コード例 #1
        public static List<Platform> LoadPlatformFromLayer(CCTileMap TileMap, CCTileMapObjectGroup PlatformHolder, Container gameContainer)
            List<Platform> LoadedPlatforms = new List<Platform> ();

            foreach (Dictionary<string,string> LayerObject in PlatformHolder.Objects) {
                if (LayerObject.ContainsKey ("type") == true) {
                    if (LayerObject ["type"] == "platform") {
                        int LoadedSpeed = 200;
                        if (LayerObject.ContainsKey ("speed"))
                            LoadedSpeed = Convert.ToInt32 (LayerObject ["speed"]);
                        List<CCPoint> LoadedWaipoints = new List<CCPoint> ();
                        LoadedWaipoints.Add (new CCPoint ((float)Convert.ToInt32 (LayerObject ["x"]) * TileMap.ScaleX, (float)Convert.ToInt32 (LayerObject ["y"]) * TileMap.ScaleY));
                        if (LayerObject.ContainsKey ("waypoints") == true) {
                            foreach (string WayPointPair in LayerObject ["waypoints"].Split(new char[]{';'},StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) {
                                CCPoint TempLoadedPoint = new CCPoint ();
                                string[] Waypoint = WayPointPair.Split (new char[]{ ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                if (Waypoint.Length > 1) {
                                    TempLoadedPoint.X = LoadedWaipoints [LoadedWaipoints.Count - 1].X + (float)Convert.ToInt32 (Waypoint [0]) * TileMap.ScaleX * TileMap.TileTexelSize.Width;
                                    TempLoadedPoint.Y = LoadedWaipoints [LoadedWaipoints.Count - 1].Y + (float)Convert.ToInt32 (Waypoint [1]) * TileMap.ScaleY * TileMap.TileTexelSize.Height;
                                } else {
                                    throw new ArgumentException ("Incorrect Waypoints");
                                LoadedWaipoints.Add (TempLoadedPoint);
                        LoadedPlatforms.Add (new Platform (LoadedWaipoints, LoadedSpeed, gameContainer));

            return LoadedPlatforms;
コード例 #2
ファイル: CCTileMapInfo.cs プロジェクト: swindy/CocosSharp
        void ParsePropertyElement()
            if (currentParentElement == CCTileMapProperty.None)
                CCLog.Log("CCTileMapInfo: ParsePropertyElement: Parent element is unsupported. Cannot add property named '{0}' with value '{1}'",
                          currentAttributeDict[PropertyElementName], currentAttributeDict[PropertyElementValue]);
            else if (currentParentElement == CCTileMapProperty.Map)
                // The parent element is the map
                string value = currentAttributeDict[PropertyElementValue];
                string key   = currentAttributeDict[PropertyElementName];
                MapProperties.Add(key, value);
            else if (currentParentElement == CCTileMapProperty.Layer)
                int             layersCount = Layers != null ? Layers.Count : 0;
                CCTileLayerInfo layer       = layersCount > 0 ? Layers[layersCount - 1] : null;

                string value = currentAttributeDict[PropertyElementValue];
                string key   = currentAttributeDict[PropertyElementName];
                // Add the property to the layer
                layer.Properties.Add(key, value);
            else if (currentParentElement == CCTileMapProperty.ObjectGroup)
                int objGroupsCount = ObjectGroups != null ? ObjectGroups.Count : 0;
                CCTileMapObjectGroup objectGroup = objGroupsCount > 0 ? ObjectGroups[objGroupsCount - 1] : null;
                string value = currentAttributeDict[PropertyElementValue];
                string key   = currentAttributeDict[PropertyElementName];
                objectGroup.Properties.Add(key, value);
            else if (currentParentElement == CCTileMapProperty.Object)
                // The parent element is the last object
                int objGroupsCount = ObjectGroups != null ? ObjectGroups.Count : 0;
                CCTileMapObjectGroup objectGroup = objGroupsCount > 0 ? ObjectGroups[objGroupsCount - 1] : null;

                List <Dictionary <string, string> > objects = objectGroup.Objects;
                int objCount = objects != null ? objects.Count : 0;
                Dictionary <string, string> dict = objCount > 0 ? objects[objCount - 1] : null;

                string propertyName  = currentAttributeDict[PropertyElementName];
                string propertyValue = currentAttributeDict[PropertyElementValue];
                dict.Add(propertyName, propertyValue);
            else if (currentParentElement == CCTileMapProperty.Tile)
                Dictionary <string, string> dict = TileProperties[ParentGID];

                string propertyName  = currentAttributeDict[PropertyElementName];
                string propertyValue = currentAttributeDict[PropertyElementValue];
                dict.Add(propertyName, propertyValue);
コード例 #3
ファイル: CCTileMapInfo.cs プロジェクト: swindy/CocosSharp
        void ParseEllipseElement()
            if (ObjectGroups == null || ObjectGroups.Count == 0)

            CCTileMapObjectGroup objectGroup = ObjectGroups[ObjectGroups.Count - 1];

            if (objectGroup == null || objectGroup.Objects.Count == 0)

            var dict = objectGroup.Objects[objectGroup.Objects.Count - 1];

            dict[ObjectElementShape] = ObjectElementShapeEllipse;
コード例 #4
ファイル: CCTileMapInfo.cs プロジェクト: swindy/CocosSharp
        void ParseObjectGroupElement()
            var objectGroup = new CCTileMapObjectGroup();

            objectGroup.GroupName = currentAttributeDict[ObjectGrpElementName];

            CCPoint positionOffset = CCPoint.Zero;

            if (currentAttributeDict.ContainsKey(ObjectGrpElementXOffset))
                positionOffset.X = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(currentAttributeDict[ObjectGrpElementXOffset]) * TileTexelSize.Width;
            if (currentAttributeDict.ContainsKey(ObjectGrpElementYOffset))
                positionOffset.Y = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(currentAttributeDict[ObjectGrpElementYOffset]) * TileTexelSize.Height;
            objectGroup.PositionOffset = positionOffset;


            currentParentElement = CCTileMapProperty.ObjectGroup;
コード例 #5
        public static List<JumpPad> LoadJumpPadFromLayer(CCTileMap TileMap, CCTileMapObjectGroup PlatformHolder, Container gameContainer)
            List<JumpPad> LoadedJumpPads = new List<JumpPad> ();

            foreach (Dictionary<string,string> LayerObject in PlatformHolder.Objects) {
                if (LayerObject.ContainsKey ("type") == true) {
                    if (LayerObject ["type"] == "jumppad") {
                        b2Vec2 LoadedBoostVector = new b2Vec2 ();
                        if (LayerObject.ContainsKey ("boostvec")) {
                            string[] BoostVecData = LayerObject ["boostvec"].Split (new char[]{ ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            if (BoostVecData.Length > 1) {
                                LoadedBoostVector = new b2Vec2 ((float)Convert.ToInt32 (BoostVecData [0]), (float)Convert.ToInt32 (BoostVecData [1]));
                        CCPoint LoadedPosition;
                        LoadedPosition = new CCPoint ((float)Convert.ToInt16 (LayerObject ["x"]) * TileMap.ScaleX - JumpPad.JumpPadSize.Width / 2, (float)Convert.ToInt32 (LayerObject ["y"]) * TileMap.ScaleY - JumpPad.JumpPadSize.Height);
                        LoadedJumpPads.Add (new JumpPad (LoadedBoostVector, LoadedPosition, gameContainer.physicsHandler.gameWorld));

            return LoadedJumpPads;
コード例 #6
ファイル: CCTileMapInfo.cs プロジェクト: swindy/CocosSharp
        void ParseObjectElement()
            if (ObjectGroups == null || ObjectGroups.Count == 0)

            CCTileMapObjectGroup objectGroup = ObjectGroups[ObjectGroups.Count - 1];

            // The value for "type" was blank or not a valid class name
            // Create an instance of TMXObjectInfo to store the object and its properties
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            var array = new[] { ObjectElementName, ObjectElementType, ObjectElementWidth, ObjectElementHeight, ObjectElementGid };

            foreach (string key in array)
                if (currentAttributeDict.ContainsKey(key))
                    dict.Add(key, currentAttributeDict[key]);

            float x = float.Parse(currentAttributeDict[ObjectElementXPosition]) + objectGroup.PositionOffset.X;
            float y = float.Parse(currentAttributeDict[ObjectElementYPosition]) + objectGroup.PositionOffset.Y;

            // Correct y position. Tiled uses inverted y-coordinate system where top is y=0
            y = (MapDimensions.Row * TileTexelSize.Height) - y -
                (currentAttributeDict.ContainsKey(ObjectElementHeight) ? float.Parse(currentAttributeDict[ObjectElementHeight]) : 0);

            dict.Add(ObjectElementXPosition, ToFloatString(x));
            dict.Add(ObjectElementYPosition, ToFloatString(y));


            currentParentElement = CCTileMapProperty.Object;
コード例 #7
ファイル: CCTileMapInfo.cs プロジェクト: swindy/CocosSharp
        void ParseMultilineShape(string shapeName)
            // Find parent object's dict and add points to it. If at any time we don't find the objects we are expecting
            // based on the state of the parser, just return without doing anything instead of crashing.
            if (ObjectGroups == null || ObjectGroups.Count == 0)

            CCTileMapObjectGroup objectGroup = ObjectGroups[ObjectGroups.Count - 1];

            if (objectGroup == null || objectGroup.Objects.Count == 0)

            var dict = objectGroup.Objects[objectGroup.Objects.Count - 1];

            if (!currentAttributeDict.ContainsKey(ObjectElementPoints))

            string value = currentAttributeDict[ObjectElementPoints];

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))

            if (!dict.ContainsKey(ObjectElementXPosition) || !dict.ContainsKey(ObjectElementYPosition))

            float objectXOffset = float.Parse(dict[ObjectElementXPosition]);
            float objectYOffset = float.Parse(dict[ObjectElementYPosition]);

            string[] pointPairs = value.Split(' ');
            var      points     = new CCPoint[pointPairs.Length];

            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < pointPairs.Length; i++)
                string   pointPair   = pointPairs[i];
                string[] pointCoords = pointPair.Split(',');
                if (pointCoords.Length != 2)

                // Adjust the offsets relative to the parent object. When adjusting the coordinates,
                // correct y position. Tiled uses inverted y-coordinate system where top is y=0.
                // We have to invert the y coordinate to make it move in the correct direction relative to the parent.
                points[i].X = float.Parse(pointCoords[0]) + objectXOffset;
                points[i].Y = float.Parse(pointCoords[1]) * -1 + objectYOffset;

                sb.Append(" ");

            // Strip the trailing space
            string pointsString = sb.Length > 0 ? sb.ToString(0, sb.Length - 1) : null;

            dict.Add(ObjectElementPoints, pointsString);

            dict[ObjectElementShape] = shapeName;
コード例 #8
        void ParseObjectGroupElement()
            var objectGroup = new CCTileMapObjectGroup();
            objectGroup.GroupName = currentAttributeDict[ObjectGrpElementName];

            CCPoint positionOffset = CCPoint.Zero;
            if (currentAttributeDict.ContainsKey(ObjectGrpElementXOffset))
                positionOffset.X = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(currentAttributeDict[ObjectGrpElementXOffset]) * TileTexelSize.Width;
            if (currentAttributeDict.ContainsKey(ObjectGrpElementYOffset))
                positionOffset.Y = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(currentAttributeDict[ObjectGrpElementYOffset]) * TileTexelSize.Height;
            objectGroup.PositionOffset = positionOffset;


            currentParentElement = CCTileMapProperty.ObjectGroup;
コード例 #9
ファイル: MergedLayer.cs プロジェクト: Nuckal777/mapKnight
        protected override void AddedToScene()
            base.AddedToScene ();

            Background = new CCSprite ("background");
            Background.Scale = screenSize.Width / Background.ContentSize.Width;

            Map = new CCTileMap (new CCTileMapInfo ("tilemaps/bitte.tmx"));
            //bei einer Invocation Exception einfach ne neue Map machen
            //vielleicht auch mal schauen, ob die XML_Datei korrekt ist(Attribute, fehlende < etc.)
            //wenn die Maplayer nicht vollständig geladen werden, muss man die Compression umstellen

            if (Map.MapPropertyNamed ("Creator") != null)
                mapCreator = Map.MapPropertyNamed ("Creator");
            if (Map.MapPropertyNamed ("Version") != null)
                mapVersion = Map.MapPropertyNamed ("Version");
            if (Map.MapPropertyNamed ("Name") != null)
                mapName = Map.MapPropertyNamed ("Name");

            Map.Scale = 3f; //Scale auch beim Spawnpoint ändern
            Map.Antialiased = false;
            //Map.LayerNamed ("mainlayer")
            pointLayer = Map.ObjectGroupNamed ("points");
            Dictionary<string,string> spawnPoint = pointLayer.ObjectNamed ("SpawnPoint");

            gameContainer.mainCharacter.Position = new CCPoint ((float)Convert.ToInt32 (spawnPoint ["x"]) * Map.ScaleX, (float)Convert.ToInt32 (spawnPoint ["y"]) * Map.ScaleY);
            gameContainer.physicsHandler.Initialize (Map.MapDimensions.Size.Width * Map.TileTexelSize.Width * Map.ScaleX, gameContainer.mainCharacter, Map.LayerNamed ("mainlayer"), Map, gameContainer);
            gameContainer.mainCharacter.bindToPhysicsHandler (gameContainer.physicsHandler);

            //Platform hinzufügen
            gameContainer.platformContainer.AddRange (TMXLayerDataLoader.LoadPlatformFromLayer (Map, Map.ObjectGroupNamed ("aditionallayer"), gameContainer));
            gameContainer.jumpPadContainer.AddRange (TMXLayerDataLoader.LoadJumpPadFromLayer (Map, Map.ObjectGroupNamed ("aditionallayer"), gameContainer));

            this.AddChild (Background, -1);

            this.AddChild (Map, 0);
            this.AddChild (gameContainer.mainCharacter.Sprite, 2);
            this.AddChild (gameContainer.physicsHandler.debugDrawer.DrawNode, 1);

            foreach (Platform knownPlatform in gameContainer.platformContainer) {
                this.AddChild (knownPlatform);
            foreach (JumpPad knownJumpPad in gameContainer.jumpPadContainer) {
                this.AddChild (knownJumpPad);

            //particle init

            PlayerMovingParticle = new GroundParticle ();
            this.AddChild (PlayerMovingParticle);
            PlayerMovingParticle.Position = gameContainer.mainCharacter.Position;