コード例 #1
        private void DeleteMethodsIfNeeded(
            IEnumerable <string> typeMethods,
            DeletionEvaluator deletionEvaluator,
            IDocument document,
            ref CompilationUnitSyntax newDocumentRoot,
            RoslynMethodLister methodLister,
            ref int methodsDeleted)
            if (typeMethods == null || _options.Act == Act.DeleteWholeTypesOnly)

            foreach (var method in typeMethods)
                bool needToDelete = deletionEvaluator.NeedToDeleteMethod(method);
                if (needToDelete)
                    if (_options.Act == Act.Delete && !_options.DryRun)
                        // Transform the syntax tree of the document and get the root of the new tree
                        newDocumentRoot = DeleteMethod(newDocumentRoot ?? (CompilationUnitSyntax)document.GetSyntaxRoot(), methodLister, deletionEvaluator, method);
                else if (!deletionEvaluator.MethodFoundInWeavedLibs(method) && _options.Verbose)
                    _logger.Log(string.Format("not found in dlls, skipping {0}", method), displayTime: false);
                if (needToDelete || _options.Verbose)
                    _logger.Log(string.Format("{0} {1}", needToDelete ? "--" : "++", method), displayTime: false);
コード例 #2
        private static bool NeedToDeleteWholeProperty(RoslynMethodLister methooLister, DeletionEvaluator evaluator, SyntaxNodeWrapper currentMethodNodeFromNewRoot, MethodType methodType)
            var prop = (PropertyDeclarationSyntax)currentMethodNodeFromNewRoot.Node;

            if (prop.HasGetter() && prop.HasSetter())
                MethodType otherAccessorType = methodType == MethodType.PropertyGetter ? MethodType.PropertySetter : MethodType.PropertyGetter;
                var        otherAccessorStr  = methooLister.GetMethodDeclarationString(new SyntaxNodeWrapper {
                    MethodType = otherAccessorType, Node = currentMethodNodeFromNewRoot.Node
                bool needToDelete = evaluator.NeedToDeleteMethod(otherAccessorStr);
コード例 #3
        public void RunCleanup()
            int    typeCount      = 0;
            int    methodCount    = 0;
            int    typesDeleted   = 0;
            int    methodsDeleted = 0;
            string action         = _options.DryRun ? "to be deleted" : "deleted";

            var methodLister = new RoslynMethodLister(_options.PathToSolution, _options.ProjectIncludeFilter, _options.ProjectExcludeFilter, _options.NamespaceFilter);

            var deletionEvaluator = new DeletionEvaluator(new CodeCleanupRepository(msg => _logger.Log(msg)), new WeawingDataProvider(_options.WeavedLibsDir, msg => _logger.Log(msg)));
            var filesToDelete     = new HashSet <string>();

                (latestForkedSolution, document, root) =>
                // don't perform deletion in designer files since their content depends on parent files (like dbml or aspx). Cleaner doesn't deal with dbml or aspx/ascx content, it processes only classes
                if (document.FilePath.EndsWith(".designer.cs", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                _logger.Log(string.Format("\r\n\r\nProcessing document {0} \r\n", document.FilePath));

                if (_filesToExcludeBySubstring.Any(document.FilePath.ToLower().Contains))
                    _logger.Log(string.Format("Skipping processing (matches fileExcludeFilter) {0} \r\n", document.FilePath));

                var typeNames = GetDocumentClassesAndStructs(document);

                var stringifiedMethods   = methodLister.GetDocumentMethodStrings(document).ToArray();
                methodCount             += stringifiedMethods.Length;
                var methodsGroupedByType = stringifiedMethods.GroupBy(Stringifier.GetTypePart).ToArray();

                CompilationUnitSyntax newDocumentRoot = null;
                int typesDeletedFromDocumentCount     = 0;

                foreach (var typeName in typeNames)
                    var typeMethods = methodsGroupedByType.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Key == typeName);
                    if (deletionEvaluator.NeedToDeleteType(typeName))
                        DeleteType(typeName, action, document, ref newDocumentRoot, typeMethods, ref typesDeleted, ref methodsDeleted);
                        DeleteMethodsIfNeeded(typeMethods, deletionEvaluator, document, ref newDocumentRoot, methodLister, ref methodsDeleted);

                // 1. delete file and dependent files if no types left in this file (there can be types other than logged, e.g. enums)
                // 2. for --dryRun the deletion is not actually performed so the condition must be another: number of scheduled for deletion types equals to the number of types in the document
                var allDocumentTypesCount = GetAllDocumentTypesCount(newDocumentRoot ?? (CompilationUnitSyntax)document.GetSyntaxRoot());
                if ((!_options.DryRun && allDocumentTypesCount == 0) ||
                    (_options.DryRun && typesDeletedFromDocumentCount == allDocumentTypesCount))
                    ScheduleFilesToDelete(filesToDelete, document);

                // if the document was modified (types or methods deleted)
                if (newDocumentRoot != null)
                    latestForkedSolution = latestForkedSolution.UpdateDocument(document.Id, newDocumentRoot);


            if (!_options.DryRun)
                DeleteFiles(_options.PathToSolution, methodLister, filesToDelete);

            _logger.Log(string.Format("\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nPROCESSING COMPLETED. Total type count = {0}; Types {1} = {2};. Total method count = {3}; Methods {1} = {4};\r\n", typeCount, action, typesDeleted, methodCount, methodsDeleted));
コード例 #4
        private static CompilationUnitSyntax DeleteMethod(CompilationUnitSyntax originalRoot, RoslynMethodLister methodLister, DeletionEvaluator evaluator, string method)
            // needs for second and subsequent deletions from one document (cuz the document allways different).
            var currentMethodNodeFromNewRoot = methodLister.FindInDoc(originalRoot, method);

            // property deletion - currently implemented only whole property deletion. Separate accessor deletion requires string manipulation since there is no separate syntax node for getter/setter (only AccessorList for both)
            var methodType = currentMethodNodeFromNewRoot.MethodType;

            if ((methodType == MethodType.PropertyGetter || methodType == MethodType.PropertySetter) &&
                !NeedToDeleteWholeProperty(methodLister, evaluator, currentMethodNodeFromNewRoot, methodType))
            return(RemoveNode(originalRoot, currentMethodNodeFromNewRoot.Node));