static void Main(string[] args) { Journal journal1 = new Journal(); Journal journal2 = new Journal(); StudentCollection coll1 = new StudentCollection(); StudentCollection coll2 = new StudentCollection(); Student[] st; Exam[] exam; Test[] test; coll1.StudentCountChanged += journal1.OnStudentCountChanged; coll1.StudentReferenceChanged += journal1.OnStudentReferenceChanged; coll2.StudentCountChanged += journal1.OnStudentCountChanged; coll2.StudentReferenceChanged += journal1.OnStudentReferenceChanged; coll1.StudentCountChanged += journal2.OnStudentCountChanged; coll1.StudentReferenceChanged += journal2.OnStudentReferenceChanged; coll1.Name = "coll1"; st = new Student[3]; st[0] = new Student(new Person("ivan", "ivan", new DateTime(33, 5, 5)), Education.Bachelor, 100); exam = new Exam[2]; exam[0] = new Exam("Java", 4, new DateTime()); exam[1] = new Exam("C#", 4, new DateTime()); test = new Test[2]; test[0] = new Test("Phyton", true); test[1] = new Test("Java", true); st[0].AddExam(exam); st[0].AddTest(test); st[1] = new Student(new Person("abc", "abc", new DateTime(4, 4, 4)), Education.Master, 100); exam = new Exam[2]; exam[0] = new Exam("Java", 2, new DateTime()); exam[1] = new Exam("C#", 2, new DateTime()); test = new Test[2]; test[0] = new Test("Phyton", true); test[1] = new Test("Java", true); st[1].AddExam(exam); st[1].AddTest(test); st[2] = new Student(new Person("wer", "wer", new DateTime(1, 1, 1)), Education.Bachelor, 100); exam = new Exam[2]; exam[0] = new Exam("Java", 3, new DateTime()); exam[1] = new Exam("C#", 3, new DateTime()); test = new Test[2]; test[0] = new Test("Phyton", true); test[1] = new Test("Java", true); st[2].AddExam(exam); st[2].AddTest(test); coll1.AddStudents(st); coll2.Name = "cool2"; coll2.AddDefaults(); coll1.Remove(1); coll1[1] = st[0]; Console.WriteLine("\n\nFirst:\n\n" + journal1 + "\n\nSecond:\n\n" + journal2); }
void Bar2() { foo = 6; this.Foo = 5.GetType(); Test t = "sss"; }
/* void CReg (Object CurrentSubject,string NameOfSubject,int CodeOfSubject,Subject preRequestSubject,List<Subject>CurrentTerm) * { * CurrentSubject = tnew Subjec(NameOfSubject, CodeOfSubject); * reg(CurrentSubject, preRequestSubject, CurrentTerm); * * }*/ static void Main(string[] args) { List <Subject>[] term = new List <Subject> [10]; //Term 1; term[0] = new List <Subject>(); Subject math1 = new Subject("Math 1", 111); reg(math1, null, term[0]); Subject phy1 = new Subject("Physics 1", 112); reg(phy1, null, term[0]); Subject mech1 = new Subject("Mechanics", 113); reg(mech1, null, term[0]); Subject chm = new Subject("Chemistry For Engineers", 114); reg(chm, null, term[0]); Subject comintro = new Subject("Introduction to Computer", 115); reg(comintro, null, term[0]); Subject eng1 = new Subject("English 1", 116); reg(eng1, null, term[0]); //term[0] = new List<Subject> { math1, phy1, mech1, chm, comintro, eng1 }; //FIRST TERM //Term 2; term[1] = new List <Subject>(); Subject math2 = new Subject("Math 2", 121); reg(math2, math1, term[1]); Subject phy2 = new Subject("Physics 2", 122); reg(phy2, phy1, term[1]); Subject mech2 = new Subject("Mechanics 2", 123); reg(mech2, mech1, term[1]); Subject prod_mech = new Subject("Production Mechanics", 124); reg(prod_mech, null, term[1]); Subject draw = new Subject("Engineering Drawing and Projection", 125); reg(draw, null, term[1]); Subject eng2 = new Subject("English 2", 126); reg(eng2, null, term[1]); //Term 3; term[2] = new List <Subject>(); Subject math3 = new Subject("Math 3", 211); reg(math3, math1, term[2]); Subject prog1 = new Subject("Structure Programming", 212); reg(prog1, comintro, term[2]); Subject logic = new Subject("Logic Circuts Design", 213); reg(logic, comintro, term[2]); Subject circut1 = new Subject("Electronic Circuts 1", 214); reg(circut1, null, term[2]); Subject elect1 = new Subject("Electronics 1", 215); reg(elect1, null, term[2]); Subject word = new Subject("Microsoft Word", 216); reg(word, null, term[2]); //Term 4; term[3] = new List <Subject>(); Subject math4 = new Subject("Math 4", 221); reg(math4, null, term[3]); Subject prog2 = new Subject("Structure Programming Application", 222); reg(prog2, prog1, term[3]); Subject measure = new Subject("Devices and Measurement", 223); reg(measure, null, term[3]); Subject circut2 = new Subject("Electronic Circuts 2", 224); reg(circut2, circut1, term[3]); Subject elect2 = new Subject("Electronics 2", 225); reg(elect2, elect1, term[3]); Subject excel = new Subject("Technical Reports Writing", 226); reg(excel, word, term[3]); //term5 term[4] = new List <Subject>(); Subject digital = new Subject("Digital Systems Design", 311); reg(digital, logic, term[4]); Subject prog3 = new Subject("Data Structure", 312); reg(prog3, prog2, term[4]); Subject math5 = new Subject("Num", 313); reg(math5, math1, term[4]); // NEED TO EDIT !! Subject comm1 = new Subject("Communication Theory", 314); reg(comm1, circut2, term[4]); Subject energy = new Subject("Energy Systems", 315); reg(energy, circut2, term[4]); Subject tech = new Subject("Engineering and Technology", 316); reg(tech, null, term[4]); //term6 NEED TO CHECK ALL term[5] = new List <Subject>(); Subject math6 = new Subject("inConnected Math", 321); reg(math6, math4, term[5]); Subject oop = new Subject("Object Orianted Programming", 322); reg(oop, prog2, term[5]); Subject arch = new Subject("Computer Archictucture", 323); reg(arch, comintro, term[5]); Subject machine = new Subject("Electric Machines", 324); reg(machine, circut2, term[5]); Subject commuintro = new Subject("Introduction to Communication Systems", 325); reg(commuintro, comm1, term[5]); //term7 term[6] = new List <Subject>(); Subject prog4 = new Subject("Systems Programming", 411); reg(prog4, prog2, term[6]); Subject database = new Subject("Database Systems", 412); reg(database, prog2, term[6]); Subject micro = new Subject("Introduction to Microprocessor", 413); reg(micro, arch, term[6]); Subject control = new Subject("Control", 414); reg(control, null, term[6]); Subject Select_11 = new Subject("Course Choice :\n\t*Math Algorithms\n\t*Assembly", 415); reg(Select_11, null, term[6]); Select_11.PreRequests_subject = new List <Subject> { arch, prog2 }; Subject cdev = new Subject("Control Devices", 416); reg(cdev, elect2, term[6]); //term8 term[7] = new List <Subject>(); Subject info = new Subject("Data Systems", 421); reg(info, arch, term[7]); Subject graph = new Subject("Computer Graphics", 422); reg(graph, comintro, term[7]); Subject os = new Subject("Operating Systems", 423); reg(os, prog4, term[7]); Subject newcontrol = new Subject("Modern Control Engineering", 424); reg(newcontrol, control, term[7]); Subject Select_12 = new Subject("Course Choice :\n\t*Simulation\n\t*Advanced Computer Design", 425); reg(Select_12, math6, term[7]); Subject signal = new Subject("Signal Processing", 426); reg(signal, digital, term[7]); //term9 term[8] = new List <Subject>(); Subject ai = new Subject("Aritficial Intelgince", 511); reg(ai, prog2, term[8]); Subject netcom1 = new Subject("Computer Networks 1", 512); reg(netcom1, prog4, term[8]); Subject progeng = new Subject("Programs Engineering", 513); reg(progeng, prog2, term[8]); Subject Select411 = new Subject("Course Choice :\n\t*Computer Performance Benchmark\n\t*Pattern Recogniztion\n\t*Full Digital System design", 514); reg(Select411, null, term[8]); Select411.PreRequests_subject = new List <Subject> { prog2, prog4, digital }; Subject Select412 = new Subject("Course Choice :\n\t*Computer Performance Benchmark\n\t*Pattern Recogniztion\n\t*Full Digital System design", 514); reg(Select412, null, term[8]); Select412.PreRequests_subject = new List <Subject> { prog2, prog4, digital }; Subject FinalProject = new Subject("Graduation Project", 525); reg(FinalProject, null, term[8]); //term10 term[9] = new List <Subject>(); Subject calsys = new Subject("Calculating Systems", 521); reg(calsys, prog2, term[9]); Subject security = new Subject("Information Security", 522); reg(security, prog2, term[9]); Subject netcom2 = new Subject("Computer Networks 2", 523); reg(netcom2, netcom1, term[9]); Subject Select421 = new Subject("Course Choice :\n\t*Insider Networks\n\t*Robots Engineering\n\t*Full Circuits Design", 524); reg(Select421, null, term[9]); Select421.PreRequests_subject = new List <Subject> { ai, prog2, digital }; Subject Select422 = new Subject("Course Choice :\n\t*Insider Networks\n\t*Robots Engineering\n\t*Full Circuits Design", 524); reg(Select422, null, term[9]); Select422.PreRequests_subject = new List <Subject> { ai, prog2, digital }; term[9].Add(FinalProject); int y = 1; foreach (List <Subject> x in term) { Console.WriteLine("Term " + y + " : \n"); y++; foreach (Subject i in x) { Console.WriteLine(i.Name + " " + i.code); } Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n"); } hacking.dohack(); Test.GetGrade(term); }