Represents the environment Cake operates in. This mutable implementation allows the PATH environment variable to be dynamically modified. Except this new EnvironmentPaths this is the same as the CakeEnvironment provided by Cake.
Inheritance: ICakeEnvironment
コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments.</param>
        /// <returns>0 on success.</returns>
        public int Run( string[] args )
            var console = new CakeConsole();
            var logger = new SafeCakeLog( console );
            var engine = new CakeEngine( logger );

            ICakePlatform platform = new CakePlatform();
            ICakeRuntime runtime = new CakeRuntime();
            IFileSystem fileSystem = new FileSystem();
            MutableCakeEnvironment environment = new MutableCakeEnvironment( platform, runtime );
            IGlobber globber = new Globber( fileSystem, environment );
            environment.Initialize( globber );
            IProcessRunner processRunner = new ProcessRunner( environment, logger );
            IRegistry windowsRegistry = new WindowsRegistry();
            // Parse options.
            var argumentParser = new ArgumentParser( logger, fileSystem );
            CakeOptions options = argumentParser.Parse( args );
            Debug.Assert( options != null );
            CakeConfigurationProvider configProvider = new CakeConfigurationProvider( fileSystem, environment );
            ICakeConfiguration configuration = configProvider.CreateConfiguration( environment.ApplicationRoot, options.Arguments );
            IToolRepository toolRepo = new ToolRepository( environment );
            IToolResolutionStrategy toolStrategy = new ToolResolutionStrategy( fileSystem, environment, globber, configuration );
            IToolLocator locator = new ToolLocator( environment, toolRepo, toolStrategy );
            IToolLocator toolLocator = new ToolLocator( environment, toolRepo, toolStrategy  );
            logger.SetVerbosity( options.Verbosity );
            CodeCakeBuildTypeDescriptor choosenBuild;
            if( !AvailableBuilds.TryGetValue( options.Script, out choosenBuild ) )
                logger.Error( "Build script '{0}' not found.", options.Script );
                return -1;

            ICakeArguments arguments = new CakeArguments(options.Arguments);

            var context = new CakeContext( fileSystem, environment, globber, logger, arguments, processRunner, windowsRegistry, locator );

            // Copy the arguments from the options.

            // Set the working directory: the solution directory.
            environment.WorkingDirectory = new DirectoryPath( _solutionDirectory );

            // Adds additional paths from chosen build.
            foreach( var p in choosenBuild.AdditionnalPatternPaths )
                environment.AddPath( p );
            logger.Information( "Path(s) added: " + string.Join( ", ", environment.EnvironmentAddedPaths ) );
            logger.Information( "Dynamic pattern path(s) added: " + string.Join( ", ", environment.EnvironmentDynamicPaths ) );

                // Instanciates the script object.
                CodeCakeHost._injectedActualHost = new BuildScriptHost( engine, context );
                CodeCakeHost c = (CodeCakeHost)Activator.CreateInstance( choosenBuild.Type );

                var strategy = new DefaultExecutionStrategy( logger );
                var report = engine.RunTarget( context, strategy, context.Arguments.GetArgument( "target" ) ?? "Default" );
                if( report != null && !report.IsEmpty )
                    var printerReport = new CakeReportPrinter( console );
                    printerReport.Write( report );
            catch( CakeTerminateException ex )
                switch( ex.Option )
                    case CakeTerminationOption.Error:
                        logger.Error( "Termination with Error: '{0}'.", ex.Message );
                        return -1;
                    case CakeTerminationOption.Warning:
                        logger.Warning( "Termination with Warning: '{0}'.", ex.Message );
                        Debug.Assert( ex.Option == CakeTerminationOption.Success );
                        logger.Information( "Termination with Success: '{0}'.", ex.Message );
            catch( TargetInvocationException ex )
                logger.Error( "Error occurred: '{0}'.", ex.InnerException?.Message ?? ex.Message );
                return -1;
            catch( Exception ex )
                logger.Error( "Error occurred: '{0}'.", ex.Message );
                return -1;
            return 0;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments.</param>
        /// <param name="appRoot">Application root folder</param>
        /// <returns>The result of the run.</returns>
        public async Task <RunResult> RunAsync(IEnumerable <string> args, string appRoot = null)
            var console = new CakeConsole();
            var logger  = new SafeCakeLog(console);
            ICakeDataService dataService = new CodeCakeDataService();
            var engine = new CakeEngine(dataService, logger);

            ICakePlatform          platform    = new CakePlatform();
            ICakeRuntime           runtime     = new CakeRuntime();
            IFileSystem            fileSystem  = new FileSystem();
            MutableCakeEnvironment environment = new MutableCakeEnvironment(platform, runtime, appRoot);

            console.SupportAnsiEscapeCodes = AnsiDetector.SupportsAnsi(environment);

            IGlobber globber = new Globber(fileSystem, environment);

            IRegistry windowsRegistry = new WindowsRegistry();
            // Parse options.
            var         argumentParser = new ArgumentParser(logger, fileSystem);
            CakeOptions options        = argumentParser.Parse(args);

            Debug.Assert(options != null);
            CakeConfigurationProvider configProvider = new CakeConfigurationProvider(fileSystem, environment);
            ICakeConfiguration        configuration  = configProvider.CreateConfiguration(environment.ApplicationRoot, options.Arguments);
            IToolRepository           toolRepo       = new ToolRepository(environment);
            IToolResolutionStrategy   toolStrategy   = new ToolResolutionStrategy(fileSystem, environment, globber, configuration, logger);
            IToolLocator   locator       = new ToolLocator(environment, toolRepo, toolStrategy);
            IToolLocator   toolLocator   = new ToolLocator(environment, toolRepo, toolStrategy);
            IProcessRunner processRunner = new ProcessRunner(fileSystem, environment, logger, toolLocator, configuration);

            ICakeArguments arguments = new CakeArguments(options.Arguments);
            var            context   = new CakeContext(

            CodeCakeBuildTypeDescriptor choosenBuild;

            if (!AvailableBuilds.TryGetValue(options.Script, out choosenBuild))
                logger.Error("Build script '{0}' not found.", options.Script);
                return(new RunResult(-1, context.InteractiveMode()));

            // Set the working directory: the solution directory.
            logger.Information($"Working in Solution directory: '{_solutionDirectory}'.");
            environment.WorkingDirectory = new DirectoryPath(_solutionDirectory);

                SetEnvironmentVariablesFromCodeCakeBuilderKeyVault(logger, context);

                // Instantiates the script object.
                CodeCakeHost._injectedActualHost = new BuildScriptHost(engine, context);
                CodeCakeHost c = (CodeCakeHost)Activator.CreateInstance(choosenBuild.Type);

                var target                  = context.Arguments.GetArgument("target") ?? "Default";
                var execSettings            = new ExecutionSettings().SetTarget(target);
                var exclusiveTargetOptional = context.Arguments.HasArgument("exclusiveOptional");
                var exclusiveTarget         = exclusiveTargetOptional | context.Arguments.HasArgument("exclusive");
                var strategy                = new CodeCakeExecutionStrategy(logger, exclusiveTarget ? target : null);
                if (exclusiveTargetOptional && !engine.Tasks.Any(t => t.Name == target))
                    logger.Warning($"No task '{target}' defined. Since -exclusiveOptional is specified, nothing is done.");
                    return(new RunResult(0, context.InteractiveMode()));
                var report = await engine.RunTargetAsync(context, strategy, execSettings);

                if (report != null && !report.IsEmpty)
                    var printerReport = new CakeReportPrinter(console);
            catch (CakeTerminateException ex)
                switch (ex.Option)
                case CakeTerminationOption.Error:
                    logger.Error("Termination with Error: '{0}'.", ex.Message);
                    return(new RunResult(-2, context.InteractiveMode()));

                case CakeTerminationOption.Warning:
                    logger.Warning("Termination with Warning: '{0}'.", ex.Message);

                    Debug.Assert(ex.Option == CakeTerminationOption.Success);
                    logger.Information("Termination with Success: '{0}'.", ex.Message);
            catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
                logger.Error("Error occurred: '{0}'.", ex.InnerException?.Message ?? ex.Message);
                return(new RunResult(-3, context.InteractiveMode()));
            catch (AggregateException ex)
                logger.Error("Error occurred: '{0}'.", ex.Message);
                foreach (var e in ex.InnerExceptions)
                    logger.Error("  -> '{0}'.", e.Message);
                return(new RunResult(-4, context.InteractiveMode()));
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("Error occurred: '{0}'.", ex.Message);
                return(new RunResult(-5, context.InteractiveMode()));
            return(new RunResult(0, context.InteractiveMode()));
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments.</param>
        /// <param name="appRoot">Application root folder</param>
        /// <returns>0 on success.</returns>
        public int Run(string[] args, string appRoot = null)
            var console = new CakeConsole();
            var logger  = new SafeCakeLog(console);
            var engine  = new CakeEngine(logger);

            ICakePlatform          platform    = new CakePlatform();
            ICakeRuntime           runtime     = new CakeRuntime();
            IFileSystem            fileSystem  = new FileSystem();
            MutableCakeEnvironment environment = new MutableCakeEnvironment(platform, runtime, appRoot);
            IGlobber globber = new Globber(fileSystem, environment);

            IProcessRunner processRunner   = new ProcessRunner(environment, logger);
            IRegistry      windowsRegistry = new WindowsRegistry();
            // Parse options.
            var         argumentParser = new ArgumentParser(logger, fileSystem);
            CakeOptions options        = argumentParser.Parse(args);

            Debug.Assert(options != null);
            CakeConfigurationProvider configProvider = new CakeConfigurationProvider(fileSystem, environment);
            ICakeConfiguration        configuration  = configProvider.CreateConfiguration(environment.ApplicationRoot, options.Arguments);
            IToolRepository           toolRepo       = new ToolRepository(environment);
            IToolResolutionStrategy   toolStrategy   = new ToolResolutionStrategy(fileSystem, environment, globber, configuration);
            IToolLocator locator     = new ToolLocator(environment, toolRepo, toolStrategy);
            IToolLocator toolLocator = new ToolLocator(environment, toolRepo, toolStrategy);

            CodeCakeBuildTypeDescriptor choosenBuild;

            if (!AvailableBuilds.TryGetValue(options.Script, out choosenBuild))
                logger.Error("Build script '{0}' not found.", options.Script);

            ICakeArguments arguments = new CakeArguments(options.Arguments);

            var context = new CakeContext(fileSystem, environment, globber, logger, arguments, processRunner, windowsRegistry, locator);

            // Copy the arguments from the options.

            // Set the working directory: the solution directory.
            environment.WorkingDirectory = new DirectoryPath(_solutionDirectory);

            // Adds additional paths from chosen build.
            foreach (var p in choosenBuild.AdditionnalPatternPaths)
            logger.Information("Path(s) added: " + string.Join(", ", environment.EnvironmentAddedPaths));
            logger.Information("Dynamic pattern path(s) added: " + string.Join(", ", environment.EnvironmentDynamicPaths));

                // Instanciates the script object.
                CodeCakeHost._injectedActualHost = new BuildScriptHost(engine, context);
                CodeCakeHost c = (CodeCakeHost)Activator.CreateInstance(choosenBuild.Type);

                var strategy = new DefaultExecutionStrategy(logger);
                var report   = engine.RunTargetAsync(context, strategy, context.Arguments.GetArgument("target") ?? "Default").GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                if (report != null && !report.IsEmpty)
                    var printerReport = new CakeReportPrinter(console);
            catch (CakeTerminateException ex)
                switch (ex.Option)
                case CakeTerminationOption.Error:
                    logger.Error("Termination with Error: '{0}'.", ex.Message);

                case CakeTerminationOption.Warning:
                    logger.Warning("Termination with Warning: '{0}'.", ex.Message);

                    Debug.Assert(ex.Option == CakeTerminationOption.Success);
                    logger.Information("Termination with Success: '{0}'.", ex.Message);
            catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
                logger.Error("Error occurred: '{0}'.", ex.InnerException?.Message ?? ex.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("Error occurred: '{0}'.", ex.Message);