コード例 #1
        private MCP3008SensorData ReadLightStatusInRoom()
            var MCP3008SensorData = new MCP3008SensorData();

                if (mcp3008 == null)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Light Sensor data is not ready");
                    MCP3008SensorData.lightStatus = "N/A";

                // The new light state, assume it's just right to start.
                eState newState = eState.JustRight;

                // Read from the ADC chip the current values of the two pots and the photo cell.
                MCP3008SensorData.lowPotReadVal  = mcp3008.ReadADC(LowPotentiometerADCChannel);
                MCP3008SensorData.highPotReadVal = mcp3008.ReadADC(HighPotentiometerADCChannel);
                MCP3008SensorData.cdsReadVal     = mcp3008.ReadADC(CDSADCChannel);

                // convert the ADC readings to voltages to make them more friendly.
                MCP3008SensorData.lowPotVoltage  = mcp3008.ADCToVoltage(MCP3008SensorData.lowPotReadVal);
                MCP3008SensorData.highPotVoltage = mcp3008.ADCToVoltage(MCP3008SensorData.highPotReadVal);
                MCP3008SensorData.cdsVoltage     = mcp3008.ADCToVoltage(MCP3008SensorData.cdsReadVal);

                // Let us know what was read in.
                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Read values {0}, {1}, {2} ", MCP3008SensorData.lowPotReadVal,
                                              MCP3008SensorData.highPotReadVal, MCP3008SensorData.cdsReadVal));
                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Voltages {0}, {1}, {2} ", MCP3008SensorData.lowPotVoltage,
                                              MCP3008SensorData.highPotVoltage, MCP3008SensorData.cdsVoltage));

                // Compute the new state by first checking if the light level is too low
                if (MCP3008SensorData.cdsVoltage < MCP3008SensorData.lowPotVoltage)
                    newState = eState.TooDark;

                // And now check if it too high.
                if (MCP3008SensorData.cdsVoltage > MCP3008SensorData.highPotVoltage)
                    newState = eState.TooBright;

                // Use another method to determine what to do with the state.
                MCP3008SensorData.lightStatus = CheckForStateValue(newState);
            catch (Exception)
                MCP3008SensorData.lightStatus = "N/A";
コード例 #2
        public async void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
            // Using BackgroundTaskDeferral
            // as described in http://aka.ms/backgroundtaskdeferral
            BackgroundTaskDeferral deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral();

            bmpsensor = new BMP280();
            await bmpsensor.Initialize();

            mcp3008 = new MCP3008(ReferenceVoltage);


            bmpSensorData = new BMP280SensorData();
            adcSensorData = new MCP3008SensorData();

            string roomstatus = String.Empty;

            while (true)
                Debug.WriteLine("Reading taken at " + DateTime.UtcNow);

                #region Read pressure and temperature data from sensor
                bmpSensorData.Temperature = await bmpsensor.ReadTemperature();

                bmpSensorData.Pressure = await bmpsensor.ReadPreasure();

                Debug.WriteLine(bmpSensorData.Temperature + " deg C");
                Debug.WriteLine(bmpSensorData.Pressure + " Pa");
                Debug.WriteLine(bmpSensorData.Pressure / 100000 + " Bar");
                Debug.WriteLine(bmpSensorData.Pressure / 100 + " milliBar");

                #region Reading Lighting Information from Sensor
                adcSensorData = ReadLightStatusInRoom();
                Debug.WriteLine("Light Status in Room: " + adcSensorData.lightStatus);

                #region Read the motion sensor
                // If sensor pin is high, then motion was detected
                if (pir.Read() == GpioPinValue.High)
                    // turn on the LED
                    Debug.WriteLine("Motion detected - Room is occupied");
                    roomstatus = "Occupied";
                    // turn off the LED
                    Debug.WriteLine("No motion detected - Room is vacant");
                    roomstatus = "Vacant";

                await SendDeviceToCloudMessageAsync(roomstatus, bmpSensorData, adcSensorData);

                await Task.Delay(10000);

            // Once the asynchronous method(s) are done, close the deferral.
            // deferral.Complete();
コード例 #3
        private async Task SendDeviceToCloudMessageAsync(string status, BMP280SensorData BMP280SensorData, MCP3008SensorData MCP3008SensorData)
            ConferenceRoomDataPoint conferenceRoomDataPoint = new ConferenceRoomDataPoint()
                DeviceId             = deviceName,
                Time                 = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o"),
                RoomTemp             = BMP280SensorData.Temperature.ToString(),
                RoomPressure         = BMP280SensorData.Pressure.ToString(),
                RoomAlt              = BMP280SensorData.Altitude.ToString(),
                LightStatus          = MCP3008SensorData.lightStatus,
                LightCDSValue        = MCP3008SensorData.cdsReadVal.ToString(),
                LightCDSVoltageValue = MCP3008SensorData.cdsVoltage.ToString(),
                RoomStatus           = status

            if (status == "Occupied")
                conferenceRoomDataPoint.Color = "Red";
                conferenceRoomDataPoint.Color = "Green";

            var jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(conferenceRoomDataPoint);
            //var jsonStringInBytes = new Message(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(jsonString));

            await AzureIoTHub.SendDeviceToCloudMessageAsync(jsonString);

            Debug.WriteLine("{0} > Sending message: {1}", DateTime.UtcNow, jsonString);