// Main method. static void Main() { Console.WriteLine(Colors.Red); // return enum key Console.WriteLine((char)Colors.Red); // return enum value Console.Title = "Console App Core"; // Title of the console screen. // calling class with non static method. Human mohamed = new Human(); // ahmed object from human , calling with object. mohamed.add(10, 20); // return 30. // calling class with static method. Human.sum(10, 20); // return 30. // above code it printing in memory. // hear printing from memory to user interfsce. System.Console.WriteLine(Human.sum(10, 20)); // without system libarary. // Example for swaping varibles. int a = 10; int b = 20; // swap a = 20 , b = 10 without using any temp varaible. b = a; // b = 10. a = b + b; // a = 10 + 10 = 20. int x = 99; int y = 101; //swap x = 101 , y = 99 without using any temp varaible. x = x + y; // x = 99 + 101 = 200. y = x - y; // y = 200 - 101 = 99. x = x - y; // x = 200 - 99 = 101. Childs childs = new Childs(); // object from childs >> has a relationship. Console.WriteLine(childs.age); Store Cairo = new Store(); Console.WriteLine(Cairo.NumberOfReminingProduct(20)); // 20 requested quntity >> 80 all quntity Store Ismailia = new Store(); Console.WriteLine(Ismailia.NumberOfReminingProduct(30)); // 30 requested quntity >> 50 all quntity Store Alex = new Store(); Console.WriteLine(Alex.NumberOfReminingProduct(50)); // 50 requested quntity >> 0 all quntity // Demo d = new Demo(); // proccess 1 >> time 1 : time of object creation. //d.PrintMe(); // proccess 2 >> time 2 : time of calling to method. // when class have constructor Demo dc = new Demo(); // only 1 proccess and 1 time. // object with constructor overloding Demo dco = new Demo(); // only 1 proccess and 1 time. MyClass m1 = new MyClass(); // Console.WriteLine(m1.name); MyClass m2 = m1; m2.name = "reco2"; Console.WriteLine(m1.name); Console.WriteLine(m2.name); Reco r = Reco.createObj(); r.speak(); utilits u = new utilits("reco"); // object from class with overload constructor. string username = "******"; string password = "******"; // fore loop for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) // strucur of for loop with condition and incriment. { if (i % 2 == 0) { if (i <= 9) { Console.WriteLine("even number : " + i); } else { Console.WriteLine("even number : " + i); } } else { Console.WriteLine("odd number : " + i); } } // while int index = 0; while (index < 10) { Console.WriteLine(index); index++; } // do while int val = 0; do { Console.WriteLine(val); val++; }while (val < 8); //foreach // inline if , // ternary operator {dision making}. string answer = "good"; string result = (answer == "good") ? "good job" : "bad job"; Console.WriteLine(result); //if else if (username == "ahmed" && password == "123456") { Console.WriteLine("login success ... "); } else { Console.WriteLine("login faild ..."); } //if elseif else if (username == "ahmed" && password == "123456") { Console.WriteLine("login success ... "); } else if (username == "ahmed" || password == "123456") { Console.WriteLine("login simi success .... "); } else { Console.WriteLine("login faild ... "); } //swich case comapre between value and value only >> like if else but cant using multi operators. int myAge = 20; switch (myAge) { case 20: Console.WriteLine("same age"); break; // end proccess case 30: Console.WriteLine("not match"); break; // end proccess default: Console.WriteLine("plz chose"); //like else break; } int xa = 5; double ya = 7.3; // working with casting ... xa = (int)ya; // explicit casting ya = xa; // implicit casting // another implicit casting var s = "hi"; // string var d = 5; // int Console.WriteLine(s + d); // working with Anonymous types Demo rr = new Demo(); var rrr = new Demo(); var anonymousType = new { name = "reco ", age = 25, salary = 1000 }; Console.WriteLine(anonymousType.name); // daynamic type it's can evaluate the compile time at same run time dynamic uu = 20; // runtime var uuu = 50; // compile time Console.WriteLine(uuu); const double PI = 3.14; // cannot be re-intialize // PI = 15.5; // > error Console.WriteLine(PI); Ireport ireport = new PDFReport(); ireport.Header(); ireport.Body(); ireport.Footer(); // example of arrays // 1- single dimention array int[] ages = { 10, 20, 80, 40, 50, 15 }; // or int[] ages = new int[2]; // ages[0] = 1; // ages[1] = 2; // or int[] ages = new int[6] { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 }; // sorting array Array.Sort(ages); // reverse array Array.Reverse(ages); for (int i = 0; i < ages.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine("i[" + i + "]" + "=" + ages[i]); } // 2- two dimention array string[,] rectangle = new string[2, 3]; // row * coulmns rectangle[0, 0] = "mohamed"; rectangle[0, 1] = "abd"; rectangle[0, 2] = "algafour"; rectangle[1, 0] = "ahmed"; rectangle[1, 1] = rectangle[0, 0]; rectangle[1, 2] = "ali"; for (int row = 0; row <= rectangle.GetUpperBound(0); row++) { for (int coulmn = 0; coulmn <= rectangle.GetUpperBound(1); coulmn++) { Console.WriteLine(rectangle[row, coulmn]); } } // 3- array of array int[][] jagged = new int[3][]; jagged[0] = new int[3] { 1, 2, 3 }; jagged[1] = new int[2] { 50, 60 }; jagged[2] = new int[5] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; for (int outer = 0; outer < jagged.Length; outer++) { for (int inner = 0; inner < jagged[outer].Length; inner++) { Console.Write(jagged[outer][inner] + ","); } Console.WriteLine(); } // example of collections and workink ... // arraylist int[] age = { 100, 200, 300 }; ArrayList seq = new ArrayList(); seq.Add(1); seq.Add('c'); seq.InsertRange(1, age); seq.Insert(0, "hi"); seq.Remove(100); seq.RemoveAt(0); foreach (var item in seq) { Console.WriteLine(item); } //sortedlist SortedList seq2 = new SortedList(); seq2.Add("team A", 50); seq2.Add("team B", 50); seq2.Add("team C", 50); foreach (DictionaryEntry item in seq2) { Console.WriteLine(item.Key); Console.WriteLine(item.Value); } // stack Stack st = new Stack(); st.Push("1"); st.Push("10"); st.Push("11"); st.Push("12"); st.Pop("1"); st.Pop("10"); st.Pop("11"); st.Pop("12"); // Queue Queue q = new Queue(); q.Enqueue(1); q.Enqueue(15); q.Enqueue(23); q.Enqueue(2); }
// Main method. static void Main() { Console.Title = "Console App Core"; // Title of the console screen. // calling class with non static method. Human mohamed = new Human(); // ahmed object from human , calling with object. mohamed.add(10, 20); // return 30. // calling class with static method. Human.sum(10, 20); // return 30. // above code it printing in memory. // hear printing from memory to user interfsce. System.Console.WriteLine(Human.sum(10, 20)); // without system libarary. // Example for swaping varibles. int a = 10; int b = 20; // swap a = 20 , b = 10 without using any temp varaible. b = a; // b = 10. a = b + b; // a = 10 + 10 = 20. int x = 99; int y = 101; //swap x = 101 , y = 99 without using any temp varaible. x = x + y; // x = 99 + 101 = 200. y = x - y; // y = 200 - 101 = 99. x = x - y; // x = 200 - 99 = 101. Childs childs = new Childs(); // object from childs >> has a relationship. Console.WriteLine(childs.age); Store Cairo = new Store(); Console.WriteLine(Cairo.NumberOfReminingProduct(20)); // 20 requested quntity >> 80 all quntity Store Ismailia = new Store(); Console.WriteLine(Ismailia.NumberOfReminingProduct(30)); // 30 requested quntity >> 50 all quntity Store Alex = new Store(); Console.WriteLine(Alex.NumberOfReminingProduct(50)); // 50 requested quntity >> 0 all quntity // Demo d = new Demo(); // proccess 1 >> time 1 : time of object creation. //d.PrintMe(); // proccess 2 >> time 2 : time of calling to method. // when class have constructor Demo dc = new Demo(); // only 1 proccess and 1 time. // object with constructor overloding Demo dco = new Demo(); // only 1 proccess and 1 time. MyClass m1 = new MyClass(); // Console.WriteLine(m1.name); MyClass m2 = m1; m2.name = "reco2"; Console.WriteLine(m1.name); Console.WriteLine(m2.name); Reco r = Reco.createObj(); r.speak(); utilits u = new utilits("reco"); // object from class with overload constructor. string username = "******"; string password = "******"; // fore loop for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) // strucur of for loop with condition and incriment. { if (i % 2 == 0) { if (i <= 9) { Console.WriteLine("even number : " + i); } else { Console.WriteLine("even number : " + i); } } else { Console.WriteLine("odd number : " + i); } } // while int index = 0; while (index < 10) { Console.WriteLine(index); index++; } // do while int val = 0; do { Console.WriteLine(val); val++; }while (val < 8); //foreach // inline if , // ternary operator {dision making}. string answer = "good"; string result = (answer == "good") ? "good job" : "bad job"; Console.WriteLine(result); //if else if (username == "ahmed" && password == "123456") { Console.WriteLine("login success ... "); } else { Console.WriteLine("login faild ..."); } //if elseif else if (username == "ahmed" && password == "123456") { Console.WriteLine("login success ... "); } else if (username == "ahmed" || password == "123456") { Console.WriteLine("login simi success .... "); } else { Console.WriteLine("login faild ... "); } //swich case comapre between value and value only >> like if else but cant using multi operators. int myAge = 20; switch (myAge) { case 20: Console.WriteLine("same age"); break; // end proccess case 30: Console.WriteLine("not match"); break; // end proccess default: Console.WriteLine("plz chose"); //like else break; } }