コード例 #1
 // ====================================================================================================
 public static string getResourceNodeList(CPBaseClass cp, string execFileList, string CollectionGuid, List <string> tempPathFileList, string tempExportPath)
     try {
         string nodeList = "";
         if (!execFileList.Length.Equals(0))
             DateTime LastChangeDate = default;
             // There are executable files to include in the collection
             // If installed, source path is collectionpath, if not installed, collectionpath will be empty
             // and file will be sourced right from addon path
             string CollectionPath = "";
             ExportController.GetLocalCollectionArgs(cp, CollectionGuid, ref CollectionPath, ref LastChangeDate);
             if (!CollectionPath.Length.Equals(0))
                 CollectionPath += @"\";
             string[] Files = Strings.Split(execFileList, System.Environment.NewLine);
             for (int Ptr = 0; Ptr <= Information.UBound(Files); Ptr++)
                 string PathFilename = Files[Ptr];
                 if (!PathFilename.Length.Equals(0))
                     PathFilename = Strings.Replace(PathFilename, @"\", "/");
                     string Path     = "";
                     string Filename = PathFilename;
                     int    Pos      = Strings.InStrRev(PathFilename, "/");
                     if (Pos > 0)
                         Filename = Strings.Mid(PathFilename, Pos + 1);
                         Path     = Strings.Mid(PathFilename, 1, Pos - 1);
                     string ManualFilename = "";
                     if (Strings.LCase(Filename) != Strings.LCase(ManualFilename))
                         string AddonPath = @"addons\";
                         // AddFilename = AddonPath & CollectionPath & Filename
                         cp.PrivateFiles.Copy(AddonPath + CollectionPath + Filename, tempExportPath + Filename, cp.TempFiles);
                         if (!tempPathFileList.Contains(tempExportPath + Filename))
                             tempPathFileList.Add(tempExportPath + Filename);
                             nodeList = nodeList + System.Environment.NewLine + "\t" + "<Resource name=\"" + System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlEncode(Filename) + "\" type=\"executable\" path=\"" + System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlEncode(Path) + "\" />";
     } catch (Exception ex) {
コード例 #2
 // ====================================================================================================
 public static string getResourceNodeList(CPBaseClass cp, List <string> execFileList, string CollectionGuid, List <string> tempPathFileList, string tempExportPath)
     try {
         string nodeList = "";
         foreach (var PathFilename in execFileList)
             if (!PathFilename.Length.Equals(0))
                 string fixedPathFilename = Strings.Replace(PathFilename, @"\", "/");
                 string path     = "";
                 string filename = fixedPathFilename;
                 int    pos      = Strings.InStrRev(fixedPathFilename, "/");
                 if (pos > 0)
                     filename = Strings.Mid(fixedPathFilename, pos + 1);
                     path     = Strings.Mid(fixedPathFilename, 1, pos - 1);
                 string   CollectionPath = "";
                 DateTime LastChangeDate = default;
                 ExportController.GetLocalCollectionArgs(cp, CollectionGuid, ref CollectionPath, ref LastChangeDate);
                 if (!CollectionPath.Length.Equals(0))
                     CollectionPath += @"\";
                 string AddonPath = @"addons\";
                 // AddFilename = AddonPath & CollectionPath & Filename
                 cp.PrivateFiles.Copy(AddonPath + CollectionPath + filename, tempExportPath + filename, cp.TempFiles);
                 if (!tempPathFileList.Contains(tempExportPath + filename))
                     tempPathFileList.Add(tempExportPath + filename);
                     nodeList = nodeList + System.Environment.NewLine + "\t" + "<Resource name=\"" + System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlEncode(filename) + "\" type=\"executable\" path=\"" + System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlEncode(path) + "\" />";
     } catch (Exception ex) {