コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the journal weights file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="JournalWeightsFilename">Filename of the journal weights file</param>
        public Reports(Database DB, string JournalWeightsFilename)
            PeopleReportSections = DefaultPeopleReportSections();

            string[]  Columns = { "JOURNAL TITLE", "JIF" };
            DataTable Results = NpoiHelper.ReadExcelFileToDataTable(

            // Populate the Weights hash table (which was declared to be case-insensitive)
            Weights = new Hashtable(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
            foreach (DataRow Row in Results.Rows)
                if (!Weights.ContainsKey(Row["JOURNAL TITLE"].ToString()))
                    Weights.Add(Row["JOURNAL TITLE"].ToString(), Convert.ToSingle(Row["JIF"]));

            this.PubTypes = new PublicationTypes(DB);
            this.DB       = DB;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Read a string with data full of Medline citations and extract all of
        /// the publications
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="medlineData">String with data full of Medline citations</param>
        public Publications(string medlineData, PublicationTypes pubTypes)
            if (CheckForEmptyResult(medlineData))
                PublicationList = null;

            // Get each publication from MedlineData and add it to PublicationList[]
            Publication        publication;
            List <Publication> tempList = new List <Publication>();

            if (PublicationList != null)
            while (GetNextPublication(ref medlineData, out publication, pubTypes))
                // Add the publication to the end of PublicationList[]
            PublicationList = tempList.Count > 0 ? tempList.ToArray() : null;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the current publication to the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="publication">Publication to write</param>
        /// <param name="DB">Database to add to</param>
        /// <param name="PubTypes">PublicationTypes object</param>
        /// <param name="Languages">The publication must match one of these languages or it will be rejected</param>
        /// <returns>True if the publication was written or is in the database already, false otherwise</returns>
        public static bool WriteToDB(Publication publication, Database DB, PublicationTypes PubTypes, string[] Languages)
            ArrayList Parameters;

            // If the object already exists in the database, do nothing
            Parameters = new ArrayList();
            int Count = DB.GetIntValue(
                @"SELECT Count(*) FROM Publications p
                   WHERE p.PMID = ?", Parameters

            if (Count > 0)
                return(true); // Return true because the publication is in the database
            // Only write a publication if the language matches one of the languages
            // passed in the Languages parameter -- if Languages is null, accept
            // all values
            if (Languages != null)
                bool Found = false;
                foreach (string Language in Languages)
                    if (publication.Language == Language)
                        Found = true;
                if (!Found)
                    return(false);  // Return false because the publication wasn't written

            // Add the authors
            // First delete any authors that are there, in case the add was
            // interrupted partway through
            for (int Position = 0; (publication.Authors != null) && (Position <= publication.Authors.GetUpperBound(0)); Position++)
                int First = (Position == 0) ? 1 : 0;
                int Last  = (Position == publication.Authors.GetUpperBound(0)) ? 1 : 0;
                Parameters = new ArrayList();
                Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(Position + 1)); // The first author position is 1, not 0
                Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(Database.Left(publication.Authors[Position], 70)));
                    @"INSERT INTO PublicationAuthors 
                        (PMID, Position, Author, First, Last)
                      VALUES (? , ? , ? , ? , ?)"
                    , Parameters);

            // Add the MeSH headings
            for (int Heading = 0; (publication.MeSHHeadings != null) && (Heading < publication.MeSHHeadings.Count); Heading++)
                // If the MeSH heading already exists in the MeSHHeadings table, reuse it,
                // otherwise add it
                int    ID;
                string MeSHHeading = Database.Left((string)publication.MeSHHeadings[Heading], 255);
                Parameters = new ArrayList();
                DataTable Results = DB.ExecuteQuery("SELECT ID FROM MeSHHeadings WHERE Heading = ?", Parameters);
                if (Results.Rows.Count > 0)
                    ID = Convert.ToInt32(Results.Rows[0][0]);
                    Parameters = new ArrayList();
                    DB.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO MeSHHeadings (Heading) VALUES (?)", Parameters);
                    ID = DB.GetIntValue("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()");

                Parameters = new ArrayList();
                    @"INSERT INTO PublicationMeSHHeadings (PMID, MeSHHeadingID)
                        VALUES ( ? , ? )", Parameters);

            // Add the grants
            for (int Grant = 0; (publication.Grants != null) && (Grant < publication.Grants.Count); Grant++)
                // Some publications may have duplicate grants, so only add non-duplicates to avoid
                // primary key problems
                string GrantID = Database.Left((string)publication.Grants[Grant], 50);
                Parameters = new ArrayList();
                if (DB.GetIntValue(
                        @"SELECT Count(*) FROM PublicationGrants
                       WHERE PMID = ? AND GrantID = ?", Parameters) == 0)
                    Parameters = new ArrayList();
                        @"INSERT INTO PublicationGrants (PMID, GrantID)
                        VALUES ( ? , ? )", Parameters);

            // Strip the single and double quotes from the title before writing it
            string title;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(publication.Title))
                title = "";
                title = publication.Title.Replace("\"", "").Replace("'", "");

            Parameters = new ArrayList();
            Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(Database.Left(publication.Journal, 128)));
            Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(publication.Authors == null ? 0 : publication.Authors.Length));
            Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(Database.Left(publication.Month, 32)));
            Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(Database.Left(publication.Day, 32)));
            Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(Database.Left(title, 244)));
            Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(Database.Left(publication.Volume, 32)));
            Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(Database.Left(publication.Issue, 32)));
            Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(Database.Left(publication.Pages, 50)));

            // Finally, add the publication. This is part of the publication fault
            // tolerance system -- the headings and authors are not "final" until
            // the publication is written, and can be cleared from the database using
            // Harvester.ClearDataAfterInterruption().

            // Publication type processing -- read the publication type file,
            // create the publication type table, add the types, file types into bins
                @"INSERT INTO Publications
                       (PMID, Journal, Year, Authors, Month, Day, Title,
                        Volume, Issue, Pages, PubType, PubTypeCategoryID)
                       (? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ?  )", Parameters);

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Read a string containing a Medline tag and its data and populate the
        /// appropriate property
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="MedlineTag">A Medline tag and its data (with newlines stripped out)</param>
        public static void ProcessMedlineTag(ref Publication publication, string MedlineTag, PublicationTypes pubTypes)
            // Verify that the string is really a tag -- it must start with four characters
            // followed by a dash and a space. If not, don't process it.
            if ((MedlineTag.Length < 6) || (MedlineTag.Substring(4, 2) != "- "))

            string data = MedlineTag.Substring(5).Trim();

            // Process the tags
            switch (MedlineTag.Substring(0, 4).Trim())
            case "PMID":
                // "PMID- 16319490"
                if (IsNumeric(data))
                    publication.PMID = Convert.ToInt32(data);
                    publication.PMID = int.MinValue;

            case "DP":
                // "DP  - 2005 Nov 24"
                if (IsNumeric(data.Substring(0, 4)))
                    // Grab the year first, then the rest is month and day.
                    publication.Year = Convert.ToInt32(data.Substring(0, 4));
                    data             = data.Substring(4).Trim();
                    if (data.Contains(" "))
                        publication.Month = data.Substring(0, data.IndexOf(" "));
                        publication.Day   = data.Substring(data.IndexOf(" ") + 1);
                        if (data.Length != 0)
                            publication.Month = data;

            case "TI":
                // "TI  - Title..."
                publication.Title = data;

            case "TA":
                // "TA  - Hum Hered"
                publication.Journal = data;

            case "GR":
                // "GR  - GM 28356/GM/NIGMS"
                // GrantID should contain a comma-delimit list of grant IDs
                if (publication.Grants == null)
                    publication.Grants = new ArrayList();

            case "PT":
                // "PT  - Clinical Trial"
                // Only copy PubType if it's the first PT tag encountered in this
                // publication or if the publication type is flagged as an
                // "override first category" publication type
                if (publication.PubType == null)
                    publication.PubType = data;
                else if (pubTypes.OverrideFirstCategory.ContainsKey(data))
                    publication.PubType = data;

            case "IP":
                // "IP  - 3"
                publication.Issue = data;

            case "PG":
                // "PG  - 134-142"
                publication.Pages = data;

            case "LA":
                // "LA  - eng"
                publication.Language = data.ToLower();

            case "VI":
                // "VI  - 60"
                publication.Volume = data;

            case "AU":
                // "AU  - Wang T"
                // If this is the first author, create the Authors array
                if (publication.Authors == null)
                    publication.Authors    = new string[1];
                    publication.Authors[0] = data;
                    // Otherwise, copy the author to the end of the Authors array
                    string[] temp = new string[publication.Authors.Length + 1];
                    publication.Authors.CopyTo(temp, 0);
                    publication.Authors = temp;
                    publication.Authors[publication.Authors.GetUpperBound(0)] = data;

            case "MH":
                // "AU  - Wang T"
                // If this is the first MeSH heading, create the new ArrayList
                if (publication.MeSHHeadings == null)
                    publication.MeSHHeadings = new ArrayList();
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Strip the next publication off of the top of the string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="MedlineData">A string containing the Medline data, passed
        /// by reference so that the first publication can be stripped off</param>
        /// <param name="publication">A publication that will contain the next publication in the Medline stream</param>
        /// <returns>True if a publication was read, false otherwise</param>
        private static bool GetNextPublication(ref string MedlineData, out Publication publication, PublicationTypes pubTypes)
            Publication PublicationToWrite = new Publication();

            string       line;
            StringReader reader = new StringReader(MedlineData);

            // Skip past any blank lines at the top of the publication
            // Return null if there are no more publications
            line = reader.ReadLine();
            if (line == null)
                // There are no more publications
                publication = new Publication();

            else if (line.Trim().Length == 0)
                // There are blank lines to skip. Read each line, and if it's blank
                // advance MedlineData past it.
                while (line.Trim().Length == 0)
                    MedlineData = reader.ReadToEnd();
                    reader      = new StringReader(MedlineData);
                    line        = reader.ReadLine();
                    if (line == null)
                        publication = new Publication();
                // MedlineData is now set to the first line after the blanks
            // Never mind, set reader back to the beginning of MedlineData
            reader = new StringReader(MedlineData);

            // Read the next line, and keep reading until it hits a blank line
            // or the end of the file
            while (((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) && (line.Trim().Length != 0))
                // Take each following line that starts with a space and add them
                // to the end of the current line
                while (reader.Peek() == ' ')
                    line = line + " " + reader.ReadLine().Trim();
                Publications.ProcessMedlineTag(ref PublicationToWrite, line, pubTypes);

            MedlineData = reader.ReadToEnd();

            publication = PublicationToWrite;
コード例 #6
            /// <summary>
            /// Retrieve counts from a publication list
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="PublicationList">Publication list to retrieve counts from,
            /// sorted by year, publication type and author position</param>
            /// <param name="Index">Offset in the publication list of the first publication
            /// matching the year and publication type</param>
            /// <param name="Year">Year to match for</param>
            /// <param name="PublicationType">Publication type to match for</param>
            public Counts(Publication[] PublicationList, ref int Index, int Year, int PublicationType,
                          PublicationTypes PubTypes, Database DB, Person person, Hashtable Weights, string PeoplePublicationsTable)
                // Return zero counts if the publication list is empty
                if (PublicationList.Length == 0)

                // Return zero counts if the index is out of bounds
                if ((Index < 0) || (Index >= PublicationList.Length))

                // Return zero counts if the index doesn't point to a match -- that means
                // there are no matches
                Publication pub     = PublicationList[Index];
                int         PubType = PubTypes.GetCategoryNumber(pub.PubType);

                if ((pub.Year != Year) || (PubType != PublicationType))

                // If we get this far, we have a match. Move forward through the publication
                // list, adding to the counts, until we find a non-matching publication or
                // the list runs out.
                    // Get the weight for the journal
                    float Weight = 0;
                    if (pub.Journal != null && Weights.ContainsKey(pub.Journal))
                        Weight += (float)Weights[pub.Journal];

                    // Get the position type, and increment the correct counter
                    Harvester.AuthorPositions PositionType;
                    Publications.GetAuthorPosition(DB, pub.PMID, person, out PositionType, PeoplePublicationsTable);
                    switch (PositionType)
                    case Harvester.AuthorPositions.First:
                        FirstWeighted += Weight;

                    case Harvester.AuthorPositions.Last:
                        LastWeighted += Weight;

                    case Harvester.AuthorPositions.Second:
                        SecondWeighted += Weight;

                    case Harvester.AuthorPositions.NextToLast:
                        NextToLastWeighted += Weight;

                    case Harvester.AuthorPositions.Middle:
                    case Harvester.AuthorPositions.None:
                        MiddleWeighted += Weight;
                    if (Index < PublicationList.Length)
                        pub     = PublicationList[Index];
                        PubType = PubTypes.GetCategoryNumber(pub.PubType);
                } while ((Index < PublicationList.Length) &&
                         (PublicationList[Index].Year == Year) &&
                         (PubType == PublicationType));
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the publications for a person and write them to the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ncbi">NCBI web query object</param>
        /// <param name="pubTypes">PublicationTypes object</param>
        /// <param name="person">Person to retrieve publications for</param>
        /// <param name="StatusCallback">Callback function to return status</param>
        /// <param name="MessageCallback">Callback function to send messages</param>
        /// <param name="AverageMilliseconds">Average time (in milliseconds) of each publication write</param>
        /// <returns>Number of publications written</returns>
        public int GetPublications(NCBI ncbi, PublicationTypes pubTypes, Person person,
                                   GetPublicationsStatus StatusCallback, GetPublicationsMessage MessageCallback,
                                   CheckForInterrupt InterruptCallback, out double AverageMilliseconds)
            ArrayList Parameters;

            DateTime StartTime;
            DateTime EndTime;
            double   TotalMilliseconds = 0;

            AverageMilliseconds = 0;
            int numberFound   = 0;
            int numberWritten = 0;

            // Double-check that the person is really unharvested. If we try to
            // write publications for a person who already has publications, it will
            // cause an error -- and that could happen if this person was already
            // written from a duplicate person earlier.
            Parameters = new ArrayList();
            int HarvestedCount = DB.GetIntValue("SELECT Count(*) FROM People WHERE Setnb = ? AND Harvested = 1", Parameters);

            if (HarvestedCount > 0)
                MessageCallback("Already harvested publications for " + person.Last + " (" + person.Setnb + ")", false);
                Parameters = new ArrayList();
                return(DB.GetIntValue("SELECT Count(*) FROM PeoplePublications WHERE Setnb = ?", Parameters));

            MessageCallback("Retrieving data from NCBI", true);

            // Find any other people with the same names and search criteria.
            // Any publications found for this person should also be found
            // for them, so when we write the rows to PeoplePublications later
            // we'll also write them for the other people as well.

            // Look in the database for any other people with the same
            // values for name1, name2, name3, name4, name5, name6, and MedlineSearch.
            // Write their PeoplePublications as well.
            string NamesClause = "";

            Parameters = new ArrayList();
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                if (i < person.Names.Length)
                    NamesClause += " Name" + ((int)(i + 1)).ToString() + " = ? AND ";
                    NamesClause += " Name" + ((int)(i + 1)).ToString() + " IS NULL AND ";
            DataTable Results = DB.ExecuteQuery("SELECT " + Database.PEOPLE_COLUMNS +
                                                @"FROM People
                                                  WHERE Harvested = 0 AND "
                                                + NamesClause +
                                                @" MedlineSearch = ?
                                                    AND Setnb <> ?", Parameters
            ArrayList DuplicatePeople = new ArrayList();

            foreach (DataRow Row in Results.Rows)
                Person dupe = new Person(Row, Results.Columns);
                MessageCallback("Also writing publications for " + dupe.Last + " (" + dupe.Setnb + ") with same names and search criteria", false);

            // Search NCBI -- if an error is thrown, write that error to the database
            string results;

                results = ncbi.Search(person.MedlineSearch);
                if (results.Substring(0, 100).Contains("Error occurred"))
                    // NCBI returns an HTML error page in the results
                    // <html>
                    // <body>
                    // <br/><h2>Error occurred: Unable to obtain query #1</h2><br/>
                    // ...
                    // If NCBI returns an empty result set with no publications, it will give the error:
                    // Error occurred: Empty result - nothing todo
                    // That error should generate a warning and mark the person as harvested in the database.
                    // Any other error should be written to the database as an error.
                    string Error = results.Substring(results.IndexOf("Error occurred"));
                    if (results.Contains("<"))
                        Error = Error.Substring(0, Error.IndexOf("<"));
                    string Message;
                    if (Error.ToLower().Contains("empty result"))
                        Message = "Warning for "
                                  + person.Last + " (" + person.Setnb + "): no publications found (NCBI returned empty results)";
                        person.Harvested = true;
                        Message = "Error reading publications for "
                                  + person.Last + " (" + person.Setnb + "): NCBI returned '" + Error + "'";
                        person.WriteErrorToDB(DB, Message);
                    MessageCallback(Message, false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string Message = "Error reading publications for "
                                 + person.Last + " (" + person.Setnb + "): " + ex.Message;
                person.WriteErrorToDB(DB, Message);
                MessageCallback(Message, false);

            Publications mpr = new Publications(results, pubTypes);

            if (mpr.PublicationList != null)
                foreach (Publication publication in mpr.PublicationList)

                    // Exit immediately if the user interrupted the harvest
                    if (InterruptCallback())

                        // Calculate the average time, to return in the callback status function
                        StartTime = DateTime.Now;

                        // Add the publication to PeoplePublications
                        // First find the author position and calculate the position type
                        int AuthorPosition = 0;
                        for (int i = 1; (publication.Authors != null) && (AuthorPosition == 0) && (i <= publication.Authors.Length); i++)
                            foreach (string name in person.Names)
                                if (StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase.Equals(
                                        publication.Authors[i - 1], name //.ToUpper()
                                    AuthorPosition = i;
                                else if (name == "*")
                                    AuthorPosition = -1;

                        // If the PMID is 0, we don't have a way to process the publication
                        // and it was probably a Medline search result error.
                        if (publication.PMID == int.MinValue)
                            string errorMessage = "Found an invalid publication";
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(publication.Title))
                                errorMessage += " (Title = '" + publication.Title + "')";
                            person.WriteErrorToDB(DB, errorMessage);
                            MessageCallback(errorMessage, false);
                        else if (publication.PMID == 0)
                            string errorMessage = "WARNING: Found a publication with PMID = 0, not marking this as an error";
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(publication.Title))
                                errorMessage += " (Title = '" + publication.Title + "')";
                            MessageCallback(errorMessage, false);

                        // If for some reason the author doesn't exist in the publication, send a message back
                        else if (AuthorPosition == 0)
                            MessageCallback("Publication " + publication.PMID + " does not contain author " + person.Setnb, false);
                            // Write the publication to the database
                            if (Publications.WriteToDB(publication, DB, pubTypes, Languages))
                                // Exit immediately if the user interrupted the harvest
                                if (InterruptCallback())

                                // Only increment the publication count if the publication
                                // is actually written or already in the database

                                // Only add the row to PeoplePublications if the publication
                                // was written, or was already in the database. (For example,
                                // if the publication is not in English, it won't be written.)

                                Publications.WritePeoplePublicationsToDB(DB, person, publication);

                                // Write the publication for each of the other people
                                foreach (Person dupe in DuplicatePeople)
                                    Publications.WritePeoplePublicationsToDB(DB, dupe, publication);

                                // Calculate the average time per publication in milliseconds
                                EndTime = DateTime.Now;
                                TimeSpan Difference = EndTime - StartTime;
                                TotalMilliseconds  += Difference.TotalMilliseconds;
                                AverageMilliseconds = TotalMilliseconds / numberWritten;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        person.WriteErrorToDB(DB, ex.Message);
                        MessageCallback("Error writing publication " + publication.PMID.ToString() + ": " + ex.Message, false);
                    StatusCallback(numberFound, mpr.PublicationList.Length, (int)AverageMilliseconds);

            // Make sure each of the people with the same names and search query
            // are marked as harvested and have their errors cleared
            foreach (Person dupe in DuplicatePeople)
                Parameters = new ArrayList();
                    @"UPDATE People
                         SET Harvested = 1, Error = NULL, ErrorMessage = NULL
                       WHERE Setnb = ?", Parameters);

            // Once the publications are all read, updated People.Harvested, as part of
            // the fault-tolerance scheme -- PeoplePublications rows are only "final" when
            // this value is updated for the person. Any others can be cleared using
            // ClearDataAfterInterruption().
            Parameters = new ArrayList();
            DB.ExecuteNonQuery(@"UPDATE People
                                    SET Harvested = 1
                                  WHERE Setnb = ?", Parameters);
