public void BalloonStore_TestStartGameConversation() { Communicator mockRegistry = new Communicator() { MinPort = 13000, MaxPort = 13050 }; mockRegistry.Start(); PublicEndPoint mockEp = new PublicEndPoint(String.Format("{0}", mockRegistry.Port)); balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status = ProcessInfo.StatusCode.Initializing; balloonStore.RegistryEndPoint = mockEp; balloonStore.GetConversation().Launch(); // launch a bogus conversation in order to get the balloon store endpoint Envelope env = mockRegistry.Receive(1000); IPEndPoint balloonStoreEP = env.IPEndPoint; // test successful conversation balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status = ProcessInfo.StatusCode.JoinedGame; env = new Envelope() { IPEndPoint = balloonStoreEP, Message = new StartGame() { ConvId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 1 }, MsgId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 1 }, Success = true } }; mockRegistry.Send(env); Thread.Sleep(2000); Assert.That(balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status, Is.EqualTo(ProcessInfo.StatusCode.PlayingGame)); // test failed conversation balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status = ProcessInfo.StatusCode.JoinedGame; env = new Envelope() { IPEndPoint = balloonStoreEP, Message = new StartGame() { ConvId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 2 }, MsgId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 2 }, Success = false } }; mockRegistry.Send(env); Thread.Sleep(2000); Assert.That(balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status, Is.EqualTo(ProcessInfo.StatusCode.LeavingGame)); mockRegistry.Stop(); }
public void BalloonStore_TestLogoutConversation() { Communicator mockRegistry = new Communicator() { MinPort = 13000, MaxPort = 13050 }; mockRegistry.Start(); PublicEndPoint mockEp = new PublicEndPoint(String.Format("{0}", mockRegistry.Port)); balloonStore.RegistryEndPoint = mockEp; //test wrong status balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status = ProcessInfo.StatusCode.NotInitialized; LogoutConversation conv = balloonStore.CommSubsystem.ConversationFactory.CreateFromConversationType<LogoutConversation>(); conv.TargetEndPoint = mockEp; conv.Launch(); Envelope env = mockRegistry.Receive(1000); Assert.That(env, Is.Null); //test successful conversation balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status = ProcessInfo.StatusCode.PlayingGame; conv = balloonStore.CommSubsystem.ConversationFactory.CreateFromConversationType<LogoutConversation>(); conv.TargetEndPoint = mockEp; conv.Launch(); env = mockRegistry.Receive(1000); IPEndPoint balloonStoreEP = env.IPEndPoint; LogoutRequest req = env.ActualMessage as LogoutRequest; env = new Envelope() { IPEndPoint = balloonStoreEP, Message = new Reply() { ConvId = req.ConvId, MsgId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 1 }, Success = true } }; mockRegistry.Send(env); Thread.Sleep(2000); Assert.That(balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status, Is.EqualTo(ProcessInfo.StatusCode.Terminating)); mockRegistry.Stop(); }
public void BalloonStore_TestJoinGameConversation() { Communicator mockRegistry = new Communicator() { MinPort = 13000, MaxPort = 13050 }; mockRegistry.Start(); PublicEndPoint mockEp = new PublicEndPoint(String.Format("{0}", mockRegistry.Port)); balloonStore.ProxyEndPoint = mockEp; //test wrong status balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status = ProcessInfo.StatusCode.Registered; JoinGameConversation conv = balloonStore.CommSubsystem.ConversationFactory.CreateFromConversationType<JoinGameConversation>(); conv.ToProcessId = 2; conv.Launch(); Envelope env = mockRegistry.Receive(1000); Assert.That(env, Is.Null); //test successful conversation balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status = ProcessInfo.StatusCode.JoiningGame; conv = balloonStore.CommSubsystem.ConversationFactory.CreateFromConversationType<JoinGameConversation>(); conv.ToProcessId = GM_ID; conv.Launch(); env = mockRegistry.Receive(1000); IPEndPoint balloonStoreEP = env.IPEndPoint; JoinGameRequest req = env.ActualMessage as JoinGameRequest; Assert.That(req.GameId, Is.EqualTo(3)); Assert.That(req.Process.LabelAndId, Is.EqualTo(balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.LabelAndId)); env = new Envelope() { IPEndPoint = balloonStoreEP, Message = new JoinGameReply() { ConvId = req.ConvId, MsgId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 1 }, Success = true, GameId = 3, InitialLifePoints = 100 } }; mockRegistry.Send(env); Thread.Sleep(2000); Assert.That(balloonStore.Game.GameManagerId, Is.EqualTo(GM_ID)); Assert.That(balloonStore.Game.GameId, Is.EqualTo(GAME_ID)); Assert.That(balloonStore.Game.Status, Is.EqualTo(GameInfo.StatusCode.Available)); Assert.That(balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status, Is.EqualTo(ProcessInfo.StatusCode.JoinedGame)); mockRegistry.Stop(); }
public void BalloonStore_TestGameStatusNotification() { Communicator mockRegistry = new Communicator() { MinPort = 13000, MaxPort = 13050 }; mockRegistry.Start(); PublicEndPoint mockEp = new PublicEndPoint(String.Format("{0}", mockRegistry.Port)); balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status = ProcessInfo.StatusCode.Initializing; balloonStore.RegistryEndPoint = mockEp; balloonStore.GetConversation().Launch(); // launch a bogus conversation in order to get the balloon store endpoint Envelope env = mockRegistry.Receive(1000); IPEndPoint balloonStoreEp = env.IPEndPoint; balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status = ProcessInfo.StatusCode.JoinedGame; GameInfo gameEnding = new GameInfo() { Status = GameInfo.StatusCode.Ending }; GameInfo gameComplete = new GameInfo() { Status = GameInfo.StatusCode.Complete }; GameInfo gameInProgress = new GameInfo() { Status = GameInfo.StatusCode.InProgress }; // test game ending balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status = ProcessInfo.StatusCode.PlayingGame; env = new Envelope() { IPEndPoint = balloonStoreEp, Message = new GameStatusNotification() { ConvId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 1 }, MsgId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 1 }, Game = gameEnding } }; mockRegistry.Send(env); Thread.Sleep(2000); Assert.That(balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status, Is.EqualTo(ProcessInfo.StatusCode.LeavingGame)); // test game complete balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status = ProcessInfo.StatusCode.PlayingGame; env = new Envelope() { IPEndPoint = balloonStoreEp, Message = new GameStatusNotification() { ConvId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 2 }, MsgId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 2 }, Game = gameComplete } }; mockRegistry.Send(env); Thread.Sleep(2000); Assert.That(balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status, Is.EqualTo(ProcessInfo.StatusCode.LeavingGame)); // test game in progress balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status = ProcessInfo.StatusCode.JoinedGame; env = new Envelope() { IPEndPoint = balloonStoreEp, Message = new GameStatusNotification() { ConvId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 3 }, MsgId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 3 }, Game = gameInProgress } }; mockRegistry.Send(env); Thread.Sleep(2000); Assert.That(balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status, Is.EqualTo(ProcessInfo.StatusCode.PlayingGame)); mockRegistry.Stop(); }
public void BalloonStore_TestBuyBalloonConversation() { Communicator mockRegistry = new Communicator() { MinPort = 13000, MaxPort = 13050 }; mockRegistry.Start(); PublicEndPoint mockEp = new PublicEndPoint(String.Format("{0}", mockRegistry.Port)); balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status = ProcessInfo.StatusCode.Initializing; balloonStore.RegistryEndPoint = mockEp; balloonStore.GetConversation().Launch(); // launch a bogus conversation in order to get the balloon store endpoint Envelope env = mockRegistry.Receive(1000); IPEndPoint balloonStoreEp = env.IPEndPoint; Penny penny = new Penny() { Id = 1 }; // test not in game balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status = ProcessInfo.StatusCode.PlayingGame; env = new Envelope() { IPEndPoint = balloonStoreEp, Message = new BuyBalloonRequest() { ConvId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 1 }, MsgId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 1 }, Penny = penny } }; mockRegistry.Send(env); BalloonReply reply = mockRegistry.Receive(2000).ActualMessage as BalloonReply; Assert.That(reply.Balloon, Is.Null); Assert.That(reply.Success, Is.False); Assert.That(reply.Note, Is.StringContaining("You are not in the Game")); // test no balloons balloonStore.Players.Add(new GameProcessData() { ProcessId = 1 }); env = new Envelope() { IPEndPoint = balloonStoreEp, Message = new BuyBalloonRequest() { ConvId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 1 }, MsgId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 1 }, Penny = penny } }; mockRegistry.Send(env); reply = mockRegistry.Receive(2000).ActualMessage as BalloonReply; Assert.That(reply.Balloon, Is.Null); Assert.That(reply.Success, Is.False); Assert.That(reply.Note, Is.StringContaining("No balloons left in inventory")); // test cached penny balloonStore.CachedPennies.Add(penny); balloonStore.CreateBalloons(); env = new Envelope() { IPEndPoint = balloonStoreEp, Message = new BuyBalloonRequest() { ConvId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 1 }, MsgId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 1 }, Penny = penny } }; mockRegistry.Send(env); reply = mockRegistry.Receive(2000).ActualMessage as BalloonReply; Assert.That(reply.Balloon, Is.Null); Assert.That(reply.Success, Is.False); Assert.That(reply.Note, Is.StringContaining("Invalid Penny, I've seen this one before")); balloonStore.CachedPennies.Remove(penny); // test invalid signature RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); RSAParameters parameters = rsa.ExportParameters(false); balloonStore.PennyBankPublicKey = new PublicKey() { Exponent = parameters.Exponent, Modulus = parameters.Modulus }; penny.DigitalSignature = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }; env = new Envelope() { IPEndPoint = balloonStoreEp, Message = new BuyBalloonRequest() { ConvId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 1 }, MsgId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 1 }, Penny = penny } }; mockRegistry.Send(env); reply = mockRegistry.Receive(2000).ActualMessage as BalloonReply; Assert.That(reply.Balloon, Is.Null); Assert.That(reply.Success, Is.False); Assert.That(reply.Note, Is.StringContaining("Invalid Penny, the signature doesn't check out")); // test valid signature, but failed ValidatePennyConversation balloonStore.PennyBankEndPoint = balloonStore.RegistryEndPoint; RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter rsaSigner = new RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter(rsa); rsaSigner.SetHashAlgorithm("SHA1"); SHA1Managed hasher = new SHA1Managed(); byte[] bytes = penny.DataBytes(); byte[] hash = hasher.ComputeHash(bytes); penny.DigitalSignature = rsaSigner.CreateSignature(hash); env = new Envelope() { IPEndPoint = balloonStoreEp, Message = new BuyBalloonRequest() { ConvId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 1 }, MsgId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 1 }, Penny = penny } }; mockRegistry.Send(env); // balloon store would have started a PennyValidation conversation PennyValidation request = mockRegistry.Receive(2000).ActualMessage as PennyValidation; Assert.That(request.MarkAsUsedIfValid, Is.True); Assert.That(request.Pennies[0].Id, Is.EqualTo(penny.Id)); env = new Envelope() { IPEndPoint = balloonStoreEp, Message = new Reply() { ConvId = request.ConvId, MsgId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 1 }, Success = false } }; reply = mockRegistry.Receive(2000).ActualMessage as BalloonReply; Assert.That(reply.Balloon, Is.Null); Assert.That(reply.Success, Is.False); Assert.That(reply.Note, Is.StringContaining("Invalid Penny, PennyBank said no")); // test successful conversation env = new Envelope() { IPEndPoint = balloonStoreEp, Message = new BuyBalloonRequest() { ConvId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 1 }, MsgId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 1 }, Penny = penny } }; mockRegistry.Send(env); // balloon store would have started a PennyValidation conversation request = mockRegistry.Receive(500).ActualMessage as PennyValidation; Assert.That(request.MarkAsUsedIfValid, Is.True); Assert.That(request.Pennies[0].Id, Is.EqualTo(penny.Id)); env = new Envelope() { IPEndPoint = balloonStoreEp, Message = new Reply() { ConvId = request.ConvId, MsgId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 1 }, Success = true } }; mockRegistry.Send(env); reply = mockRegistry.Receive(2000).ActualMessage as BalloonReply; Assert.That(reply.Balloon, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(reply.Success, Is.True); Assert.That(reply.Note, Is.StringContaining("Nice doing business")); Assert.That(balloonStore.CachedPennies.Any(p => p.Id == penny.Id), Is.True); mockRegistry.Stop(); }
public void BalloonStore_TestLoginConversation() { Communicator mockRegistry = new Communicator() { MinPort = 13000, MaxPort = 13050 }; mockRegistry.Start(); PublicEndPoint mockEp = new PublicEndPoint(String.Format("{0}", mockRegistry.Port)); balloonStore.RegistryEndPoint = mockEp; balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status = ProcessInfo.StatusCode.Initializing; RequestReply conv = balloonStore.GetConversation(); conv.Launch(); Envelope env = mockRegistry.Receive(1000); IPEndPoint balloonStoreEP = env.IPEndPoint; LoginRequest req = env.ActualMessage as LoginRequest; Assert.That(req.ProcessType, Is.EqualTo(ProcessInfo.ProcessType.BalloonStore)); //send a bad response type Envelope res = new Envelope() { Message = new LoginRequest(), IPEndPoint = balloonStoreEP }; mockRegistry.Send(res); Thread.Sleep(1100); Assert.That(balloonStore.ProxyEndPoint, Is.Null); Assert.That(balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status, Is.EqualTo(ProcessInfo.StatusCode.Initializing)); conv = balloonStore.GetConversation(); conv.Launch(); env = mockRegistry.Receive(1000); //send a false success res = new Envelope() { IPEndPoint = balloonStoreEP, Message = new LoginReply() { ProxyEndPoint = mockEp, Success = false, ProcessInfo = new ProcessInfo() { ProcessId = 2, Status = ProcessInfo.StatusCode.Registered }, ConvId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 0, Seq = 2 }, MsgId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 2 } } }; mockRegistry.Send(res); Thread.Sleep(1100); Assert.That(balloonStore.ProxyEndPoint, Is.Null); Assert.That(balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status, Is.EqualTo(ProcessInfo.StatusCode.Initializing)); conv = balloonStore.GetConversation(); conv.Launch(); env = mockRegistry.Receive(100); //send a good response res = new Envelope() { IPEndPoint = balloonStoreEP, Message = new LoginReply() { ProxyEndPoint = mockEp, Success = true, ProcessInfo = new ProcessInfo() { ProcessId = 2, Status = ProcessInfo.StatusCode.Registered }, ConvId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 0, Seq = 3 }, MsgId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 3 } } }; mockRegistry.Send(res); Thread.Sleep(100); // now execute the next id conversation env = mockRegistry.Receive(2000); Assert.That(env, Is.Not.Null); NextIdRequest idReq = env.ActualMessage as NextIdRequest; Assert.That(idReq.NumberOfIds, Is.EqualTo(BALLOONS)); env = new Envelope() { IPEndPoint = balloonStoreEP, Message = new NextIdReply() { Success = true, NextId = 5, ConvId = idReq.ConvId, MsgId = new MessageNumber() { Pid = 1, Seq = 4 } } }; mockRegistry.Send(env); Thread.Sleep(2000); Assert.That(balloonStore.ProxyEndPoint, Is.EqualTo(mockEp)); Assert.That(balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.ProcessId, Is.EqualTo(2)); Assert.That(balloonStore.MyProcessInfo.Status, Is.EqualTo(ProcessInfo.StatusCode.Registered)); Assert.That(balloonStore.Balloons.AvailableCount, Is.EqualTo(BALLOONS)); Assert.That(balloonStore.Balloons.Get(5), Is.Not.Null); mockRegistry.Stop(); }