protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { var choice = e.Parameter as Choice; if (choice != null) { _isObject = choice.Object; _isBorrowed = choice.Borrowed; if (_isBorrowed && _isObject) welcomeBlock.Text = "You borrowed an Object."; else if (_isBorrowed && !_isObject) welcomeBlock.Text = "You borrowed some Money."; else if (!_isBorrowed && _isObject) welcomeBlock.Text = "You lend an Object."; else if (!_isBorrowed && !_isObject) welcomeBlock.Text = "You lend some Money."; if (_isObject) { currencyBox.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; amountBox.Width = 362; } else { categoryBox.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; photoButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; objectnameBox.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } addButton.Content = "Add"; photoButton.Content = "Add photo ?"; textBlock.Text = "COLLECTOR - add entry"; } else if (e.Parameter is ProjectClasses.Entry) { _ent = (ProjectClasses.Entry)e.Parameter; _isObject = _ent.Object != null? true:false; if (_ent.Type.tid == 1 && _ent.Object != null) welcomeBlock.Text = "You borrowed an Object."; else if (_ent.Type.tid == 1 && _ent.Object == null) welcomeBlock.Text = "You borrowed some Money."; else if (_ent.Type.tid == 2 && _ent.Object != null) welcomeBlock.Text = "You lend an Object."; else if (_ent.Type.tid == 2 && _ent.Object == null) welcomeBlock.Text = "You lend some Money."; if (_ent.Object != null) { currencyBox.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; amountBox.Width = 362; } else { categoryBox.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; photoButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; objectnameBox.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } titleBox.Text = _ent.title; nameBox.Text = _ent.who; if (_ent.Object != null) { amountBox.Text = _ent.Object.quantity.ToString(); categoryBox.PlaceholderText = _ent.Object.Category.cname; objectnameBox.Text =; // image.Source = await Base64Converter.FromBase64(_ent.Object.image); } else { amountBox.Text = _ent.amount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat); currencyBox.PlaceholderText = _ent.Currency.cursign; } initialPicker.Date = new DateTimeOffset(; reminderPicker.Date = new DateTimeOffset(_ent.deadline); descriptionBox.Text = _ent.descr; prioritySwitch.IsOn = (_ent.priority != 0); addButton.Content = "Edit"; photoButton.Content = "Change photo ?"; textBlock.Text = "COLLECTOR - edit entry"; } base.OnNavigatedTo(e); }
private async void Add_debt_click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var objectQuan = 0; decimal moneyAmount = 0; ProjectClasses.Category cat = null; ProjectClasses.Currency cur = null; try { if (titleBox.Text == "" || nameBox.Text == "") throw new Exception("title and name are NOT optional fields"); if (!_isObject) { moneyAmount = decimal.Parse(amountBox.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat); } else { objectQuan = int.Parse(amountBox.Text); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorDialog(ex.Message); return; } if ((string)addButton.Content == "Add") { try { if (!_isObject) { if (currencyBox.SelectedItem != null) cur = (ProjectClasses.Currency)currencyBox.SelectedItem; else throw new Exception("You forget to choose Currency"); } else { if (categoryBox.SelectedItem != null) cat = (ProjectClasses.Category)categoryBox.SelectedItem; else throw new Exception("You forget to choose Category "); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorDialog(ex.Message); return; } ProjectClasses.Entry debt; var type = (_isBorrowed) ? 1 : 2; if (_isObject) { var cat_final = ProjectClasses.AllCategories.First(o => o.cname == cat.cname); var obj = new ProjectClasses.Object { name = objectnameBox.Text, image = null, quantity = objectQuan, catid = cat_final.cid, }; var received_object = (ProjectClasses.Object)await SerwerFunction.Getfromserver<ProjectClasses.Object>("Objects", "POST", obj); debt = new ProjectClasses.Entry { typeid = type, title = titleBox.Text, objectid = received_object.oid, who = nameBox.Text, descr = descriptionBox.Text, priority = (byte) (prioritySwitch.IsOn ? 1 : 0), date = initialPicker.Date.DateTime, deadline = reminderPicker.Date.DateTime.AddMinutes(hourPicker.Time.TotalMinutes), archived = 0, userid = SerwerFunction.Uid, amount = received_object.quantity }; } else { var cur_final = ProjectClasses.AllCurrencies.First(o => o.cursign == cur.cursign); debt = new ProjectClasses.Entry { typeid = type, title = titleBox.Text, date = initialPicker.Date.DateTime, who = nameBox.Text, amount = moneyAmount, descr = descriptionBox.Text, priority = (byte) (prioritySwitch.IsOn ? 1 : 0), deadline = reminderPicker.Date.DateTime.AddMinutes(hourPicker.Time.TotalMinutes), currencyid = cur_final.crid, archived = 0, userid = SerwerFunction.Uid, }; } var received_debt = (ProjectClasses.Entry)await SerwerFunction.Getfromserver<ProjectClasses.Entry>("Entries" , "POST", debt); // var remeinder_task = new Notifify(, hourPicker.Time); // remeinder_task.set_Notification(); Frame.Navigate(typeof(MainPage)); } else { if (!_isObject) { if (currencyBox.SelectedItem == null) cur = ProjectClasses.AllCurrencies.First((o => o.cursign == currencyBox.PlaceholderText)); else cur = (ProjectClasses.Currency)currencyBox.SelectedItem; } else { if (categoryBox.SelectedItem == null) cat = ProjectClasses.AllCategories.First((o => o.cname == categoryBox.PlaceholderText)); else cat = (ProjectClasses.Category)categoryBox.SelectedItem; } _ent.title = titleBox.Text; _ent.descr = descriptionBox.Text; _ent.who = nameBox.Text; = initialPicker.Date.DateTime; _ent.deadline = reminderPicker.Date.DateTime; _ent.priority = (byte) (prioritySwitch.IsOn ? 1 : 0); if (_ent.Object != null) { _ent.Object.Category = cat; = objectnameBox.Text; _ent.Object.quantity = int.Parse(amountBox.Text); //_ent.Object.image = _base64; } else { _ent.amount = (decimal) float.Parse(amountBox.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat); _ent.Currency = cur; } // var remeinder_task = new Notifify(, hourPicker.Time); //remeinder_task.set_Notification(); _ent.Type = null; int objId =; _ent.Object = null; _ent.Currency = null; _ent.User = null; var received_debt = (ProjectClasses.Entry)await SerwerFunction.Getfromserver<ProjectClasses.Entry>("Entries/" + objId, "PUT", _ent); Frame.Navigate(typeof(MainPage)); } }