コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method returns the heading and allows the user to
        /// choose a distance unit to convert from and to. It informs
        /// the consumer of the distance being converted, performs the
        /// conversion, and displays the result.
        /// </summary>
        public void ConvertDistance()
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
            Console.WriteLine("\n Selecting units");
            string[] choices = new string[]
                FEET, METRES, MILES

            Console.WriteLine($"\n Please select a unit to convert from\n");
            int choice = ConsoleHelper.SelectChoice(choices);

            FromUnit = choices[choice - 1];
            Console.WriteLine($"\n You have selected {FromUnit}! ");

            Console.WriteLine($"\n Please select a unit to convert to\n");
            choice = ConsoleHelper.SelectChoice(choices);
            ToUnit = choices[choice - 1];
            Console.WriteLine($"\n You have selected {ToUnit}! ");

            FromDistance = ConsoleHelper.InputNumberDouble($"\n Please enter the number of" +
                                                           $" {FromUnit} you wish to convert to {ToUnit} > ");

            ConsoleHelper.OutputTitle($"\n Converting {FromUnit} to {ToUnit} ");
