType.None;
                    SetExpiry(contractType.minExpiry, contractType.maxExpiry);
                    // Force set the expiry, in stock this is normally done on Contract.Offer()
                    dateExpire = GameTime + TimeExpiry;

                // Set the contract deadline
                if (contractType.deadline == 0.0f)
                    deadlineType = Contract.DeadlineType.None;
                    SetDeadlineDays(contractType.deadline, null);

                // Set rewards
                SetScience(contractType.rewardScience, contractType.targetBody);
                SetReputation(contractType.rewardReputation, contractType.failureReputation, contractType.targetBody);
                SetFunds(contractType.advanceFunds, contractType.rewardFunds, contractType.advanceFunds + contractType.failureFunds, contractType.targetBody);

                // Copy text from contract type
                title            = contractType.title;
                synopsis         = contractType.synopsis;
                completedMessage = contractType.completedMessage;
                notes            = contractType.notes;

                // Set the agent
                if (contractType.agent != null)
                    agent = contractType.agent;
                    agent = AgentList.Instance.GetSuitableAgentForContract(this);

                // Workaround for agencies defined without a title
                if (agent.Title == null)
                    agentField.SetValue(agent, agent.Name);

                // Set description
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contractType.description) && agent != null)
                    // Generate the contract description
                    description = TextGen.GenerateBackStories("ConfiguredContract", agent.Name, contractType.topic, contractType.subject, random.Next(), true, true, true);
                    description = contractType.description;

                // Generate behaviours
                behaviours = new List <ContractBehaviour>();
                if (!contractType.GenerateBehaviours(this))

                // Generate parameters
                bool paramsGenerated = contractType.GenerateParameters(this);
                bodiesLoaded = false;
                contractType.contractBodies = ContractBodies;
                if (!paramsGenerated)

                // Do a very late research bodies check
                catch (ContractRequirementException)

                // Copy in the requirement nodes
                requirements = new List <ContractRequirement>();
                foreach (ContractRequirement requirement in contractType.Requirements)
                    ConfigNode serializedRequirement = new ConfigNode();
                    ContractRequirement copy = ContractRequirement.LoadRequirement(serializedRequirement);

                LoggingUtil.LogDebug(this, "Initialized contract: {0}", contractType);
            catch (Exception e)
                LoggingUtil.LogError(this, "Error initializing contract {0}", contractType);
                ExceptionLogWindow.DisplayFatalException(ExceptionLogWindow.ExceptionSituation.CONTRACT_GENERATION, e,
                                                         contractType == null ? "unknown" : contractType.FullName);

                LoggingUtil.logLevel = origLogLevel;