/// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SnapshotReplicationCopyPolicy" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">Specified the Id for a snapshot copy policy. This is generated when the policy is created..</param>
 /// <param name="cloudTarget">cloudTarget.</param>
 /// <param name="copyPartial">Specifies if Snapshots are copied from the first completely successful Job Run or the first partially successful Job Run occurring at the start of the replication schedule. If true, Snapshots are copied from the first Job Run occurring at the start of the replication schedule, even if first Job Run was not completely successful i.e. Snapshots were not captured for all Objects in the Job. If false, Snapshots are copied from the first Job Run occurring at the start of the replication schedule that was completely successful i.e. Snapshots for all the Objects in the Job were successfully captured..</param>
 /// <param name="daysToKeep">Specifies the number of days to retain copied Snapshots on the target..</param>
 /// <param name="multiplier">Specifies a factor to multiply the periodicity by, to determine the copy schedule. For example if set to 2 and the periodicity is hourly, then Snapshots from the first eligible Job Run for every 2 hour period is copied..</param>
 /// <param name="periodicity">Specifies the frequency that Snapshots should be copied to the specified target. Used in combination with multiplier. &#39;kEvery&#39; means that the Snapshot copy occurs after the number of Job Runs equals the number specified in the multiplier. &#39;kHour&#39; means that the Snapshot copy occurs hourly at the frequency set in the multiplier, for example if multiplier is 2, the copy occurs every 2 hours. &#39;kDay&#39; means that the Snapshot copy occurs daily at the frequency set in the multiplier. &#39;kWeek&#39; means that the Snapshot copy occurs weekly at the frequency set in the multiplier. &#39;kMonth&#39; means that the Snapshot copy occurs monthly at the frequency set in the multiplier. &#39;kYear&#39; means that the Snapshot copy occurs yearly at the frequency set in the multiplier..</param>
 /// <param name="target">Specifies the replication target to copy the Snapshots to..</param>
 public SnapshotReplicationCopyPolicy(string id = default(string), CloudDeployTargetDetails cloudTarget = default(CloudDeployTargetDetails), bool?copyPartial = default(bool?), long?daysToKeep = default(long?), int?multiplier = default(int?), PeriodicityEnum?periodicity = default(PeriodicityEnum?), ReplicationTargetSettings target = default(ReplicationTargetSettings))
     this.Id          = id;
     this.CopyPartial = copyPartial;
     this.DaysToKeep  = daysToKeep;
     this.Multiplier  = multiplier;
     this.Periodicity = periodicity;
     this.Target      = target;
     this.Id          = id;
     this.CloudTarget = cloudTarget;
     this.CopyPartial = copyPartial;
     this.DaysToKeep  = daysToKeep;
     this.Multiplier  = multiplier;
     this.Periodicity = periodicity;
     this.Target      = target;
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RunJobSnapshotTarget" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="archivalTarget">archivalTarget.</param>
 /// <param name="cloudReplicationTarget">cloudReplicationTarget.</param>
 /// <param name="daysToKeep">Specifies the number of days to retain copied Snapshots on the target..</param>
 /// <param name="holdForLegalPurpose">Specifies optionally whether to retain the snapshot for legal purpose. If set to true, the run cannot be deleted until the retention period. Note that using this option may cause the Cluster to run out of space. If set to false explicitly, the hold is removed, and the run will expire as specified in the policy of the Protection Job. If this field is not specified, there is no change to the hold of the run. This field can be set only by a User having Data Security Role..</param>
 /// <param name="replicationTarget">replicationTarget.</param>
 /// <param name="type">Specifies the type of a Snapshot target such as &#39;kLocal&#39;, &#39;kRemote&#39; or &#39;kArchival&#39;. &#39;kLocal&#39; means the Snapshot is stored on a local Cohesity Cluster. &#39;kRemote&#39; means the Snapshot is stored on a Remote Cohesity Cluster. (It was copied to the Remote Cohesity Cluster using replication.) &#39;kArchival&#39; means the Snapshot is stored on a Archival External Target (such as Tape or AWS). &#39;kCloudDeploy&#39; means the Snapshot is stored on a Cloud platform..</param>
 public RunJobSnapshotTarget(ArchivalExternalTarget archivalTarget = default(ArchivalExternalTarget), CloudDeployTargetDetails cloudReplicationTarget = default(CloudDeployTargetDetails), long?daysToKeep = default(long?), bool?holdForLegalPurpose = default(bool?), ReplicationTargetSettings replicationTarget = default(ReplicationTargetSettings), TypeEnum?type = default(TypeEnum?))
     this.DaysToKeep          = daysToKeep;
     this.HoldForLegalPurpose = holdForLegalPurpose;
     this.Type                   = type;
     this.ArchivalTarget         = archivalTarget;
     this.CloudReplicationTarget = cloudReplicationTarget;
     this.DaysToKeep             = daysToKeep;
     this.HoldForLegalPurpose    = holdForLegalPurpose;
     this.ReplicationTarget      = replicationTarget;
     this.Type                   = type;
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RestoreObjectDetails" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="archivalTarget">Specifies settings about the Archival Target (such as Tape or AWS). This field must be set if the object is being recovered or cloned from an archive or if files or folders are being restored from an archive..</param>
 /// <param name="cloudDeployTarget">Specifies settings about the Cloud Deploy target. This field must be set if the restore type is kDeployVMs and the object is to be deployed to cloud using a previously converted image..</param>
 /// <param name="environment">Specifies the type of the Protection Source. Supported environment types such as &#39;kView&#39;, &#39;kSQL&#39;, &#39;kVMware&#39;, etc. NOTE: &#39;kPuppeteer&#39; refers to Cohesity&#39;s Remote Adapter. &#39;kVMware&#39; indicates the VMware Protection Source environment. &#39;kHyperV&#39; indicates the HyperV Protection Source environment. &#39;kSQL&#39; indicates the SQL Protection Source environment. &#39;kView&#39; indicates the View Protection Source environment. &#39;kPuppeteer&#39; indicates the Cohesity&#39;s Remote Adapter. &#39;kPhysical&#39; indicates the physical Protection Source environment. &#39;kPure&#39; indicates the Pure Storage Protection Source environment. &#39;Nimble&#39; indicates the Nimble Storage Protection Source environment. &#39;kAzure&#39; indicates the Microsoft&#39;s Azure Protection Source environment. &#39;kNetapp&#39; indicates the Netapp Protection Source environment. &#39;kAgent&#39; indicates the Agent Protection Source environment. &#39;kGenericNas&#39; indicates the Generic Network Attached Storage Protection Source environment. &#39;kAcropolis&#39; indicates the Acropolis Protection Source environment. &#39;kPhsicalFiles&#39; indicates the Physical Files Protection Source environment. &#39;kIsilon&#39; indicates the Dell EMC&#39;s Isilon Protection Source environment. &#39;kGPFS&#39; indicates IBM&#39;s GPFS Protection Source environment. &#39;kKVM&#39; indicates the KVM Protection Source environment. &#39;kAWS&#39; indicates the AWS Protection Source environment. &#39;kExchange&#39; indicates the Exchange Protection Source environment. &#39;kHyperVVSS&#39; indicates the HyperV VSS Protection Source environment. &#39;kOracle&#39; indicates the Oracle Protection Source environment. &#39;kGCP&#39; indicates the Google Cloud Platform Protection Source environment. &#39;kFlashBlade&#39; indicates the Flash Blade Protection Source environment. &#39;kAWSNative&#39; indicates the AWS Native Protection Source environment. &#39;kO365&#39; indicates the Office 365 Protection Source environment. &#39;kO365Outlook&#39; indicates Office 365 outlook Protection Source environment. &#39;kHyperFlex&#39; indicates the Hyper Flex Protection Source environment. &#39;kGCPNative&#39; indicates the GCP Native Protection Source environment. &#39;kAzureNative&#39; indicates the Azure Native Protection Source environment. &#39;kKubernetes&#39; indicates a Kubernetes Protection Source environment. &#39;kElastifile&#39; indicates Elastifile Protection Source environment. &#39;kAD&#39; indicates Active Directory Protection Source environment. &#39;kRDSSnapshotManager&#39; indicates AWS RDS Protection Source environment..</param>
 /// <param name="jobId">Protection Job Id.  Specifies id of the Protection Job that backed up the objects to be restored..</param>
 /// <param name="jobRunId">Specifies the id of the Job Run that captured the snapshot..</param>
 /// <param name="jobUid">Specifies the universal id of the Protection Job that backed up the objects to recover or clone or the objects that contain the files or folders to recover..</param>
 /// <param name="protectionSourceId">Specifies the id of the leaf object to recover, clone or recover files/folders from..</param>
 /// <param name="sourceName">Specifies the name of the Protection Source..</param>
 /// <param name="startedTimeUsecs">Specifies the time when the Job Run starts capturing a snapshot. Specified as a Unix epoch Timestamp (in microseconds)..</param>
 public RestoreObjectDetails(ArchivalExternalTarget archivalTarget = default(ArchivalExternalTarget), CloudDeployTargetDetails cloudDeployTarget = default(CloudDeployTargetDetails), EnvironmentEnum?environment = default(EnvironmentEnum?), long?jobId = default(long?), long?jobRunId = default(long?), UniversalId jobUid = default(UniversalId), long?protectionSourceId = default(long?), string sourceName = default(string), long?startedTimeUsecs = default(long?))
     this.ArchivalTarget     = archivalTarget;
     this.CloudDeployTarget  = cloudDeployTarget;
     this.Environment        = environment;
     this.JobId              = jobId;
     this.JobRunId           = jobRunId;
     this.JobUid             = jobUid;
     this.ProtectionSourceId = protectionSourceId;
     this.SourceName         = sourceName;
     this.StartedTimeUsecs   = startedTimeUsecs;
     this.ArchivalTarget     = archivalTarget;
     this.CloudDeployTarget  = cloudDeployTarget;
     this.Environment        = environment;
     this.JobId              = jobId;
     this.JobRunId           = jobRunId;
     this.JobUid             = jobUid;
     this.ProtectionSourceId = protectionSourceId;
     this.SourceName         = sourceName;
     this.StartedTimeUsecs   = startedTimeUsecs;
コード例 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RestoreInfo" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="archivalTarget">archivalTarget.</param>
 /// <param name="attemptNumber">Specifies the attempt number..</param>
 /// <param name="cloudDeployTarget">cloudDeployTarget.</param>
 /// <param name="jobRunId">Specifies the id of the job run..</param>
 /// <param name="jobUid">jobUid.</param>
 /// <param name="parentSource">parentSource.</param>
 /// <param name="restoreTimeUsecs">This field specifies the time in to which the object needs to be restored. This filed is only applicable when object is being backeup using CDP feature..</param>
 /// <param name="snapshotRelativeDirPath">Specifies the relative path of the snapshot directory..</param>
 /// <param name="source">source.</param>
 /// <param name="startTimeUsecs">Specifies the start time specified as a Unix epoch Timestamp (in microseconds)..</param>
 /// <param name="viewName">Specifies the name of the view..</param>
 /// <param name="vmHadIndependentDisks">Specifies if the VM had independent disks..</param>
 public RestoreInfo(ArchivalExternalTarget archivalTarget = default(ArchivalExternalTarget), int?attemptNumber = default(int?), CloudDeployTargetDetails cloudDeployTarget = default(CloudDeployTargetDetails), long?jobRunId = default(long?), UniversalId jobUid = default(UniversalId), ProtectionSource parentSource = default(ProtectionSource), long?restoreTimeUsecs = default(long?), string snapshotRelativeDirPath = default(string), ProtectionSource source = default(ProtectionSource), long?startTimeUsecs = default(long?), string viewName = default(string), bool?vmHadIndependentDisks = default(bool?))
     this.AttemptNumber           = attemptNumber;
     this.JobRunId                = jobRunId;
     this.RestoreTimeUsecs        = restoreTimeUsecs;
     this.SnapshotRelativeDirPath = snapshotRelativeDirPath;
     this.StartTimeUsecs          = startTimeUsecs;
     this.ViewName                = viewName;
     this.VmHadIndependentDisks   = vmHadIndependentDisks;
     this.ArchivalTarget          = archivalTarget;
     this.AttemptNumber           = attemptNumber;
     this.CloudDeployTarget       = cloudDeployTarget;
     this.JobRunId                = jobRunId;
     this.JobUid                  = jobUid;
     this.ParentSource            = parentSource;
     this.RestoreTimeUsecs        = restoreTimeUsecs;
     this.SnapshotRelativeDirPath = snapshotRelativeDirPath;
     this.Source                  = source;
     this.StartTimeUsecs          = startTimeUsecs;
     this.ViewName                = viewName;
     this.VmHadIndependentDisks   = vmHadIndependentDisks;
コード例 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SnapshotCloudCopyPolicy" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="copyPartial">Specifies if Snapshots are copied from the first completely successful Job Run or the first partially successful Job Run occurring at the start of the replication schedule. If true, Snapshots are copied from the first Job Run occurring at the start of the replication schedule, even if first Job Run was not completely successful i.e. Snapshots were not captured for all Objects in the Job. If false, Snapshots are copied from the first Job Run occurring at the start of the replication schedule that was completely successful i.e. Snapshots for all the Objects in the Job were successfully captured..</param>
 /// <param name="daysToKeep">Specifies the number of days to retain copied Snapshots on the target..</param>
 /// <param name="multiplier">Specifies a factor to multiply the periodicity by, to determine the copy schedule. For example if set to 2 and the periodicity is hourly, then Snapshots from the first eligible Job Run for every 2 hour period is copied..</param>
 /// <param name="periodicity">Specifies the frequency that Snapshots should be copied to the specified target. Used in combination with multipiler. &#39;kEvery&#39; means that the Snapshot copy occurs after the number of Job Runs equals the number specified in the multiplier. &#39;kHour&#39; means that the Snapshot copy occurs hourly at the frequency set in the multiplier, for example if multiplier is 2, the copy occurs every 2 hours. &#39;kDay&#39; means that the Snapshot copy occurs daily at the frequency set in the multiplier. &#39;kWeek&#39; means that the Snapshot copy occurs weekly at the frequency set in the multiplier. &#39;kMonth&#39; means that the Snapshot copy occurs monthly at the frequency set in the multiplier. &#39;kYear&#39; means that the Snapshot copy occurs yearly at the frequency set in the multiplier..</param>
 /// <param name="target">target.</param>
 public SnapshotCloudCopyPolicy(bool?copyPartial = default(bool?), long?daysToKeep = default(long?), int?multiplier = default(int?), PeriodicityEnum?periodicity = default(PeriodicityEnum?), CloudDeployTargetDetails target = default(CloudDeployTargetDetails))
     this.CopyPartial = copyPartial;
     this.DaysToKeep  = daysToKeep;
     this.Multiplier  = multiplier;
     this.Periodicity = periodicity;
     this.CopyPartial = copyPartial;
     this.DaysToKeep  = daysToKeep;
     this.Multiplier  = multiplier;
     this.Periodicity = periodicity;
     this.Target      = target;
コード例 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SnapshotTargetSettings" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="archivalTarget">archivalTarget.</param>
 /// <param name="cloudReplicationTarget">cloudReplicationTarget.</param>
 /// <param name="replicationTarget">replicationTarget.</param>
 /// <param name="type">Specifies the type of a Snapshot target such as &#39;kLocal&#39;, &#39;kRemote&#39; or &#39;kArchival&#39;. &#39;kLocal&#39; means the Snapshot is stored on a local Cohesity Cluster. &#39;kRemote&#39; means the Snapshot is stored on a Remote Cohesity Cluster. (It was copied to the Remote Cohesity Cluster using replication.) &#39;kArchival&#39; means the Snapshot is stored on a Archival External Target (such as Tape or AWS). &#39;kCloudDeploy&#39; means the Snapshot is stored on a Cloud platform..</param>
 public SnapshotTargetSettings(ArchivalExternalTarget archivalTarget = default(ArchivalExternalTarget), CloudDeployTargetDetails cloudReplicationTarget = default(CloudDeployTargetDetails), ReplicationTargetSettings replicationTarget = default(ReplicationTargetSettings), TypeEnum?type = default(TypeEnum?))
     this.Type                   = type;
     this.ArchivalTarget         = archivalTarget;
     this.CloudReplicationTarget = cloudReplicationTarget;
     this.ReplicationTarget      = replicationTarget;
     this.Type                   = type;
コード例 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DeployTaskRequest" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Specifies the name of the Deploy Task. This field must be set and must be a unique name. (required).</param>
 /// <param name="newParentId">Specifies a new registered parent Protection Source. If specified the selected objects are cloned or recovered to this new Protection Source. If not specified, objects are cloned or recovered to the original Protection Source that was managing them..</param>
 /// <param name="objects">Array of Objects.  Specifies a list of Protection Source objects or Protection Job objects (with specified Protection Source objects)..</param>
 /// <param name="target">target.</param>
 public DeployTaskRequest(string name = default(string), long?newParentId = default(long?), List <RestoreObjectDetails> objects = default(List <RestoreObjectDetails>), CloudDeployTargetDetails target = default(CloudDeployTargetDetails))
     this.Name        = name;
     this.NewParentId = newParentId;
     this.Objects     = objects;
     this.NewParentId = newParentId;
     this.Objects     = objects;
     this.Target      = target;