コード例 #1
ファイル: ErrorDetailPage.cs プロジェクト: spbooks/ASPNETANT1
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            // Retrieve the ID of the error to display and read it from
            // the store.

            string errorId = StringEtc.MaskNull(this.Request.QueryString["id"]);

            if (errorId.Length == 0)

            _errorEntry = this.ErrorLog.GetError(errorId);

            // Perhaps the error has been deleted from the store? Whatever
            // the reason, bail out silently.

            if (_errorEntry == null)

            // Setup the title of the page.

            this.Title = string.Format("Error: {0} [{1}]", _errorEntry.Error.Type, _errorEntry.Id);

コード例 #2
ファイル: MemoryErrorLog.cs プロジェクト: zlanusic/ASPNETANT1
            public void Add(Guid id, ErrorLogEntry entry)
                Debug.Assert(entry != null);

                Debug.Assert(this.Count <= _size);

                if (this.Count == _size)

                BaseAdd(entry.Id, entry);
コード例 #3
        protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
            if (writer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");

            // Retrieve the ID of the error to display and read it from
            // the log.

            string errorId = StringEtc.MaskNull(this.Request.QueryString["id"]);

            if (errorId.Length == 0)

            ErrorLogEntry errorEntry = this.ErrorLog.GetError(errorId);

            if (errorEntry == null)

            // If we have a host (ASP.NET) formatted HTML message
            // for the error then just stream it out as our response.

            if (errorEntry.Error.WebHostHtmlMessage.Length != 0)
コード例 #4
ファイル: MemoryErrorLog.cs プロジェクト: zlanusic/ASPNETANT1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a page of errors from the application memory in
        /// descending order of logged time.
        /// </summary>

        public override int GetErrors(int pageIndex, int pageSize, IList errorEntryList)
            if (pageIndex < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("pageIndex");

            if (pageSize < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("pageSite");

            // To minimize the time for which we hold the lock, we'll first
            // grab just references to the entries we need to return. Later,
            // we'll make copies and return those to the caller. Since Error
            // is mutable, we don't want to return direct references to our
            // internal versions since someone could change their state.

            ErrorLogEntry[] selectedEntries;
            int             totalCount;


                if (_entries == null)

                int lastIndex = Math.Max(0, _entries.Count - (pageIndex * pageSize)) - 1;
                selectedEntries = new ErrorLogEntry[lastIndex + 1];

                int sourceIndex = lastIndex;
                int targetIndex = 0;

                while (sourceIndex >= 0)
                    selectedEntries[targetIndex++] = _entries[sourceIndex--];

                totalCount = _entries.Count;

            // Return copies of fetched entries. If the Error class would
            // be immutable then this step wouldn't be necessary.

            foreach (ErrorLogEntry entry in selectedEntries)
                Error error = (Error)((ICloneable)entry.Error).Clone();
                errorEntryList.Add(new ErrorLogEntry(this, entry.Id, error));

コード例 #5
        private void RenderErrors(HtmlTextWriter writer)
            Debug.Assert(writer != null);

            // Create a table to display error information in each row.

            Table table = new Table();

            table.ID          = "ErrorLog";
            table.CellSpacing = 0;

            // Create the table row for headings.

            TableRow headRow = new TableRow();

            headRow.Cells.Add(FormatCell(new TableHeaderCell(), "Host", "host-col"));
            headRow.Cells.Add(FormatCell(new TableHeaderCell(), "Code", "code-col"));
            headRow.Cells.Add(FormatCell(new TableHeaderCell(), "Type", "type-col"));
            headRow.Cells.Add(FormatCell(new TableHeaderCell(), "Error", "error-col"));
            headRow.Cells.Add(FormatCell(new TableHeaderCell(), "User", "user-col"));
            headRow.Cells.Add(FormatCell(new TableHeaderCell(), "Date", "date-col"));
            headRow.Cells.Add(FormatCell(new TableHeaderCell(), "Time", "time-col"));


            // Generate a table body row for each error.

            for (int errorIndex = 0; errorIndex < _errorEntryList.Count; errorIndex++)
                ErrorLogEntry errorEntry = (ErrorLogEntry)_errorEntryList[errorIndex];
                Error         error      = errorEntry.Error;

                TableRow bodyRow = new TableRow();
                bodyRow.CssClass = errorIndex % 2 == 0 ? "even-row" : "odd-row";

                // Format host and status code cells.

                bodyRow.Cells.Add(FormatCell(new TableCell(), error.HostName, "host-col"));
                bodyRow.Cells.Add(FormatCell(new TableCell(), error.StatusCode.ToString(), "code-col"));
                bodyRow.Cells.Add(FormatCell(new TableCell(), GetSimpleErrorType(error), "type-col", error.Type));

                // Format the message cell, which contains the message
                // text and a details link pointing to the page where
                // all error details can be viewed.

                TableCell messageCell = new TableCell();
                messageCell.CssClass = "error-col";

                Label messageLabel = new Label();
                messageLabel.Text = this.Server.HtmlEncode(error.Message);

                HyperLink detailsLink = new HyperLink();
                detailsLink.NavigateUrl = this.Request.Path + "/detail?id=" + errorEntry.Id;
                detailsLink.Text        = "[Details]";

                messageCell.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" "));


                // Format the user, date and time cells.

                bodyRow.Cells.Add(FormatCell(new TableCell(), error.User, "user-col"));
                bodyRow.Cells.Add(FormatCell(new TableCell(), error.Time.ToShortDateString(), "date-col",
                bodyRow.Cells.Add(FormatCell(new TableCell(), error.Time.ToLongTimeString(), "time-col"));

                // Finally, add the row to the table.


コード例 #6
ファイル: MemoryErrorLog.cs プロジェクト: spbooks/ASPNETANT1
            public void Add(Guid id, ErrorLogEntry entry)
                Debug.Assert(entry != null);

                Debug.Assert(this.Count <= _size);

                if (this.Count == _size)

                BaseAdd(entry.Id, entry);
コード例 #7
ファイル: MemoryErrorLog.cs プロジェクト: spbooks/ASPNETANT1
        /// <summary>
        /// Logs an error to the application memory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If the log is full then the oldest error entry is removed.
        /// </remarks>
        public override void Log(Error error)
            if (error == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("error");

            // Make a copy of the error to log since the source is mutable.
            // Assign a new GUID and create an entry for the error.

            error = (Error) ((ICloneable) error).Clone();
            error.ApplicationName = this.ApplicationName;
            Guid newId = Guid.NewGuid();
            ErrorLogEntry entry = new ErrorLogEntry(this, newId.ToString(), error);


                if (_entries == null)
                    _entries = new EntryCollection(_size);

                _entries.Add(newId, entry);
コード例 #8
ファイル: MemoryErrorLog.cs プロジェクト: spbooks/ASPNETANT1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a page of errors from the application memory in
        /// descending order of logged time.
        /// </summary>
        public override int GetErrors(int pageIndex, int pageSize, IList errorEntryList)
            if (pageIndex < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("pageIndex");

            if (pageSize < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("pageSite");

            // To minimize the time for which we hold the lock, we'll first
            // grab just references to the entries we need to return. Later,
            // we'll make copies and return those to the caller. Since Error
            // is mutable, we don't want to return direct references to our
            // internal versions since someone could change their state.

            ErrorLogEntry[] selectedEntries;
            int totalCount;


                if (_entries == null)
                    return 0;

                int lastIndex = Math.Max(0, _entries.Count - (pageIndex * pageSize)) - 1;
                selectedEntries = new ErrorLogEntry[lastIndex + 1];

                int sourceIndex = lastIndex;
                int targetIndex = 0;

                while (sourceIndex >= 0)
                    selectedEntries[targetIndex++] = _entries[sourceIndex--];

                totalCount = _entries.Count;

            // Return copies of fetched entries. If the Error class would
            // be immutable then this step wouldn't be necessary.

            foreach (ErrorLogEntry entry in selectedEntries)
                Error error = (Error) ((ICloneable) entry.Error).Clone();
                errorEntryList.Add(new ErrorLogEntry(this, entry.Id, error));

            return totalCount;
コード例 #9
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            context.Response.ContentType = "text/xml";

            // Get the last set of errors for this application.

            const int pageSize       = 15;
            ArrayList errorEntryList = new ArrayList(pageSize);

            ErrorLog.Default.GetErrors(0, pageSize, errorEntryList);

            // We'll be emitting RSS vesion 0.91.

            RichSiteSummary rss = new RichSiteSummary();

            rss.version = "0.91";

            // Set up the RSS channel.

            Channel channel = new Channel();

            channel.title       = "Error log of " + ErrorLog.Default.ApplicationName + " on " + Environment.MachineName;
            channel.description = "Log of recent errors";
            channel.language    = "en";
            channel.link        = context.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) +

            rss.channel = channel;

            // For each error, build a simple channel item. Only the title,
            // description, link and pubDate fields are populated.

            channel.item = new Item[errorEntryList.Count];

            for (int index = 0; index < errorEntryList.Count; index++)
                ErrorLogEntry errorEntry = (ErrorLogEntry)errorEntryList[index];
                Error         error      = errorEntry.Error;

                Item item = new Item();

                item.title       = error.Message;
                item.description = "An error of type " + error.Type + " occurred. " + error.Message;
                item.link        = channel.link + "/detail?id=" + errorEntry.Id;
                item.pubDate     = error.Time.ToUniversalTime().ToString("r");

                channel.item[index] = item;

            // Stream out the RSS XML.

            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(RichSiteSummary));

            serializer.Serialize(context.Response.Output, rss);