/// <summary> /// Initialize a new instance of the class. /// </summary> /// <param name="scalarControl">The <c>WatchControl</c> derived user control that called this form.</param> public FormChangeScalar(WatchScalarControl scalarControl) : base(scalarControl) { InitializeComponent(); Debug.Assert(m_WatchVariable != null, "FormChangeScalar.Ctor() - [m_WatchVariable != null]"); Debug.Assert(m_WatchVariable.VariableType == VariableType.Scalar, "FormChangeScalar.Ctor() - [m_WatchVariable.VariableType == VariableType.Scalar]"); if (m_WatchVariable.FormatString.ToLower() == FormatStringHexadecimal) { m_HexFormat = true; } #region - [NumericUpDown] - if (m_HexFormat == true) { m_NumericUpDownNewValue.Hexadecimal = true; m_NumericUpDownNewValue.DecimalPlaces = 0; m_NumericUpDownNewValue.Increment = 1; } else { m_NumericUpDownNewValue.Hexadecimal = false; // Evaluate the DecimalPlaces and Increment properties associated with the NumericUpDown control based upon the watch variable scale-factor. double scaleFactor = m_WatchVariable.ScaleFactor; int decimalPlaces; decimal increment; General.GetDecimalPlaces(scaleFactor, out decimalPlaces); General.GetIncrement(scaleFactor, out increment); m_NumericUpDownNewValue.DecimalPlaces = decimalPlaces; m_NumericUpDownNewValue.Increment = increment; } m_NumericUpDownNewValue.Maximum = (decimal)m_WatchVariable.MaxModifyValue; m_NumericUpDownNewValue.Minimum = (decimal)m_WatchVariable.MinModifyValue; // Initialize the NumericUpDown control Value property. m_DecimalPlaces = m_NumericUpDownNewValue.DecimalPlaces; m_CurrentEngineeringValue = m_WatchControl.Value * m_WatchVariable.ScaleFactor; m_CurrentEngineeringValue = Math.Round(m_CurrentEngineeringValue, m_DecimalPlaces); try { m_NumericUpDownNewValue.Value = (decimal)m_CurrentEngineeringValue; } catch (Exception) { // The specified initial value is outside of the limits, set to the minimum value. m_NumericUpDownNewValue.Value = m_NumericUpDownNewValue.Minimum; } #endregion - [NumericUpDown] - #region - [Allowable Range] - if (m_HexFormat == true) { m_LabelAllowableRangeLowerValue.Text = HexValueIdentifier + ((long)m_WatchVariable.MinModifyValue).ToString("X"); m_LabelAllowableRangeUpperValue.Text = HexValueIdentifier + ((long)m_WatchVariable.MaxModifyValue).ToString("X"); } else { m_LabelAllowableRangeLowerValue.Text = m_WatchVariable.MinModifyValue.ToString(FormatStringNumericString); m_LabelAllowableRangeUpperValue.Text = m_WatchVariable.MaxModifyValue.ToString(FormatStringNumericString); } #endregion - [Allowable Range] - // Now that the display has been initialized, disable the apply button. This will only be re-enabled when the user has specified a new watch value. m_ButtonApply.Enabled = false; }
/// <summary> /// Instantiates a new <c>WatchControl</c> derived user control and configures the properties for each element of <paramref name="watchControls"/> based upon the /// watch variables specified by <paramref name="oldIdentifierList"/>. Each user control is then added to the <c>Controls</c> property of <paramref name="panel"/>. /// </summary> /// <remarks>The length of the array should be equal to the count value associated with the list.</remarks> /// <param name="watchControls">The array of watch variable user controls that are to be configured.</param> /// <param name="panel">Reference to the <c>Panel</c> to which the user controls are to be added.</param> /// <param name="watchControlSize">The structure defining the size related parameters of the user control, <see cref="VariableControlSize_t"/>.</param> /// <param name="oldIdentifierList">The list of watch variable old identifiers.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if the number of watch identifier entries in the list is incompatible with the length of the user control array.</exception> public void ConfigureWatchControls(WatchControl[] watchControls, Panel panel, VariableControlSize_t watchControlSize, List<short> oldIdentifierList) { // Skip, if the Dispose() method has been called. if (m_IsDisposed) { return; } Debug.Assert(oldIdentifierList.Count == watchControls.Length); // Work out the spacing between consecutive lines. int rowSpacing = watchControlSize.Size.Height + watchControlSize.Margin.Vertical; // Initialize the user controls. short oldIdentifier; WatchVariable watchVariable; for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < oldIdentifierList.Count; rowIndex++) { oldIdentifier = oldIdentifierList[rowIndex]; try { watchVariable = Lookup.WatchVariableTableByOldIdentifier.Items[oldIdentifier]; if (watchVariable == null) { // The specified watch variable is not defined in the current data dictionary therefore display an empty user control showing the 'not-defined' text. watchControls[rowIndex] = new WatchControl(); } else { switch (watchVariable.VariableType) { case VariableType.Scalar: watchControls[rowIndex] = new WatchScalarControl(); break; case VariableType.Enumerator: watchControls[rowIndex] = new WatchEnumeratorControl(); break; case VariableType.Bitmask: watchControls[rowIndex] = new WatchBitmaskControl(); break; default: break; } } } catch (Exception) { watchVariable = null; // The specified watch variable is not defined in the current data dictionary therefore display an empty user control showing the 'not-defined' text. watchControls[rowIndex] = new WatchControl(); } watchControls[rowIndex].WidthVariableNameField = watchControlSize.WidthVariableNameField; watchControls[rowIndex].WidthValueField = watchControlSize.WidthValueField; watchControls[rowIndex].WidthUnitsField = watchControlSize.WidthUnitsField; watchControls[rowIndex].ClientForm = m_Form; watchControls[rowIndex].TabIndex = m_TabIndex; watchControls[rowIndex].Location = new System.Drawing.Point(watchControlSize.Margin.Left, (rowIndex + 1) * rowSpacing); watchControls[rowIndex].ForeColorValueFieldZero = Color.ForestGreen; watchControls[rowIndex].ForeColorValueFieldNonZero = Color.ForestGreen; watchControls[rowIndex].Identifier = oldIdentifier; if (watchVariable == null) { watchControls[rowIndex].AttributeFlags = AttributeFlags.PTUD_NOTUSED; } else { watchControls[rowIndex].AttributeFlags = (AttributeFlags)watchVariable.AttributeFlags; } watchControls[rowIndex].Value = 0; // Add the user control to the specified panel. panel.Controls.Add(watchControls[rowIndex]); } }