public void CheckFunctions(IEnumerable <MethodDeclarationSyntax> functions) { foreach (var function in functions) { FileLinePositionSpan linePositionSpan = function.Identifier.GetLocation().GetLineSpan(); BlockSyntax body = function.Body; FileLinePositionSpan fileLinePositionSpan = function.SyntaxTree.GetMappedLineSpan(body.Span); CheckFunctionScope(function); CheckFunctionInputs(function); Position position = new Position { row = linePositionSpan.StartLinePosition.Line + 1, col = linePositionSpan.StartLinePosition.Character + 1 }; Functions.Add(position, function.Identifier.ToString()); } foreach (var item in Functions) { string line = MySpellChecker.SplitCamel(item.Value); string[] words = line.Split(' '); if (!MySpellChecker.HasCorrectSpell(item.Value)) { Console.WriteLine("Please Check '{0}' in row {1} and col {2}", item.Value, item.Key.row, item.Key.col); } if (item.Value != "Main") { if (!MySpellChecker.IsVerb(words[0])) { Console.WriteLine("\'{0}\' in row {1} and col {2} is not a verb", item.Value, item.Key.row, item.Key.col); } } } }
public void CheckIdentifiers(IEnumerable <IdentifierNameSyntax> identifiers) { foreach (var item in identifiers) { SyntaxToken id_ = item.Identifier; Position position = new Position { row = id_.GetLocation().GetLineSpan().StartLinePosition.Line, col = id_.GetLocation().GetLineSpan().StartLinePosition.Character }; if (!ForIndexes.ContainsKey(position)) { Identifiers.Add(position, id_.ToString()); } } foreach (var item in Identifiers) { if (!MySpellChecker.HasCorrectSpell(item.Value)) { Console.WriteLine("Please Check '{0}' in row {1} and col {2}", item.Value, item.Key.row, item.Key.col); } } }