/// <summary> /// The file descriptor proto. /// </summary> /// <param name="totalLength"> /// The total length. /// </param> /// <param name="fd"> /// The file descriptor. /// </param> // ReSharper disable once FunctionComplexityOverflow private void FileDescriptorProto(uint totalLength, FileDescriptor fd) { intend++; while (totalLength != 0) { int type, no; var l = GetTypeAndFieldNo(out type, out no); ix += l; totalLength -= (uint)l; switch (no) { case 1: // string name { uint length; var ixl = GetVarint(out length); ix += ixl; totalLength -= (uint)ixl; fd.Name = GetString(length); Write(string.Format("Type = {0}, F#= {1}, Length = {2}, Name = {3}", type, no, length, fd.Name)); ix += (int)length; totalLength -= length; break; } case 2: // string package { uint length; var ixl = GetVarint(out length); ix += ixl; totalLength -= (uint)ixl; fd.Package = GetString(length); Write(string.Format("Type = {0}, F#= {1}, Length = {2}, Package = {3}", type, no, length, fd.Package)); ix += (int)length; totalLength -= length; break; } case 3: // string[] dependecy { uint length; var ixl = GetVarint(out length); ix += ixl; totalLength -= (uint)ixl; var value = GetString(length); fd.Dependencies.Add(value); Write(string.Format("Type = {0}, F#= {1}, Length = {2}, Dependency = {3}", type, no, length, value)); ix += (int)length; totalLength -= length; break; } case 4: // DescriptorProto[] message type { uint length; var ixl = GetVarint(out length); ix += ixl; totalLength -= (uint)ixl; Write(string.Format("Type = {0}, F#= {1}, Length = {2} - DescriptorProto", type, no, length)); var md = new MessageDescriptor(); fd.MessageTypes.Add(md); DescriptorProto(length, md); totalLength -= length; break; } case 5: // EnumDescriptorProto[] enum type { uint length; var ixl = GetVarint(out length); ix += ixl; totalLength -= (uint)ixl; Write(string.Format("Type = {0}, F#= {1}, Length = {2} - EnumDescriptorProto", type, no, length)); var ed = new EnumDescriptor(); fd.EnumTypes.Add(ed); EnumDescriptorProto(length, ed); totalLength -= length; break; } case 6: // ServiceDescriptorProto[] service { uint length; var ixl = GetVarint(out length); ix += ixl; totalLength -= (uint)ixl; Write(string.Format("Type = {0}, F#= {1}, Length = {2} - ServiceDescriptorProto", type, no, length)); var sd = new ServiceDescriptor(); fd.Services.Add(sd); ServiceDescriptorProto(length, sd); totalLength -= length; break; } case 7: // FieldDescriptorProto[] extension { uint length; var ixl = GetVarint(out length); ix += ixl; totalLength -= (uint)ixl; Write(string.Format("Type = {0}, F#= {1}, Length = {2} - FieldDescriptorProto", type, no, length)); var fd2 = new FieldDescriptor(); fd.Extensions.Add(fd2); FieldDescriptorProto(length, fd2); totalLength -= length; break; } case 8: // FileOptions options { uint length; var ixl = GetVarint(out length); ix += ixl; totalLength -= (uint)ixl; Write(string.Format("Type = {0}, F#= {1}, Length = {2} - FileOptions", type, no, length)); if (fd.Options == null) { fd.Options = new FileOptions(); } FileOptions(length, fd.Options); totalLength -= length; break; } case 9: // SourceCodeInfo source_code_info { uint length; var ixl = GetVarint(out length); ix += ixl; totalLength -= (uint)ixl; Write(string.Format("Type = {0}, F#= {1}, Length = {2} - SourceCodeInfo", type, no, length)); fd.SourceCodeInfo = new SourceCodeInfo(); ////SourceCodeInfo(length, fd.SourceCodeInfo); ix += (int)length; totalLength -= length; break; } case 10: // int32[] public_dependency { uint value; var ixl = GetVarint(out value); ix += ixl; totalLength -= (uint)ixl; fd.PublicDependencies.Add((int)value); Write(string.Format("Type = {0}, F#= {1}, Length = {2}, public_dependency = {3}", type, no, ixl, value)); break; } case 11: // int32[] weak_dependency { uint value; var ixl = GetVarint(out value); ix += ixl; totalLength -= (uint)ixl; fd.WeakDependencies.Add((int)value); Write(string.Format("Type = {0}, F#= {1}, Length = {2}, weak_dependency = {3}", type, no, ixl, value)); break; } } } intend--; }
/// <summary> /// The service descriptor proto. /// </summary> /// <param name="totalLength"> /// The total length. /// </param> /// <param name="sd"> /// The sd. /// </param> private void ServiceDescriptorProto(uint totalLength, ServiceDescriptor sd) { intend++; while (totalLength != 0) { int type, no; var l = GetTypeAndFieldNo(out type, out no); ix += l; totalLength -= (uint)l; switch (no) { case 1: // string name { uint length; var ixl = GetVarint(out length); ix += ixl; totalLength -= (uint)ixl; sd.Name = GetString(length); Write(string.Format("Type = {0}, F#= {1}, Length = {2}, name = {3}", type, no, length, sd.Name)); ix += (int)length; totalLength -= length; break; } case 2: // MethodDescriptorProto options { uint length; var ixl = GetVarint(out length); ix += ixl; totalLength -= (uint)ixl; Write(string.Format("Type = {0}, F#= {1}, Length = {2} - MethodDescriptorProto", type, no, length)); var md = new MethodDescriptor(); sd.Methods.Add(md); MethodDescriptorProto(length, md); totalLength -= length; break; } case 3: // ServiceOptions options { uint length; var ixl = GetVarint(out length); ix += ixl; totalLength -= (uint)ixl; Write(string.Format("Type = {0}, F#= {1}, Length = {2} - ServiceOptions", type, no, length)); if (sd.Options == null) { sd.Options = new ServiceOptions(); } ServiceOptions(length, sd.Options); totalLength -= length; break; } } } intend--; }