コード例 #1
        public int AuthenticateCustomer(string loginname, string password)
            var command = new SqlHelper();
            var customerID = command.GetField("AuthenticateCustomer {0}, {1}", loginname, password);

            if (customerID == null) return 0;
            else return (int)customerID;
コード例 #2
        public int AuthenticateCustomer(int customerid)
            var command = new SqlHelper();
            var customerID = command.GetField("select CustomerID from Customers where CustomerID = {0}", customerid);

            if (customerID == null) return 0;
            else return (int)customerID;
コード例 #3
        public ActionResult Index()
            // Get the data
            var helper = new SqlHelper();
            var dataset = helper.GetSet(string.Format(@"
                DECLARE @c_StartDate AS DATETIME = convert(DATETIME, '{0}');
                DECLARE @c_EndDate AS DATETIME = convert(DATETIME, '{1}');

                -- Earnings
                SELECT c.CommissionRunID
                        , cr.CommissionRunDescription
                        , cr.AcceptedDate
                        , cr.PeriodTypeID
                        , pr.PaidRankID
                        , PaidRankDescription = r.RankDescription
                        , Total = sum(c.Total)
                        , Earnings = sum(c.Earnings)
                        , PaidAsRankCount = count(pr.PaidRankID)
                    Commissions c
                    INNER JOIN CommissionRuns cr
                        ON cr.CommissionRunID = c.CommissionRunID
                    INNER JOIN PeriodVolumes pr
                        ON pr.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
                        AND pr.PeriodID = cr.PeriodID
                        AND pr.PeriodTypeID = cr.PeriodTypeID
                    INNER JOIN Ranks r
                        ON pr.PaidRankID = r.RankID
                    cr.CommissionRunStatusID IN (3)
                    AND cr.AcceptedDate >= @c_StartDate
                    AND cr.AcceptedDate < @c_EndDate

                GROUP BY
                    , cr.CommissionRunDescription
                    , cr.AcceptedDate
                    , cr.PeriodTypeID
                    , pr.PaidRankID
                    , r.RankDescription

                ORDER BY
                    c.CommissionRunID ASC
                    , cr.PeriodTypeID ASC
                    , pr.PaidRankID ASC

                -- Bonuses
                SELECT cb.CommissionRunID
                        , cr.CommissionRunDescription
                        , cr.AcceptedDate
                        , cr.PeriodTypeID
                        , cb.BonusID
                        , b.BonusDescription
                        , BonusAmount = sum(cb.Amount)
                    CommissionBonuses cb
                    INNER JOIN CommissionRuns cr
                        ON cr.CommissionRunID = cb.CommissionRunID
                    INNER JOIN Bonuses b
                        ON b.BonusID = cb.BonusID AND b.PeriodTypeID = cr.PeriodTypeID

                    cr.CommissionRunStatusID IN (3)
                    AND cr.AcceptedDate >= @c_StartDate
                    AND cr.AcceptedDate < @c_EndDate

                GROUP BY
                    , cr.CommissionRunDescription
                    , cr.AcceptedDate
                    , cr.PeriodTypeID
                    , cb.BonusID
                    , b.BonusDescription

                ORDER BY
                    cb.CommissionRunID ASC
                    , cr.PeriodTypeID ASC
                    , cb.BonusID ASC

            ", new DateTime(DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1).Year, DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1).Month, DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1).Day).ToShortDateString(),
                new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day).ToShortDateString()));

            var model = new CommissionSummaryViewModel(dataset);

            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) return PartialView(model);
            else return View(model);