/// <summary> /// Retrieves a single <see cref='PriceModel' /> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="productId"> /// The value which identifies the <see cref='PriceModel' /> instance to be returned. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref='PriceModel' /> instance that match the specified <paramref name='productId' />. /// </returns> public LocalPriceModel RecalculateMemberFee(String productId, String plId, DateTime?startDate, DateTime?endDate, Int32 qtyTotal) { PricesRecord record = this.Provider.DataProvider.Finance.Price.RecalculateMemberFee(productId, plId, startDate, endDate, qtyTotal); LocalPriceModel model = record == null ? null : new LocalPriceModel(this.Provider, record); return(model); }
public override void Create(PricesRecord record) { DbCommand command = this.Provider.GetStoredProcedure("spInsertUpdatePrice"); this.MapParameterIn(command, "@PA_USER_LOGIN_ID", "dev"); this.MapParametersIn(command, record, true); this.Execute(command); this.MapParametersOut(command, record); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <see cref="PricesRecord" /> object instance that is a shallow-copy of the current object instance. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// The shallow-copy of the current <see cref="PricesRecord" /> object instance. /// </returns> public PricesRecord Clone() { PricesRecord record = new PricesRecord(); record.Id = this.Id; record.Lock = this.Lock; record.AddDate = this.AddDate; record.AddBy = this.AddBy; record.ModDate = this.ModDate; record.ModBy = this.ModBy; record.RcvDate = this.RcvDate; record.RcvFrom = this.RcvFrom; record.PlId = this.PlId; record.ProdId = this.ProdId; record.Price = this.Price; record.BlockPrice = this.BlockPrice; record.SparePrice = this.SparePrice; record.CostPrice = this.CostPrice; record.CostCode = this.CostCode; record.RevCode = this.RevCode; record.DiscSched = this.DiscSched; record.VatCode = this.VatCode; record.RetailPrice = this.RetailPrice; record.NoCostNoSel = this.NoCostNoSel; record.Default = this.Default; record.GlCode1 = this.GlCode1; record.GlCode2 = this.GlCode2; record.ProdCategory = this.ProdCategory; record.DiscPercent = this.DiscPercent; record.PriceA = this.PriceA; record.PriceB = this.PriceB; record.PriceC = this.PriceC; record.PriceD = this.PriceD; record.PriceE = this.PriceE; record.GroupQty = this.GroupQty; record.GroupDte = this.GroupDte; record.GroupQtyId = this.GroupQtyId; record.GroupDteId = this.GroupDteId; record.QtyMin = this.QtyMin; record.QtyMax = this.QtyMax; record.ValidFrom = this.ValidFrom; record.ValidUntil = this.ValidUntil; record.BeforeDays = this.BeforeDays; record.VatCode2 = this.VatCode2; record.StartDate = this.StartDate; record.EndDate = this.EndDate; record.QualId = this.QualId; record.PrepayProdId = this.PrepayProdId; record.LineId = this.LineId; record.SeasId = this.SeasId; record.IncPlaces = this.IncPlaces; record.SubPrice1 = this.SubPrice1; record.SubPrice2 = this.SubPrice2; record.SubPrice3 = this.SubPrice3; record.SubPrice4 = this.SubPrice4; record.SubPrice5 = this.SubPrice5; record.SubPrice6 = this.SubPrice6; record.SubPrice7 = this.SubPrice7; record.SubPrice8 = this.SubPrice8; record.SubPrice9 = this.SubPrice9; record.CurrType = this.CurrType; record.DoNotRecalc = this.DoNotRecalc; record.SchnNumber = this.SchnNumber; record.MembPrice = this.MembPrice; record.Start = this.Start; record.End = this.End; record.Desc = this.Desc; record.PrsId = this.PrsId; record.Web = this.Web; record.ValidDate = this.ValidDate; record.Region = this.Region; record.Type = this.Type; record.SeaId = this.SeaId; return(record); }
/// <summary> /// Indicates whether the current <see cref="PricesRecord" /> instance is equal to another <see cref="PricesRecord" /> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="that"> /// The <see cref="PricesRecord" /> instance to be compared against this instance. /// </param> /// <returns> /// True if both instances are considered equal; otherwise, false. /// </returns> public Boolean Equals(PricesRecord that) { Boolean result = true; result = result && (this.Id.TrimOrNullify() == that.Id.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.Lock.TrimOrNullify() == that.Lock.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.PlId.TrimOrNullify() == that.PlId.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.ProdId.TrimOrNullify() == that.ProdId.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.Price == that.Price); result = result && (this.BlockPrice == that.BlockPrice); result = result && (this.SparePrice == that.SparePrice); result = result && (this.CostPrice == that.CostPrice); result = result && (this.CostCode.TrimOrNullify() == that.CostCode.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.RevCode.TrimOrNullify() == that.RevCode.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.DiscSched.TrimOrNullify() == that.DiscSched.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.VatCode.TrimOrNullify() == that.VatCode.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.RetailPrice == that.RetailPrice); result = result && (this.NoCostNoSel == that.NoCostNoSel); result = result && (this.Default == that.Default); result = result && (this.GlCode1.TrimOrNullify() == that.GlCode1.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.GlCode2.TrimOrNullify() == that.GlCode2.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.ProdCategory.TrimOrNullify() == that.ProdCategory.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.DiscPercent == that.DiscPercent); result = result && (this.PriceA == that.PriceA); result = result && (this.PriceB == that.PriceB); result = result && (this.PriceC == that.PriceC); result = result && (this.PriceD == that.PriceD); result = result && (this.PriceE == that.PriceE); result = result && (this.GroupQty == that.GroupQty); result = result && (this.GroupDte == that.GroupDte); result = result && (this.GroupQtyId.TrimOrNullify() == that.GroupQtyId.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.GroupDteId.TrimOrNullify() == that.GroupDteId.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.QtyMin == that.QtyMin); result = result && (this.QtyMax == that.QtyMax); result = result && (this.ValidFrom == that.ValidFrom); result = result && (this.ValidUntil == that.ValidUntil); result = result && (this.BeforeDays == that.BeforeDays); result = result && (this.VatCode2.TrimOrNullify() == that.VatCode2.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.StartDate == that.StartDate); result = result && (this.EndDate == that.EndDate); result = result && (this.QualId.TrimOrNullify() == that.QualId.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.PrepayProdId.TrimOrNullify() == that.PrepayProdId.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.LineId.TrimOrNullify() == that.LineId.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.SeasId.TrimOrNullify() == that.SeasId.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.IncPlaces == that.IncPlaces); result = result && (this.SubPrice1 == that.SubPrice1); result = result && (this.SubPrice2 == that.SubPrice2); result = result && (this.SubPrice3 == that.SubPrice3); result = result && (this.SubPrice4 == that.SubPrice4); result = result && (this.SubPrice5 == that.SubPrice5); result = result && (this.SubPrice6 == that.SubPrice6); result = result && (this.SubPrice7 == that.SubPrice7); result = result && (this.SubPrice8 == that.SubPrice8); result = result && (this.SubPrice9 == that.SubPrice9); result = result && (this.CurrType.TrimOrNullify() == that.CurrType.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.DoNotRecalc == that.DoNotRecalc); result = result && (this.SchnNumber == that.SchnNumber); result = result && (this.MembPrice == that.MembPrice); result = result && (this.Start == that.Start); result = result && (this.End == that.End); result = result && (this.Desc.TrimOrNullify() == that.Desc.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.PrsId.TrimOrNullify() == that.PrsId.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.Web == that.Web); result = result && (this.ValidDate == that.ValidDate); result = result && (this.Region.TrimOrNullify() == that.Region.TrimOrNullify()); result = result && (this.Type == that.Type); result = result && (this.SeaId == that.SeaId); return(result); }