static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Write("\n Testing XML - XmlBuilder "); Console.Write("\n ============================\n"); List<Elem> test = new List<Elem>(); Elem ns = new Elem(); = "testNameSpace"; ns.type = "namespace"; ns.begin = 10; ns.end = 100; Elem cl = new Elem(); = "testClass"; cl.type = "class"; cl.begin = 20; cl.end = 80; Elem func = new Elem(); = "testFunction"; func.type = "function"; func.begin = 30; func.end = 60; test.Add(ns); test.Add(cl); test.Add(func); XML xb = new XML(); xb.XmlBuilder(test); }
public override void doAction(ITokenCollection semi) { Display.displayActions(actionDelegate, "action PushStack"); ++repo_.scopeCount; Elem elem = new Elem(); elem.type = semi[0]; // expects type, i.e., namespace, class, struct, .. = semi[1]; // expects name elem.beginLine = repo_.semi.lineCount() - 1; elem.endLine = 0; // will be set by PopStack action elem.beginScopeCount = repo_.scopeCount; elem.endScopeCount = 0; // will be set by PopStack action repo_.stack.push(elem); // display processing details if requested if (AAction.displayStack) { repo_.stack.display(); } if (AAction.displaySemi) { Console.Write("\n line# {0,-5}", repo_.semi.lineCount() - 1); Console.Write("entering "); string indent = new string(' ', 2 * repo_.stack.count); Console.Write("{0}", indent); this.display(semi); // defined in abstract action } // add starting location if namespace, type, or function if (elem.type == "control" || == "anonymous") { return; } repo_.locations.Add(elem); }
static void Main() { Console.Write("\n Test ScopeStack"); Console.Write("\n =================\n"); ScopeStack <Elem> mystack = new ScopeStack <Elem>(); Test.Elem e; e.type = "namespace"; = "foobar"; = 14; mystack.push(e); e.make("class", "feebar", 21); mystack.push(e); e.make("function", "doTest", 44); mystack.push(e); e.make("control", "for", 56); mystack.push(e); mystack.display(); Console.ReadLine(); Elem test = mystack.lastPopped(); Console.Write("\n last popped:\n {0}\n", test); e = mystack.pop(); Console.Write("\n popped:\n {0}", e); e = mystack.pop(); Console.Write("\n popped:\n {0}\n", e); Console.Write("\n last popped:\n {0}\n", mystack.lastPopped()); mystack.display(); Console.Write("\n\n"); }
// ------------------------<TestStub for XML Output>------------------------- #if (TEST_XMLOUTPUT) static void Main(string[] args) { ElemRelation e = new ElemRelation(); e.fromClass = "Derived"; e.toClass = "Original"; e.relationType = "Inheritance"; RelationshipRepository.relationship_.Add(e); Elem elem = new Elem(); elem.type = "function"; = "Derived"; elem.begin = 1; elem.end = 10; elem.functionComplexity = 2; OutputRepository.output_.Add(elem); XMLOutput xml = new XMLOutput(); xml.displaySummary(); xml.displayFunctionAnalysis(); xml.displayRelation(); }
/// <summary> /// Test Stub for Display package /// </summary> /// <param name="args"></param> #if (TEST_DISPLAY) static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Write("\n Testing Display Package"); Console.Write("\n ===========================\n"); Dictionary <string, HashSet <string> > dependencies = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <string> >(); HashSet <string> lst = new HashSet <string> { "file2.cs", "file3.cs" }; dependencies.Add("file1.cs", lst); Elem oElem = new Elem(); oElem.type = "class"; = "testclass"; Dictionary <string, List <Elem> > dicMetrics = new Dictionary <string, List <Elem> >(); List <Elem> repoLoc = new List <Elem> { oElem }; dicMetrics.Add("file1.cs", repoLoc); Console.Write("\n showMetricsTable method\n"); Display.showMetricsTable("file1.cs", repoLoc); Console.Write("\n ShowTypeTables method\n"); Display.ShowTypeTables(dicMetrics); Console.Write("\n ShowDependencies method"); Display.ShowDependencies(dependencies); HashSet <List <string> > lstScc = new HashSet <List <string> >(); List <string> lstcc = new List <string> { "file1", "file2", "file3" }; Console.Write("\n ShowSCC method\n"); lstScc.Add(lstcc); Display.ShowSCC(lstScc); Console.ReadLine(); }
public override void doActionAggregation(CSsemi.CSemiExp semi) { AggregationElem aggregationelem = new AggregationElem(); Elem elem = new Elem(); bool existingAggregator = false; for (int i = 0; i < repo_.analyzedata.Count; i++) { elem = repo_.analyzedata[i]; if (elem.type == "class" && semi[0] == { for (int j = 0; j < repo_.aggregationdata.Count; j++) { aggregationelem = repo_.aggregationdata[j]; if (semi[2] == aggregationelem.aggregator) { existingAggregator = true; int index = repo_.aggregationdata.IndexOf(aggregationelem); aggregationelem.aggregated.Add(semi[1]); aggregationelem.type = semi[0]; repo_.aggregationdata.Remove(aggregationelem); repo_.aggregationdata.Insert(index, aggregationelem); } } if (!existingAggregator) { aggregationelem = new AggregationElem(); aggregationelem.aggregated.Add(semi[1]); aggregationelem.aggregator = semi[2]; aggregationelem.type = semi[0]; repo_.aggregationdata.Add(aggregationelem); } } } }
//------------<Private help function, extract the type information to type table private void extractType(Elem elem) { if (elem.type == "class" || elem.type == "struct" || elem.type == "enum" || elem.type == "interface" || elem.type == "delegate") { TypeInfo tempT = new TypeInfo(); tempT.file = file_; StringBuilder type = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = repo_.stack.count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (repo_.stack[i].type != "namespace") { type.Insert(0, "."); type.Insert(0, repo_.stack[i].name); } else { tempT.nameSpace = repo_.stack[i].name; break; } } type.Append(; repo_.addType(tempT, type.ToString()); } }
public override void doAction(CSsemi.CSemiExp semi) { Elem elem = new Elem(); elem.type = semi[0]; // expects type = semi[1]; // expects name elem.begin = repo_.semi.lineCount - 1; elem.end = 0; repo_.stack.push(elem); repo_.analyzedata.Add(elem); if (AAction.displaySemi) { Console.Write("\n line# {0,-5}", repo_.semi.lineCount - 1); Console.Write("entering "); string indent = new string(' ', 2 * repo_.stack.count); Console.Write("{0}", indent); this.display(semi); // defined in abstract action } if (AAction.displayStack) { repo_.stack.display(); } }
public override void doActionComposition(CSsemi.CSemiExp semi) { CompositionElem compositionelem = new CompositionElem(); Elem elem = new Elem(); bool existingCompositor = false; for (int i = 0; i < repo_.analyzedata.Count; i++) { elem = repo_.analyzedata[i]; if ((elem.type == "struct" && semi[0] == || (elem.type == "enum" && semi[0] == { for (int j = 0; j < repo_.compositiondata.Count; j++) { compositionelem = repo_.compositiondata[j]; if (semi[2] == compositionelem.compositor) { existingCompositor = true; int index = repo_.compositiondata.IndexOf(compositionelem); compositionelem.composedelement.Add(semi[1]); compositionelem.type = semi[0]; repo_.compositiondata.Remove(compositionelem); repo_.compositiondata.Insert(index, compositionelem); } } if (!existingCompositor) { compositionelem = new CompositionElem(); compositionelem.composedelement.Add(semi[1]); compositionelem.compositor = semi[2]; compositionelem.type = semi[0]; repo_.compositiondata.Add(compositionelem); } } } }
//The action performed whenever a inheritance type is detected in the current semi expression public override void doActionForInheritance(CSsemi.CSemiExp semi) { InheritanceElement inheritanceelem = new InheritanceElement(); Elem elem = new Elem(); bool existingParent = false; for (int i = 0; i < repo_.locations.Count; i++) { elem = repo_.locations[i]; if (elem.type == "class" && semi[1] == { for (int j = 0; j < repo_.inheritancedataList.Count; j++) { inheritanceelem = repo_.inheritancedataList[j]; if (semi[1] == inheritanceelem.parent) { existingParent = true; int index = repo_.inheritancedataList.IndexOf(inheritanceelem); inheritanceelem.children.Add(semi[0]); inheritanceelem.childcount++; repo_.inheritancedataList.Remove(inheritanceelem); repo_.inheritancedataList.Insert(index, inheritanceelem); } } if (!existingParent) { inheritanceelem = new InheritanceElement(); inheritanceelem.children.Add(semi[0]); inheritanceelem.parent = semi[1]; inheritanceelem.childcount++; repo_.inheritancedataList.Add(inheritanceelem); } } } }
public override void doAction(CSsemi.CSemiExp semi) { Display.displayActions(actionDelegate, "action SaveDeclar"); Elem elem = new Elem(); elem.type = semi[0]; // expects type = semi[1]; // expects name elem.beginLine = repo_.semi.lineCount; elem.endLine = elem.beginLine; elem.beginScopeCount = repo_.scopeCount; elem.endScopeCount = elem.beginScopeCount; if (AAction.displaySemi) { Console.Write("\n line# {0,-5}", repo_.semi.lineCount - 1); Console.Write("entering "); string indent = new string(' ', 2 * repo_.stack.count); Console.Write("{0}", indent); this.display(semi); // defined in abstract action } repo_.locations.Add(elem); }
//----<detects if it is a class and pushes onto the stack to check for last pushed class >----- public void doActionClass(CSsemi.CSemiExp semi, string file, ElemRelation elem) { if (semi[0].Equals("class")) { Elem elemcl = new Elem(); elemcl.type = semi[0]; // expects type = semi[1]; // expects name elemcl.begin = repo_.semi.lineCount - 1; elemcl.end = 0; elemcl.fileName = file; repo_.stack.push(elemcl); repo_.locations.Add(elemcl); } }
static public string getClassName(int lineno) { string classname = ""; Repository repo_ = Repository.getInstance(); Elem elem = new Elem(); int begin = 0; for (int i = 0; i < repo_.analyzedata.Count; i++) { elem = repo_.analyzedata[i]; if (elem.type == "class") { if (elem.begin > begin && elem.begin < lineno && elem.end > lineno) { begin = elem.begin; classname =; } } } return classname; }
// function detect aggregation public void aggregation(CSsemi.CSemiExp semi, Elem e, List<Elem> fileSetInfo) { int indexNW = semi.Contains("new"); if (indexNW != -1) { if (isSelfDefine(semi[indexNW + 1], fileSetInfo)) // is class defined in other file { if (semi[indexNW + 2] != ".") // like "= new class ();" { if ((e.aggregation).IndexOf(semi[indexNW + 1]) < 0) { e.aggregation += semi[indexNW + 1] + " "; } } else // like "= new namespace.class();" { if (e.aggregation.IndexOf(semi[indexNW + 3]) < 0) { e.aggregation += semi[indexNW + 3] + " "; } } } } }
//--------------------------<Test Stub for Display>------------------------ #if(TEST_DISPLAY) static void Main(string[] args) { string path = "../../"; string[] arg = { "../../", "*.cs" }; List<string> patterns = new List<string>(); patterns.Add("*.cs"); List<string> options = new List<string>(); string[] files = getFiles(path, patterns); foreach (string f in files) //to populate element Relation { ElemRelation e = new ElemRelation(); e.fromClass = "Derived"; e.toClass = "Original"; e.relationType = "Inheritance"; e.fileName = f; RelationshipRepository.relationship_.Add(e); } foreach (string f1 in files) //to populate types { Elem elem = new Elem(); elem.fileName = f1; elem.type = "function"; = "Derived"; elem.begin = 1; elem.end = 10; elem.functionComplexity = 2; OutputRepository.output_.Add(elem); } options.Add("/S"); patterns.Add("*.cs"); Display d = new Display(); d.display(files, path, patterns, options); d.displaySummary(files); d.displayFunctionComplexity(files); d.displayRelation(files); }
public override void doAction(CSsemi.CSemiExp semi) { Elem elem = new Elem(); bool isFunc = false; try { elem = repo_.stack.pop(); if (elem.type == "delegate") { return; } if (semi[0] == "control" || semi[0] == "anonymous") { elem.prog_complexity = elem.prog_complexity + 1; } if (elem.type == "function") { elem.prog_complexity = repo_.prog_comp_count + 1; repo_.prog_comp_count = 0; Console.WriteLine("complexity: {0}", elem.prog_complexity); isFunc = false; } // calculates the line count and sets the line count in the repository// for (int i = 0; i < repo_.locations.Count; ++i) { Elem temp = repo_.locations[i]; if (elem.type == temp.type) { if ( == { if ((repo_.locations[i]).end == 0) { (repo_.locations[i]).end = repo_.semi.lineCount; if (isFunc) { (repo_.locations[i]).prog_complexity = elem.prog_complexity; } break; } } } } } catch { Console.Write("popped empty stack on semiExp: "); semi.display(); return; } CSsemi.CSemiExp local = new CSsemi.CSemiExp(); local.Add(elem.type).Add(; if (local[0] == "control") { return; } if (AAction.displaySemi) { elem.end = repo_.semi.lineCount; elem.size = elem.end - elem.begin; string indent = new string(' ', 2 * (repo_.stack.count + 1)); this.display(local); // defined in abstract action } }
public override void doAction(CSsemi.CSemiExp semi) { Elem elem = new Elem(); elem.filename = repo_.filename; elem.type = semi[0]; // expects type = semi[1]; elem.begin = repo_.semi.lineCount - 1; elem.end = 0; if (elem.type == "array") { elem.end = elem.begin; } if (elem.type == "struct" || elem.type == "enum") repo_.composed_relations.Add(; if (repo_.getcomplexflag()) repo_.incrementcomplex(); if (elem.type == "braceless") return; repo_.stack.push(elem); if (elem.type == "function") { repo_.resetcomplex(); repo_.setcomplexflag(true); } if (elem.type == "control" || == "anonymous") { return; } repo_.locations.Add(elem); if (AAction.displaySemi) { Console.Write("\n line# {0,-5}", repo_.semi.lineCount - 1); Console.Write("entering "); string indent = new string(' ', 2 * repo_.stack.count); Console.Write("{0}", indent); this.display(semi); // defined in abstract action } if(AAction.displayStack) repo_.stack.display(); }
/// <summary> /// stores the semi into the using element /// </summary> /// <param name="semi">the semi to be stored</param> public override void doActionUsing(CSsemi.CSemiExp semi) { UsingElem usingelem = new UsingElem(); Elem elem = new Elem(); bool existingfunction = false; string classname = semi[0]; string functionname = semi[1]; string type = semi[2]; string typename = semi[3]; for (int i = 0; i < repo_.analyzedata.Count; i++) { elem = repo_.analyzedata[i]; if ((elem.type == "struct" || elem.type == "enum" || elem.type == "class" || elem.type == "interface") && type == { for (int j = 0; j < repo_.usingdata.Count; j++) { usingelem = repo_.usingdata[j]; if (functionname == usingelem.containingfunction) { existingfunction = true; TypeDetails typeDetails = new TypeDetails(); usingelem.parent = classname; usingelem.containingfunction = functionname; typeDetails.type = type; typeDetails.usedtypename = typename; usingelem.typeslist.Add(typeDetails); int index = repo_.usingdata.IndexOf(usingelem); repo_.usingdata.Remove(usingelem); repo_.usingdata.Insert(index, usingelem); } } if (!existingfunction) { TypeDetails typeDetails = new TypeDetails(); usingelem = new UsingElem(); usingelem.parent = classname; usingelem.containingfunction = functionname; typeDetails.type = type; typeDetails.usedtypename = typename; usingelem.typeslist.Add(typeDetails); repo_.usingdata.Add(usingelem); } createPackageAnalysisList("Using", semi, i); } } }
/// <summary> /// stores the semi into the composition element /// </summary> /// <param name="semi">the semi to be stored</param> public override void doActionComposition(CSsemi.CSemiExp semi) { CompositionElem compositionelem = new CompositionElem(); Elem elem = new Elem(); bool existingCompositor = false; for (int i = 0; i < repo_.analyzedata.Count; i++) { elem = repo_.analyzedata[i]; if ((elem.type == "struct" && semi[0] == || (elem.type == "enum" && semi[0] == { for (int j = 0; j < repo_.compositiondata.Count; j++) { compositionelem = repo_.compositiondata[j]; if (semi[2] == compositionelem.compositor) { existingCompositor = true; int index = repo_.compositiondata.IndexOf(compositionelem); compositionelem.composedelement.Add(semi[1]); compositionelem.type = semi[0]; repo_.compositiondata.Remove(compositionelem); repo_.compositiondata.Insert(index, compositionelem); } } if (!existingCompositor) { compositionelem = new CompositionElem(); compositionelem.composedelement.Add(semi[1]); compositionelem.compositor = semi[2]; compositionelem.type = semi[0]; repo_.compositiondata.Add(compositionelem); } createPackageAnalysisList("Composition", semi, i); } } }
/// <summary> /// stores the semi into the Aggregation element /// </summary> /// <param name="semi">the semi to be stored</param> public override void doActionAggregation(CSsemi.CSemiExp semi) { AggregationElem aggregationelem = new AggregationElem(); Elem elem = new Elem(); bool existingAggregator = false; for (int i = 0; i < repo_.analyzedata.Count; i++) { elem = repo_.analyzedata[i]; if (elem.type == "class" && semi[0] == { for (int j = 0; j < repo_.aggregationdata.Count; j++) { aggregationelem = repo_.aggregationdata[j]; if (semi[2] == aggregationelem.aggregator) { existingAggregator = true; int index = repo_.aggregationdata.IndexOf(aggregationelem); aggregationelem.aggregated.Add(semi[1]); aggregationelem.type = semi[0]; repo_.aggregationdata.Remove(aggregationelem); repo_.aggregationdata.Insert(index, aggregationelem); } } if (!existingAggregator) { aggregationelem = new AggregationElem(); aggregationelem.aggregated.Add(semi[1]); aggregationelem.aggregator = semi[2]; aggregationelem.type = semi[0]; repo_.aggregationdata.Add(aggregationelem); } createPackageAnalysisList("Aggregation", semi, i); } } }
/// <summary> /// stores the semi into the Inheritance element /// </summary> /// <param name="semi">the semi to be stored</param> public override void doActionInheritance(CSsemi.CSemiExp semi) { InheritanceElem inheritanceelem = new InheritanceElem(); PackageDependencyElem packageelem = new PackageDependencyElem(); Elem elem = new Elem(); bool existingParent = false; for (int i = 0; i < repo_.analyzedata.Count; i++) { elem = repo_.analyzedata[i]; if (elem.type == "class" && semi[1] == { for (int j = 0; j < repo_.inheritancedata.Count; j++) { inheritanceelem = repo_.inheritancedata[j]; if (semi[1] == inheritanceelem.parent) { existingParent = true; int index = repo_.inheritancedata.IndexOf(inheritanceelem); inheritanceelem.children.Add(semi[0]); inheritanceelem.childcount++; repo_.inheritancedata.Remove(inheritanceelem); repo_.inheritancedata.Insert(index, inheritanceelem); } } if (!existingParent) { inheritanceelem = new InheritanceElem(); inheritanceelem.children.Add(semi[0]); inheritanceelem.parent = semi[1]; inheritanceelem.childcount++; repo_.inheritancedata.Add(inheritanceelem); } createPackageAnalysisList("Inheritance", semi, i); } } }
// function detect inheritance relationship public void inheritance(CSsemi.CSemiExp semi, Elem e) { int indexCL = semi.Contains("class"); int indexIF = semi.Contains("interface"); int indexST = semi.Contains("struct"); int index = Math.Max(indexCL, indexIF); index = Math.Max(index, indexST); if (index != -1) { if (semi[index + 2] == ":") { if (semi[index + 4] != ".") // like A: B e.inheritance += semi[index + 3] + " "; else // like A: namespace.B e.inheritance += semi[index + 5] + " "; } } }
public int complexityAnalysis(Elem e, object file, List<Elem> fileSetInfo) { int count = 0; CSsemi.CSemiExp semi = new CSsemi.CSemiExp(); as string); do { semi.getSemi(); } while (semi.lineCount < e.begin); // ignore all the semi before function begin while (semi.lineCount <= e.end) { if (semi.Contains("if") != -1) count++; if (semi.Contains("else") != -1) count++; if (semi.Contains("for") != -1) count++; if (semi.Contains("foreach") != -1) count++; if (semi.Contains("while") != -1 && semi[semi.count - 1] != ";") count++; if (semi.Contains("do") != -1) count++; if (semi.Contains("case") != -1) count++; if (semi.Contains("try") != -1) count++; if (semi.Contains("catch") != -1) count++; if (specialCB(semi)) // special curly brace count++; semi.getSemi(); } return count; }
// fucntion detect using public void usingRelationship(CSsemi.CSemiExp semi, Elem e, List<Elem> fileSetInfo) { if(containFunctionName(semi)) // the semi contain name of function { foreach(Elem ele in fileSetInfo) if (semi.Contains( > -1 && != && ele.type == "class" || semi.Contains( > -1 && != && ele.type == "struct" || semi.Contains( > -1 && != && ele.type == "enum") if (e.usingrelationship.IndexOf( < 0) { e.usingrelationship += + " "; } } }
// function detect composition public void composition(CSsemi.CSemiExp semi, Elem e, List<Elem> fileSetInfo) { foreach (Elem elem in fileSetInfo) { if (semi.Contains( != -1 && semi.Contains("=") != -1 && elem.type == "class" || semi.Contains( != -1 && semi.Contains("=") != -1 && elem.type == "struct" || semi.Contains( != -1 && semi.Contains("=") != -1 && elem.type == "enum") if (semi.Contains("new") == -1) { if (e.composition.IndexOf( < 0 ) { e.composition += + " "; } } } }
// ------------------------<TestStub for XML Output>------------------------- #if(TEST_XMLOUTPUT) static void Main(string[] args) { ElemRelation e = new ElemRelation(); e.fromClass = "Derived"; e.toClass = "Original"; e.relationType = "Inheritance"; RelationshipRepository.relationship_.Add(e); Elem elem = new Elem(); elem.type = "function"; = "Derived"; elem.begin = 1; elem.end = 10; elem.functionComplexity = 2; OutputRepository.output_.Add(elem); XMLOutput xml = new XMLOutput(); xml.displaySummary(); xml.displayFunctionAnalysis(); xml.displayRelation(); }
public void relationshipanalysis(Elem e, object file, List<Elem> fileSetInfo) { CSsemi.CSemiExp semi = new CSsemi.CSemiExp(); as string); do { semi.getSemi(); } while (semi.lineCount < (e.begin-1)); // ignore semi before type define while (semi.lineCount <= e.end) { // detect four kinds of relationship inheritance(semi, e); aggregation(semi, e, fileSetInfo); composition(semi, e, fileSetInfo); usingRelationship(semi, e, fileSetInfo); semi.getSemi(); } return; }
////helper method to calculation cohesion of a function public void processFunctionCohesion(Repository repository, CSsemi.CSemiExp local) { if (repository != null) { Elem elem = new Elem(); elem.type = local[0]; = local[1]; string currentClassScope = repository.currentClassScope; Dictionary <string, List <Elem> > classDataMembers = repository.LocationsTable; if (classDataMembers.ContainsKey(currentClassScope)) { List <Elem> classScopeVariables = classDataMembers[currentClassScope]; string keyname = elem.type +; Dictionary <string, List <Elem> > functions = repository.FunctionTable; //if the dictionary already store the existing function if (functions.ContainsKey(keyname)) { //first find all variables that the current function has for (int i = 0; i < classScopeVariables.Count; i++) { Elem tempElem = classScopeVariables[i]; if ( && elem.type.Equals(tempElem.type)) { List <Elem> functionVariables = functions[keyname]; functionVariables.Add(elem); functions[keyname] = functionVariables; //increment the cohesion for that function elem for (int j = 0; j < repository.locations.Count; j++) { Elem currentElem = repository.locations[i]; //update class variable if ( { repository.locations[j].cohesion += 1; break; } } } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < classScopeVariables.Count; i++) { Elem tempElem = classScopeVariables[i]; if ( && elem.type.Equals(tempElem.type)) { List <Elem> functionVariables = new List <Elem>(); functionVariables.Add(elem); functions[keyname] = functionVariables; //increment the cohesion for that function elem for (int j = 0; j < repository.locations.Count; j++) { Elem currentElem = repository.locations[i]; //update class variable if ( { repository.locations[j].cohesion += 1; break; } } } } } } else { return; } } }
public override void doAction(CSsemi.CSemiExp semi) { Elem elem = new Elem(); elem.type = semi[0]; // expects type = semi[1]; // expects name elem.begin = repo_.semi.lineCount - 1; repo_.stack.push(elem); if (elem.type == "control" || == "anonymous") return; repo_.locations.Add(elem); if (AAction.displaySemi) { Console.Write("\n line# {0,-5}", repo_.semi.lineCount - 1); Console.Write("entering "); string indent = new string(' ', 2 * repo_.stack.count); Console.Write("{0}", indent); this.display(semi); // defined in abstract action } if(AAction.displayStack) repo_.stack.display(); }
public int ComplexityAnalyze(Elem e, Object file) { CSsemi.CSemiExp local = new CSsemi.CSemiExp(); as string); int complexity = 1; while(local.lineCount<e.begin) { local.getSemi(); } while(local.lineCount <= e.end) { local.getSemi(); if (local.Contains("if") != -1) complexity++; if (local.Contains("else") != -1) complexity++; if (local.Contains("for") != -1) complexity++; if (local.Contains("foreach") != -1) complexity++; if (local.Contains("while") != -1) complexity++; if (local.Contains("try") != -1) complexity++; if (local.Contains("catch") != -1) complexity++; if (local.Contains("case") != -1) complexity++; } return complexity; }
public override void doAction(ITokenCollection semi)//IToken need more than get ss { Display.displayActions(actionDelegate, "action PushStack"); ++repo_.scopeCount;//manage scope stack ss Elem elem = new Elem(); elem.type = semi[0]; // expects type, i.e., namespace, class, struct, .. = semi[1]; // expects name //Checked if the type name matches with our requirement and added in Type Table string[] IncludeType = { "class", "enum", "struct", "delegate", "namespace", "interface", "using" }; foreach (string stoken in IncludeType) { if (stoken == semi[0]) { String filename = repo_.semi.getFileName(); String curr_file = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filename); if (semi[0].Equals("namespace"))//To create Type Table1q { holdnamespace = semi[1]; tt.add(semi[1], curr_file, semi[0]); } else if (semi[0].Equals("using"))//To create Alias Table { tt.addalias(semi[1], curr_file, semi[2]); tt.addalias(semi[1], curr_file, semi[2]); } else { tt.add(semi[1], curr_file, holdnamespace); } } } elem.beginLine = repo_.semi.lineCount() - 1; elem.endLine = 0; // will be set by PopStack action elem.beginScopeCount = repo_.scopeCount; elem.endScopeCount = 0; // will be set by PopStack action repo_.stack.push(elem); // display processing details if requested if (AAction.displayStack) { repo_.stack.display(); } if (AAction.displaySemi) { Console.Write("\n line# {0,-5}", repo_.semi.lineCount() - 1); Console.Write("entering "); string indent = new string(' ', 2 * repo_.stack.count); Console.Write("{0}", indent); this.display(semi); // defined in abstract action } // add starting location if namespace, type, or function if (elem.type == "control" || == "anonymous")//Never be controlled anonymous ss ni { return; } repo_.locations.Add(elem); }
// function to analyze using relationship public void UsingAnalyze(CSsemi.CSemiExp local, List<Elem> TABLE, Elem e) { DetectFunction df = new DetectFunction(); if (df.test(local) == true && local.Contains("(") != -1 && local.Contains(")") != -1 && local.Contains("{") != -1) { foreach (Elem ele in TABLE) { if (local.Contains( > -1 && ele.UsingFlag == false && (ele.type == "class" || ele.type == "interface" || ele.type == "enum")) { ele.UsingFlag = true; Console.Write("\n using: "); int index = local.Contains(; Console.Write(" {0}", local[index]); continue; } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string filename = "1"; XMLBuilder xmlbdr = new XMLBuilder(); List<Elem> table = new List<Elem>(); Elem ns = new Elem(); Elem cl = new Elem(); Elem en = new Elem(); Elem fn = new Elem(); Elem st = new Elem(); Elem it = new Elem(); = "myNamespace"; ns.type = "namespace"; ns.beginLine = 1; ns.endLine = 100; = "myInterface"; it.type = "interface"; it.beginLine = 10; it.endLine = 20; = "myStruct"; st.type = "struct"; st.beginLine = 30; st.endLine = 35; = "myClass"; cl.type = "class"; cl.beginLine = 40; cl.endLine = 70; = "myFunction"; fn.type = "function"; fn.beginLine = 50; fn.endLine = 60; = "myEnum"; en.type = "enum"; en.beginLine = 80; en.endLine = 90; table.Add(ns); table.Add(it); table.Add(st); table.Add(cl); table.Add(fn); table.Add(en); xmlbdr.XMLBuild(table,filename); }
// function detect composition public static void composition(CSsemi.CSemiExp semi, Elem e, List<Elem> fileSetInfo) { foreach (Elem elem in fileSetInfo) { if (semi.Contains( != -1 && semi.Contains("=") != -1 && elem.type == "class" && semi.Contains("=") > semi.Contains( || semi.Contains( != -1 && semi.Contains("=") != -1 && elem.type == "struct" && semi.Contains("=") > semi.Contains( || semi.Contains( != -1 && semi.Contains("=") != -1 && elem.type == "enum" && semi.Contains("=") > semi.Contains( if (semi.Contains("new") == -1) { if (e.dependency.IndexOf( < 0 && != { e.dependency += + " "; } } } }
public void RelationshipAnalyzer(Elem e, Object file, List<Elem> TABLE) { CSsemi.CSemiExp local = new CSsemi.CSemiExp(); as string); while (local.lineCount < e.begin) { local.getSemi(); } while (local.lineCount < e.end) { InheritanceAnalyze(local, TABLE); AggregationAnalyze(local, TABLE); CompositionAnalyze(local, TABLE); UsingAnalyze(local, TABLE, e); local.getSemi(); } }
public override void doAction(CSsemi.CSemiExp semi, string file) { Elem elem = new Elem(); elem.type = semi[0]; // expects type if (elem.type == "scopeDetect") //for incrementing the complexity of the function { int i = repo_.locations.Count; repo_.locations[i - 1].functionComplexity = repo_.locations[i - 1].functionComplexity + 1; return; } if (elem.type == "function") { elem.functionComplexity = 1; } = semi[1]; // expects name elem.begin = repo_.semi.lineCount - 1; elem.end = 0; elem.fileName = file; repo_.stack.push(elem); if (elem.type == "control" || == "anonymous") return; repo_.locations.Add(elem); OutputRepository.output_.Add(elem); if (AAction.displaySemi) { Console.Write("\n line# {0,-5}", repo_.semi.lineCount - 1); Console.Write("entering "); string indent = new string(' ', 2 * repo_.stack.count); Console.Write("{0}", indent); this.display(semi); // defined in abstract action } if (AAction.displayStack) repo_.stack.display(); }