public static void SaveHostData(MCMHost host) { var filePath = HostFilePath(host); // Open it for writing try { Scribe.InitWriting(filePath, "ModConfigurationData"); if (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.Saving) { // Write this library version as the one saved with string version = Version.Current.ToString(); Scribe_Values.LookValue <string>(ref version, "ccl_version"); // Call the worker scribe Scribe_Deep.LookDeep <MCMHost>(ref host, host.key); } } catch (Exception e) { CCL_Log.Trace( Verbosity.NonFatalErrors, string.Format("Unexpected error scribing data for mod {0}\n{1}", host.Label, e.ToString()), "Mod Configuration Menu"); } finally { // Finish Scribe.FinalizeWriting(); Scribe.mode = LoadSaveMode.Inactive; Messages.Message("ModConfigurationSaved".Translate(host.Label), MessageSound.Standard); } host.OpenedThisSession = false; }
public static bool InitializeHosts(bool preload = false) { if (preload) { Controller.Data.MCMHosts.Clear(); } // Get the mods with config menus foreach (var mhd in Controller.Data.ModHelperDefs) { // Create all the menus for it if (!mhd.ModConfigurationMenus.NullOrEmpty()) { foreach (var mcm in mhd.ModConfigurationMenus) { if ( // Filter out preload during non-preload and non-preload during preload ( (preload) && (mcm.preload) ) || ( (!preload) && (!mcm.preload) ) ) { var host = Controller.Data.MCMHosts.Find(m => m.worker.InjectionSet == mcm); if (host != null) { // MCM already created....? CCL_Log.TraceMod( mhd, Verbosity.Warnings, string.Format("{0} - Tried to create an MCM when an MCM already exists", mcm.mcmClass.ToString()) ); continue; } host = new MCMHost(); host.Label = mcm.label; host.worker = (ModConfigurationMenu)Activator.CreateInstance(mcm.mcmClass); if (host.worker == null) { CCL_Log.Error(string.Format("Unable to create instance of {0}", mcm.mcmClass.ToString())); return(false); } else { // Initialize, add it to the menu list and then load it's data host.worker.InjectionSet = mcm; host.worker.Initialize(); Controller.Data.MCMHosts.Add(host); LoadHostData(host); } } } } } return(true); }
private static string HostFilePath(MCMHost host) { // Generate the config file name string filePath = Path.Combine(GenFilePaths.ConfigFolderPath, ConfigFilePrefix); filePath += host.key; filePath += ConfigFileSuffix; return(filePath); }
private static string HostFilePath(MCMHost host) { // Generate the config file name // A14 - ConfigFolderPath became private - take a step back from the public ConfigFilePath // - Fluffy string configFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(GenFilePaths.ConfigFilePath); string filePath = Path.Combine(configFolder, ConfigFilePrefix); filePath += host.key; filePath += ConfigFileSuffix; return(filePath); }
void DrawSelectionArea(Rect rect) { Widgets.DrawMenuSection(rect); _filterUpdate(); var filterRect = new Rect(rect.xMin + Margin, rect.yMin + Margin, rect.width - 3 * Margin - 30f, 30f); var clearRect = new Rect(filterRect.xMax + Margin + 3f, rect.yMin + Margin + 3f, 24f, 24f); _filterString = Widgets.TextField(filterRect, _filterString); if (_filterString != "") { if (Widgets.ImageButton(clearRect, Widgets.CheckboxOffTex)) { ResetFilter(); } } Rect outRect = rect; outRect.yMin += 40f; outRect.xMax -= 2f; // some spacing around the scrollbar float viewWidth = SelectionHeight > outRect.height ? outRect.width - 16f : outRect.width; var viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, viewWidth, SelectionHeight); GUI.BeginGroup(outRect); Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect.AtZero(), ref SelectionScrollPos, viewRect); if (!filteredHosts.NullOrEmpty()) { Vector2 cur =; foreach (var host in filteredHosts) { if (DrawHost(ref cur, viewRect, host)) { SelectedHost = host; } } SelectionHeight = cur.y; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); GUI.EndGroup(); }
public override void PreClose() { if (SelectedHost != null) { SelectedHost.worker.PostClose(); } base.PreClose(); for (int index = 0; index < Controller.Data.MCMHosts.Count; ++index) { // Get host to work with var host = Controller.Data.MCMHosts[index]; if (host.OpenedThisSession) { MCMHost.SaveHostData(host); } } }
private bool DrawHost(ref Vector2 cur, Rect view, MCMHost host) { float width = view.width - cur.x - Margin; float height = EntryHeight; string label = host.Label; if (Text.CalcHeight(label, width) > EntryHeight) { Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; float height2 = Text.CalcHeight(label, width); height = Mathf.Max(height, height2); } Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Rect labelRect = new Rect(cur.x + Margin, cur.y, width - Margin, height); Widgets.Label(labelRect, label); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; // full viewRect width for overlay and button Rect buttonRect = view; buttonRect.yMin = cur.y; cur.y += height; buttonRect.yMax = cur.y; GUI.color = Color.grey; Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(view.xMin, cur.y, view.width); GUI.color = Color.white; if (SelectedHost == host) { Widgets.DrawHighlightSelected(buttonRect); } else { Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(buttonRect); } return(Widgets.InvisibleButton(buttonRect)); }
public static void LoadHostData(MCMHost host) { var filePath = HostFilePath(host); if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { return; } try { // Open it for reading Scribe.InitLoading(filePath); if (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.LoadingVars) { // Version check string version = ""; Scribe_Values.LookValue <string>(ref version, "ccl_version"); bool okToLoad = true; var result = Version.Compare(version); if (result == Version.VersionCompare.GreaterThanMax) { CCL_Log.Trace( Verbosity.NonFatalErrors, string.Format("Data for {0} is newer ({1}) than the version you are using ({2}).", host.Label, version, Version.Current.ToString()), "Mod Configuration Menu"); okToLoad = false; } else if (result == Version.VersionCompare.Invalid) { CCL_Log.Trace( Verbosity.NonFatalErrors, string.Format("Data for {0} is corrupt and will be discarded", host.Label), "Mod Configuration Menu"); okToLoad = false; } if (okToLoad) { // Call the worker scribe var args = new object[] { host.Label, host.worker }; Scribe_Deep.LookDeep <MCMHost>(ref host, host.key, args); } } } catch (Exception e) { CCL_Log.Trace( Verbosity.NonFatalErrors, string.Format("Unexpected error scribing data for mod {0}\n{1}", host.Label, e.ToString()), "Mod Configuration Menu"); } finally { // Finish Scribe.FinalizeLoading(); Scribe.mode = LoadSaveMode.Inactive; } }
public Window_ModConfigurationMenu(ModConfigurationMenu selectedMenu) { cTor_Common(); this.SelectedHost = filteredHosts.Find(host => host.worker == selectedMenu); }
void DrawDisplayArea(Rect rect) { Widgets.DrawMenuSection(rect); if (SelectedHost == null) { return; } if ( (PreviouslySelectedHost != null) && (PreviouslySelectedHost != SelectedHost) ) { PreviouslySelectedHost.worker.PostClose(); } if (PreviouslySelectedHost != SelectedHost) { SelectedHost.OpenedThisSession = true; SelectedHost.worker.PreOpen(); } PreviouslySelectedHost = SelectedHost; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Text.WordWrap = false; var titleRect = new Rect(rect.xMin, rect.yMin, rect.width, 60f); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Widgets.Label(titleRect, SelectedHost.Label); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Text.WordWrap = true; Rect outRect = rect.ContractedBy(Margin); outRect.yMin += 60f; Rect viewRect = outRect; viewRect.width -= 16f; viewRect.height = ContentHeight; GUI.BeginGroup(outRect); Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect.AtZero(), ref DisplayScrollPos, viewRect.AtZero()); bool userError = false; string userErrorStr = string.Empty; try { ContentHeight = SelectedHost.worker.DoWindowContents(viewRect.AtZero()); } catch (Exception e) { userError = true; userErrorStr = e.ToString(); } Widgets.EndScrollView(); GUI.EndGroup(); if (userError) { CCL_Log.Trace( Verbosity.NonFatalErrors, userErrorStr, "Mod Configuration Menu" ); } }
public static bool InitializeHosts( bool preload = false ) { if( preload ) { Controller.Data.MCMHosts.Clear(); } // Get the mods with config menus foreach( var mhd in Controller.Data.ModHelperDefs ) { // Create all the menus for it if( !mhd.ModConfigurationMenus.NullOrEmpty() ) { foreach( var mcm in mhd.ModConfigurationMenus ) { if( // Filter out preload during non-preload and non-preload during preload ( ( preload )&& ( mcm.preload ) )|| ( ( !preload )&& ( !mcm.preload ) ) ) { var host = Controller.Data.MCMHosts.Find( m => m.worker.InjectionSet == mcm ); if( host != null ) { // MCM already created....? CCL_Log.TraceMod( mhd, Verbosity.Warnings, string.Format( "{0} - Tried to create an MCM when an MCM already exists", mcm.mcmClass.ToString() ) ); continue; } host = new MCMHost(); host.Label = mcm.label; host.worker = (ModConfigurationMenu)Activator.CreateInstance( mcm.mcmClass ); if( host.worker == null ) { CCL_Log.Error( string.Format( "Unable to create instance of {0}", mcm.mcmClass.ToString() ) ); return false; } else { // Initialize, add it to the menu list and then load it's data host.worker.InjectionSet = mcm; host.worker.Initialize(); Controller.Data.MCMHosts.Add( host ); LoadHostData( host ); } } } } } return true; }
private static string HostFilePath( MCMHost host ) { // Generate the config file name // A14 - ConfigFolderPath became private - take a step back from the public ConfigFilePath // - Fluffy string configFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName( GenFilePaths.ConfigFilePath ); string filePath = Path.Combine( configFolder, ConfigFilePrefix ); filePath += host.key; filePath += ConfigFileSuffix; return filePath; }
public static void SaveHostData( MCMHost host ) { var filePath = HostFilePath( host ); // Open it for writing try { Scribe.InitWriting( filePath, "ModConfigurationData" ); if( Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.Saving ) { // Write this library version as the one saved with string version = Version.Current.ToString(); Scribe_Values.LookValue<string>( ref version, "ccl_version" ); // Call the worker scribe Scribe_Deep.LookDeep<MCMHost>( ref host, host.key ); } } catch( Exception e ) { CCL_Log.Trace( Verbosity.NonFatalErrors, string.Format( "Unexpected error scribing data for mod {0}\n{1}", host.Label, e.ToString() ), "Mod Configuration Menu" ); } finally { // Finish Scribe.FinalizeWriting(); Scribe.mode = LoadSaveMode.Inactive; Messages.Message( "ModConfigurationSaved".Translate( host.Label ), MessageSound.Standard ); } host.OpenedThisSession = false; }
public static void LoadHostData( MCMHost host ) { var filePath = HostFilePath( host ); if( !File.Exists( filePath ) ) { return; } try { // Open it for reading Scribe.InitLoading( filePath ); if( Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.LoadingVars ) { // Version check string version = ""; Scribe_Values.LookValue<string>( ref version, "ccl_version" ); bool okToLoad = true; var result = Version.Compare( version ); if( result == Version.VersionCompare.GreaterThanMax ) { CCL_Log.Trace( Verbosity.NonFatalErrors, string.Format( "Data for {0} is newer ({1}) than the version you are using ({2}).", host.Label, version, Version.Current.ToString() ), "Mod Configuration Menu" ); okToLoad = false; } else if( result == Version.VersionCompare.Invalid ) { CCL_Log.Trace( Verbosity.NonFatalErrors, string.Format( "Data for {0} is corrupt and will be discarded", host.Label ), "Mod Configuration Menu" ); okToLoad = false; } if( okToLoad ) { // Call the worker scribe var args = new object[] { host.Label, host.worker }; Scribe_Deep.LookDeep<MCMHost>( ref host, host.key, args ); } } } catch( Exception e ) { CCL_Log.Trace( Verbosity.NonFatalErrors, string.Format( "Unexpected error scribing data for mod {0}\n{1}", host.Label, e.ToString() ), "Mod Configuration Menu" ); } finally { // Finish Scribe.FinalizeLoading(); Scribe.mode = LoadSaveMode.Inactive; } }