コード例 #1
        public static void Initialize(HttpConfiguration config)
            var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
            //some base interface register
            //like dbcontext IRespository

            IList<Assembly> assemblies = new List<Assembly>()

            var types = new List<Type>();
            foreach (var item in assemblies)
                types.AddRange(item.DefinedTypes.Where(o => typeof(IDependenceRegister).IsAssignableFrom(o)));

            var registers = types.Select(type => 
                type.Assembly.CreateInstance(type.FullName) as IDependenceRegister).ToList();
            registers = registers.OrderBy(o => o.Order()).ToList();

            foreach (var register in registers)
            var assembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();
            var container = builder.Build();

            config.DependencyResolver = new AutofacWebApiDependencyResolver(container);
            //DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new AutofacWebApiDependencyResolver(container));
コード例 #2
ファイル: FileLister.cs プロジェクト: mkramers/Projects
        internal void SetRoots(List<string> _rootPaths)
            Debug.Assert(_rootPaths != null);

            Roots = _rootPaths.Select(rootPath => new DirectoryInfo(rootPath)).ToList();

コード例 #3
        public async Task AddMostRecentEvent()
            ServiceCancellation cancelSource = new ServiceCancellation(CancellationToken.None);
            MockReliableStateManager stateManager = new MockReliableStateManager();

            IReliableDictionary<string, DeviceEvent> store =
                await stateManager.GetOrAddAsync<IReliableDictionary<string, DeviceEvent>>(DataService.EventDictionaryName);

            IReliableQueue<DeviceEventSeries> queue =
                await stateManager.GetOrAddAsync<IReliableQueue<DeviceEventSeries>>(DataService.EventQueueName);

            string expectedDeviceId = "some-device";

            List<DeviceEvent> expectedDeviceList = new List<DeviceEvent>();
            DeviceEvent expectedDeviceEvent = new DeviceEvent(new DateTimeOffset(100, TimeSpan.Zero));
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                expectedDeviceList.Add(new DeviceEvent(new DateTimeOffset(i, TimeSpan.Zero)));
            expectedDeviceList.Insert(4, expectedDeviceEvent);

            EventsController target = new EventsController(stateManager, statefulServiceContext, cancelSource);

            IActionResult result = await target.Post(expectedDeviceId, expectedDeviceList);

            Assert.True(result is OkResult);

            using (ITransaction tx = stateManager.CreateTransaction())
                ConditionalValue<DeviceEvent> actualStoredEvent = await store.TryGetValueAsync(tx, expectedDeviceId);
                ConditionalValue<DeviceEventSeries> actualQueuedEvent = await queue.TryDequeueAsync(tx);

                Assert.Equal(expectedDeviceEvent.Timestamp, actualStoredEvent.Value.Timestamp);

                Assert.True(actualQueuedEvent.Value.Events.Select(x => x.Timestamp).SequenceEqual(expectedDeviceList.Select(x => x.Timestamp)));

                await tx.CommitAsync();
コード例 #4
ファイル: EntityDescriptor.cs プロジェクト: henleygao/linq2db
        internal void InitInheritanceMapping()
            var mappingAttrs = _mappingSchema.GetAttributes<InheritanceMappingAttribute>(ObjectType, a => a.Configuration, false);

            InheritanceMapping = new List<InheritanceMapping>(mappingAttrs.Length);

            if (mappingAttrs.Length > 0)
                foreach (var m in mappingAttrs)
                    var mapping = new InheritanceMapping
                        Code      = m.Code,
                        IsDefault = m.IsDefault,
                        Type      = m.Type,

                    var ed = _mappingSchema.GetEntityDescriptor(mapping.Type);

                    foreach (var column in ed.Columns)
                        if (Columns.All(f => f.MemberName != column.MemberName))

                        if (column.IsDiscriminator)
                            mapping.Discriminator = column;


                var discriminator = InheritanceMapping.Select(m => m.Discriminator).FirstOrDefault(d => d != null);

                if (discriminator == null)
                    throw new LinqException("Inheritance Discriminator is not defined for the '{0}' hierarchy.", ObjectType);

                foreach (var mapping in InheritanceMapping)
                    if (mapping.Discriminator == null)
                        mapping.Discriminator = discriminator;
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Take a WorkflowItem and the computed list of ActivityAssemblyItems it depends on and translate them into DC form for an upload
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="workflow"></param>
        /// <param name="assemblyItemsUsed">Assemblies list (computed by WorkflowUploader.ComputeDependencies())</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static StoreLibraryAndActivitiesRequestDC WorkflowToStoreLibraryAndActivitiesRequestDC(WorkflowItem workflow, IEnumerable<ActivityAssemblyItem> assemblyItemsUsed, List<TaskAssignment> tasks)
            string libraryName = workflow.Name;
            var library = GetActivityLibraryDC(libraryName, workflow.Category, workflow.Description, workflow.CreatedBy, workflow.Version, workflow.Status);
            var dependencyList = new List<StoreActivityLibraryDependenciesGroupsRequestDC>(
                assemblyItemsUsed.Select(asm => new StoreActivityLibraryDependenciesGroupsRequestDC
                    Name = asm.Name,
                    Version = asm.Version.ToString(),

            return new StoreLibraryAndActivitiesRequestDC
                Incaller = Utility.GetCallerName(),
                IncallerVersion = Utility.GetCallerVersion(),
                InInsertedByUserAlias = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(workflow.CreatedBy) ? workflow.CreatedBy : Utility.GetCurrentUserName(),
                InUpdatedByUserAlias = Utility.GetCurrentUserName(),
                EnforceVersionRules = true,
                ActivityLibrary = library,
                StoreActivitiesList = new List<StoreActivitiesDC> {
                    // There is only one activity in this "library", = the workflow itself
                StoreActivityLibraryDependenciesGroupsRequestDC = new StoreActivityLibraryDependenciesGroupsRequestDC()
                    Name = libraryName,
                    Version = workflow.Version,
                    List = dependencyList
                TaskActivitiesList = tasks.Select(t => new StoreLibraryAndTaskActivityRequestDC()
                    EnforceVersionRules = true,
                    ActivityLibrary = GetActivityLibraryDC(t.GetFriendlyName(workflow.Name), workflow.Category, workflow.Description, workflow.CreatedBy, t.Version, workflow.Status),
                    StoreActivityLibraryDependenciesGroupsRequestDC = new StoreActivityLibraryDependenciesGroupsRequestDC()
                        Name = t.GetFriendlyName(workflow.Name),
                        Version = t.Version,
                        List = dependencyList
                    TaskActivitiesList = new List<TaskActivityDC>()
                        new TaskActivityDC()
                            Guid = t.TaskId,
                            AssignedTo = t.AssignTo,
                            Activity = ActivityItemToStoreActivitiyDC(workflow, t),
                            Status = t.TaskStatus == TaskActivityStatus.Unassigned ? TaskActivityStatus.Unassigned : TaskActivityStatus.Assigned,
コード例 #6
        public ActionResult Index(string keywords, bool? finish, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 10)
            var model = _iProjectInfoService.GetAll(a => a.ProjectUsers.Any(b => b.SysUserId == _iUserInfo.UserId && b.Leader));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords))
                model =
                        a =>
                        a.ProjectName.Contains(keywords) || a.ProjectObjective.Contains(keywords) ||
                        a.Tag.Contains(keywords) || a.ProjectUsers.Any(b => b.SysUser.UserName == keywords));

            if (finish.HasValue)
                model = model.Where(a => a.Finish == finish);

            var subModel = model.Where(a => a.LastProjectInfoId != null);
            var mainModel = model.Where(a => a.LastProjectInfoId == null).ToPagedList(pageIndex, pageSize);

            var mainList = new List<ProjectInfo>() { };
            foreach (var item in mainModel)
                mainList.AddRange((subModel as IQueryable<ProjectInfo>).Where(a => a.LastProjectInfoId == item.Id));

            var result = mainList.Select(
                a => new
                    Leader = a.ProjectUsers != null ? a.ProjectUsers.Where(b => b.Leader).Select(b => b.SysUser.DisplayName) : null,
                    ProjectInfoState = a.ProjectInfoState != null ? a.ProjectInfoState.ProjectInfoStateName : null,
                    Follow = a.Public && (a.ProjectUsers != null ? a.ProjectUsers.Any(b => b.SysUserId == _iUserInfo.UserId && b.Follow) : false),
                    PlanCount = a.Plans.Count(p => !p.Deleted),
                    TaskCount = a.ProjectTasks.Count(t => !t.Deleted),
                    ReplyCount = a.ProjectInfoReplys.Count(r => !r.Deleted),
                    MemberCount = a.ProjectUsers != null ? a.ProjectUsers.Count(b => !b.Follow) : 0,
            return Content(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result));
コード例 #7
ファイル: ProcessDAL.cs プロジェクト: mparsin/Elements
        public IPagedList<PublishedProcessInfoDTO> FetchAvailablePublishedProcesses(string filter, int pageNumber, int pageSize, string filterExpression, bool isAdmin, IEnumerable<int> personRoles)
            var result = new PagedList<PublishedProcessInfoDTO>();

            var roles = new List<int> { Constants.AllRolesId };

            if (personRoles != null)

            var rolesString = string.Join(",", roles.Select(r => r.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));
            var adminFilter = string.Format(
                @"WHERE ISNULL(p.[IsRemoved], 0) = 0 AND ISNULL(p.IsInactive, 0) = 0");

            const string NonAdminFilterFormat = @"
        SELECT nisc.[Id]
            FROM [dbo].[NavigationItemSecurityConfigurations] nisc
            WHERE nisc.[NavigationItemId] = ni.Id AND nisc.[CanView] = 1 AND nisc.[RoleId] IN ({0})
    ISNULL(p.[IsRemoved], 0) = 0 AND ISNULL(p.IsInactive, 0) = 0
ng.[SystemName] = '{1}'
            var nonAdminFilter = string.Format(

            var whereString = isAdmin ? adminFilter : nonAdminFilter;

            const string IdsQueryFormat = @"
    [dbo].[NavigationGroups] ng
    INNER JOIN [dbo].[NavigationItems] ni
        ON ng.[Id] = ni.[NavigationGroupId]
    INNER JOIN [dbo].[PublishedProcesses] pp
        ON pp.[Id] = ni.[PublishedProcessId]
    INNER JOIN [dbo].[Processes] p
        ON p.[Id] = pp.[ProcessId]

            var idsQuery = string.Format(

            using (var ctx = ConnectionManager<SqlConnection>.GetManager(Database.VeyronMeta, false))
                var cn = ctx.Connection;
                const string Sql =
SET @p0 = {1}

SET @p1 = {2};

SELECT [t1].[Id],
FROM   (
            SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [t0].[Name], [t0].[Id]) AS
                    ISNULL(pl.ProcessName,[t0].[Name]) AS [Name],
                    [i].Id as IconId
            FROM   [dbo].[Processes] AS [t0]
                    JOIN [dbo].PublishedProcesses AS [t1] ON [t1].ProcessId = [t0].Id
                    INNER JOIN Processes p2 ON [t0].Guid = p2.Guid AND p2.IsPublishedCopy = 0
                    LEFT OUTER JOIN Icons i ON  [t0].IconId = [i].Id
                    LEFT OUTER JOIN Colors c ON [t0].ColorId = [c].Id
                    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Localizations l ON l.CultureName = '{3}'
                    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ProcessLocalizations pl ON pl.LocalizationId = l.Id AND p2.Id = pl.ProcessId
       ) AS [t1]
WHERE  [t1].[ROW_NUMBER] BETWEEN @p0 + 1 AND @p0 + @p1
                var fieldFilterWhere = AdoHelper.BuildFilterStatement(FilterDescriptor.GetFilterList(filterExpression), "Processes", tableAlias: "[t0]");
                var globalFilterWhere = AdoHelper.BuildFilterStatement(filter, new[] { "[t0].Name" });
                var where = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "WHERE [t0].IsRemoved = 0 {0} {1} AND [t1].[ProcessId] IN ({2})", globalFilterWhere, fieldFilterWhere, idsQuery);

                if (pageSize == 0)
                    pageSize = int.MaxValue;

                var commandText = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Sql, where, pageNumber * pageSize, pageSize, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name);

                using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, cn))
                    using (var reader = new SafeDataReader(cmd.ExecuteReader()))
                        while (reader.Read())
                                new PublishedProcessInfoDTO
                                        ProcessId = reader.GetInt32(0),
                                        Name = reader.GetString(1),
                                        SystemName = reader.GetString(2),
                                        IconId = reader.GetInt32(3),
                                        ProcessGuid = reader.GetGuid(4),

                commandText =
                    "SELECT COUNT([t0].Id) FROM Processes [t0] JOIN [dbo].PublishedProcesses AS [t1] ON [t1].ProcessId = [t0].Id {0}",

                using (var cmdCount = new SqlCommand(commandText, cn))
                    result.TotalRowCount = (int)cmdCount.ExecuteScalar();

            return result;
コード例 #8
        private static void SetScenarioOrder(int scenarioIndex, List<MethodForScenario> tempselectedMethods)
            List<ScenarioOrder> scOrder = tempselectedMethods.Select((t, si) => new ScenarioOrder()
                MethodName = t.MethodName,
                MethodGuid = t.MethodGuid,
                AssemblyGuid = t.AssemblyGuid,
                IsRest =  t.IsRest,
                Order = si

            Test.TestPackage.Scenarios.ElementAt(scenarioIndex).ScenarioOrder = scOrder;
コード例 #9
        public void DeleteFinishedWorkflows(ref List<Tuple<string, IEnumerable<ActiveEstimatedTask>, IEnumerable<EstimatedTask>, IEnumerable<TasksDepenendency>>> wfs)
                List<string> keysToRemove = new List<string>();

                // if workflow was already scheduled, but it is not active now (actually, it means that it is finished)
                // we remove it from the list
                // logger.Info("Scheduled wf ids: ");
                foreach (var scheduled in _scheduledWfs)
                    // find count of finished tasks
                    var finished = finishedTasks.Select(w => w.Item1 == wfIDs[scheduled.Key]).ToList();
                    int finishedCount = 0;
                    foreach (var v in finished)
                        if (v) finishedCount++;
                    // if count of finished tasks is equal to total tasks count
                    if (finishedCount == tasksCount[scheduled.Key])
                        var ids = wfs.Select(w => w.Item1 == scheduled.Key);

                        if (!ids.Contains(true))
                        // delete tasks


               // logger.Info("Keys to remove: ");
                for (int i = 0; i < keysToRemove.Count; i++ )
                    var key = keysToRemove[i];
                    //logger.Info("Key to remove: " + key);
                    if (_scheduledWfs.ContainsKey(key))
                    //logger.Info("_scheduledWF success");

                    if (schedule.ContainsKey(wfIDs[key]))
                    //logger.Info("schedule success");

                    int wfID = wfIDs[key];

                    // find all tasks of workflow to remove
                    var tasks = taskIDs.Where(t => t.Value.Item1 == wfID).ToList();
                    for (var j = 0; j < tasks.Count(); j++ )
                        var keyToRemove = tasks[j].Key;

                    if (wfIDs.ContainsKey(key))
                    //logger.Info("wfIDs success");

            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException("DeleteFinishedWorkflows() error. " + ex.Message, ex);
コード例 #10
        public void AskForCompetitors(string gameTypeName, List<ICompetitor> emptyCompetitors)
            IsPlayButtonAvailable = false;

            OutputText += string.Format("Waiting for players ({0})\n", emptyCompetitors.Count);

            Task.Run(() =>
                var competitorsTasks = emptyCompetitors.Select(async bot =>
                        await bot.VerifyAsync(gameTypeName);

                        lock (_lock)
                            OutputText += string.Format("Bot \"{0}\" connected!\n", bot.Name);
                            Elimination.Bots.First(f => f.Id == bot.Id).Name = bot.Name;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        bot.Name = "Not connected";
                        OutputText += string.Format("ERROR: Url: {0} - couldn't verify bot!\nError message:\n{1}\n", bot.Url, e.Message);

                    return bot;


                Task.WhenAll(competitorsTasks).ContinueWith(task =>
                    IsPlayButtonAvailable = true;
                    if (emptyCompetitors.All(competitor => competitor.IsVerified))
                        OutputText += "All players connected!\n";
                        OutputText += "WARNING: Not all players were succesfully verified.\nTry reconnecting or play tournament without them\n";
コード例 #11
 private void FileViewerViewModel_SelectionChanged(object sender, List<FileRowViewModel> e)
     if (sender == FileViewers[0])
         var fileNames = e.Select(file => file.FileInfo.FullName);
         var list = new ObservableRangeCollection<string>(fileNames);
         RenamerViewModel.InputItems = list;
コード例 #12
        public ActionResult SalesByCountryItem(DateTime date)
            if (!GlobalUtilities.VerifySqlTableExists(GlobalSettings.Exigo.Api.Sql.ConnectionStrings.SqlReporting, "Custom_DailyItemSalesbyCountry"))
                return new JsonNetResult(new
                    success = false,
                    error = "Report not configured"

            ViewBag.Date = date;
            ViewBag.BeginningOfMonthDate = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1);
            ViewBag.BeginningOfYearDate = new DateTime(date.Year, 1, 1);

            var webCategoryItems = new List<WebCategoryItem>();
            var itemSales = new List<ItemSalesRecord>();
            var itemRefunds = new List<ItemSalesRecord>();

            using (var context = Exigo.Sql())
                var data = context.QueryMultiple(@"
                    set transaction isolation level read uncommitted

                    -- Categories
                        Category = wc.WebCategoryDescription,
                    from WebCategoryItems wci
                    inner join Items i
                        on i.ItemID = wci.ItemID
                    inner join WebCategories wc
                        on wc.WebCategoryID = wci.WebCategoryID
                        and wc.WebID = wci.WebID
                        wci.WebID = 1
                        and wc.ParentID = 77
                    order by

                    -- Sales
                        i.ItemDescription           AS ItemDescription,
                        i.ItemCode AS ItemCode,
                        COALESCE(QuantityPerDay, 0) as QuantityPerDay,
                        COALESCE(AmountPerDay, 0) as AmountPerDay,
                        COALESCE(TaxPerDay, 0) as TaxPerDay,
                        COALESCE(TotalPerDay, 0) as TotalPerDay,

                        COALESCE(QuantityPerMonth, 0) as QuantityPerMonth,
                        COALESCE(AmountPerMonth, 0) as AmountPerMonth,
                        COALESCE(TaxPerMonth, 0) as TaxPerMonth,
                        COALESCE(TotalPerMonth, 0) as TotalPerMonth,

                        COALESCE(QuantityPerYear, 0) as QuantityPerYear,
                        COALESCE(AmountPerYear, 0) as AmountPerYear,
                        COALESCE(TaxPerYear, 0) as TaxPerYear,
                        COALESCE(TotalPerYear, 0) as TotalPerYear,

                        COALESCE(QuantityPerLastYear, 0) as QuantityPerLastYear,
                        COALESCE(AmountPerLastYear, 0) as AmountPerLastYear,
                        COALESCE(TaxPerLastYear, 0) as TaxPerLastYear,
                        COALESCE(TotalPerLastYear, 0) as TotalPerLastYear

                    from items i
                    inner join
                    (select itemid,
                            sum(case when SalesDate  = @Date then Quantity   else 0 end) as Quantityperday,
                            sum(case when SalesDate = @Date then pricetotal  else 0 end) as amountperday,
                            sum(case when SalesDate = @Date then TaxTotal  else 0 end) as Taxperday,
                            sum(case when SalesDate = @Date then TaxTotal + PriceTotal else 0 end) as Totalperday,

                            sum(case when month(SalesDate)  = month(@Date) then Quantity   else 0 end) as QuantityperMonth,
                            sum(case when month(SalesDate) = month(@Date) then pricetotal  else 0 end) as amountperMonth,
                            sum(case when month(SalesDate) = month(@Date) then TaxTotal  else 0 end) as TaxperMonth,
                            sum(case when month(SalesDate) = month(@Date) then TaxTotal + PriceTotal else 0 end) as TotalperMonth,

                            sum(case when year(SalesDate)  = year(@Date) then Quantity   else 0 end) as QuantityperYear,
                            sum(case when year(SalesDate) = year(@Date) then pricetotal  else 0 end) as amountperYear,
                            sum(case when year(SalesDate) = year(@Date) then TaxTotal  else 0 end) as TaxperYear,
                            sum(case when year(SalesDate) = year(@Date) then TaxTotal + PriceTotal else 0 end) as TotalperYear,

                            sum(case when year(SalesDate)  = year(@Date) - 1 then Quantity   else 0 end) as QuantityperLastYear,
                            sum(case when year(SalesDate) = year(@Date) - 1 then pricetotal  else 0 end) as amountperLastYear,
                            sum(case when year(SalesDate) = year(@Date) - 1 then TaxTotal  else 0 end) as TaxperLastYear,
                            sum(case when year(SalesDate) = year(@Date) - 1 then TaxTotal + PriceTotal else 0 end) as TotalperLastYear

                           from Custom_DailyItemSalesbyCountry
                           where year(SalesDate) = year(@date)
                              and Isreturn = 0
                    group by itemid
                    , Country
                    ) d on d.itemid = i.itemid

                    order by i.ItemDescription

                    -- Returns
                        i.ItemDescription           AS ItemDescription,
                        i.ItemCode AS ItemCode,
                        COALESCE(QuantityPerDay, 0) as QuantityPerDay,
                        COALESCE(AmountPerDay, 0) as AmountPerDay,
                        COALESCE(TaxPerDay, 0) as TaxPerDay,
                        COALESCE(TotalPerDay, 0) as TotalPerDay,

                        COALESCE(QuantityPerMonth, 0) as QuantityPerMonth,
                        COALESCE(AmountPerMonth, 0) as AmountPerMonth,
                        COALESCE(TaxPerMonth, 0) as TaxPerMonth,
                        COALESCE(TotalPerMonth, 0) as TotalPerMonth,

                        COALESCE(QuantityPerYear, 0) as QuantityPerYear,
                        COALESCE(AmountPerYear, 0) as AmountPerYear,
                        COALESCE(TaxPerYear, 0) as TaxPerYear,
                        COALESCE(TotalPerYear, 0) as TotalPerYear,

                        COALESCE(QuantityPerLastYear, 0) as QuantityPerLastYear,
                        COALESCE(AmountPerLastYear, 0) as AmountPerLastYear,
                        COALESCE(TaxPerLastYear, 0) as TaxPerLastYear,
                        COALESCE(TotalPerLastYear, 0) as TotalPerLastYear

                    from items i
                    inner join
                    (select itemid,
                            sum(case when SalesDate  = @Date then Quantity   else 0 end) as Quantityperday,
                            sum(case when SalesDate = @Date then pricetotal  else 0 end) as amountperday,
                            sum(case when SalesDate = @Date then TaxTotal  else 0 end) as Taxperday,
                            sum(case when SalesDate = @Date then TaxTotal + PriceTotal else 0 end) as Totalperday,

                            sum(case when month(SalesDate)  = month(@Date) then Quantity   else 0 end) as QuantityperMonth,
                            sum(case when month(SalesDate) = month(@Date) then pricetotal  else 0 end) as amountperMonth,
                            sum(case when month(SalesDate) = month(@Date) then TaxTotal  else 0 end) as TaxperMonth,
                            sum(case when month(SalesDate) = month(@Date) then TaxTotal + PriceTotal else 0 end) as TotalperMonth,

                            sum(case when year(SalesDate)  = year(@Date) then Quantity   else 0 end) as QuantityperYear,
                            sum(case when year(SalesDate) = year(@Date) then pricetotal  else 0 end) as amountperYear,
                            sum(case when year(SalesDate) = year(@Date) then TaxTotal  else 0 end) as TaxperYear,
                            sum(case when year(SalesDate) = year(@Date) then TaxTotal + PriceTotal else 0 end) as TotalperYear,

                            sum(case when year(SalesDate)  = year(@Date) - 1 then Quantity   else 0 end) as QuantityperLastYear,
                            sum(case when year(SalesDate) = year(@Date) - 1 then pricetotal  else 0 end) as amountperLastYear,
                            sum(case when year(SalesDate) = year(@Date) - 1 then TaxTotal  else 0 end) as TaxperLastYear,
                            sum(case when year(SalesDate) = year(@Date) - 1 then TaxTotal + PriceTotal else 0 end) as TotalperLastYear

                           from Custom_DailyItemSalesbyCountry
                           where year(SalesDate) = year(@date)
                              and Isreturn = 1
                    group by itemid
                    , Country
                    ) d on d.itemid = i.itemid

                    order by i.ItemDescription
                ", new
                     Date = date

                webCategoryItems = data.Read<WebCategoryItem>().ToList();
                itemSales = data.Read<ItemSalesRecord>().ToList();
                itemRefunds = data.Read<ItemSalesRecord>().ToList();

            // Create the model
            var model = new List<ItemSalesByCountryCollection>();

            // Arrange the items by country and category
            var countries = new List<string>();
            countries.AddRange(itemSales.Select(c => c.Country).ToList());
            countries.AddRange(itemRefunds.Select(c => c.Country).ToList());
            countries = countries.Distinct().ToList();

            foreach (var country in countries)
                var salesInCountry = itemSales.Where(c => c.Country == country).ToList();
                var refundsInCountry = itemRefunds.Where(c => c.Country == country).ToList();

                // Create the country collection
                var countryItemsCollection = new ItemSalesByCountryCollection();
                countryItemsCollection.Country = country;

                // Arrange the items by categories
                var distinctWebCategories = webCategoryItems.Select(c => c.Category).Distinct().ToList();
                foreach (var category in distinctWebCategories)
                    var collection = new ItemSalesByCategoryCollection();
                    collection.Category = category;

                    var salesItemCodesInCategory = webCategoryItems.Where(c => c.Category == category).Select(c => c.ItemCode).ToList();
                    var salesItemSalesInCategory = salesInCountry.Where(c => salesItemCodesInCategory.Contains(c.ItemCode)).ToList();
                    foreach (var record in salesItemSalesInCategory)

                    var refundsItemCodesInCategory = webCategoryItems.Where(c => c.Category == category).Select(c => c.ItemCode).ToList();
                    var refundsItemrefundsInCategory = refundsInCountry.Where(c => refundsItemCodesInCategory.Contains(c.ItemCode)).ToList();
                    foreach (var record in refundsItemrefundsInCategory)


                // Create the "All" category
                var masterCollection = new ItemSalesByCategoryCollection();
                masterCollection.Category = "All";

                foreach (var record in salesInCountry)
                foreach (var record in refundsInCountry)


            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) return PartialView("_SalesByCountryItemReport", model);
            else return View("_SalesByCountryItemReport", model);
コード例 #13
ファイル: Orders.cs プロジェクト: winmissupport/FeatureUpate
        public static IEnumerable<Order> GetCustomerOrders(GetCustomerOrdersRequest request)
            if (request.CustomerID == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("CustomerID is required.");

            var context = Exigo.CreateODataContext<ExigoContext>(GlobalSettings.Exigo.Api.SandboxID);

            // Clear the OrderDetailModels
            if (OrderDetailModels != null) OrderDetailModels = new List<ExigoService.OrderDetail>();
            var orders = new List<Order>();

            // Setup the base orders query
            var ordersBaseQuery = context.Orders;
            if (request.IncludePayments) ordersBaseQuery = ordersBaseQuery.Expand("Payments");

            var ordersQuery = ordersBaseQuery.Where(c => c.CustomerID == request.CustomerID);

            // Apply the request variables
            if (request.OrderID != null)
                ordersQuery = ordersQuery.Where(c => c.OrderID == ((int)request.OrderID));
            if (request.OrderStatuses.Length > 0)
                ordersQuery = ordersQuery.Where(request.OrderStatuses.ToList().ToOrExpression<Common.Api.ExigoOData.Order, int>("OrderStatusID"));
            if (request.OrderTypes.Length > 0)
                ordersQuery = ordersQuery.Where(request.OrderTypes.ToList().ToOrExpression<Common.Api.ExigoOData.Order, int>("OrderTypeID"));
            if (request.StartDate != null)
                ordersQuery = ordersQuery.Where(c => c.OrderDate >= (DateTime)request.StartDate);

            // Get the orders
            var odataOrders = ordersQuery
                .OrderByDescending(c => c.OrderDate)
                .Select(c => c)

            // If we don't have any orders, stop here.
            if (odataOrders.Count == 0) yield break;

            // Collect our orders together
            foreach (var order in odataOrders)
                var model = (Order)order;

            // Get the order details if applicable
            if (request.IncludeOrderDetails)
                // Get the order IDs
                var orderIDs = orders.Select(c => c.OrderID).Distinct().ToList();

                // Get the order details (Results are saved via the ReadingEntity delegate to the private OrderDetailModels property.
                context.ReadingEntity += context_ReadingEntity;
                    .Where(orderIDs.ToOrExpression<Common.Api.ExigoOData.OrderDetail, int>("OrderID"))

                // Get a unique list of item IDs in the orders
                var itemIDs = OrderDetailModels.Select(c => c.ItemID).Distinct().ToList();

                // Get the extra data we need for each detail
                var apiItems = new List<Common.Api.ExigoOData.Item>();
                if (itemIDs.Count > 0)
                    apiItems = context.Items
                        .Where(itemIDs.ToOrExpression<Common.Api.ExigoOData.Item, int>("ItemID"))
                        .Select(c => new Common.Api.ExigoOData.Item
                            ItemCode = c.ItemCode,
                            SmallImageUrl = c.SmallImageUrl,
                            IsVirtual = c.IsVirtual

                // Format the data to our models
                foreach (var order in orders)
                    // Get the order details
                    var details = OrderDetailModels.Where(c => c.OrderID == order.OrderID);
                    foreach (var detail in details)
                        var apiItem = apiItems.Where(c => c.ItemCode == detail.ItemCode).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (apiItem != null)
                            detail.ImageUrl = apiItem.SmallImageUrl;
                            detail.IsVirtual = apiItem.IsVirtual;
                    order.Details = details;

            // Format the data to our models
            foreach (var order in orders)
                yield return order;
コード例 #14
ファイル: SendController.cs プロジェクト: evaseemefly/PMS
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据 短信任务id 查询对应的群组列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mid"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult GetGroupByMID(int mid/*, int userid*/)
            int userId = int.Parse(Request["uid"]);
            List<PMS.Model.P_Group> list_owned_group = new List<PMS.Model.P_Group>();

            smsMissionBLL.GetListBy(m => m.SMID == mid).FirstOrDefault().R_Group_Mission.Where(r => r.isPass == true).ToList().ForEach(r => list_owned_group.Add(r.P_Group));
            list_owned_group = list_owned_group.Select(g => g.ToMiddleModel()).ToList();
            var list_owned_Ids = list_owned_group.Select(g => g.GID).ToList();

            var list = ToEasyUICombogrid_Group.ToEasyUIDataGrid(list_owned_group, true);
            //var list = ToEasyUICombogrid_Group.ToEasyUIDataGrid(list_owned_group, false);
            //2 从所有的群组中删除该任务所拥有的群组集合
            //2.1 获取当前用户所拥有的常用群组(通过User查询对应的Group)
            var list_excludeOwned_group = userBLL.GetRestGroupListByIds(list_owned_Ids, userId, true);
            //var list_excludeOwned_group = groupBLL.GetListBy(g => g.isDel == false).ToList().Where(g => !list_owned_group.Contains(g)).Select(g=>g.ToMiddleModel()).ToList();
            list.AddRange(ToEasyUICombogrid_Group.ToEasyUIDataGrid(list_excludeOwned_group, false));
            PMS.Model.EasyUIModel.EasyUIDataGrid model = new PMS.Model.EasyUIModel.EasyUIDataGrid()
                total = 0,
                rows = list,
                footer = null
            var temp = Common.SerializerHelper.SerializerToString(model);
            temp = temp.Replace("Checked", "checked");
            return Content(temp);
コード例 #15
ファイル: P93.cs プロジェクト: gubenkoved/project-euler
        public static void Solve(int r = 4)
            int max = -1;

            foreach (var perm in CombinatoricsUtilities.Permutations(Enumerable.Range(1, 9), 4))
                var accessible = new List<decimal>();

                foreach (var d1 in perm)
                    Gen(new decimal[] { d1 }, perm, new List<int>() { d1 }, accessible);

                int cur = accessible
                    .Select(x => (int)x)

                if (cur > max)
                    cur.Dump("Max conseq");
                    max = cur;