コード例 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string main  = "bake";
            string edit  = "cake";
            string main2 = "ake";
            string edit2 = "cake";
            string main3 = "bcake";
            string edit3 = "cake";
            string main4 = "bbake";
            string edit4 = "cake";

            Console.WriteLine("One Away: There are three types of edits that can be performed on strings: insert a character, remove a character, or replace a character. \n");
            Console.WriteLine("Parent String: " + "'" + main + "'" + ", " + "String to test: " + "'" + edit + "'" + "\n" + "IsOneEditAway: " + OneAway.isOneEditAway(main, edit) + "\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Parent String: " + "'" + main2 + "'" + ", " + "String to test: " + "'" + edit2 + "'" + "\n" + "IsOneEditAway: " + OneAway.isOneEditAway(main2, edit2) + "\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Parent String: " + "'" + main3 + "'" + ", " + "String to test: " + "'" + edit3 + "'" + "\n" + "IsOneEditAway: " + OneAway.isOneEditAway(main3, edit3) + "\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Parent String: " + "'" + main4 + "'" + ", " + "String to test: " + "'" + edit4 + "'" + "\n" + "IsOneEditAway: " + OneAway.isOneEditAway(main4, edit4) + "\n");


            //Question:  Given two sorted arrays, find the number of elements in common. The arrays are the same length
            //and each has all distinct elements.


            // Is Unique: Implement an algorithm to determine if a string has all unique characters.What if you
            //cannot use additional data structures ?
            string test1 = "reww";
            string test2 = "abcdefg";

            Console.WriteLine("Is Unique: Implement an algorithm to determine if a string has all unique characters.What if you cannot use additional data structures ? \n");
            Console.WriteLine("String: " + test1 + ", Contains Unique Characters: " + IsUnique.containsUnique(test1) + "\n");
            Console.WriteLine("String: " + test2 + ", Contains Unique Characters: " + IsUnique.containsUnique(test2) + "\n");

            //Given two strings, write a method to decide if one is a permutation of the
            string stringOne = "bbatabt";
            string stringTwo = "bat";

            Console.WriteLine("Given two strings, write a method to decide if one is a permutation of the other. \n");
            Console.WriteLine("StringOne: " + stringOne + " " + "StringTwo: " + stringTwo + ", Has Permutations: " + FindPermutations.isPermutation(stringOne, stringTwo) + "\n");
            //Write a method to replace all spaces in a string with '%20
            string urlString = "Mr John Smith     ";
            int    length    = 13;

            Console.WriteLine("Write a method to replace all spaces in a string with '%20:\n");
            Console.WriteLine("String: " + "'" + urlString + "'" + ", Length: " + length + " = " + CreateURL.URLify(urlString, length) + " " + "\n");

            // Given a string, write a function to check if it is a permutation of a palindrome
            string trueTest  = "tact coa";
            string falseTest = "aabb t s   ";

            Console.WriteLine("Given a string, write a function to check if it is a permutation of a palindrome:\n");
            Console.WriteLine("String: " + "'" + trueTest + "'" + ": " + PalindromePermutation.isPalindrome(trueTest));
            Console.WriteLine("String: " + "'" + falseTest + "'" + ": " + PalindromePermutation.isPalindrome(falseTest));

            //String Compression: Implement a method to perform basic string compression using the counts
            //of repeated characters.For example, the string aabcccccaaa would become a2b1c5a3.If the
            //"compressed" string would not become smaller than the original string, your method should return
            //the original string.You can assume the string has only uppercase and lowercase letters(a - z).
            string successTest = "abbdd";
            string failTest    = "abccccadfadsfasdfasdfasdfadfadfadfadfasdf";

            Console.WriteLine("Implement a method to perform basic string compression using the counts of repeated characters: \n");

            Console.WriteLine("String: " + "'" + successTest + "'" + ": " + StringCompression.compressString(successTest));
            Console.WriteLine("String: " + "'" + failTest + "'" + ": " + StringCompression.compressString(failTest));