static void ArraysDemo() { int[] myIntegers = new int[10]; myIntegers[0] = 42; char[] myChars = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o' }; for (int i = 0; i < myIntegers.Length; i++) { myIntegers[i] = i; } Console.Write("Array contents: "); foreach (int myInt in myIntegers) { Console.Write("{0} ", myInt); } Console.Write("\n"); Location loc = new Location(); Employee[] employees = new Employee[10]; HourlyPaidEmployee emp1 = new HourlyPaidEmployee(1, "Michael", "michael", loc, "1234"); SalariedEmployee emp2 = new SalariedEmployee(2, "Susan", "susan", loc, "5678", 6); employees[0] = emp1; employees[1] = emp2; SalariedEmployee semp = (SalariedEmployee)employees[1]; int grade = semp.PayGrade; int[,] numbers = new int[3, 2] { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 }, { 5, 6 } }; string[,] siblings = new string[2, 2] { { "Mike", "Amy" }, { "Mary", "Albert" } }; Console.ReadLine(); }
static void SimpleDictionaryDemo() { SimpleDictionary employees = new SimpleDictionary(); //SimpleBST employees = new SimpleBST(); HourlyPaidEmployee emp1 = new HourlyPaidEmployee(1, "Michael", "michael", null, "1234"); SalariedEmployee emp2 = new SalariedEmployee(2, "Susan", "susan", null, "5678", 6); HourlyPaidEmployee emp3 = new HourlyPaidEmployee(3, "Ahmad", "ahmad", null, "5678"); employees.Put("michael",emp1); employees.Put("susan",emp2); employees.Put("ahmad",emp3); Employee emp = (Employee)employees.Get("susan"); Console.WriteLine("Employee {0} retrieved", emp.Name); // test to breaking point - remove //SimpleDictionary dict = new SimpleDictionary(); //dict.Put("one", 1); //dict.Put("two", 2); //dict.Put("three", 3); //dict.Put("four", 4); //dict.Put("five", 5); //dict.Put("six", 6); //dict.Put("seven", 7); //dict.Put("eight", 8); //dict.Put("nine", 9); //dict.Put("ten", 10); //dict.Put("eleven", 11); // thing - remove Thing th = new Thing { Name = "joe", Number = 2 }; Console.ReadLine(); }
static void SimpleStackDemo() { SimpleStack employees = new SimpleStack(10); HourlyPaidEmployee emp1 = new HourlyPaidEmployee(1, "Michael", "michael", null, "1234"); SalariedEmployee emp2 = new SalariedEmployee(2, "Susan", "susan", null, "5678", 6); HourlyPaidEmployee emp3 = new HourlyPaidEmployee(3, "Ahmad", "ahmad", null, "5678"); employees.Push(emp1); employees.Push(emp2); employees.Push(emp3); Employee emp = (Employee)employees.Pop(); Console.WriteLine("Employee {0} popped", emp.Name); emp = (Employee)employees.Pop(); Console.WriteLine("Employee {0} popped", emp.Name); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void SimpleQueueDemo() { SimpleQueue employees = new SimpleQueue(); HourlyPaidEmployee emp1 = new HourlyPaidEmployee(1, "Michael", "michael", null, "1234"); SalariedEmployee emp2 = new SalariedEmployee(2, "Susan", "susan", null, "5678", 6); HourlyPaidEmployee emp3 = new HourlyPaidEmployee(3, "Ahmad", "ahmad", null, "5678"); employees.Enqueue(emp1); employees.Enqueue(emp2); employees.Enqueue(emp3); Employee emp = (Employee)employees.Dequeue(); Console.WriteLine("Employee {0} dequeued", emp.Name); emp = (Employee)employees.Dequeue(); Console.WriteLine("Employee {0} dequeued", emp.Name); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void SimpleListsDemo() { Location loc = new Location(); ISimpleList employees = new SimpleArrayList(); //ISimpleList employees = new SimpleLinkedList(); //SimpleGenericArrayList<Employee> employees = new SimpleGenericArrayList<Employee>(); HourlyPaidEmployee emp1 = new HourlyPaidEmployee(1, "Michael", "michael", loc, "1234"); SalariedEmployee emp2 = new SalariedEmployee(2, "Susan", "susan", loc, "5678", 6); employees.Add(emp1); employees.Add(emp2); SalariedEmployee semp = (SalariedEmployee)employees.Get(1); int grade = semp.PayGrade; Employee emp = (Employee) employees.Get(0); // need to cast emp.Move(new Location()); Employee target = new SalariedEmployee(1, null, null, null, null, 0); employees.Remove(target); // test IEnumerable version - remove for student download, will do in lab //SimpleEnumerableArrayList seal = new SimpleEnumerableArrayList(); //seal.Add("Plato"); //seal.Add("McDowell"); //seal.Add("Neal"); //seal.Add("Shedden"); //seal.Add("Kane"); //foreach (String s in seal) //{ // Console.WriteLine(s); //} Console.ReadLine(); }