コード例 #1
        static ProgramOutputs calculate(ProgramInputs inputs)
            ProgramOutputs outputs = new ProgramOutputs();

            outputs.MonthlyTotal = inputs.LoanPayment + inputs.Insurance + inputs.Gas + inputs.Oil + inputs.Tires + inputs.Maintenance;
            outputs.AnnualTotal  = outputs.MonthlyTotal * 12;

コード例 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the following expenses on a per month basis");

            ProgramInputs  inputs  = getInputs();
            ProgramOutputs outputs = calculate(inputs);

            Console.WriteLine("Your monthly total is ${0:F2} and your annual total is ${1:F2}", outputs.MonthlyTotal, outputs.AnnualTotal);
コード例 #3
        static ProgramInputs getInputs()
            // make a new program input object
            ProgramInputs inputs = new ProgramInputs();

            // get each input using a convenient method that factors out the parsing logic
            inputs.LoanPayment = getSingleInput("How much is the loan payment?");
            inputs.Insurance   = getSingleInput("How much is the insurance?");
            inputs.Gas         = getSingleInput("How much is the gas?");
            inputs.Oil         = getSingleInput("How much is the oil?");
            inputs.Tires       = getSingleInput("How much are the tires?");
            inputs.Maintenance = getSingleInput("How much is the maintenance?");

            // return them in single object, it's neater this way