public ConfigTabController(Vector2 pos, Vector2 size, MenuTab tab, ConfigMenu menu) : base(pos, size) { this.menuTab = tab; this.cfgMenu = menu; this.mode = TabMode.NULL; subElements = new List <UIelement>(); this.greyedOut = false; OnChange(); }
#pragma warning restore IDE0060 #pragma warning restore CA1822 public override void Initialize() { if (this.reason == Reason.TooManyMod) { ListMods(); return; } Tabs = new OpTab[1]; Tabs[0] = new OpTab(); if (this.reason == Reason.NoMod) { TutoInit(); return; } GeneratedOI.AddBasicProfile(Tabs[0], rwMod); switch (this.reason) { case Reason.NoInterface: if (rwMod.description != RainWorldMod.authorNull) { Tabs[0].AddItems(new OpLabelLong(new Vector2(50f, 200f), new Vector2(500f, 250f), rwMod.description, alignment: FLabelAlignment.Center)); labelSluggo0 = new OpLabel(new Vector2(100f, 150f), new Vector2(400f, 20f), InternalTranslator.Translate(rwMod.type == RainWorldMod.Type.PartialityMod ? "This Partiality Mod has no Option Interface." : "This BepInEx Plugin has no Option Interface.")); } else { labelSluggo0 = new OpLabel(new Vector2(100f, 350f), new Vector2(400f, 20f), InternalTranslator.Translate(rwMod.type == RainWorldMod.Type.PartialityMod ? "This Partiality Mod has no Option Interface." : "This BepInEx Plugin has no Option Interface.")); } Tabs[0].AddItems(labelSluggo0); break; case Reason.InitError: blue = new OpRect(new Vector2(30f, 20f), new Vector2(540f, 420f)) { alpha = 0.7f, colorFill = new Color(0.121568627f, 0.40392156862f, 0.69411764705f, 1f) }; Color white = Menu.Menu.MenuRGB(Menu.Menu.MenuColors.White); oof = new OpLabel(new Vector2(100f, 380f), new Vector2(30f, 40f), ":(", FLabelAlignment.Left, true) { color = white }; labelSluggo0 = new OpLabel(new Vector2(150f, 390f), new Vector2(300f, 20f), InternalTranslator.Translate("There was an issue initializing OptionInterface.")) { color = white }; labelSluggo1 = new OpLabelLong(new Vector2(50f, 40f), new Vector2(500f, 320f), exception) { color = white, allowOverflow = false }; labelVersion = new OpLabel(new Vector2(50f, 480f), new Vector2(100f, 20f), string.Concat(Environment.NewLine, "Config Machine ", MenuTab.GetCMVersion()), FLabelAlignment.Left); Tabs[0].AddItems(blue, oof, labelSluggo0, labelSluggo1, labelVersion); break; } }
public void Initialize() //UI { if (vanillaMenu != null) { vanillaMenu.ShutDownProcess(); vanillaMenu = null; } instance = this; mute = true; #pragma warning disable CS0162 // 접근할 수 없는 코드가 있습니다. if (!OptionMod.testing) { if (!redUnlocked) { this.scene = new InteractiveMenuScene(this, this.pages[0], (MenuScene.SceneID)(bgList[Mathf.FloorToInt(UnityEngine.Random.value * (bgList.Length))])); } else { this.scene = new InteractiveMenuScene(this, this.pages[0], (MenuScene.SceneID)(bgListRed[Mathf.FloorToInt(UnityEngine.Random.value * (bgListRed.Length))])); } Debug.Log(string.Concat("Chosen Background : " + this.scene.sceneID.ToString())); this.pages[0].subObjects.Add(this.scene); } else { this.scene = new SlideShowMenuScene(this, this.pages[0], MenuScene.SceneID.Intro_4_Walking); this.pages[0].subObjects.Add(this.scene); } #pragma warning restore CS0162 this.fadeSprite.RemoveFromContainer(); this.pages[0].Container.AddChild(this.fadeSprite); //reset fadeSprite this.darkSprite = new FSprite("pixel", true) { color = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f), anchorX = 0f, anchorY = 0f, scaleX = 1368f, scaleY = 770f, x = -1f, y = -1f, alpha = 0.6f }; this.pages[0].Container.AddChild(this.darkSprite); modListBound = new OpRect(new Vector2(193f, 240f) - UIelement._offset, new Vector2(280f, 495f), 0.3f); //modCanvasBound = new OpRect(new Vector2(553f, 105f), new Vector2(630f, 630f), 0.4f); modCanvasBound = new OpRect(new Vector2(543f, 105f) - UIelement._offset, new Vector2(630f, 630f), 0.4f); //Base: new Vector2(468f, 120f); menuTab.AddItems(modListBound, modCanvasBound); this.pages[0].subObjects.Add(modListBound.rect); this.pages[0].subObjects.Add(modCanvasBound.rect); this.backButton = new SimpleButton(this, this.pages[0], InternalTranslator.Translate("BACK"), "CANCEL", new Vector2(450f, 50f), new Vector2(110f, 30f)); this.pages[0].subObjects.Add(this.backButton); this.saveButton = new SimpleButton(this, this.pages[0], InternalTranslator.Translate("APPLY"), "APPLY", new Vector2(600f, 50f), new Vector2(110f, 30f)); this.pages[0].subObjects.Add(this.saveButton); base.MutualHorizontalButtonBind(saveButton, backButton); this.resetButton = new HoldButton(this, this.pages[0], InternalTranslator.Translate("RESET CONFIG"), "RESET CONFIG", new Vector2(300f, 110f), 30f); this.pages[0].subObjects.Add(this.resetButton); this.alertLabel = new MenuLabel(this, this.pages[0], "", new Vector2(383f, 735f), new Vector2(600f, 30f), false); this.pages[0].subObjects.Add(this.alertLabel); this.alertLabelFade = 0f; this.lastAlertLabelFade = 0f; this.alertLabelSin = 0f; //Dark Box for ModList & Canvas //modlist x200 y400 w240 h600 //canvas x568 y120 w600 h600 this.resetButton.nextSelectable[2] = this.backButton; this.backButton.nextSelectable[0] = this.resetButton; this.backButton.nextSelectable[2] = this.saveButton; this.saveButton.nextSelectable[0] = this.backButton; menuTab.lblInfoButton = new OpLabel(new Vector2(233f, 215f) - UIelement._offset, new Vector2(200f, 20f), "Config Machine " + MenuTab.GetCMVersion()); menuTab.lblInfoButton.bumpBehav = new BumpBehaviour(menuTab.lblInfoButton); menuTab.AddItems(menuTab.lblInfoButton); this.pages[0].subObjects.Add(menuTab.lblInfoButton.label); List <OptionInterface> itfs = new List <OptionInterface>(); // Initialize OptionScript.loadedInterfaceDict.Remove(InternalTranslator.Translate("Mod List")); // Remove old Mod List List <UnconfiguableOI> replacedOIs = new List <UnconfiguableOI>(); foreach (string id in OptionScript.loadedInterfaceDict.Keys) { OptionInterface itf = OptionScript.loadedInterfaceDict[id]; Debug.Log(string.Concat("OptionInterface Initializing: " + id)); #pragma warning disable CS0612 try { itf.Initialize(); } catch (Exception ex) { itf = new UnconfiguableOI(itf.mod, new GeneralInitializeException(ex)); goto replaced; } if (itf.Tabs == null || itf.Tabs.Length < 1) { itf = new UnconfiguableOI(itf.mod, new NoTabException(id)); goto replaced; } else if (itf.Tabs.Length > 20) { itf = new UnconfiguableOI(itf.mod, new TooManyTabsException()); goto replaced; } try { itf.LoadConfig(); itf.ShowConfig(); } catch (Exception ex) { itf = new UnconfiguableOI(itf.mod, new LoadDataException(string.Concat("OILoad/ShowConfigError: ", id, " had a problem in Load/ShowConfig()\nAre you editing LoadConfig()/ShowConfig()? That could cause serious error.", Environment.NewLine, ex ))); goto replaced; } #pragma warning restore CS0612 itfs.Add(itf); continue; replaced: itf.Initialize(); itfs.Add(itf); replacedOIs.Add(itf as UnconfiguableOI); } foreach (UnconfiguableOI itf in replacedOIs) { OptionScript.loadedInterfaceDict.Remove(itf.rwMod.ModID); OptionScript.loadedInterfaceDict.Add(itf.rwMod.ModID, itf); } // Remove Excess int priority = (int)OptionInterface.Priority.NoInterface; UnconfiguableOI listItf = null; List <RainWorldMod> listIgnored = new List <RainWorldMod>(); while (itfs.Count > 16 && priority < (int)OptionInterface.Priority.Inconfiguable) // 1 { Debug.Log(string.Concat("Mod Count: ", itfs.Count, "! Discarding priority ", priority)); /* if (priority == -2) * { * List<OptionInterface> temp2 = new List<OptionInterface>(); * foreach (OptionInterface oi in itfs) { if (oi.GetPriority() > -2) { temp2.Add(oi); } } * itfs = temp2; priority++; continue; * } */ if (priority == (int)OptionInterface.Priority.NoInterface) { PartialityMod blankMod = new PartialityMod { ModID = InternalTranslator.Translate("Mod List"), Version = "XXXX", author = RainWorldMod.authorNull }; listItf = new UnconfiguableOI(blankMod, UnconfiguableOI.Reason.TooManyMod); } List <OptionInterface> temp = new List <OptionInterface>(); foreach (OptionInterface oi in itfs) { if (oi.GetPriority() > priority) { temp.Add(oi); } else { listIgnored.Add(oi.rwMod); } } itfs = temp; priority++; } // Sorting { List <OptionInterface>[] sortTemp = new List <OptionInterface> [(int)OptionInterface.Priority.Error + 2]; for (int p = 0; p < sortTemp.Length; p++) { sortTemp[p] = new List <OptionInterface>(); } foreach (OptionInterface oi in itfs) { sortTemp[oi.GetPriority() + 1].Add(oi); } int cmCount = 0; for (int p = 0; p < sortTemp.Length; p++) { cmCount += sortTemp[p].Count; sortTemp[p].Sort(CompareOIModID); } itfs = new List <OptionInterface>(); if (priority > (int)OptionInterface.Priority.NoInterface) { OptionScript.loadedInterfaceDict.Add(InternalTranslator.Translate("Mod List"), listItf); listItf.SetIgnoredModList(listIgnored); if (cmCount > 15) { listItf.SetConfiguableModList(sortTemp); } else { listItf.SetConfiguableModList(null); } listItf.Initialize(); itfs.Add(listItf); } for (int p = sortTemp.Length - 1; p >= 0; p--) { for (int i = 0; i < sortTemp[p].Count; i++) { itfs.Add(sortTemp[p][i]); } } } // Add Buttons modButtons = new SelectOneButton[Math.Min(16, itfs.Count)]; Dictionary <int, string> dictionary = new Dictionary <int, string>(itfs.Count); selectedModIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < itfs.Count; i++) { OptionInterface itf = itfs[i]; #pragma warning disable CS0162 if (OptionMod.testing) { Debug.Log(string.Concat("Mod(" + i + ") : " + itf.rwMod.ModID)); } #pragma warning restore CS0162 for (int t = 0; t < itf.Tabs.Length; t++) { OptionScript.tabs.Add(string.Concat(i.ToString("D3") + "_" + t.ToString("D2")), itf.Tabs[t]); foreach (UIelement element in itf.Tabs[t].items) { foreach (MenuObject obj in element.subObjects) { this.pages[0].subObjects.Add(obj); } this.pages[0].Container.AddChild(element.myContainer); } itf.Tabs[t].Hide(); } dictionary.Add(i, itf.rwMod.ModID); if (i > 15) { continue; } modButtons[i] = new SelectOneButton(this, this.pages[0], itf.rwMod.ModID, "ModSelect", new Vector2(208f, 700f - 30f * i), new Vector2(250f, 24f), modButtons, i); this.pages[0].subObjects.Add(modButtons[i]); } modList = dictionary; scrollMode = false; if (itfs.Count > 16) { scrollMode = true; scrollTop = 1; modButtons[1].menuLabel.text = InternalTranslator.Translate("Scroll Up"); modButtons[1].signalText = "ScrollUp"; modButtons[15].menuLabel.text = InternalTranslator.Translate("Scroll Down"); modButtons[15].signalText = "ScrollDown"; ScrollButtons(); } if (this.modButtons.Length > 1) { for (int m = 0; m < this.modButtons.Length - 1; m++) { this.modButtons[m].nextSelectable[3] = this.modButtons[m + 1]; this.modButtons[m + 1].nextSelectable[1] = this.modButtons[m]; } if (listItf != null) { this.modButtons[0].menuLabel.text = listItf.rwMod.ModID; } } this.resetButton.nextSelectable[1] = this.modButtons[this.modButtons.Length - 1]; this.backButton.nextSelectable[1] = this.modButtons[this.modButtons.Length - 1]; this.saveButton.nextSelectable[1] = this.modButtons[this.modButtons.Length - 1]; this.modButtons[this.modButtons.Length - 1].nextSelectable[3] = this.saveButton; //Load Tab selectedTabIndex = 0; currentInterface = OptionScript.loadedInterfaceDict[modList[0]]; currentTab = OptionScript.tabs[string.Concat(selectedModIndex.ToString("D3") + "_" + selectedTabIndex.ToString("D2"))]; currentTab.Show(); if (currentInterface.Configuable()) { saveButton.buttonBehav.greyedOut = false; resetButton.buttonBehav.greyedOut = false; } else { saveButton.buttonBehav.greyedOut = true; resetButton.buttonBehav.greyedOut = true; } tabCtrler = new ConfigTabController(new Vector2(503f, 120f) - UIelement._offset, new Vector2(40f, 600f), menuTab, this); menuTab.AddItems(tabCtrler); foreach (MenuObject obj in tabCtrler.subObjects) { this.pages[0].subObjects.Add(obj); } this.selectedObject = this.backButton; OptionScript.configChanged = false; mute = false; }
public ConfigMenu(ProcessManager manager) : base(manager, ProcessManager.ProcessID.OptionsMenu) { Debug.Log("ConfigMenu ctor!"); this.manager.currentMainLoop = this; //duplicate this.manager.upcomingProcess = null; this.pages.Add(new Page(this, null, "hub", 0)); OptionScript.configMenu = this; OptionScript.tabs = new Dictionary <string, OpTab>(); if (this.manager.musicPlayer == null) { this.manager.musicPlayer = new MusicPlayer(this.manager); this.manager.sideProcesses.Add(this.manager.musicPlayer); } this.manager.musicPlayer.MenuRequestsSong(GetRandomSong(), 1f, 2f); // = new MenuOrSlideShowSong(this.manager.musicPlayer, randomSong, 1f, 2f); // = true; redUnlocked = (this.manager.rainWorld.progression.miscProgressionData.redUnlocked || File.Exists(string.Concat(Custom.RootFolderDirectory(), "unlockred.txt")) || this.manager.rainWorld.progression.miscProgressionData.redMeatEatTutorial > 2 ); opened = false; selectedModIndex = 0; menuTab = new MenuTab(); List <string> allLevels = new List <string>(); this.multiplayerUnlocks = new MultiplayerUnlocks(manager.rainWorld.progression, allLevels); currentInterface = null; OptionScript.soundFill = 0; freezeMenu = false; BoundKey = new Dictionary <string, string>(); //Get Vanilla Keys for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { Options.ControlSetup setup =[i]; if (setup.preset == Options.ControlSetup.Preset.KeyboardSinglePlayer) { for (int p = 0; p < setup.keyboardKeys.Length; p++) { if (!BoundKey.ContainsValue(setup.keyboardKeys[p].ToString())) { BoundKey.Add(string.Concat("Vanilla_", i.ToString(), "_", p.ToString()), setup.keyboardKeys[p].ToString()); } } } else { for (int p = 0; p < setup.gamePadButtons.Length; p++) { string key = setup.gamePadButtons[p].ToString(); if (key.Length > 9 && int.TryParse(key.Substring(8, 1), out int _)) { } else { key = key.Substring(0, 8) + i.ToString() + key.Substring(8); } if (!BoundKey.ContainsValue(key)) { BoundKey.Add(string.Concat("Vanilla_", i.ToString(), "_", p.ToString()), key); } } } } LabelTest.Initialize(this); }
public override void Initialize() { #region init base.Initialize(); this.Tabs = new OpTab[3]; this.Tabs[0] = new OpTab("TEST0"); this.Tabs[1] = new OpTab("TEST1"); this.Tabs[2] = new OpTab("TESTSCROLL"); Tabs[0].AddItems(new OpLabel(new Vector2(100f, 540f), new Vector2(400f, 50f), "ConfigMachine Internal Test", FLabelAlignment.Center, true), new OpLabel(new Vector2(420f, 510f), new Vector2(100f, 20f), MenuTab.GetCMVersion(), FLabelAlignment.Right)); Tabs[1].AddItems(new OpLabel(new Vector2(100f, 540f), new Vector2(400f, 50f), "ConfigMachine Internal Test", FLabelAlignment.Center, true), new OpLabel(new Vector2(420f, 510f), new Vector2(100f, 20f), MenuTab.GetCMVersion(), FLabelAlignment.Right)); #endregion init //OpColorPicker cpk = new OpColorPicker(new Vector2(100f, 100f), "_TEST", "CCCCCC") { colorEdge = Color.yellow }; //Tabs[0].AddItems(cpk, new OpLabel(new Vector2(100f, 260f), new Vector2(150f, 20f), "OpColorPicker Test") { bumpBehav = cpk.bumpBehav }); Texture2D t = new Texture2D(64, 64); Color[] n = new Color[64 * 64]; int y = 0; while (y < 64) { int x = 0; while (x < 64) { float s = Mathf.PerlinNoise(x * 0.1f, y * 0.1f); //float s = UnityEngine.Random.value; n[y * 64 + x] = s > 0.5f ? Color.white : Color.clear; x++; } y++; } t.SetPixels(n); t.Apply(); //Tabs[0].AddItems(new OpSpriteEditor(new Vector2(300f, 100f), new Vector2(100f, 100f), "_TEST", t)); OpScrollBox scb = new OpScrollBox(new Vector2(100f, 100f), new Vector2(240f, 150f), 400f); Tabs[0].AddItems(scb); scb.AddItems(new OpLabelLong(new Vector2(20f, 20f), new Vector2(120f, 200f)), new OpSlider(new Vector2(160f, 30f), "_", new IntVector2(-20, 20), length: 180, true, 10)); OpCheckBox chk = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(100f, 420f), "_", true); Tabs[1].AddItems(chk, new OpLabel(new Vector2(100f, 470f), new Vector2(50f, 15f), "CheckBox") { bumpBehav = chk.bumpBehav }); OpUpdown ud = new OpUpdown(new Vector2(20f, 220f), 150f, "_", 10); ud.SetRange(-10000000, 10000000); Tabs[1].AddItems(ud); ud = new OpUpdown(new Vector2(220f, 220f), 150f, "_", 20.5f, 2); ud.SetRange(-10000f, 10000f); Tabs[1].AddItems(ud); Tabs[1].AddItems(new OpTextBox(new Vector2(420f, 220f), 150f, "_", "30", OpTextBox.Accept.Int)); // For canvas-sized ScrollBox OpScrollBox sb = new OpScrollBox(Tabs[2], 2400f, false); // Use OpScrollBox.AddItems instead of OpTab.AddItems. sb.AddItems(new OpLabel(new Vector2(100f, 540f + 1800f), new Vector2(400f, 50f), "ConfigMachine Internal Test", FLabelAlignment.Center, true), new OpLabel(new Vector2(420f, 510f + 1800f), new Vector2(100f, 20f), MenuTab.GetCMVersion(), FLabelAlignment.Right)); sb.AddItems(new OpImage(new Vector2(420f, 50f), t)); //sb.AddItems(new OpImage(new Vector2(420f, 120f), "gateSymbol0")); //Tabs[2].AddItems(new OpImage(new Vector2(420f, 120f), "gateSymbol0")); OpColorPicker cpk0 = new OpColorPicker(new Vector2(100f, 100f), "_TEST", "CCCCCC") { colorEdge = }; sb.AddItems(cpk0, new OpLabel(new Vector2(300f, 100f), new Vector2(100f, 20f), "Red Colorpicker") { bumpBehav = cpk0.bumpBehav, color = }); OpColorPicker cpk1 = new OpColorPicker(new Vector2(100f, 2000f), "_TEST", "AAAAAA") { colorEdge = }; sb.AddItems(cpk1, new OpLabel(new Vector2(300f, 2000f), new Vector2(100f, 20f), "Blue Colorpicker") { bumpBehav = cpk1.bumpBehav, color = }); sb.AddItems(new OpSlider(new Vector2(100f, 1800f), "", new IntVector2(0, 100), 300)); sb.AddItems(new OpSlider(new Vector2(500f, 1700f), "", new IntVector2(0, 100), 300, true)); sb.AddItems(new OpSliderSubtle(new Vector2(100f, 1400f), "", new IntVector2(0, 20), 200)); sb.AddItems(new OpSliderSubtle(new Vector2(500f, 1300f), "", new IntVector2(0, 20), 200, true)); /* * sb.AddItems(new OpRect(new Vector2(25f, 1000f), new Vector2(150f, 150f))); * sb.AddItems(new OpRect(new Vector2(225f, 1000f), new Vector2(150f, 150f))); * sb.AddItems(new OpRect(new Vector2(425f, 1000f), new Vector2(150f, 150f))); * sb.AddItems(new OpLabel(new Vector2(25f, 1000f), new Vector2(150f, 150f), bigText: true) { verticalAlignment = OpLabel.LabelVAlignment.Top }); * sb.AddItems(new OpLabel(new Vector2(225f, 1000f), new Vector2(150f, 150f), bigText: true) { verticalAlignment = OpLabel.LabelVAlignment.Center }); * sb.AddItems(new OpLabel(new Vector2(425f, 1000f), new Vector2(150f, 150f), bigText: true) { verticalAlignment = OpLabel.LabelVAlignment.Bottom }); * sb.AddItems(new OpRect(new Vector2(25f, 800f), new Vector2(150f, 150f))); * sb.AddItems(new OpRect(new Vector2(225f, 800f), new Vector2(150f, 150f))); * sb.AddItems(new OpRect(new Vector2(425f, 800f), new Vector2(150f, 150f))); * sb.AddItems(new OpLabel(new Vector2(25f, 800f), new Vector2(150f, 150f)) { verticalAlignment = OpLabel.LabelVAlignment.Top }); * sb.AddItems(new OpLabel(new Vector2(225f, 800f), new Vector2(150f, 150f)) { verticalAlignment = OpLabel.LabelVAlignment.Center }); * sb.AddItems(new OpLabel(new Vector2(425f, 800f), new Vector2(150f, 150f)) { verticalAlignment = OpLabel.LabelVAlignment.Bottom }); * sb.AddItems(new OpRect(new Vector2(25f, 600f), new Vector2(150f, 150f))); * sb.AddItems(new OpRect(new Vector2(225f, 600f), new Vector2(150f, 150f))); * sb.AddItems(new OpRect(new Vector2(425f, 600f), new Vector2(150f, 150f))); * sb.AddItems(new OpLabelLong(new Vector2(25f, 600f), new Vector2(150f, 150f)) { verticalAlignment = OpLabel.LabelVAlignment.Top }); * sb.AddItems(new OpLabelLong(new Vector2(225f, 600f), new Vector2(150f, 150f)) { verticalAlignment = OpLabel.LabelVAlignment.Center }); * sb.AddItems(new OpLabelLong(new Vector2(425f, 600f), new Vector2(150f, 150f)) { verticalAlignment = OpLabel.LabelVAlignment.Bottom }); */ OpComboBox cb = new OpComboBox(new Vector2(100f, 1000f), 150f, "", new List <ListItem>() { new ListItem("Slugcat"), new ListItem("Is"), new ListItem("HalfSlug"), new ListItem("And"), new ListItem("HalfBunny"), new ListItem("Creature") }, "Slugcat"); sb.AddItems(cb, new OpLabel(100f, 1050f, "AutoSort") { bumpBehav = cb.bumpBehav }); cb = new OpComboBox(new Vector2(350f, 1000f), 150f, "", new List <ListItem>() { new ListItem("The0", 0), new ListItem("quick1", 1), new ListItem("brown2", 2), new ListItem("fox3", 3), new ListItem("jumps4", 4), new ListItem("over5", 5), new ListItem("the6", 6), new ListItem("lazy7", 7), new ListItem("dog8", 8) }, "brown2"); sb.AddItems(cb, new OpLabel(350f, 1050f, "DefinedOrder") { bumpBehav = cb.bumpBehav }); sb.AddItems(new OpResourceList(new Vector2(70f, 600f), 200f, "", typeof(CreatureTemplate.Type), OpListBox.GetLineCountFromHeight(300f))); // sb.AddItems(new OpResourceList(new Vector2(330f, 600f), 200f, "", typeof(AbstractPhysicalObject.AbstractObjectType), 10, downward: false)); sb.AddItems(new OpListBox(new Vector2(330f, 600f), 200f, "", new List <ListItem>() { new ListItem("The Survivor", 0), new ListItem("The Monk", 1), new ListItem("The Hunter", 2), new ListItem("The Sporecat", 3), new ListItem("The Electric Cat", 4), new ListItem("The Programmer Cat", 5) }, OpListBox.GetLineCountFromHeight(200f))); sb.AddItems(new OpLabel(330f, 780f, "Player 2 plays as", true)); // Use OpScrollBox.AddItems instead of OpTab.AddItems. /* * OpResourceSelector rs = new OpResourceSelector(new Vector2(100f, 1600f), new Vector2(200f, 30f), "", typeof(CreatureTemplate.Type)); * sb.AddItems(rs, new OpLabel(100f, 1630f, "CreatureTemplate.Type") { bumpBehav = rs.bumpBehav }); * rs = new OpResourceSelector(new Vector2(100f, 1500f), new Vector2(200f, 30f), "", OpResourceSelector.SpecialEnum.Decals); * sb.AddItems(rs, new OpLabel(100f, 1530f, "Decals") { bumpBehav = rs.bumpBehav }); * rs = new OpResourceSelector(new Vector2(100f, 1400f), new Vector2(200f, 30f), "", OpResourceSelector.SpecialEnum.Illustrations); * sb.AddItems(rs, new OpLabel(100f, 1430f, "Illustrations") { bumpBehav = rs.bumpBehav }); * rs = new OpResourceSelector(new Vector2(100f, 1300f), new Vector2(200f, 30f), "", OpResourceSelector.SpecialEnum.Palettes); * sb.AddItems(rs, new OpLabel(100f, 1330f, "Palettes") { bumpBehav = rs.bumpBehav }); * rs = new OpResourceSelector(new Vector2(100f, 1200f), new Vector2(200f, 30f), "", OpResourceSelector.SpecialEnum.Regions); * sb.AddItems(rs, new OpLabel(100f, 1230f, "Regions") { bumpBehav = rs.bumpBehav }); * rs = new OpResourceSelector(new Vector2(100f, 1100f), new Vector2(200f, 30f), "", OpResourceSelector.SpecialEnum.Shaders); * sb.AddItems(rs, new OpLabel(100f, 1130f, "Shaders") { bumpBehav = rs.bumpBehav }); * rs = new OpResourceSelector(new Vector2(100f, 1000f), new Vector2(200f, 30f), "", OpResourceSelector.SpecialEnum.Songs); * sb.AddItems(rs, new OpLabel(100f, 1030f, "Songs") { bumpBehav = rs.bumpBehav });*/ }