private static void Test1() { Trie trie = new Trie(); trie.Insert("apple"); trie.Search("apple"); // returns true trie.Search("app"); // returns false trie.StartsWith("app"); // returns true trie.Insert("app"); trie.Search("app"); // returns true }
private static void Test2() { Trie trie = new Trie(); trie.Insert("app"); trie.Insert("apple"); trie.Insert("beer"); trie.Insert("add"); trie.Insert("jam"); trie.Insert("rental"); trie.Search("apps"); trie.Search("app"); }
private static void Test3() { Trie trie = new Trie(); trie.Insert("ab"); trie.Insert("ab"); trie.Insert("abc"); trie.Search("abc"); trie.StartsWith("abc"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); int[] arr = { 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 8, 10, 10 }; //var a = BubbleSort.GetSorted(arr); // QuickSort.GetSorted(arr); MyHeap.BuildHead(); //foreach (var x in a) //{ // Console.WriteLine(x); //} var a = removeDuplicates(arr, arr.Length); // Print updated array for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) { Console.Write(arr[i] + " "); } var b = BianrySearch(arr, 225, 0, arr.Length - 1); Console.WriteLine(b); BinaryTree bt = new BinaryTree(); BinaryTree bt1 = new BinaryTree(); var root = bt.Insert(null, 10); var root1 = bt1.Insert(null, 10); /*root = bt.Insert(root, 20); * root = bt.Insert(root, 8); * root = bt.Insert(root, 9); * root = bt.Insert(root, 15); * root = bt.Insert(root, 25); */ bt.Insert(root, 20); bt.Insert(root, 8); bt.Insert(root, 9); bt.Insert(root, 15); bt.Insert(root, 25); bt.Insert(root, 12); bt.Insert(root, 5); bt1.Insert(root1, 20); bt1.Insert(root1, 8); bt1.Insert(root1, 9); bt1.Insert(root1, 15); bt1.Insert(root1, 25); //bt1.Insert(root1, 12); bt1.Insert(root1, 7); TwoNodes tn = new TwoNodes { First = bt.RootNode, Second = bt1.RootNode }; Console.WriteLine("Is_BST_Identical_Iterative ::{0} ", bt.Is_BST_Identical_Iterative(tn)); Console.WriteLine("Is_BST_Identical ::{0} ", bt.isIdentical(bt.RootNode, bt1.RootNode)); bt1.Height_Tree_Iterative(bt1.RootNode); Console.WriteLine("PreOrder"); bt.PreOrder(bt.RootNode); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("InOrder"); bt.InOrder(bt.RootNode); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("PostOrder"); bt.PostOrder(bt.RootNode); bt.CreateBinaryTreeFromInAndPreOrder(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Find"); var f = bt.Find(115, bt.RootNode); Console.WriteLine(f != null ? : 0); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("MinValue"); var m = bt.GetMinValue(bt.RootNode); Console.WriteLine(m); int pos = 6; bt.GetKthMinValue(bt.RootNode, ref pos); //bt.LevelOrder(bt.RootNode); //bt.Inorder_Iterative(bt.RootNode); //bt.Preorder_Iterative(bt.RootNode); //bt.Postorder_Iterative(bt.RootNode); //bt.Get_Inorder_Predecessor(bt.RootNode); //bt.Get_Inorder_Successor(bt.RootNode); Console.WriteLine("\nInvert binary"); bt.InvertBinary(bt.RootNode); bt.LevelOrder(bt.RootNode); Node ln = new Node { data = 20 }; Node rn = new Node { data = 30 }; Node no = new Node { data = 10, Left = ln, Right = rn }; // Console.WriteLine("isBST :: {0}", bt.isBST(no, int.MinValue) ); Console.WriteLine("isBST :: {0}", bt.isBinarySearch(no)); AVLTree at = new AVLTree(); at.Avl_execute(); int[] arr1 = { 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 20 }; GetTriplets(arr1, 30); GetSumDobles(arr1, 15); GetSumDobles_Linear(arr1, 15); Console.WriteLine("KnapSack"); int[] val = new int[] { 60, 120, 100 }; int[] wt = new int[] { 10, 30, 20 }; int Cap = 50; int n = val.Length; int[,] dp = new int[n + 1, Cap + 1]; KnapSack k = new KnapSack(); Console.WriteLine(k.KnapSack_Binary(Cap, wt, val, n, dp)); k.KnapSack_Fraction(Cap, wt, val, n); Console.WriteLine("Pattern"); Pattern.SearchPattern("AABAACAADAABAAABAACAAD", "CAAD"); Pattern.Binary_MultipleOf3("110100000101"); Console.WriteLine("Largest Sum Contiguous Subarray"); int[] aa = { 1, 2, 3, -2, 5 }; Pattern.maxSubArraySum(aa); Console.WriteLine("Missing elements"); int[] aa1 = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10 }; Pattern.FindMissingElements(aa1); int[] aa2 = { 1, 2, 3, 1, 1 }; Pattern.FindMajorityElement(aa2); //Search in a Rotated Array int[] aa3 = { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2, 3, 4 }; Pattern.SearchRotatedArray(aa3, 10); //Linked List LinkedList lst = new LinkedList(); lst.InsertFront(10); lst.InsertLast(20); lst.InsertFront(5); lst.InsertLast(25); lst.InsertLast(35); lst.PrintList(lst); lst.FindMiddleElement(lst); Problem_30 p30 = new Problem_30(); p30.FindSingeNumber(); p30.HappyNumber(); p30.Longest_Sum_Subarray(); p30.FindSubarraySum(); p30.MoveZeroRight(); p30.MaxProfit(); p30.IsAnagram(); p30.StringSorting("kgadeA"); p30.GroupingAnagrams(); p30.CountingElement(); p30.BackspaceStingCompare(); //p30.LastStoneWeight(); p30.SubArrayWithEqualZeroAndOne(); p30.StringShif(); p30.ProductOfArrayExceptSlef(); Console.WriteLine("\nValid parenthesis:: {0}", p30.ValidParenthesis()); p30.NumberOfIsland(); p30.LeftmostColumnWithAtleastOne(); p30.BitwiseAnd(); p30.JumpingProblem(); p30.LongestcommonSubsequence(); p30.CountPairsGivenSum(); p30.MaximumPathSum(bt.RootNode); p30.ValidSequence(bt.RootNode); p30.MinFromSatck(); p30.MinimumPathSum(); p30.HistogramMaxRectangle(); //p30.Print_Combination_R_Elements_Array(); ///All Array Problem /// ArrayProblem ar = new ArrayProblem(); ar.Find_And_Print_SubArraySum(); ar.SortBinaryArray(); ar.FindDuplicate(); ar.LongestConsecutiveSubArray(); ar.MaximumSumSubArray(); ar.MinimuSumSubArray(); ar.SubArrayWithEqualZeroAndOne(); ar.SortArrayOnlyZeroOneTwos(); ar.Merge2SortedArray(); ar.MergeArray_ReplaceZeroValue(); ar.Find_Index_MaxLength_ContinuousOnes(); ar.ProductOfTwoIntArray(); ar.Suffle(); ar.RearrangeArrayHighAndLow(); ar.EquilibriumIndex(); ar.FindMajorityElement(); ar.MoveAllZeroToEnd(); ar.ProductOfArrayWithotSlef(); ar.BitonicSubArray(); ar.FindMaximumDifference(); ar.MaximumSumCircularSubArray(); ar.FindSumMimumSubArray_Given_Size(); ar.FindSumSubArray_Given_Sum(); ar.LengthOfSmallestSubarray_SumOfElements_GreaterThanNumber(); ar.Find_Smallest_Window_Will_Make_Entire_Array_Sorted(); ar.TrappingRainWaterwithin_given_set_bars(); ar.Find_Maximum_Sum_Subsequence_With_NO_Adjacent(); ar.MinimumNumber_Platform(); ar.LengthOf_Continuous_Same_Sum_Two_Binary_Array(); ar.Find_Number_Rotations(); ar.RodCutting(); ar.Find_kth_Smallest_Element(); ar.FindAllCombinations(); //Trie data structure Trie tr = new Trie(); string[] words = { "abc", "abgl", "cdf", "abcd", "lmn" }; //string[] words = { "abc"}; foreach (string st in words) { tr.Insert(st); } Console.WriteLine("\nIs string present {0} ", tr.Search("cdf")); tr.AutoComplete("ab"); // List of graph edges as per above diagram List <Edge> edges = new List <Edge> { // Notice that node 0 is unconnected node new Edge(1, 2), new Edge(1, 7), new Edge(1, 8), new Edge(2, 3), new Edge(2, 6), new Edge(3, 4), new Edge(3, 5), new Edge(8, 9), new Edge(8, 12), new Edge(9, 10), new Edge(9, 11) }; // Set number of vertices in the graph (0-12) int N = 13; // create a graph from edges Graph graph = new Graph(edges, N); // stores vertex is discovered or not bool[] discovered = new bool[N]; // Do DFS traversal from all undiscovered nodes to // cover all unconnected components of graph for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { if (!discovered[i]) { graph.DFS(graph, i, discovered); } } //Matrix Matrix mt = new Matrix(); mt.Print_SpiralOrder(); mt.Rotation_90(); mt.FloodFill(); }