protected Symbol MatchGerundSignature(string gerund, ParseForest forest, ParseTreeVisitor visitor, SemanticContext context, bool isSubject) { string root = gerund.FormOf(Inflections.plural); " Found gerund for".Log(root); var context2 = new SemanticContext { InvocationBeingDefined = new Invocation(root), SignatureBeingDefined = new Signature(root), }; CreateSymbol(forest, visitor.Right(), context2); context2.InvocationBeingDefined.SuppliedArguments = context2.SignatureBeingDefined.parms; Scope.Current.ResolveMultimethodSymbolByArguments(context2.InvocationBeingDefined); if (context2.InvocationBeingDefined.FunctionSymbol == null) { throw new Backtrack("Signature of parameter-function \"" + context2.SignatureBeingDefined + "\" doesn't match any existing functions."); } var newSymbol = new Symbol { Name = context2.SignatureBeingDefined.verb, // todo: might the name & type be backward? It's usually the other way but the logging looks better this way: it's more precise Type = context2.SignatureBeingDefined.ToString(), Category = Categories.Variable, // local variable PartOfSpeech = NonTerminalSymbol.GP, }; context.SignatureBeingDefined[context.prepFound] = newSymbol; context.SignatureBeingDefined.HasSubject |= isSubject; " Higher-order function".Log("\"" + context.SignatureBeingDefined + "\" has a parameter \"" + context2.SignatureBeingDefined + "\" which could accept any \"" + context2.InvocationBeingDefined.FunctionSymbol.Signature + "\""); return(context2.InvocationBeingDefined.FunctionSymbol); }
public ParseTreeVisitor(ParseTreeVisitor otherVisitor) { Forest = otherVisitor.Forest; i = otherVisitor.i; j = otherVisitor.j; currentNode = otherVisitor.currentNode; parentNode = otherVisitor.parentNode; currentType = otherVisitor.currentType; }
/// <summary> Used by "A car is.." and "The corvette is..." but can possibly be used to create a symbol from any aNP or NP. </summary> protected Symbol CreateSymbolFromNP(ParseForest forest, ParseTreeVisitor visitor, SemanticContext context) { string adj = "", noun = "", det = "a"; visitor.All((nt, match, i, isLeaf) => { if (!isLeaf) { return; } switch (nt) { case NonTerminalSymbol.The: det = forest.a[i]; break; case NonTerminalSymbol.a: det = forest.a[i]; break; case NonTerminalSymbol.Adj: adj += (adj == "") ? forest.a[i] : " " + forest.a[i]; break; case NonTerminalSymbol.N: noun += (noun == "") ? forest.a[i] : " " + forest.a[i]; break; default: throw new Exception("CreateSymbolFromSubject() visitor found a " + nt + " instead of a N or Adj."); } }); if (adj == "" && noun == "") { throw new Exception("both adj & noun are blank??? CreateSymbolFromSubject()"); } if (adj != "" && noun != "") { Symbol nountype = Scope.Current.ResolveLoneSymbol(noun); if (nountype != null) { throw new RedeclareException(noun); } Symbol adjtype = (adj != "") ? Scope.Current.ResolveLoneSymbol(t.AdjToNounTypes.OrKey(adj)) : null; if (adjtype != null) { throw new RedeclareException(adj); } throw new RedefineException(noun, adj); } string fullname = (det != "a") ? "the " + (adj + " ").TrimStart() + noun : (noun != "") ? noun : adj; var newSymbol = new Symbol { Name = fullname, Type = t.Something, Category = (det != "a") ? /* Global */ Categories.Variable : Categories.ClassObjectStructType, PartOfSpeech = (fullname == adj) ? NonTerminalSymbol.Adj : NonTerminalSymbol.N, }; " DEFINED:".Log(newSymbol.Name); return(Scope.Current.Define(newSymbol)); }
/// <summary> Used by invocations. </summary> protected Symbol FillParameterWith_NP(ParseForest forest, ParseTreeVisitor visitor, SemanticContext context) { if (visitor.currentType != NonTerminalSymbol.The && visitor.currentType != NonTerminalSymbol.Adj && visitor.currentType != NonTerminalSymbol.N && visitor.currentType != NonTerminalSymbol.AdN && visitor.currentType != NonTerminalSymbol.G && visitor.currentType != NonTerminalSymbol.NP) { throw new Exception(visitor.currentType + " was passed to FillParameterWith_NP; was expecting Adj, N, AdN, a, G"); } string sym = "", det = "the"; visitor.All((nt, match, i, isLeaf) => { if (!isLeaf) { return; } switch (nt) { case NonTerminalSymbol.The: det = forest.a[i]; break; case NonTerminalSymbol.N: case NonTerminalSymbol.NP: case NonTerminalSymbol.Adj: sym += (sym == "") ? forest.a[i] : " " + forest.a[i]; break; case NonTerminalSymbol.Rp: PrintAST(forest); throw new Exception("Visitor found a " + nt + " instead of a N, Adj, the/each, or NP."); default: throw new Exception("Visitor found a " + nt + " instead of a N, Adj, the/each, or NP."); } }); if (sym == "") { throw new Exception("sym is blank??? FillParameterWith_NP()"); } det = (det == "several" || det == "many" || det == "each" || det == "every") ? "each " : "the "; Symbol symbol = Scope.Current.ResolveLoneSymbol(det + sym) ?? t.AsNumber(sym); if (symbol == null) { throw new UndefinedException(det + sym); } context.InvocationBeingDefined.SuppliedArguments.Add(new Parameter(context.prepFound, symbol)); return(symbol); }
protected void DefineFuncSymbol(ParseForest forest, SemanticContext context) { new ParseTreeVisitor(forest).Left().All((nt, match, i, isLeaf) => { if (!isLeaf) { return; } switch (nt) { case NonTerminalSymbol.HV: case NonTerminalSymbol.V: case NonTerminalSymbol.Adv: context.SignatureBeingDefined.verb += (context.SignatureBeingDefined.verb == "") ? forest.a[i] : " " + forest.a[i]; return; } }); "MULTIMETHOD ".Log(context.SignatureBeingDefined.verb); // parameter list Scope.EnterNew(context.SignatureBeingDefined.verb); var resetVisitor = new ParseTreeVisitor(forest).Left(); string errors = WithAlternates(forest, resetVisitor, context, context.SignatureBeingDefined.verb); if (errors != null) { throw new Exception(" Nothing could possibly be passed into the higher-order function " + context.SignatureBeingDefined + Environment.NewLine + errors); } "SIGNATURE:".Log(context.SignatureBeingDefined); context.FunctionBeingDefined = new Symbol { Name = context.SignatureBeingDefined.ToString(), Type = context.SignatureBeingDefined.verb, Category = Categories.FunctionMultimethod, PartOfSpeech = NonTerminalSymbol.V, Signature = context.SignatureBeingDefined, }; // define function in parent scope Scope.Current.Enclosing.Define(context.FunctionBeingDefined); // body of function "BODY".Log(); context.InvocationBeingDefined = new Invocation(""); CreateSymbol(forest, new ParseTreeVisitor(forest).Right(), context); AppendToFunctionBody(context); // body may continue if next sentence is imperative. }
protected string WithAlternates(ParseForest forest, ParseTreeVisitor resetVisitor, SemanticContext context, string retryScope = null) { string errors = ""; ParseTreeNodeMatch c = resetVisitor.currentNode; for (; errors != null && c != null; c = { try { var visitor = new ParseTreeVisitor(resetVisitor) { currentNode = c }; visitor.Right(); // does this need be here? what if we want Left? Should i pass in these two lines as delegate? CreateSymbol(forest, visitor, context); errors = null; } catch (Backtrack b) { "--BACKTRACK".Log(); errors += b.Message + Environment.NewLine; if (retryScope == null) { continue; } Scope.Abandon(); Scope.EnterNew(retryScope); } } if (errors != null && c == null) { if (retryScope != null) { Scope.Abandon(); } return(errors); } return(null); }
protected void DefineTemporalConstraint(ParseForest forest, SemanticContext context) { var DCvisitor = new ParseTreeVisitor(forest); var MCvisitor = new ParseTreeVisitor(DCvisitor); if (DCvisitor.currentNode.B == NonTerminalSymbol.DC) { DCvisitor.Left(); MCvisitor.Right(); } else { DCvisitor.Right(); MCvisitor.Left(); } context.SignatureBeingDefined.verb = "??constraint"; context.InvocationBeingDefined = new Invocation(""); context.FunctionBeingDefined = new Symbol { Category = Categories.Constraint, PartOfSpeech = NonTerminalSymbol.TR, }; Scope.EnterNew(context.SignatureBeingDefined.verb); DefineImpInvSymbol(forest, context, MCvisitor); " MAIN CLAUSE:".Log(context.SignatureBeingDefined.verb); DefineImpInvSymbol(forest, context, DCvisitor); " DEPENDENT CLAUSE:".Log(context.SignatureBeingDefined.verb); "DEFINED constraint:".Log(context.SignatureBeingDefined); context.FunctionBeingDefined.Name = context.SignatureBeingDefined.ToString(); context.FunctionBeingDefined.Type = context.SignatureBeingDefined.verb; context.FunctionBeingDefined.Signature = context.SignatureBeingDefined; Scope.Current.Define(context.FunctionBeingDefined); EndPreviousFunctionBody(context); }
/// <summary> Used for parameters of a function, struct, etc. For subject, used by struct.</summary> protected Symbol CreateParameterFrom_aNP(ParseForest forest, ParseTreeVisitor visitor, SemanticContext context, bool isSubject = false) { if (visitor.currentType != NonTerminalSymbol.a && visitor.currentType != NonTerminalSymbol.Adj && visitor.currentType != NonTerminalSymbol.N && visitor.currentType != NonTerminalSymbol.AdN && visitor.currentType != NonTerminalSymbol.aGP && visitor.currentType != NonTerminalSymbol.G && visitor.currentType != NonTerminalSymbol.aNP) { throw new Exception(visitor.currentType + " was passed to CreateParameterFrom_aNP; was expecting Adj, N, AdN, a, G, aGP"); } string adj = "", noun = "", det = "a"; visitor.All((nt, match, i, isLeaf) => { if (!isLeaf) { return; } switch (nt) { case NonTerminalSymbol.a: det = forest.a[i]; break; case NonTerminalSymbol.Adj: adj += (adj == "") ? forest.a[i] : " " + forest.a[i]; break; case NonTerminalSymbol.N: noun += (noun == "") ? forest.a[i] : " " + forest.a[i]; break; case NonTerminalSymbol.aNP: noun += (noun == "") ? forest.a[i] : " " + forest.a[i]; break; // "nothing" default: Scope.Abandon(); throw new Exception("Visitor found a " + nt + " instead of a N, Adj, a/many, or aNP."); } }); if (adj == "" && noun == "") { Scope.Abandon(); throw new Exception("both adj & noun are blank??? CreateParameterFrom_aNP()"); } Symbol nountype = Scope.Current.ResolveLoneSymbol(noun, Categories.ClassObjectStructType); Symbol adjtype = (nountype == null && adj != "") ? Scope.Current.ResolveLoneSymbol(t.AdjToNounTypes.OrKey(adj), Categories.ClassObjectStructType) : null; if (nountype == null && adjtype == null) { Scope.Abandon(); throw new Exception("neither '" + noun + "' nor '" + adj + "' are types in current scope. CreateParameterFrom_aNP()"); } bool dontFullyQualify = (adjtype == null && adj != "") || (adjtype != null && nountype == null) || (isSubject); string sym = (adjtype == null) ? (adj + " ").TrimStart() + noun : (nountype != null ? t.AdjToNounTypes.OrKey(adj) : noun); string fullName = dontFullyQualify ? sym : (sym + " " + (context.SignatureBeingDefined.verb == "" ? "" : "being " + context.SignatureBeingDefined.verb.FormOf(Inflections.past_participal)) + " " + context.prepFound).TrimEnd(); det = (det == "several" || det == "many") ? "each " : "the "; string verb_s = context.SignatureBeingDefined.verb.FormOf(Inflections.plural); string verber = !isSubject ? "" : verb_s.EndsWith("e") ? det + verb_s + "r" : det + verb_s + "er"; var newSymbol = new Symbol { Name = det + fullName, Type = (adjtype == null) ? nountype.Name : t.AdjToNounTypes.OrKey(adjtype.Name), Category = Categories.Variable, // local variable PartOfSpeech = NonTerminalSymbol.N, SecondName = fullName.Contains(" being ") ? det + fullName.Substring(0, fullName.IndexOf(" being ")) : verber, }; context.SignatureBeingDefined[context.prepFound] = newSymbol; context.SignatureBeingDefined.HasSubject |= isSubject; " PARAM:".Log(newSymbol.Name + " (" + (det == "the " ? "a " : det) + newSymbol.Type + ") " + (newSymbol.SecondName == "" ? "" : "\"" + newSymbol.SecondName + "\"")); return(Scope.Current.Define(newSymbol)); }
protected void CreateSymbol(ParseForest forest, ParseTreeVisitor visitor, SemanticContext context) { if (visitor == null) { return; } ParseTreeVisitor visitor2; switch (visitor.currentType) { case NonTerminalSymbol.G: // the problem with lone gerunds like "giving" is that you don't know if its GP or aGP so look to see what the container is if (visitor.parentNode.B == NonTerminalSymbol.IV) { // aGP MatchGerundSignature(forest.a[visitor.i], forest, visitor, context, false); } else if (visitor.parentNode.B == NonTerminalSymbol.VO || visitor.parentNode.B == NonTerminalSymbol.SVO) { // GP //if (visitor.currentNode != null && visitor.currentNode.B == NonTerminalSymbol.G) MatchGerundSignature(forest.a[visitor.i], forest, visitor, context, false); //else // FillParameterWith_NP(forest, visitor, context); // the G -- G is an argument } else { throw new Exception("Unknown context for lone gerund."); } break; case NonTerminalSymbol.NPPP: case NonTerminalSymbol.SV: case NonTerminalSymbol.SVO: case NonTerminalSymbol.VO: case NonTerminalSymbol.IsHas: case NonTerminalSymbol.NPs: case NonTerminalSymbol.ConjNP: case NonTerminalSymbol.aSVO: case NonTerminalSymbol.aNPPP: visitor2 = new ParseTreeVisitor(visitor); CreateSymbol(forest, visitor.Left(), context); CreateSymbol(forest, visitor2.Right(), context); break; case NonTerminalSymbol.XYZ: CreateSymbol(forest, visitor.Right(), context); break; case NonTerminalSymbol.Conj: case NonTerminalSymbol.comma: case NonTerminalSymbol.colon: break; case NonTerminalSymbol.aSV: if (visitor.currentNode != null && visitor.currentNode.B == NonTerminalSymbol.G) { MatchGerundSignature(forest.a[visitor.i], forest, visitor.Left(), context, true); } else { CreateParameterFrom_aNP(forest, visitor.Left(), context, true); } break; case NonTerminalSymbol.aVO: if (visitor.currentNode != null && visitor.currentNode.B == NonTerminalSymbol.G) { MatchGerundSignature(forest.a[visitor.i], forest, visitor.Right(), context, false); } else { CreateParameterFrom_aNP(forest, visitor.Right(), context, true); } break; case NonTerminalSymbol.aGP: case NonTerminalSymbol.aNP: if (visitor.currentNode != null && visitor.currentNode.B == NonTerminalSymbol.G) { MatchGerundSignature(forest.a[visitor.i], forest, visitor, context, false); } else { CreateParameterFrom_aNP(forest, visitor, context); } break; case NonTerminalSymbol.aPP: case NonTerminalSymbol.PP: context.prepFound = ""; visitor2 = new ParseTreeVisitor(visitor); CreateSymbol(forest, visitor.Left(), context); CreateSymbol(forest, visitor2.Right(), context); break; case NonTerminalSymbol.P: context.prepFound = forest.a[visitor.i]; break; case NonTerminalSymbol.GP: MatchGerundSignature(forest.a[visitor.i], forest, visitor, context, false); break; case NonTerminalSymbol.NP: // is this NP actually a gerund phrase? if (visitor.currentNode != null && visitor.currentNode.B == NonTerminalSymbol.G) { MatchGerundSignature(forest.a[visitor.i], forest, visitor, context, false); } else { FillParameterWith_NP(forest, visitor, context); } break; case NonTerminalSymbol.V: case NonTerminalSymbol.VP: if (context.InvocationBeingDefined == null) { context.InvocationBeingDefined = new Invocation(forest.a[visitor.i]); } else { context.InvocationBeingDefined.verb = forest.a[visitor.i]; } break; case NonTerminalSymbol.Ops: //AppendToFunctionBody(context); visitor2 = new ParseTreeVisitor(visitor); CreateSymbol(forest, visitor.Left(), context); CreateSymbol(forest, visitor2.Right(), context); break; case NonTerminalSymbol.ConjOp: AppendToFunctionBody(context); visitor2 = new ParseTreeVisitor(visitor); CreateSymbol(forest, visitor.Left(), context); CreateSymbol(forest, visitor2.Right(), context); break; case NonTerminalSymbol.body: CreateSymbol(forest, visitor.Right(), context); AppendToFunctionBody(context); break; case NonTerminalSymbol.DeObj: case NonTerminalSymbol.DeVar: var whichCase = visitor.currentType; visitor2 = new ParseTreeVisitor(visitor); if (visitor.currentNode.B == NonTerminalSymbol.G) { throw new Exception("Can't use a gerund phrase yet"); } Symbol ident = CreateSymbolFromNP(forest, visitor.Left(), context); using (Scope.EnterNew("of " + ident.Name)) { CreateSymbol(forest, visitor2.Right(), context); if (whichCase == NonTerminalSymbol.DeVar && context.SignatureBeingDefined.parms.Count == 1) { ident.Type = context.SignatureBeingDefined.parms[0].aNP.Type; } } break; default: visitor.currentType.ToString().Log("isn't known by the big switch statement in CreateSymbol"); return; } }
protected void DefineImpInvSymbol(ParseForest forest, SemanticContext context, ParseTreeVisitor visitor = null) { if (visitor == null) { " CONTINUE FUNCTION BODY".Log(string.Join(" ", forest.a)); } var visitor2 = (visitor == null) ? new ParseTreeVisitor(forest) : new ParseTreeVisitor(visitor); visitor2.All((nt, match, i, isLeaf) => { if (!isLeaf) { return; } switch (nt) { case NonTerminalSymbol.V: case NonTerminalSymbol.HV: //case NonTerminalSymbol.G: case NonTerminalSymbol.Adv: context.SignatureBeingDefined.verb += (context.SignatureBeingDefined.verb == "") ? forest.a[i] : " " + forest.a[i]; return; } }); CreateSymbol(forest, visitor ?? new ParseTreeVisitor(forest), context); AppendToFunctionBody(context); }