コード例 #1
ファイル: Benchmark.cs プロジェクト: Belxjander/Asuna
  private static void TestCsharpSqlite()
    SQLiteDatabase db;
    SQLiteVdbe stmt;
    SQLiteVdbe c1, c2;

    bool found;
    int i;

    string databaseName = "Benchmark_cs-SQLite.sqlite";
    if ( File.Exists( databaseName ) ) File.Delete( databaseName );

    db = new SQLiteDatabase( databaseName );
    for ( i = 0; i < PRAGMA_Commands.Length; i++ ) { db.ExecuteNonQuery( PRAGMA_Commands[i] ); }

    db.ExecuteNonQuery( "BEGIN EXCLUSIVE" );
    for ( i = 0; i < CREATE_Commands.Length; i++ ) { db.ExecuteNonQuery( CREATE_Commands[i] ); }
    stmt = new SQLiteVdbe( db, INSERT_Command );
    long start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
    long key = 1999;
    for ( i = 0; i < nRecords; i++ )
      key = ( 3141592621L * key + 2718281829L ) % 1000000007L;
      stmt.BindLong( 1, key );
      stmt.BindText( 2, key.ToString() );
    db.ExecuteNonQuery( "END" );
    timer[1, 0] = DateTime.Now.Ticks - start;

    db.ExecuteNonQuery( "BEGIN EXCLUSIVE" );
    start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
    c1 = new SQLiteVdbe( db, SELECT_Bind_i );
    c2 = new SQLiteVdbe( db, SELECT_Bind_s );
    key = 1999;
    for ( i = 0; i < nRecords; i++ )
      key = ( 3141592621L * key + 2718281829L ) % 1000000007L;
      c1.BindLong( 1, key );

      c2.BindText( 1, key.ToString() );

      long id = (long)c1.Result_Long( 0 );
      Debug.Assert( id == (long)c2.Result_Long( 0 ) );

    db.ExecuteNonQuery( "END" );
    timer[1, 1] = DateTime.Now.Ticks - start;

    db.ExecuteNonQuery( "BEGIN EXCLUSIVE" );
    start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
    key = Int64.MinValue;
    i = 0;
    c1 = new SQLiteVdbe( db, SELECT_Command_i );
    while ( c1.ExecuteStep() != Sqlite3.SQLITE_DONE )
      long intKey = (long)c1.Result_Long( 0 );
      Debug.Assert( intKey >= key );
      key = intKey;
      i += 1;
    Debug.Assert( i == nRecords );

    String strKey = "";
    i = 0;
    c2 = new SQLiteVdbe( db, SELECT_Command_s );
    while ( c2.ExecuteStep() != Sqlite3.SQLITE_DONE )
      string recStrKey = (string)c2.Result_Text( 1 );
      Debug.Assert( recStrKey.CompareTo( strKey ) >= 0 );
      strKey = recStrKey;
      i += 1;
    Debug.Assert( i == nRecords );
    timer[1, 2] = DateTime.Now.Ticks - start;
    db.ExecuteNonQuery( "END" );

    db.ExecuteNonQuery( "BEGIN EXCLUSIVE" );
    start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
    key = 1999;
    stmt = new SQLiteVdbe( db, DELETE_Bind );
    for ( i = 0; i < nRecords; i++ )
      key = ( 3141592621L * key + 2718281829L ) % 1000000007L;
      stmt.BindLong( 1, key );
    db.ExecuteNonQuery( "END" );
    timer[1, 3] = DateTime.Now.Ticks - start;
#if NET_35
コード例 #2
        private List<GEItem> abortingOffers; //holds the offers that will be aborted from abortingOffers

        public GrandExchange()
            offersToRemove = new List<GEItem>();
            removingOffers = new List<GEItem>();
            offersToAdd = new List<GEItem>();
            addingOffers = new List<GEItem>();
            offersToAbort = new List<GEItem>();
            abortingOffers = new List<GEItem>();
            /* Load grand exchange items */
            Console.WriteLine("Checking SQLite Database Grand Exchange Items Counts");
                string buyerCount = "0";
                string sellerCount = "0";
                string abortedBuyerCount = "0";
                string abortedSellerCount = "0";

                SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(Constants.databaseName);
                DataTable dt = db.ExecuteQuery("SELECT Count(*) FROM grandExchangeBuying");
                if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                    buyerCount = "0";
                    buyerCount = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString();

                dt = db.ExecuteQuery("SELECT Count(*) FROM grandExchangeSelling");
                if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                    sellerCount = "0";
                    sellerCount = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString();

                dt = db.ExecuteQuery("SELECT Count(*) FROM grandExchangeBuying WHERE aborted=1");
                if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                    abortedBuyerCount = "0";
                    abortedBuyerCount = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString();

                dt = db.ExecuteQuery("SELECT Count(*) FROM grandExchangeSelling WHERE aborted=1");
                if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                    abortedSellerCount = "0";
                    abortedSellerCount = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString();


                Console.WriteLine("Total GrandExchange Buyers Count: " + buyerCount);
                Console.WriteLine("Total GrandExchange Sellers Count: " + sellerCount);
                Console.WriteLine("Total GrandExchange Aborted Buyers Count: " + abortedBuyerCount);
                Console.WriteLine("Total GrandExchange Aborted Sellers Count: " + abortedSellerCount);
            catch (Exception e)

            Event startGEEvent = new Event(5000);
            startGEEvent.setAction(() =>

             * Processes all the removing offers to SQL database on a new thread.
             * This will improve the proformance of the server
            new Thread(removeAddUpdateOffersToGrandExchangeDatabase).Start(); 
コード例 #3
        public GEItem getOfferByPlayerSlot(Player p, byte slot)
             * Gives the player their GrandExchange Items both Buying and Selling are here.
             * Returns a GEItem[] of all Item's array based on slot id, null array index = space
            long playerHash = p.getLoginDetails().getLongName();

                int itemId;
                int amount;
                int price;
                bool isSoldNull;
                bool isBoughtNull;
                int sold;
                int bought;
                int collectedItem;
                int collectedGold;
                int overpaid;
                bool aborted;
                GEItem geItem = null;

                SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(Constants.databaseName);
                SQLiteVdbe preparedStatement = new SQLiteVdbe(db, "SELECT itemId, amount, price, bought, NULL sold, collectedItem, collectedGold, overpaid, aborted FROM grandExchangeBuying WHERE playerHash = ? AND slot = ? UNION SELECT itemId, amount, price, NULL bought, sold, collectedItem, collectedGold, overpaid, aborted FROM grandExchangeSelling WHERE playerHash = ? AND slot = ?");
                preparedStatement.BindLong(1, playerHash);
                preparedStatement.BindInteger(2, slot);
                preparedStatement.BindLong(3, playerHash);
                preparedStatement.BindInteger(4, slot);

                while (preparedStatement.ExecuteStep() != Sqlite3.SQLITE_DONE) 
                    if(preparedStatement.GetLastError() != "") 
                         misc.WriteError("[GrandExchange SQL Error]: " + preparedStatement.GetLastError());
                        return null;

                    itemId = preparedStatement.Result_Int(0);
                    amount = preparedStatement.Result_Int(1);
                    price = preparedStatement.Result_Int(2);
                    isBoughtNull = string.IsNullOrEmpty(preparedStatement.Result_Text(3));
                    isSoldNull = string.IsNullOrEmpty(preparedStatement.Result_Text(4));
                    collectedItem =  preparedStatement.Result_Int(5);
                    collectedGold = preparedStatement.Result_Int(6);
                    overpaid = preparedStatement.Result_Int(7);
                    aborted = Convert.ToBoolean(preparedStatement.Result_Int(8));

                    if (isSoldNull && !isBoughtNull)
                        bought = Convert.ToInt32(preparedStatement.Result_Text(3));
                        geItem = new BuyOffer(itemId, amount, price, bought, collectedItem, collectedGold, overpaid, slot, aborted, playerHash);
                    else if (isBoughtNull && !isSoldNull)
                        sold = Convert.ToInt32(preparedStatement.Result_Text(4));
                        geItem = new SellOffer(itemId, amount, price, sold, collectedItem, collectedGold, overpaid, slot, aborted, playerHash);
                        misc.WriteError("[GrandExchange Error]: sold or bought both are NULL? how this happen?");

                return geItem;
            catch (Exception e)
                misc.WriteError("[GrandExchange Error]: " + e.Message);

            return null;
コード例 #4
         * Updates a Slot1 and Slot2 of any GEItem in the database instantly.
         * @param GEItem
        public void updateGEItemSlotsDatabase(GEItem geItem)
                SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(Constants.databaseName);

                 * Each time you do in GESession.cs [checkOffer or abortOffer]
                 * A Slot1 and Slot2 is generated but those Slot's themselves are never saved, less data like this.
                 * Only thing thats saved is how much to generate of those Slots next time you call [checkOffer].
                 * Even generated Slots check against how much they can truly take out.
                if(geItem is BuyOffer)
                    db.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE grandExchangeBuying SET collectedItem = " + geItem.getAmountCollectedItem() + ", collectedGold = " + geItem.getAmountCollectedGold() + " WHERE slot = " + geItem.getSlot() + " AND playerHash = " + geItem.getPlayerHash());
                else if(geItem is SellOffer)
                    db.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE grandExchangeSelling SET collectedItem = " + geItem.getAmountCollectedItem() + ", collectedGold = " + geItem.getAmountCollectedGold() + " WHERE slot = " + geItem.getSlot() + " AND playerHash = " + geItem.getPlayerHash());

            catch (Exception e)
                misc.WriteError("GrandExchange Error]: " + e.Message);
コード例 #5
        protected void processSales()
            OrderedDictionary soldBoughtItems = new OrderedDictionary();

             * First of all the old system was not possible to do with SQL
             * Would of required to do a SQL Query for each itemId sold and bought by all players
             * That would of ment over 10,000 items x 2 (buyers+sellers) so 20,000 queries to process.
             * The new system I created to fix this.
             * Works like this it everytime this runs matches up 1 GE Buying/Selling auction.
             * Then loops it 100 times or until no more matches are possible.
             * TODO: Match Buyer's of larger item quantity with Sellers with larger quanity instead of Sellers with
             * any item quantity. (this requires editing the query below to a better suited query).

            BuyOffer buyer = null;
            SellOffer seller = null;
            int itemId;
            int itemAmount;
            int price;
            int sold;
            int bought;
            int collectedItem;
            int collectedGold;
            int overpaid;
            byte slot;
            long playerHash;

            SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(Constants.databaseName);
            for (int processNumSales = 0; processNumSales < 100; processNumSales++)

                //Can't do more then 1 sale at a time, LIMIT 100 wont work since it will pick duplicate sellers.
                DataTable dt = db.ExecuteQuery("SELECT S.itemId AS sell_itemId, S.amount AS sell_amount, S.price AS sell_price, S.sold AS sell_sold, S.collectedItem AS sell_collectedItem, S.collectedGold AS sell_collectedGold, S.overpaid AS sell_overpaid, S.slot AS sell_slot, S.playerHash AS sell_playerHash, B.itemId AS buy_itemId, B.amount AS buy_amount, B.price AS buy_price, B.bought AS buy_bought, B.collectedItem AS buy_collectedItem, B.collectedGold AS buy_collectedGold, B.overpaid AS buy_overpaid, B.slot AS buy_slot, B.playerHash AS buy_playerHash FROM grandExchangeBuying AS B, grandExchangeSelling AS S ON B.itemId = S.itemId AND B.aborted = 0 AND S.aborted = 0 AND B.price >= S.price AND S.sold < S.amount AND B.bought < B.amount ORDER BY B.price DESC LIMIT 1");

                if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                    itemId = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["sell_itemId"]);
                    itemAmount = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["sell_amount"]);
                    price = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["sell_price"]);
                    sold = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["sell_sold"]);
                    collectedItem = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["sell_collectedItem"]);
                    collectedGold = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["sell_collectedGold"]);
                    overpaid = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["sell_overpaid"]);
                    slot = Convert.ToByte(dt.Rows[0]["sell_slot"]);
                    playerHash = (long)dt.Rows[0]["sell_playerHash"];

                    seller = new SellOffer(itemId, itemAmount, price, sold, collectedItem, collectedGold, overpaid, slot, playerHash);

                    itemId = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["buy_itemId"]);
                    itemAmount = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["buy_amount"]);
                    price = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["buy_price"]);
                    bought = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["buy_bought"]);
                    collectedItem = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["buy_collectedItem"]);
                    collectedGold = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["buy_collectedGold"]);
                    overpaid = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["buy_overpaid"]);
                    slot = Convert.ToByte(dt.Rows[0]["buy_slot"]);
                    playerHash = (long)dt.Rows[0]["buy_playerHash"];

                    buyer = new BuyOffer(itemId, itemAmount, price, bought, collectedItem, collectedGold, overpaid, slot, playerHash);

                if (seller == null || buyer == null) continue;

                int amountToBuy = buyer.getTotalAmount() - buyer.getAmountTraded();
                int amountToSell = seller.getTotalAmount() - seller.getAmountTraded();

                // This check will never happen. SQL Query will not allow it.. Just old code I left in.
                if (amountToBuy <= 0 || amountToSell <= 0)

                int amount = (amountToBuy > amountToSell) ? amountToSell : amountToBuy;
                // Buys from Seller a random amount of a item.
                amount = misc.random(1, amount);

                // Buyer will pay minimum what the seller wants.
                int amountBuyerOverpaid = (buyer.getPriceEach() - seller.getPriceEach()) * amount; // buyer is paying more than the seller wants, therefore MAY recieve this amount as a refund.
                bool buyerKeepsRefund = misc.random(1) == 0; // if 0, the buyer gets a refund, if its 1...the seller gets more.
                buyer.setAmountTraded(buyer.getAmountTraded() + amount);
                seller.setAmountTraded(seller.getAmountTraded() + amount);

                    * How much refunded gold Buyer gets in addition to his previous refunded gold.
                    * or
                    * How much of the Buyer's overpaid gold that they couldn't keep goes as extra profit to the Seller.
                if (buyerKeepsRefund && amountBuyerOverpaid > 0)
                    buyer.setAmountOverpaid(buyer.getAmountOverpaid() + amountBuyerOverpaid);
                else if (!buyerKeepsRefund && amountBuyerOverpaid > 0)
                    seller.setAmountOverpaid(seller.getAmountOverpaid() + amountBuyerOverpaid);

                // Shows amount of Item Buyer bought in Slot 1 minus how much he already took out.
                if (buyer.getAmountItemsLeftToCollect() > 0)
                    buyer.setSlot1(new Item(buyer.getItem(), buyer.getAmountItemsLeftToCollect()));

                //Shows amount of Gold Buyer has in Slot 2 from previous refunded money plus how much he maybe will be refunded this sale.
                if ((buyer.getAmountCollectedGold() < buyer.getAmountOverpaid()) && (buyer.getAmountOverpaid() - buyer.getAmountCollectedGold()) > 0)
                    buyer.setSlot2(new Item(995, (buyer.getAmountOverpaid() - buyer.getAmountCollectedGold())));

                //Shows amount of Gold Seller in Slot 2 has minus how much he already took out.
                if (seller.getAmountGoldLeftToCollect() > 0)
                    seller.setSlot2(new Item(995, seller.getAmountGoldLeftToCollect()));

                Player buyerP = Server.getPlayerForName(buyer.getPlayerName());
                Player sellerP = Server.getPlayerForName(seller.getPlayerName());

                //Update both Buyer and Seller's Slots in the database 
                    db.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE grandExchangeBuying SET bought = " + buyer.getAmountTraded() + ", overpaid = " + buyer.getAmountOverpaid() + " WHERE slot = " + buyer.getSlot() + " AND playerHash = " + buyer.getPlayerHash());
                    db.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE grandExchangeSelling SET sold = " + seller.getAmountTraded() + ", overpaid = " + seller.getAmountOverpaid() + " WHERE slot = " + seller.getSlot() + " AND playerHash = " + seller.getPlayerHash());
                catch (Exception e)
                    //Instantly skip this sale if any database errors occurred.
                    //If one of those queries works and other fails then you will have a dupe -_-.
                    //TODO: A fix would be to keep retrying both queries until both successful.
                    misc.WriteError("[GrandExchange SQL Error]: " + e.Message);

                    * TODO: Fix When player is offline and logs in after item is bought. He won't see messages below..
                    * Add something to Packets.cs (sendLogin() method) to process this.
                    * Maybe a (boolean in playerSaves for GE update?)
                if (buyerP != null)
                    buyerP.getPackets().sendMessage("One or more of your Grand Exchange offers has been updated.");
                    if (buyerP.getGESession() != null)
                        Item[] items = { buyer.getSlot1(), buyer.getSlot2() };
                        buyerP.getPackets().sendItems(-1, -1757, 523 + buyer.getSlot(), items);

                    * TODO: Fix When player is offline and logs in after item is bought. He won't see messages below..
                    * Add something to Packets.cs (sendLogin() method) to process this.
                    * Maybe a (boolean in playerSaves for GE update?)
                if (sellerP != null)
                    sellerP.getPackets().sendMessage("One or more of your Grand Exchange offers has been updated.");
                    if (sellerP.getGESession() != null)
                        Item[] items = { seller.getSlot1(), seller.getSlot2() };
                        sellerP.getPackets().sendItems(-1, -1757, 523 + seller.getSlot(), items);
コード例 #6
        protected void removeAddUpdateOffersToGrandExchangeDatabase()
            while (true)
                    Thread.Sleep(100); //100 milliseconds.
                catch (ThreadInterruptedException) { }

                lock (removeOffersLocker)
                    foreach (GEItem geItem in offersToRemove)

                lock (addOffersLocker)
                    foreach (GEItem geItem in offersToAdd)

                lock (abortOffersLocker)
                    foreach (GEItem geItem in offersToAbort)

                    //this check should go straight to Thread.Sleep.
                    if (removingOffers.Count == 0 && addingOffers.Count == 0 && abortingOffers.Count == 0) continue;

                    //Run this on seperate thread so it won't slow down the process.
                    SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(Constants.databaseName); //opens new database connection.
                    //Removes all the removingOffers from grandExchangeSelling table
                    //This delayed offer deleter should always be ran before inserter (below) or else it's possible bug may occur.
                    foreach (GEItem geItem in removingOffers)
                        if (geItem is BuyOffer)
                            db.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM grandExchangeBuying WHERE `playerHash` = " + geItem.getPlayerHash() + " AND `itemId` = " + geItem.getItem() + " AND `amount` = " + geItem.getTotalAmount() + " AND `price` = " + geItem.getPriceEach() + " AND `slot` = " + geItem.getSlot());
                        else if (geItem is SellOffer)
                            db.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM grandExchangeSelling WHERE `playerHash` = " + geItem.getPlayerHash() + " AND `itemId` = " + geItem.getItem() + " AND `amount` = " + geItem.getTotalAmount() + " AND `price` = " + geItem.getPriceEach() + " AND `slot` = " + geItem.getSlot());
                    //Add all new addingOffers to grandExchangeBuying or grandExchangeSelling table.
                    //This delayed offer inserter would cause a possible dupe, if both tables didn't have UNIQUE( slot, playerHash ), fixed now.
                    foreach (GEItem geItem in addingOffers)
                        if (geItem is BuyOffer)
                            db.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO grandExchangeBuying(itemId, amount, price, bought, slot, playerHash) VALUES (" + geItem.getItem() + ", " + geItem.getTotalAmount() + ", " + geItem.getPriceEach() + ", " + geItem.getAmountTraded() + ", " + geItem.getSlot() + ", " + geItem.getPlayerHash() + ")");
                        else if(geItem is SellOffer)
                            db.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO grandExchangeSelling(itemId, amount, price, sold, slot, playerHash) VALUES (" + geItem.getItem() + ", " + geItem.getTotalAmount() + ", " + geItem.getPriceEach() + ", " + geItem.getAmountTraded() + ", " + geItem.getSlot() + ", " + geItem.getPlayerHash() + ")");

                    //Aborts any Buying Offer or Selling Offer from grandExchangeBuying or grandExchangeSelling table.
                    foreach (GEItem geItem in abortingOffers)
                        if (geItem is BuyOffer)
                            db.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE grandExchangeBuying SET aborted = 1 WHERE slot = " + geItem.getSlot() + " AND playerHash = " + geItem.getPlayerHash());
                        else if (geItem is SellOffer)
                            db.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE grandExchangeSelling SET aborted = 1 WHERE slot = " + geItem.getSlot() + " AND playerHash = " + geItem.getPlayerHash());

                    db.CloseDatabase(); //closes the connection.

                } catch (Exception e) {