コード例 #1
        private static int readFilePersons(Person[] a, string f)
            int count = 0;
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(f);
            string lineName;
            string lineDt;
            while ((lineName = sr.ReadLine()) !=null)
                lineDt = sr.ReadLine();
                //string line = Console.ReadLine();
                //dt = DateTime.Parse(line);
                a[count] = new Person(lineName, DateTime.Parse(lineDt));
                count ++;

            return count;

コード例 #2
        static void Main2(string[] args)
            Person p1 = new Person("Alice",new DateTime(1980,1,1),true);
            p1.Name = "Alice Smith";
            Console.WriteLine("{0} age is more or less {1} ", p1.Name, p1.Age);

            Person p2 = new Person("Bob the Builder", new DateTime(1992,5,12));
            Console.WriteLine("{0} age is more or less {1} ", p2.Name, p2.Age);

            Console.WriteLine("O total de pessoas é: {0}", Person.GetNumberOfPersons());

            //Person p1 = new Person();

            //p1.name = "Alice";
            //p1.id = 123;
            //p1.birthDate = new DateTime(1980, 1, 1);

            //Person p2 = new Person();

            //p2.name = "Bob the Builder";
            //p2.id = 456;
            //p2.birthDate = new DateTime(1992,5,12);

コード例 #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Person[] malta; 
            malta = new Person[10];
//            int mx = 3;
//            for (int ix = 0; ix < mx; ix++)
//                malta[ix] = readPerson();
            int max = readFilePersons(malta, "pessoas.txt");
            malta[max] = new Student("Zé", new DateTime(2001,1,1), 10);
            Console.WriteLine("Lista de Pessoas");

            foreach(Person p in malta)
                if (p != null)
                   Console.WriteLine("{0} Idade = {1}", p, p.Age);


            int i;
            Console.Write("Introduza o indice: ");
            string line = Console.ReadLine();
            i = int.Parse(line);

            // if (malta[i] is Student) pergunta se é do tipo student 
            // Student s = (student) malta[i];  se quisermos forçar o tipo student
            Student s = malta[i] as Student; // se quisermos que assuma null se n for do tipo student

            if (s!=null)
                Console.WriteLine("number = {0}", s.Number);
                Console.WriteLine("not student");

             //Console.WriteLine("Pessoa : {0}", p.ToString());