private static string ShortName(ArgumentAttribute attribute, MemberInfo storage) { if (attribute is DefaultArgumentAttribute) return null; if (!ExplicitShortName(attribute)) return LongName(attribute, storage).Substring(0,1); return attribute.ShortName; }
private static string HelpText(ArgumentAttribute attribute) { if (attribute == null) return null; else return attribute.HelpText; }
private static string LongName(ArgumentAttribute attribute, MemberInfo storage) { return (attribute == null || attribute.DefaultLongName) ? storage.Name : attribute.LongName; throw new Exception("Unhandled type"); }
private static bool HasHelpText(ArgumentAttribute attribute) { return (attribute != null && attribute.HasHelpText); }
private static ArgumentType Flags(ArgumentAttribute attribute, MemberInfo member) { if (attribute != null) return attribute.Type; else if (IsCollectionType(member.GetType())) return ArgumentType.MultipleUnique; else return ArgumentType.AtMostOnce; }
private static bool ExplicitShortName(ArgumentAttribute attribute) { return (attribute != null && !attribute.DefaultShortName); }
private static object DefaultValue(ArgumentAttribute attribute) { return (attribute == null || !attribute.HasDefaultValue) ? null : attribute.DefaultValue; }
public Argument(ArgumentAttribute attribute, MemberInfo storage, ErrorReporter reporter) { this.longName = Parser.LongName(attribute, storage); this.explicitShortName = Parser.ExplicitShortName(attribute); this.shortName = Parser.ShortName(attribute, storage); this.hasHelpText = Parser.HasHelpText(attribute); this.helpText = Parser.HelpText(attribute); this.defaultValue = Parser.DefaultValue(attribute); this.elementType = ElementType(storage); this.flags = Flags(attribute, storage); this.member = storage; this.seenValue = false; this.reporter = reporter; this.isDefault = attribute != null && attribute is DefaultArgumentAttribute; if (IsCollection) { this.collectionValues = new ArrayList(); } Debug.Assert(this.longName != null && this.longName != ""); Debug.Assert(!this.isDefault || !this.ExplicitShortName); Debug.Assert(!IsCollection || AllowMultiple, "Collection arguments must have allow multiple"); Debug.Assert(!Unique || IsCollection, "Unique only applicable to collection arguments"); Debug.Assert(IsValidElementType(Type) || IsCollectionType(Type)); Debug.Assert((IsCollection && IsValidElementType(elementType)) || (!IsCollection && elementType == null)); Debug.Assert(!(this.IsRequired && this.HasDefaultValue), "Required arguments cannot have default value"); Debug.Assert(!this.HasDefaultValue || (this.defaultValue.GetType() == storage.GetType()), "Type of default value must match field type"); }